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Brexit |OT| UK Referendum on EU Membership - 23 June 2016

Did you vote for the side that is going to win?

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never left the stone age
'Stay in or we'll fucking kill you' isn't much of a union though.

If everyone leaves there'll be no one to hand out deals though. See how much this silly vote has complicated things? And for what?

"Things will go back to normal" someone said. Then what the fuck was the point?


Neo Member
Terrible news to wake up to.

A platform based on lies has won. Can't believe the shit about "we've got our country back" and "this is our independence day", we are weaker because of this.

None of this bodes well for the future.
I feel like a pretty safe way to gauge most political decisions is: "Am I on the same side as fascists here?"

If yes, take a really good look at what you're supporting.

I mean, Marion friggin' Le Pen is cheering this on. These are your fellow travelers, Leave voters. These are your ideological bedfellows. Congrats.


How is it scaremongering if the impact is real right now? For your sake, I hope these markets bounce back in 6 months.

Whats the impact to the large majority of people right now? None. Everyone still has their jobs, most people aren't retiring tomorrow, very few will be using foreign currency (and just as many will benefit from a weak currency).

The less we let the stock market dictate our politics the better off the common person will be.


You're all talking about racism and immigration ... But was it really all it was about ? Didn't British people vote because of economic or political arguments . Or was it all about borders and immigration control ?
On the other side of the coin (And I didnt vote Leave) calling people stupid, racist, idiotic or any other variation for not agreeing with you is not exactly the best route forward. The people who voted leave did not vote for anyone to lose their jobs and to assume they did it out of malice is just naive.

If you want to be angry its better directed at the people who influenced their decisions, if you so think they were influenced, people get their information from somewhere and their arguments were obviously more persuasive, be they good or bad.

Honestly, the Leave voters dealt a major blow to the GBP, Scotts, NI, and other bad results, calling them dumb and idiotic is quite accurate if they've leaving would be bad. It's not like many, many people told them that, ya know, this is a really bad idea. I'd call them stupid.

The Leave party made many ads attributing to racism, so while it's difficult to say they're all racist, it does seem the Leave party is very popular with racists.


Typo. GBP. And people in this thread are losing their jobs. I love it when people who have absolutely no idea what they're talking about try to sound like they do.

The company I work for is going to be fucked - half of the data we work with we're only allowed access to because of the EU.
Whats the impact to the large majority of people right now? None. Everyone still has their jobs, most people aren't retiring tomorrow, very few will be using foreign currency (and just as many will benefit from a weak currency).

The less we let the stock market dictate our politics the better off the common person will be.

But that's how Capitalism works?


What I get from this referendum, is the big cities, Birmingham, Slough etc voting leave, these place have huge immigrant areas, and this was immigrants voting for no more immigrants

That is hugely powerful


sealed with a kiss
"don't worry guys, billions of pounds lost, thousands of jobs ruined, a few years of suffering, but it'll be ok because...... uh.... we'll get back to you on the good parts"


I appreciate the freedom to vote as much as the next person, but when weighing up the arguments, I fail to see a cohesive point as to why Leave is the better option of the two.

Hearing a Gaffer's thoughts who voted Leave would be interesting to hear, and you shouldn't feel afraid or anything to post your thoughts. It would, however, be much appreciated if you can illustrate this beyond a statement to the likes of "fuck yeah freedom".

I am honestly curious.

The last 24 hours have been people getting dog piled and branded racist and Xenophobic on Gaf, just for stating they're gonna vote Leave. It has been disgusting.

I have real sympathy for people badly affected by the result, heck I'm likely to be among them. But this is the start of a bumpy road of change which I hope will be for the better.

I'm not going to explain the reasons behind my vote; I know better than to do so on Gaf. People get analytical and nasty and nothing I can say will convince them that I made my vote for the best of reasons, reasons personal to me.

I get that people are hurt but for fucks sake, personal attacks on Leave voters needs to stop.
Bristol voted 62% remain so I'm proud of my home city. Sad we have to face the consequences now but we move forward.

All 32 Scottish territories voted remain which I am really proud of, but leave being stronger than expected meant it didn't matter due to how small the Scottish population is compared to England.


listen to the mad man
Whats the impact to the large majority of people right now? None. Everyone still has their jobs, most people aren't retiring tomorrow, very few will be using foreign currency (and just as many will benefit from a weak currency).

The less we let the stock market dictate our politics the better off the common person will be.

As opposed to the tyrannical impact Europe was having on Britain through the pillow regulations depriving the common man of his gentle slumber.


Might you live in interesting times. Chinese Curse.

