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How are you dealing with people who voted for Trump?

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There is so much slippery slope nonsense in here. No, you should not react or fight back at hate and anger with more hate and anger, but that doesn't mean you need to sit there and accept it. This constantly trying to assign blame, toss labels on groups, figure out who is what is just absolutely ridiculous and solves jack and shit. Congratulations, you've decided there is now a "moderate liberal" group who just wants you all to "accept racists and bigots". Great, now what does that label do other than just marginalize another group of people? Don't you see how this happened to begin with? Stop labelling people, stop attacking people, fight back with logic, common sense, a measured understanding but firm denial of hateful beliefs. I just don't get this, it's all so circular and pointless and starts the whole cycle up again.

You should realize this shit is always circular.
Finally lost it today with a family member and told them off and told them I don't want to have any contact with them anymore. It was an unfortunate double whammy of seeing a facebook post about a good friend of mine who received a threat from someone for being gay under a Trump presidency and then immediately reading a comment from the family member in reply to a post of mine about Trump's election telling me to basically suck it up and that I'm being a whiny millennial. My blood pressure reached a boiling point and I lost it. I'm not particularly proud of it but what's done is done.

The family member was my uncle who my dad (his brother) already hates so I don't feel particularly bad about it.
My extended family has some Trump voters and there are already rifts forming. I have no idea how I'll be able to see them at Thanksgiving when they made a choice I absolutely don't respect. It's hard to process. I'm not sure I even want to see them. The fights will start, and this won't be the normal Dem vs GOP debates. This whole thing runs deeper, down to America's core tenets. Equality and respect and human decency.

I've had to block a couple "friends" on social media, some I've known for years, who were suddenly acting like the teacher left the classroom, finally free to air their thoughts publicly and act like bullies and shitstains. It has been eye-opening, seeing how people think and act when they feel empowered to remove the filter completely.
My roommates mom is a trump supporter. She is a microcosm of most conservatives. Whines about " smug liberals". She talks about purple bring lazy, but had never worked a day on her life and notched of her bushmen until he died, then mooched of her kids.

Anyway, her son paid her 200 not to vote for trump.

Last night he disconnected her Internet and took her phone because she was going on racist triads.

Keep in mind most of our friends are DACAs


Talked to some friends about it and although I voted for Hillary, I understood why they voted for Trump and we're all still on the same terms.

They voted for him not for his negative comments (they were against all of his negatives) but voted for him because even with those comments they feel the current government has failed them and Hillary would be more of same, Hillary is horrible and has done worse than Trump even with his comments (bringing up the Syria thing and some of her past actions), feel that Trump's skills will help him more than Hillary considering he's not part of "the system" so he's a fresh start for things. They also feel Trump's negative comments were bullshit and a tactic used to get more votes (stated that he used the same tactic he talked about in his book except on a political scale). To the "Hillary is worse" stuff, they said that even with Trump's bluffs that still doesn't account up to the negatives that Hillary's actually done that people aren't talking about. They feel that with Hillary things would get worse (given it's the same ol same ol) rather than finally switching things up. They've also said that Trump's a Republican but he's not part of the "Republican system" so he likely wouldn't be in the same condition as some of the rest. They'd rather take a shot with him than with Hillary given her past.

They're all the educated white class as well. Sure, a lot of that isn't rural America but that's what I get from some who actually voted for Trump. Me? I'm a Southern black man who voted for Hillary.

So overall, I'm not lumping them in with the rural America group, as they hated his negative comments. Like I said before, they feel Trump's anti-LBGT/minorities comments were bullshit and are heavily against it if anything of that sort even comes to light, they chalk it up to "comments politicians say in politics that are bluffs" rather than "comments that will be done once in office". Most have been following politics heavily for years and after a long thinking process made their decision.
My wife and I cancelled our Thanksgiving plans with my extended family in rural Ohio, simply because I want to avoid the pro-Trump shit show that would surely ensue.

Instead we will just enjoy a nice small family Thanksgiving at home with our 6 year old daughter.



This thread is frightening. So much hatred directed at friends and family members simply for having different opinions.

