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Trump v. Bernie Debate

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Are they even allowed to debate? Because Bernie hasn't won the nomination yet and probably won't so I dunno what's going on here.

I'm surprised Trump accepted this. It probably won't end well for him.

I don't see any scenario where the end result of this debate (if it happens) isn't a net positive for Trump.


it's really hard not to tell people who you know are bernie sanders supporters that it's over when it's really over. one person i know is super enthusiastic about him, and i don't want them to be soured on the process, but i fear they've bought into a mentality that this is a baseball game and a grand slam can win it with three runs down and two outs in the ninth on a 2-0 pitch. it's even more concerning when i hear 'hillary' spoken in the same way as 'trump'. i think there's far more disdain for trump though.

in the end, i just really hope that sanders admits the process was legit and through a hard-fought campaign, hillary was the nominee. at this point he sounds as deluded as romney in the final days of the 2012 election though.
Um, Bernie supporter here.

But this "she'll have the votes anyway so I won't vote" bullshit is bullshit.

1. Its not bullshit. I refuse to vote for her. I have my reasons for doing so. I won't vote Trump either. I'll be voting independent come the general.

2. No, voting independent is not equivalent to voting for Trump himself. Thats nonsense.


A Good Citizen
Hillary Clinton has pretty much been the presumptive 2016 nominee since 2008. She should have run away with this nomination no problem, but she hasn't at all and her opponent started from the bottom. If she loses California, maybe she's still the nominee if she's not indicted, but that's bad for her.
might want to check those numbers again, because that's exactly what she's doing. It is the Bernie campaign that refuses to accept this reality, and so we're here.


The Autumn Wind
Hillary Clinton has pretty much been the presumptive 2016 nominee since 2008. She should have run away with this nomination no problem, but she hasn't at all and her opponent started from the bottom. Yes, many votes ahead still, but Sanders has been her much more competition than ever expected. If she loses California, maybe she's still the nominee if she's not indicted, but that's bad for her.
She did run away with it. It's been over for a while. I'm sorry that you're so bad at math and can't see that, but California won't even matter.


Neo Member
Who says I'd want to? Besides, I am no liberal, I am completely independent/NPA, and when I took that political compass, I was dead center.
Didn't realize people were referring to "politically, intellectually, and psychically incoherent" as "dead center" these days.
The hostility and division on show here is highly evocative of the same type of hostility in Australian politics between the Labor Party and the Greens.

The sense of entitlement that Hillary supporters (and by extension, the Australian Labor party) have had from Day 1 has been really off-putting. They just sort of expect progressives to vote for them and are outraged at the temerity from a more left candidate running.

I think Hillary should of course be supported and it's obviously prudent that Sanders withdraw, but don't pretend that this forum in particular ever gave him a fair shake, the disdain has been clear for a very long time.

I mean...it's understandable to a certain degree.

I went into this election ambivalent about Bernie. I liked him well enough. I certainly didn't dislike him. I wasn't ever going to vote for him, but, sure why not? But, the way in which he ran his campaign was utterly incompetent and off putting. As someone who has been active in the Democratic party since I was a kid, I found a lot of his campaign's behavior to be indefensible.

Hillary has worked very, very hard to earn the votes of people. Bernie has been defacto eliminated since March 15th, but he continues to lob grenades at the party, and at Hillary because he can. When we live in a country in which the alternative to Hillary is a literal fascist, I think it's understandable that people's patience for Bernie's theatrics has come to an end.


You said it on the first page


Just because you vote for someone doesn't mean you Belleive in everything behind them, support everything they stand for, or even like them, it simply means you chose to vote for them.

If I vote for Trump, it sure as hell won't be because I like the guy, it would be because a few choice things About him are agreeable and he is 1 of 2 eligible people who could have my vote. That is it.
Nothing says dead center like Ben fucking Carson


They were not too far apart that time.

Didn't realize people were referring to "politically, intellectually, and psychically incoherent" as "dead center" these days.

Seriously I am like dead center.

Bernie. Has. Lost.

He has fucking lost. He has an insurmountable deficit in pledged delegates, and his only hope is doing just well enough to prevent Clinton from mathematically clinching before the convention, then convincing nearly every superdelegate at the convention to vote for him after he's been insulting them openly for months.

Bernie. Has. Lost.

It's great to want things, but when getting those things is no longer possible, and continuing to pursue them harms other people, you need to give up the dream.

Unless you, y'know, have convictions or something.


