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Overwatch |OT2| A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems

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I was so wrong about Mei. I got her Firefighter skin in a loot crate so I thought I'd give her another shot. She's amazing.

Mei is definitely bae.



This game can be absolutely souls crushing and make you question your skill altogether.

It's really annoying getting a good hook with Roadhog, and your victim gets hit by something else at the same time and they travel in strange ways that don't make any sense. His hook should have priority.

Anyways, are there any good "How to play _______" videos yet?



That feeling when you get in a game playing solo and the whole team goes D.Va and then our whole team goes one character and then all 12 of us stick together being idiots playing all of one character per team for multiple games. Just beautiful.
I love how people complain about no one playing healer, but never switch over themselves. Talk about a lack of self-awareness, haha.


This game can be absolutely souls crushing and make you question your skill altogether.

Don't feel bad. The matchmaking tends to try to match you so as to get you a 50% win rate, so unless they've mastered the game within a week, just about everyone is losing about half their games right now. Everyone has bad games, and no one is all that great just yet.


I figured I will pick up an assist character just in case, so I am picking up Zenyatta.
McRee on attack
Junkrat on defense
Zenyatta when needed or for fun.


I realized that on PS4, I've never seen a Widowmaker get the POTG. I've seen a few Hanzo's get it without using their Ultimate, but not Widowmaker -- wonder why that is? I really haven't tried either yet.


I realized that on PS4, I've never seen a Widowmaker get the POTG. I've seen a few Hanzo's get it without using their Ultimate, but not Widowmaker -- wonder why that is? I really haven't tried either yet.

Widows have to go on serious snipe streaks to get PotG. I imagine that's not easy on a controller, yeah?
I find Lucio to be essential on every team I play. I've just started using him every time someone isn't and have a 75% win rate on him with 30 wins 11 losses. Pretty decent win rate in a game like this no?



It's amazing how different games can be depending on team dynamic and other factors. I just spent a while playing with a friend and we more or less play tank (him) and healer (me) roles but sometimes we would just get steamrolled and sometimes we would win big.

I've started liking Mercy more. Juggling her healing and damage buff while trying to use Guardian Angel to stay alive is pretty fun. Lucio is still probably my favorite support character overall but Zenyatta can be very effective and so can Symmettra.

One thing's for sure, the game is majorly fun.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
So, question.

I've never been THAT big into team-based FPSes. The most fun I ever had with one was MAG, where I'd frequently outscore everyone else on my team despite my KDR being terrible because I actually bothered to heal/revive other players.

With that in mind, would I enjoy Overwatch?
Any one else obsessively try to melee a basketball into the hoop before matches? I've been close before but never gotten it in. Is it even possible?


So, question.

I've never been THAT big into team-based FPSes. The most fun I ever had with one was MAG, where I'd frequently outscore everyone else on my team despite my KDR being terrible because I actually bothered to heal/revive other players.

With that in mind, would I enjoy Overwatch?

Yes. You care about your team so you'll do better than most.


I think they need to do something to tweak the game for a more fun matchmaking experience. I dont know, its just not fun doing all these awesome things and losing. Kept the payload in overtime by myself as genji at several points as my team was continually wiping from bastion, Id go in kill it, play with their whole team myself and it just kept going over and over until I turned on my ult. Died since the team obviously knew I was the biggest threat, so only killed the Dva and widow watched in the spec cam as our hanzo (who was good at clearing the load with his ult on ocassion) thought that it was a good idea to fire arrows right outside of the overtime area when we were just a few inches from the goal.

As it is now the game is almost unenjoyable without grouping up and I dont want to depend on grouping up everytime I play.


So, question.

I've never been THAT big into team-based FPSes. The most fun I ever had with one was MAG, where I'd frequently outscore everyone else on my team despite my KDR being terrible because I actually bothered to heal/revive other players.

With that in mind, would I enjoy Overwatch?

Yes. KDR means jack all in Overwatch. Playing to win means helping your team win objectives.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
So, question.

I've never been THAT big into team-based FPSes. The most fun I ever had with one was MAG, where I'd frequently outscore everyone else on my team despite my KDR being terrible because I actually bothered to heal/revive other players.

With that in mind, would I enjoy Overwatch?

Ive never played a multiplayer shooter since team fortress 2. So...yes?
So, question.

I've never been THAT big into team-based FPSes. The most fun I ever had with one was MAG, where I'd frequently outscore everyone else on my team despite my KDR being terrible because I actually bothered to heal/revive other players.

With that in mind, would I enjoy Overwatch?

I'm terrible at most every fps with the exception of Battlefield. I'm terrible at this when it comes to shooting, too, but I am enjoying it a good bit. You don't have to be a hotshot to have fun. There are lots of spots for support characters to shine. Just don't expect to ever get PotG, though, haha.


Justice often doesn't rain from above when I'm parked in turret mode as Bastion in a corner, eliminating Pharah out of the sky. Hehehehe

I learned that lesson a few times! Now I just stay on the ground when I can, strafing in and out of cover to get a few rockets off makes very short work of bastion or turrets.

Pharah is Fun-rah. The real bae of the cast.

Yep I agree, she's my most played class now. I feel right at home with her as a former Tribes player.

Kid Ska

I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
What does more damage as Roadhog after a hook, 2 shotgun blasts or a shotgun blast followed by a punch?

I probably go for two shotgun blasts. Melee only ever does 30 I believe and I'm assuming point blank shotgun is more than that.


Pharah is Fun-rah. The real bae of the cast.

Yeah, she's such a nice solution to so many problems. Snipers holding down your team in their comfy nests? Rockets. A team sitting on the payload? Rockets. Symmetra and Torbjorn turrets? Rockets. Bastion? Rockets.


So, question.

I've never been THAT big into team-based FPSes. The most fun I ever had with one was MAG, where I'd frequently outscore everyone else on my team despite my KDR being terrible because I actually bothered to heal/revive other players.

With that in mind, would I enjoy Overwatch?

Overwatch is made for you.


I probably go for two shotgun blasts. Melee only ever does 30 I believe and I'm assuming point blank shotgun is more than that.

The benefit to the melee is that you can cancel the shotgun animation. Most heroes can get away or defend themselves pretty quickly after getting hooked.
When everyone wants to be Offense or Defense and you have no tanks or support...

Not an impossible task, if your team can coordinate ults.

We just played against a disgusting team, all offense classes running double healer. They beat us after we had the weirdest comeback, but man it was a rough game.
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