I get along just fine with friends and family that don't agree with my political points of view. Life wouldn't be half as interesting as it is now if everyone I interacted with agreed with me about everything.

I think the bolded speaks volumes and highlights our differences in perspective. For me personally this has gone well beyond a simple difference of opinions.


I want people to film their Thanksgiving dinners this year. It will make for great drama fit for TV.

Not going. Fuck them. I'm not going to pretend to sit down and be thankful with people actively making things worse for me, my immediate family, my friends, and the next generation as a whole.

My wife and I cancelled our Thanksgiving plans with my extended family in rural Ohio, simply because I want to avoid the pro-Trump shit show that would surely ensue.

Instead we will just enjoy a nice small family Thanksgiving at home with our 6 year old daughter.


We did the same. We're going to spend it with our friends who, coincidentally run the gamut of the type of people Trump and the right have denigrated.
So overall, I'm not lumping them in with the rural America group, as they hated his negative comments. Like I said before, they feel Trump's anti-LBGT/minorities comments were bullshit and are heavily against it if anything of that sort even comes to light, they chalk it up to "comments politicians say in politics that are bluffs" rather than "comments that will be done once in office". Most have been following politics heavily for years and after a long thinking process made their decision.

Tell your friends that Trump is already appointing people from the Family Research Council as part of his domestic transition team.

Your friends sold us down the river.


Honestly? We aren't talking about it. It's over. I'm disappointed, but it's over, and now we'll move on.

The few people I personally know who voted for Trump aren't bad people. They're not racists or bigots. Most of them chose Trump only because they thought Hillary would be more damaging.*

I disagree, and I feel like they made the wrong choice, but what's done is done.

*This is my personal experience, BTW. I'm not speaking for everyone, just the people I personally know.


Tell your friends that Trump is already appointing people from the Family Research Council as part of his domestic transition team.

Your friends sold us down the river.

They already know that and they've already made comments on it. They stick by their words and say we're still not sure what's going to happen similarly to the polls saying Hillary would win everything and well, we saw how that turned out.

We'll see what happens.
Honestly? We aren't talking about it. It's over. I'm disappointed, but it's over, and now we'll move on.

The few people I personally know who voted for Trump aren't bad people. They're not racists or bigots. Most of them chose Trump only because they thought Hillary would be more damaging.

I disagree, but what's done is done.

Exactly what I'm saying.
It’s actually pretty funny. Well not funny, it’s more depressing. There are four of us that started working at the same time. So you have:

Me, I’m biracial (black/white).
White guy.
Asian guy.
Hispanic guy.

We are all vets between the ages of 26-31. You’re not supposed to talk about politics are work, but you know it comes up from time to time. I voted for Hillary. The white guy voted for Trump. However, he’s a former Marine (not smart at all) and is pretty much just your typical fuc boi. Works out a lot, parties/bars, and just talking about getting laid most of the time. He said he didn’t vote for Hillary because the US doesn’t need a woman president. Like I said he’s not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Asian guy didn’t even vote at all. He said he didn’t like either candidate. However, he said if he would have voted it would have been for Trump because Rep treat vets better and we also have a fed job. He was also a former Marine.

Hispanic guy also didn’t vote. However, just like the Asian guy, if he would have voted it would have been for Trump. He said Trump was the lesser of the two evils. He kept talking about the emails, Benghazi, and how Hillary should be charged with treason. He also said people shouldn’t be protesting and they are just lazy; just stupid shit like that. He’s former Army.

They usually just give me shit like of course fucking Air Force (I’m prior AF) voted for Hillary. You guys think you’re so much smarter than us (I really am, but that’s beside the point.) Also out of the four I’m the only one with a degree. I usually just ignore it or just laugh it off because whatever idc, I’m there to do my job and not make friends.


Is it possible that some families just really dont have a choice except to vote for trump? Im not american but Im watching the news right now and theres a young man from I think philly saying he voted trump because he cant afford the $350/month premiums.

I mean damn. How many pussy grabbings would you say is equivalent to $350 per month?