Who says I'd want to? Besides, I am no liberal, I am completely independent/NPA, and when I took that political compass, I was dead center.
I'm sorry Huelen, but Trump is as far from the center as it gets. He's a bigot too. How could you support him? Bernie's values are so far from Trump's despite his recent stubbornness it's not even comparable.
Just an FYI that while Sanders did better than expected, the way the Democratic primary works make two realities occur:

1) Once you have a ~100 delegate margin ahead, it's extremely difficult to overcome that gap.

2) It's very hard to actually "close" due to the proportional nature of every primary.


She did run away with it. It's been over for a while. I'm sorry that you're so bad at math and can't see that, but California won't even matter.
There's Clinton supporters with the disdainful attitude again.

California has nearly 500 delegates and certainly matters. And with the pretty damning news about Clinton today, an indictment is not out of the question for her at all.
The points I keep hearing are about how the math says Hillary is unbeatable, and that Sanders has been dead since that fateful Tuesday. So why are people so up in arms about what they consider to be a dead man gasping his last breaths? They're either reveling in the idea of mobbing up on an opponent who has already lost, or they're not as confident in their chosen champion as they claim to be, otherwise they'd just laugh at the absurdity.

Sanders is acting completely erratic and unpredictable, people are/were confident with Clinton's chances when we assumed that Sanders wasn't actually going to stumble into scorched earth policy territory.

Clinton will still almost assuredly win, but Sanders doing crazy shit like this doesn't help.


Just because you vote for someone doesn't mean you Belleive in everything behind them, support everything they stand for, or even like them, it simply means you chose to vote for them.

If I vote for Trump, it sure as hell won't be because I like the guy, it would be because a few choice things About him are agree able and he is 1 of 2 edible people who could have my vote. That is it.


They were not too far apart that time.

holy shit, huelen is a cannibal


Are you saying the coverage has been fair and not skewed toward Hillary at all? Fantasy Land must be nice.

Hillary may have had more news about her, but more of it was negative as well. Actually, Hillary had the most negative news of any candidate (except for maybe Trump, can't remember the graph). Don't try to act like the media is I'm Clinton's pocket.

Not to mention they consistently tried to play the race as closer than it actually was giving them more views and Sanders more coverage than he would have otherwise. The media loves a horse race even if they have to make it up.


The Autumn Wind
Just because you vote for someone doesn't mean you Belleive in everything behind them, support everything they stand for, or even like them, it simply means you chose to vote for them.

If I vote for Trump, it sure as hell won't be because I like the guy, it would be because a few choice things About him are agree able and he is 1 of 2 edible people who could have my vote. That is it.
"You know, that Hitler had some pretty good ideas."


Are they even allowed to debate? Because Bernie hasn't won the nomination yet and probably won't so I dunno what's going on here.

I'm surprised Trump accepted this. It probably won't end well for him.

I don't think this ever happens, no.

But it would be nothing but a huge boost for Trump. Bernie isn't going to be Trump's opponent in the general, so he could use the opportunity to pretty much agree heavily with Sanders and make Clinton appear divisive to both his own and Sanders' "yuge ideas". It would all be bullshit but it doesn't matter, because Trump just wants Sanders voters in the general, so why ignore the last opportunity to have Sanders himself help with that?


sanders lost

move on with your lives. what kind of mental gymnastics are you using to think he still has a shot? do you know math?
My only two options for this election finally going at it? Fuck yeah!

Come on Bernie! How well you do here decides if I do vote for Trump in the end, or if I stay in your camp all the way through.

#FeelTheBern vs #CantStumpTrump
Because down ticket races still matter, and the bigger the victory, the better the chance the House and Senate can swing Democratic. Or did you not think about that since Bernie doesn't ever bother helping out with down ticket races?
It's easy to tell by your wording you think I'm one of those darned teenage Bernie supporters, but I've been on board with Clinton since she essentially won the primary. What I'm saying is that he isn't actually out to burn this thing to the ground, he just want's to see it through to the end because he buys into his own ideals. He'll bow out and get on board when this is over; the tail end of his ongoing campaign is perfunctory.

You can still be confident in Hillary's chances at victory against Trump AND be angry at Sanders for actively attempting to aid Trump's campaign if this dumpster fire of an idea actually gets lit.

The two are not mutually exclusive, you can see that, right?

Do you actually think Sanders is plotting with Trump to make Hillary look bad? Listen, I know it's easy to perceive anyone who isn't on your side as evil, but Bernie and Hillary are both left leaning politicians who have nearly identical voting records, right? He's not doing this out of malice, and this "debate" won't have any measurable effect, if it even happens.

I'll totally eat my helping of crow if this is actually the junction point for the darkest timeline, but it probably isn't.