I expect some kind of war in Western Europe during my lifetime. Hopefully I am wrong though, Scotland and Northern Ireland might come back into the EU, and those countries have at least some interest in the EU. England never had any interest in the EU, except to complain about it. Now they cannot blame the EU anymore. I laugh at the promises that all that EU wasted money can now be spent on NHS and such things, surely it will be spent on tax cuts for the rich and corporations.


It's the same reason people would vote for Trump. They have nothing to lose and would rather fuck everyone else over out of spite.
It is extremely important that Americans take note of this. It's not just spite though as many of these voters are struggling.

Rural and less-educated voters have largely been ignored and beaten down by both parties. Democrats have completely and absolutely ignored them while Republicans have economically harmed them but pandered to them on social issues. Now the social issues are a lost cause and these voters see absolutely no established parties willing to help them. All the rural voters hear is rhetoric akin to "stfu and vote how we tell you to." This leads to the scary rise of people like Trump, because they see nowhere to turn to. So bullshit reigns.

I see many similarities in the Brexit vote.
This post makes no sense. Also, you still haven't explained the "immigration problem". If it's so major, it should be real easy to do, right?

You are living under a rock eh? 1 million to germany last year, close to that this year already, a whole slum waiting to reach britain through the tunnel, thousands drowning in the ocean, the whole eastern part of the EU reinforcing borders. The far right on the rise everywhere, mass shootings in paris and brussels, etc etc etc.

"I don´t know about any immigration problem" This is exactly why your people voted to exit.
Because they are sick of people denying the obvious while screaming racist at anyone mistaking it as a valid way to discuss real world problems.
"I don´know about any problems" - congratulations. Sentences like this are ripping the EU appart.
Currency losing value has multiple overlapping effects. Also it's been 2 hours after an unexpected result, which is exactly the kind of result that would impact the market. Since, you know, markets incorporate expected results.

Markets are not "crashing".

Yes, Nikkei just halted trading multiple times for the lols. Dow Futures down over 600 points. And people posting in here their jobs are done or at risk.

This is fine.


Woke up at 5 am literally couldn't sleep. Turned on the news, I'm just in disbelief, this is a major setback, it's a disaster.

I am honest enough to say this, I am actually crying right now, I feel dead inside seeing how this turned out.

This feels even worse then all the times I've watched the toris win.
Thinking of moving away before this comes into effect.
People still have their head in the sand. The EU just lost their future strongest economy, strongest military, and one of their largest exporters. Going forward the EU will struggle as well. In a globalized world, numbers and size matter. Against a 1.3 billion people China, 1.2 billion people India, 340 million people USA, UK needed an almost 500 million EU to be represented.

really doubt it.


People are idiots. Nearly everyone I spoke to who voted to leave had no concrete reason for doing so and then muttered "immigration" clueless.
next step is civil war when Scotland declare independence, good times ahead

No one was going to fight a civil war if Scotland voted to leave the UK in 2014, they won't lift a finger if Scotland does it in 2016. I think a lot of people have resigned to seeing dissolution of the United Kingdom in their lifetimes, if for no other reason than nobody wants to turn Great Britain into another Yugoslavia.


You're all talking about racism and immigration ... But was it really all it was about ? Didn't British people vote because of economic or political arguments . Or was it all about borders and immigration control ?

At least those filthy foreigners will now stay out of the country, amirite?




Gold Member
Woke up to this. Disaster. Gutted. Just in pure shock.

Well done to those who voted leave. You showed up at the polls and made your voices heard.
Scotland is definitely gonna drop out of the UK now. Northern Ireland is also definitely on the fence regarding unification with Ireland or independence. Gibraltar might be wanting to drop out as well if Spain continues its bullying. Generally, this will give a big boost to secessionist movements in Europe.

If the UK economy makes it through this with just a few bruises instead of imploding, it will also blow up anti-EU sentiment across all countries, especially the ones that already have these kinds of sentiments run rampant (e.g. Austria).
If it does implode, it'll make the EU stronger, but of course it will cause a shitload of suffering.

Either way, this is the worst possible outcome for just about everybody.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Honestly, the Leave voters dealt a major blow to the GBP, Scotts, NI, and other bad results, calling them dumb and idiotic is quite accurate if they've leaving would be bad. It's not like many, many people told them that, ya know, this is a really bad idea. I'd call them stupid.

The Leave party made many ads attributing to racism, so while it's difficult to say they're all racist, it does seem the Leave party is very popular with racists.

I think if you go into any argument with someone and assume, or worse state, they are stupid and racist then how in gods name do you expect to convince them of your side?

More people voted leave than remain, so in essence you believe that over half the voting population is stupid and racist.

Is it perhaps more likely that they believe they are doing the right thing and are under a misapprehension than they hate other people and are too stupid to understand the consequences of their actions?
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