Gold Member
My uncle voted for Trump.
My family is attacking him, including those who are illegal immigrants. He stands by what he says.
For some reason, he gets the idea that American will be protected by its enemies and he will liberate Cuba


Every new racist and hateful thing which comes out i casually remind them they are responsible for that and the blood is on them. they nervously laugh and continue to say "people are overreacting" and "it's a few bad apples" and "He won't do all the nonsense he said, he only needed to say it to get elected." This is all people at my job, my peers btw (other management types).

So as more emboldened racists come out, more crazy shit happens, their nervous laugh is slowly fading away to a "holy fuck" kind of nervous look.

And its true btw. IF you voted for Trump, every drop of blood which falls thanks to the emboldened racism, every death from when they guy medicare and block grant all the othre shit, every kid who WAS able to eat on foodstamps, but now won't be able to, is on you.

You voted for him, you own it.

My brother we simply don't talk. He believes Trump won't be that bad and that 25 million new jobs trumps everything. I told him once its a dream, he can't bring back 25 million jobs, factories won't come back because all that work doesn't exist anymore or is being done by machines. but he believes Trump can do it, so we just don't talk.


Is it possible that some families just really dont have a choice except to vote for trump? Im not american but Im watching the news right now and theres a young man from I think philly saying he voted trump because he cant afford the $350/month premiums.

I mean damn. How many pussy grabbings would you say is equivalent to $350 per month?

So now they will have to deal with Trump and have high premiums. Reality will set in next year for them.
Full on contempt. They're all dead to me.


I speak to them everyday. Waive at them. Treat them like I would like to be treated. Nobody is dead to me. You are just ignoring it instead of facing it. I can be part of the change if I choose to be. I can change hearts and minds. We all have that capability.


Neo Member
How do I deal with Trump supporters? I wasn't a fan of Hillary or Trump, my choice was Johnson.

I deal with Trump supporters the same way I deal with anyone else, I just ask questions an be respectful. If they ask me what my position is I share it, if they don't ask I don't share it. If a supporter of any candidate is disrespectful and unable to carry on an _adult_ conversation then I just gracefully exit the conversation.

If your goal is to support the stereotypes that they already have of "supporters of candidate x" then by all means be combative and all that.

If your goal is to have a potentially constructive conversation where the other person actually listens and considers your point of view then treat that person the same way (be respectful, listen, and be considerate of their POV).

It really just depends on what you're after. I am actually very interested in what makes other people tick, if I act like an ass they'll never share that with me, treat them the way I want to be treated (or the way they want to be treated) and my chances of success improve greatly.


I speak to them everyday. Waive at them. Treat them like I would like to be treated. Nobody is dead to me. You are just ignoring it instead of facing it. I can be part of the change if I choose to be. I can change hearts and minds. We all have that capability.

So my mom and dad were having a fight this morning about this election. She voted for Clinton, he voted for Trump. We live in a Blue state so it doesn't really matter in that regard, but he wanted something different and she wanted....not Trump.

So after three days of my own anger finally subsiding into a silent internal rage, I went to them and told them to cut it out, that this is a time for family unity and not talking about politics, as the time has already gone to do so. That our support is smaller than we all thought it was, and now is the time to come together and focus on what we could. I made a truce to not talk politics in the house again if neither of them did.

Then I let them know if they ever did, I'm building a list filled with articles and twitter comments to show just how shitty things have gotten on both sides, with our communities, and the world in general. One word and I'll spend the time from that point until the next presidential election spamming these articles daily to their phones, emails, even lwaving hard copies around the house, pinned to walls and in the mailbox. Whoever breaks my mood will be the most educated voter come 2020 in the United States.

The Lamp

I'm caught trying to figure out how to thrive in this new world. I need to stand up for truth and against discrimination. I won't budge on that.

But the more we tell Trump voters to FUCK OFF and isolate ourselves to our little liberal circles, the more divided and bitter the nation becomes. It will heighten tensions to a boiling point, war, and the purest form of "us" versus "them."