No Love

You are best off just ignoring Heulen. Just somebody looking for attention by literally walking into every political thread and saying "I would vote for Trump OR Bernie. Pretty neat eh?" and praying someone will look.

Yeah Huelen is just another brainless sheep lol.

There's Clinton supporters with the disdainful attitude again.

California has nearly 500 delegates and certainly matters. And with the pretty damning news about Clinton today, an indictment is not out of the question for her at all.

What news was that? I swear, every week I see some crap posted about "horrible news, Clinton is done for sure!!" And now I'm totally desensitized to it.


1. Its not bullshit. I refuse to vote for her. I have my reasons for doing so. I won't vote Trump either. I'll be voting independent come the general.

2. No, voting independent is not equivalent to voting for Trump himself. Thats nonsense.
What third party candidate will you vote for, if you don't mind me asking?

You have the Green Party with Jill Stein, a bunch of anti-science nut jobs.

Then you've got Gary Johnson, who would probably be opposed to the federal government spending money on his own inauguration

Clifton Roberts who wants to ban eating meat.

Zoltan Istvan, who wants to push as much funding as possible into human bio-augmentation because cyborgs Y'ALL!

John McAfee, big on tech privacy, insane, probably killed someone not that long ago.

So which of these nutters are you convinced is a better candidate to run the most powerful nation in the world than Hillary Clinton?

That Zoltan guy is driving around the country in a bus that looks like a coffin, so that's cool.
So many people are dead set against Hillary while the more people here about Sanders, the more they like him.

Like him thinking Chronic pain should be treated with yoga and meditation?

Like him honeymooning in the USSR

Like him praising Stalin's bread lines

Like him praising Latin American dictators

Like him being Chairman of the Senate Veteran Affairs Oversight Committee when 13 vets died from from an administrative scandal

Like his call to abolish the CIA

Like him calling for a state takeover of utilities without compensating their owners

I can go on and on here. He would not win in the GE


There's Clinton supporters with the disdainful attitude again.

California has nearly 500 delegates and certainly matters. And with the pretty damning news about Clinton today, an indictment is not out of the question for her at all.
You do know that Bernie has to make her non viable in California right? And that the last polls done in California had her up right? Sanders banking on a miracle to happen. It's not going to happen.
Hillary Clinton has pretty much been the presumptive 2016 nominee since 2008. She should have run away with this nomination no problem, but she hasn't at all and her opponent started from the bottom. Yes, many votes ahead still, but Sanders has been her much more competition than ever expected. If she loses California, maybe she's still the nominee if she's not indicted, but that's bad for her.

She will be the nominee before the polls close in California on the 7th of June. She needs 69 delegates to be the nominee, after a few more supers pledged to her today. She's not going to be indicted because she didn't break the law. It's over.


I think Hillary should of course be supported and it's obviously prudent that Sanders withdraw, but don't pretend that this forum in particular ever gave him a fair shake, the disdain has been clear for a very long time.

there's a lot at stake. if this was 2012, it would suck to get a republican president. in 2016, it would be disastrous for decades. a lot of us in our 20s and 30s (and 40s) have experienced a conservative court all our lives. it's the first time in a long time that the supreme court can side on more progressive policies if a more liberal judge was appointed to the court. this goes out the window in a trump presidency, and the court stays the course for another three decades or so. i don't see sanders as being pragmatic when the chance is there to get something actually done about reversing citizens united and passing more liberal rulings. he strikes me as idealistic to a fault, and it's scary.

it's the only thing that deeply concerns me about this election aside from trump's actual candidacy being legitimized.


The Autumn Wind
There's Clinton supporters with the disdainful attitude again.

California has nearly 500 delegates and certainly matters. And with the pretty damning news about Clinton today, an indictment is not out of the question for her at all.
Yes, I have a disdainful attitude toward people completely out of touch with reality. You're wasting my time along with everybody else's.


I mean...it's understandable to a certain degree.

I went into this election ambivalent about Bernie. I liked him well enough. I certainly didn't dislike him. I wasn't ever going to vote for him, but, sure why not? But, the way in which he ran his campaign was utterly incompetent and off putting. As someone who has been active in the Democratic party since I was a kid, I found a lot of his campaign's behavior to be indefensible.

Hillary has worked very, very hard to earn the votes of people. Bernie has been defacto eliminated since March 15th, but he continues to lob grenades at the party, and at Hillary because he can. When we live in a country in which the alternative to Hillary is a literal fascist, I think it's understandable that people's patience for Bernie's theatrics has come to an end.

