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Should Sony announce a psVita2/psp3 in response of the nintendo NX being an handheld?


Sony dominates the home console market. They have no chance in dominating the mobile market.

It would be pointless. They don't have the Microsoft warchest.
To quote myself in the Microsoft thread.

This isn't happening. Ever.

Two things in this forum need to accepted at this point.

1) Nintendo have no interest in the high end AAA market and will not waste time or money even trying to court content from it.

2) Sony and Microsoft do not have the abilty or intention to support the handheld market and have no desire to acquire it.

That said, I think a high end Sony mobile will get a few mobile ports of NX third party games by default.

In some ways I think this all works out for the best. All three manufacturers are carving out their own gaming niche with recent moves. There is actually more reason to buy from all three now than there has been in years.
and here am I thinking wether or not I should sell my vita once the NX launch in March

But have invested 500 dollars in hardware / software for my vita..might stick with ut during 2017 and wait for the invetiable ( New) NX (XL) version which I guess will be released 2018 with a decent library of games. As all digital, too bad Im used with the awesome low prices at PSN


No and I dount they still care about that market.

Hell they are probably happy the NX is a handheld because it goes after a different market than the Ps4


It would be absolutely pointless. Vita already lost badly to 3DS and with NX using Tegra X1 or better Sony wouldn't even be able to use the high spec angle.

They could go with a higher res screen but then the games on NX would have better graphics.

It'd be a bloodbath.


No. Please. At this point everyone except for Nintendo should let the handheld dream die - no one has a chance to pull anything off apart from them, and even then it is a big gamble.
I'm sure they can can release a new portable completely targeting 3rd parties and indies with backward compatibility with the Vita just to keep a foot on the market. Keeping support to a minimum and costs down they may actually have a sustainable product.
As much as I would love a Vita 2 or whatever, its not really needed right now and going head to head with a new Nintendo handheld is probably not going to end too well.

Vita is still ticking over nicely with lots of games, sure its not really selling millions like PS4 but for something Sony is not really doing anything with, its getting enough good games still. If it ever happens, it wont be for a long time. Sony has got all its focus on PS4, PSVR and Neo, so the support wouldn't be there for it.


PS4 is the successor to the PS Vita.

PS4 got Gravity Rush and Tearaway, the former getting a sequel. Plenty of Japanese devs have also ported their handheld games to PS4 or at least made them multiplat.

I prefer this.


A company like Sony in times like this should prioritize and focus on their best business sector and relegate everything else at least for the time being.
There are doing a great job making home consoles and producing videogames. That's their core business and therefore should dedicate all of their resources to improve that instead of spending them in other areas that are not their strength.
That doesn't mean that Sony should totally leave the handheld market. They can surely go ahead and try again but that is in the long term. For now, Sony should focus on what they do best, home consoles and games.


Id be surprised if they did.

Nintendo effectively is the handheld market on their own. The vita despite superior hardware was an economical failure in comparison to the 3ds,and the rise of smartphones is a major roadblock for anything without nintendo IPs on it.


I absolutely want one, and I do think there could be a chance of success if they avoided the Vita name and went HARD on the consumer-friendliness with stuff like good games using the core features, microSD cards and minimum solid 30fps in all games, but it most likely won't happen.


El Capitan Todd
The latest mech-based L5 game had a suspicious misterious second portable device with the triangle and X buttons typical of the PS consoles.
PSP3 incoming?


Sony's PlayStation R&D team is probably laser-focused on PS5 development.
(Neo is old news to the PlayStation architecture team under Cerny).

They don't give a shit about handhelds after Vita.

PS5 full steam ahead to Holiday 2020, IMO.
Yes. And gamers everywhere would be better off because of it. Competition is good, and Sony does what Nintendon't when it comes to designing hardware.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Yes. And gamers everywhere would be better off because of it. Competition is good, and Sony does what Nintendon't when it comes to designing hardware.

Nintendo will have alot of competition from Sony/MS/Steam/Apple/Google and co. with their next device. This is 2016/2017 not the 90s....they need to work hard to establish the NX as a serious gaming plattform compared to the other players.

Whatever Sony could bring to the table would be less competition for Nintendo than the mobile market and co. Even this gen the Vita was already a non factor for most of the time.


They shouldn't. Their hand held line is dead. Plus the hands held matket is shrinking quicker than the home console market.
Handhelds are basically dead.

Nintendo is doing its hybrid thing trying to catch Japan and US/Eu with a single solution, since it has games that actually sell.

Anyone else trying to compete with tablets/smartphones is in for a rude awakening. Kids these days just don't fucking care for portable games outside of phones. You only see Vita/3ds in the hands of grown-up nerds like you guys. <3
They had two chances to get into the handheld market and at least the second time around failed spectacularly at doing so.

Besides that, what's left of the handheld market is catered to by Nintendo.

Sony is currently doing the best they've ever done, and have the console market on lock.


Rockefellers. Skull and Bones. Microsoft. Al Qaeda. A Cabal of Bankers. The melting point of steel. What do these things have in common? Wake up sheeple, the landfill wasn't even REAL!
I've done this thing :)

My poor Vita. I still love you, baby, even if Sony keeps forgetting your birthdays. Christmases. Well, just your existence in general.


Dedicated handheld consoles aren't going to sell well because of smartphones. Nintendo actually has the IPs to make their handhelds attractive to the consumer, but as you saw with the 3DS, it has to be under a certain price point for mass market adoption. Making a powerful, attractive handheld is no big deal for Sony, but they'll always fall short on the software side. I still have my original Vita. It had a lot of potential but the pricing and lack of constant software releases killed it. Sony should just focus on VR and PS4/Neo/PS5 etc.


I don't think Sony are as out of touch with their audience/market as Nintendo, so I doubt they'll ever consider a handheld/hybrid console.

Hell they have problems selling their phones so have a very good idea how competitive that whole area is...

ps3ud0 8)
Except, you know, the PSP.

Not really. It sold a good chunk of units, but they might have just given you an eye patch and a peg leg with your purchase because nobody bought software for it. Making it unattractive to retailers and not doing great for Sony because you make your money on software sales not hardware, because the margins just aren't there.



I am open to being surprised, but i think the NX is a financial threat to Sony/Microsoft like an ant is a threat to a boot. NX = secondary platform for most current PC/PS/MS gamers like the WiiU.
I would buy one in a hearbeat.

But I couldn't recommend it as a business decision.

I think this summed up my thoughts I love my vita and use it every day for hours. I think the next chance for a sony handheld console is something VR/AR related in 5/10 years when the vita is forgotten about and have (Hypothetically) won big on PSVR only other chance would be if they could work some black magic and make (orginal) ps4portable because the name has so much cache but think chances are low, possibly a phone hybrid but lets be honest very little chance the board/investers are going to want them to go anywhere near a handheld anytime soon which sucks i love earning trophies on the go and 1 day will not be able to do that, and might not be too far off. :(


Rockefellers. Skull and Bones. Microsoft. Al Qaeda. A Cabal of Bankers. The melting point of steel. What do these things have in common? Wake up sheeple, the landfill wasn't even REAL!
What would be the point in announcing something that clearly isn't in development?

testing the neogaf servers?

seriously I meant "develop"
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