I think the only way to defeat ignorance and ideaology in the long run is by firm truth but a willingness to listen and understand. I live in Texas. I have to be around Trump supporters. But now when I hear anti-LGBT and racist things, I will be much less likely to stand quiet. I will firmly stand by truth but seek to drive understanding between us so they can learn and listen. I have to be part of the education and advocacy. I can't isolate myself to just liberals or flee to NYC or LA to feel comfortable. I need to be part of transforming the culture around me, just like during civil rights. Holding my boyfriends hand around town may be risky, but it may also be the first time someone sees a same sex couple in public, and that exposure is humanizing and important.

That's at least where some of my thoughts have led me today.

They need you more than ever! Even if you don't think so!

White people please visit your families this Thanksgiving Jesus Christ.

You may fail. But you try again. You never give up. And its family. Family.


Neo Member
I'm caught trying to figure out how to thrive in this new world. I need to stand up for truth and against discrimination. I won't budge on that.

But the more we tell Trump voters to FUCK OFF and isolate ourselves to our little liberal circles, the more divided and bitter the nation becomes. It will heighten tensions to a boiling point, war, and the purest form of "us" versus "them."

I think the only way to defeat ignorance and ideaology in the long run is by firm truth but a willingness to listen and understand. I live in Texas. I have to be around Trump supporters. But now when I hear anti-LGBT and racist things, I will be much less likely to stand quiet. I will firmly stand by truth but seek to drive understanding between us so they can learn and listen. I have to be part of the education and advocacy. I can't isolate myself to just liberals or flee to NYC or LA to feel comfortable. I need to be part of transforming the culture around me, just like during civil rights. Holding my boyfriends hand around town may be risky, but it may also be the first time someone sees a same sex couple in public, and that exposure is humanizing and important.

That's at least where some of my thoughts have led me today.

I assume you don't live in Houston, Austin, or DFW. There are homosexual folks all over the place, no one really seems to care. I have many openly gay friends, no one really cares or bats an eye.

Granted, my experience is anecdotal, but I've been in Texas my entire life and I've also been in other parts of the country/world, and my experience has been that for the most part Texas is a pretty diverse and tolerant state.


So my mom and dad were having a fight this morning about this election. She voted for Clinton, he voted for Trump. We live in a Blue state so it doesn't really matter in that regard, but he wanted something different and she wanted....not Trump.

So after three days of my own anger finally subsiding into a silent internal rage, I went to them and told them to cut it out, that this is a time for family unity and not talking about politics, as the time has already gone to do so. That our support is smaller than we all thought it was, and now is the time to come together and focus on what we could. I made a truce to not talk politics in the house again if neither of them did.

Then I let them know if they ever did, I'm building a list filled with articles and twitter comments to show just how shitty things have gotten on both sides, with our communities, and the world in general. One word and I'll spend the time from that point until the next presidential election spamming these articles daily to their phones, emails, even lwaving hard copies around the house, pinned to walls and in the mailbox. Whoever breaks my mood will be the most educated voter come 2020 in the United States.

Good on you. I would be seriously proud if my child (and ashamed of myself) was the voice of reason in the house. Hopefully your parents listen.

The Lamp

I assume you don't live in Houston, Austin, or DFW. There are homosexual folks all over the place, no one really seems to care. I have many openly gay friends, no one really cares or bats an eye.

Granted, my experience is anecdotal, but I've been in Texas my entire life and I've also been in other parts of the country/world, and my experience has been that for the most part Texas is a pretty diverse and tolerant state.

I do live in DFW, but having grown up in Texas, I had never seen a gay couple hold hands in public until I visited San Francisco. The suburbs around here are white heteronormative cookie cutter like anyone would expect. Not necessarily hostile, but not very exposed to LGBT people out in broad daylight everywhere.
Treat them how you want to be treated. Avoid name calling. Seek similarities, try to understand differences.

If "Love Trumps Hate" how about we start acting like it then!
Humans just like us. We just have different opinions.

Ahh bullshit. I would be insulted if one of my friends told me they voted for Trump. Insulted.

The fact that half that country voted for someone with no political or strategical military experience just shows me that most of their "opinions" are bases on what prime-time TV tells them. There is absolutely no reason a lawyer, doctor, scientist needs to go to school for a decade and get a diploma just to able to work in those industries but to run the free world, all you need is money? What a crock of shit.

I have zero respect for anyone who voted for trump. I dont care what their excuse is.