There is a certain tinge of anger under Bernie's campaign, that's true. Is that what you don't like about it? To each his own, but I think the American people have good reason to be angry so I didn't find that aspect off-putting. I would be pretty mad too if I, as a working class person had the food on my table swindled by billionaires like Trump.

The problem is people like Clinton enabled people like Trump to exist, and even if Bernie goes away, the sort of passion he brought into politics won't go away. I understand you are very much passionate about the Democrats, but for many this is their foray into politics and to them Bernie is the only guys that has their interest at heart, even if his campaign wasn't as competently run as Clinton's.


Are you saying the coverage has been fair and not skewed toward Hillary at all? Fantasy Land must be nice.

"Skewed towards Hillary?"


You are adorable to suggest that coverage has been skewed toward her.


The hostility and division on show here is highly evocative of the same type of hostility in Australian politics between the Labor Party and the Greens.

The sense of entitlement that Hillary supporters (and by extension, the Australian Labor party) have had from Day 1 has been really off-putting. They just sort of expect progressives to vote for them and are outraged at the temerity from a more left candidate running.

I think Hillary should of course be supported and it's obviously prudent that Sanders withdraw, but don't pretend that this forum in particular ever gave him a fair shake, the disdain has been clear for a very long time.

right, just like how neogaf is 100% pro sony

There is a certain tinge of anger under Bernie's campaign, that's true. Is that what you don't like about it? To each his own, but I think the American people have good reason to be angry so I didn't find that aspect off-putting. I would be pretty mad too if I, as a working class person had the food on my table swindled by billionaires like Trump.

The problem is people like Clinton enabled people like Trump to exist, and even if Bernie goes away, the sort of passion he brought into politics won't go away. I understand you are very much passionate about the Democrats, but for many this is their foray into politics and to them Bernie is the only guys that has their interest at heart, even if his campaign wasn't as competently run as Clinton's.

we'll see when midterms come.
I think I just heard Vic Berger cream his jeans.

Honestly hope this happens just for the edit he'd make.


Also can someone explain to me why Bernie should be obligated not to go through with this? I really don't understand the general consensus that because Bernie has a slim chance of winning he should just quit and start saying nice things about Hillary. I do agree that he's becoming a bit of a one-issue candidate and that his campaign does seem to be shifting more towards sabotaging her, and I'll fully admit that I'm not the biggest fan of those changes, but at the same time most of what I've seen is just him commenting on her poor record; even avid Hillary supporters I've talked to have a hard time defending it so I don't get why addressing it is supposed to be taboo. I'd much rather support a candidate who is shifting more to the offense late in the game than someone with a track record like Hillary or the personality and opinions of Trump. I'm also really not a fan of the whole attitude on here that if you still support Bernie and don't just give up and support Hillary you're an idiot and might as well vote for Trump; I think that's bullshit and reeks of how broken the political system is. Sure, at the end of the day if it's Hillary vs. Trump (no shit this is probably the case, everyone already knows that) she'll obviously get my vote over Trump but right now I want Bernie to be my president and will continue to support him as long as he's in the race.


There is a certain tinge of anger under Bernie's campaign, that's true. Is that what you don't like about it? To each his own, but I think the American people have good reason to be angry so I didn't find that aspect off-putting. I would be pretty mad too if I, as a working class person had the food on my table swindled by billionaires like Trump.

The problem is people like Clinton enabled people like Trump to exist, and even if Bernie goes away, the sort of passion he brought into politics won't go away. I understand you are very much passionate about the Democrats, but for many this is their foray into politics and to them Bernie is the only guys that has their interest at heart, even if his campaign wasn't as competently run as Clinton's.

Would you mind elaborating on how people like Clinton enabled Trump, rather than the GOP base and white nationalism through the Tea Party movement?


Fail out bailed
My only two options for this election finally going at it? Fuck yeah!

Come on Bernie! How well you do here decides if I do vote for Trump in the end, or if I stay in your camp all the way through.

#FeelTheBern vs #CantStumpTrump

I don't think he's gonna read this. I guess that's not the attention you wanted.

Would you mind elaborating on how people like Clinton enabled Trump, rather than the GOP base and white nationalism through the Tea Party movement?

Probably referring to this: http://www.factcheck.org/2015/07/was-hillary-clinton-the-original-birther/

Doesn't really hold a lot of water.


The Autumn Wind
Would you mind elaborating on how people like Clinton enabled Trump, rather than the GOP base and white nationalism through the Tea Party movement?
It's like when people say a girl was asking for it because she was wearing a short skirt.
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