My college is having a safe space event today for LGBT+minorities who feel threatened by a Trump presidency. Apparently my parents' Republican state rep went on a tirade about how we were wasting tax dollars to make millennials feel better, and now I'm getting messages about how terrible safe spaces are.

I just don't get it. How can you have such a lack of empathy for people? There is nothing wrong with coming together and expressing your perfectly valid feelings.
Treat them how you want to be treated. Avoid name calling. Seek similarities, try to understand differences.

If "Love Trumps Hate" how about we start acting like it then!

Treat them how they want to be treated even if they don't treat me like I want to be treated?
How about they decide not to take people's rights away before I treat them how they want to be treated.


Treat them how you want to be treated. Avoid name calling. Seek similarities, try to understand differences.

If "Love Trumps Hate" how about we start acting like it then!

I would like to be told I'm a shitbag if that's what I am.

Seriously, I used to be a transphobic/homophobic ass, and it was people who didn't sugar coat it to me that got me to change.


I'm not name calling or provoking them. They're doing the same towards me. They brought up points that stood out to them that most that they agreed with. I listened but didn't agree with everything and they listened to why I voted Hillary.


Neo Member
Treat them how they want to be treated even if they don't treat me like I want to be treated?


How about they decide not to take people's rights away before I treat them how they want to be treated.

Maybe they don't feel like that's what they're doing even though that's your perspective on things. If you approach them from your perspective, one that may be a bit hostile because of the way you currently feel, do you think there's much chance of changing the way they feel? Or, do you think they'll just be defensive like you appear to be currently?

Just my thoughts, that's all.

I do live in DFW, but having grown up in Texas, I had never seen a gay couple hold hands in public until I visited San Francisco. The suburbs around here are white heteronormative cookie cutter like anyone would expect. Not necessarily hostile, but not very exposed to LGBT people out in broad daylight everywhere.

I see it in Houston, but then again I don't see many hetero couples holding hands in public now that I think about it. I agree that there may not be much exposure, but I've never seen any hostility. Again, I'm not probably the norm here since I have a gay bro-in-law, and have been to some gay clubs here in Houston, and hang out with him and all his gay friends, but not once have I heard a single negative story from any of them about how they've been mistreated for being gay.
I would like to be told I'm a shitbag if that's what I am.

Seriously, I used to be a transphobic/homophobic ass, and it was people who didn't sugar coat it to me that got me to change.

And I get that. Choose your words carefully. Try to listen. Have a good attitude and watch your tone. Helps them listen and buy in. I speak to so many Trump supports its nuts. I also work at a call center. Simple shit like what I said really works.
Good on you. I would be seriously proud if my child (and ashamed of myself) was the voice of reason in the house. Hopefully your parents listen.

To be fair, I was not the voice of reason when it first happened. I was boiling over when it happened, after watching my gfs best friend curl up in the backseat crying her eyes out because her brother and her has been harassed about their nationality by people and the police before without any reason to do so, I just kind of....snapped. Bruised my hand against the punching bag. Woke up the family at 3am.

I'm hoping that going forward I can be better than that.

But at the same time I still feel vindicated to be vindictive if people don't heed my warning.
Treat them how they want to be treated even if they don't treat me like I want to be treated?
How about they decide not to take people's rights away before I treat them how they want to be treated.

You are always going to have to fight for your rights old or new. No end in sight. Don't let that discourage you. Its not over folks. NOT over!
I want people to film their Thanksgiving dinners this year. It will make for great drama fit for TV.

I don't think this is a very empathetic response. Some of these Trump voters are people I love, who made a choice that terrifies and bewilders me. This is going to cause deep rifts – if not schisms – in families and communities. I've already lost one long-time friend over it.
you aren't going to change the mind of trump voter. no amount of kindness or understanding or compassion is going to sway them. that's magical thinking at it's worst. moderate liberalism is a complete fucking failure.


I would highly suggest NOT canceling plans with family because of political views. It might make your blood boil...but family is family

(I realize some of yall may have truly terrible family..so that doesn't apply).

Don't let this Trump bozo split you apart from an otherwise good family.


Neo Member
I don't think this is a very empathetic response. Some of these Trump voters are people I love, who made a choice that terrifies and bewilders me. This is going to cause deep rifts – if not schisms – in families and communities. I've already lost one long-time friend over it.

I'm going to make a prediction here. You're going to look back in 4 years and think to yourself "Donald Trump was not worth losing a long time friend". Honestly, it sounds like something Donald Trump would say "I can't be friends with that guy, just look at him, look at who he supports".


The night of the election results i got blackout drunk - something ive done like three times in my 12+ years of drinking - and told my Trump supporter mother im sick at what has happened. Shes since changed her FB profile picture to a red Trump support emblem.

Ive done nothing but fight with her since and like many of im not looking forward to Thanksgiving : I took five days off to drive to KY to see my brother, of which one of those days will be alone with my mom driving there and back. Part of me is thinking of cancelling and staying home.

It doesnt help my moms bipolar attitude has pushed most of my family away, something ive noticed ive replicated myself over the years with my relationships leading me to be just like my mom : All alone.

(I do love her very much, respect her for how she raised me so well and try not to dwell or regret what shes done... but recent years have exhausted me on that. Sigh.)

I would highly suggest NOT canceling plans with family because of political views. It might make your blood boil...but family is family

(I realize some of yall may have truly terrible family..so that doesn't apply).

Don't let this Trump bozo split you apart from an otherwise good family.

My mom has already pushed away most of them, including my brother who moved from NY to KY because his wife and our mother are too similar; Me, my moms toy poodle and a few friends are all shes had left. Should I spend an unpaid week off with my Trump-loving mother in a car to see my brother i dont respect? The only comfort are my neice and nephew.

This whole thing is a headache.


I was posting some stuff and received comments from my in law brother and sister. I went ahead and put them on restricted access before I said something I regretted, out of respect for my wife. They were going to come this Christmas, and I hope that's still the case but I'm wondering if I should say something. I wish I had blocked them before so I didn't have to do that. I'm not mad at them or anything, I just don't want to deal with any of that stuff right now.

I don't know if I should text them or not. But I went through my list of friends and blocked anyone else that might do the same. I just want to post my thoughts and commiserate with like minded people for the time being without ruining any relationships.


Humans just like us. We just have different opinions.

Let's not relegate the nationwide disregard of the well being of minorities to "different opinions". Let's not legitimize climate change denial as a valid opinion.

This is not every other election. Dude advocated for a Muslim registry. People checked that box. Shock therapy for the LGBTQ community was right there in the Vice President spot. People checked that box.

I understand if you want to fight hate with love, but I'll never accept that this is a valid difference of opinion.


Talked to some friends about it and although I voted for Hillary, I understood why they voted for Trump and we're all still on the same terms.

They voted for him not for his negative comments (they were against all of his negatives) but voted for him because even with those comments they feel the current government has failed them and Hillary would be more of same, Hillary is horrible and has done worse than Trump even with his comments (bringing up the Syria thing and some of her past actions), feel that Trump's skills will help him more than Hillary considering he's not part of "the system" so he's a fresh start for things. They also feel Trump's negative comments were bullshit and a tactic used to get more votes (stated that he used the same tactic he talked about in his book except on a political scale). To the "Hillary is worse" stuff, they said that even with Trump's bluffs that still doesn't account up to the negatives that Hillary's actually done that people aren't talking about. They feel that with Hillary things would get worse (given it's the same ol same ol) rather than finally switching things up. They've also said that Trump's a Republican but he's not part of the "Republican system" so he likely wouldn't be in the same condition as some of the rest. They'd rather take a shot with him than with Hillary given her past.

They're all the educated white class as well. Sure, a lot of that isn't rural America but that's what I get from some who actually voted for Trump. Me? I'm a Southern black man who voted for Hillary.

So overall, I'm not lumping them in with the rural America group, as they hated his negative comments. Like I said before, they feel Trump's anti-LBGT/minorities comments were bullshit and are heavily against it if anything of that sort even comes to light, they chalk it up to "comments politicians say in politics that are bluffs" rather than "comments that will be done once in office". Most have been following politics heavily for years and after a long thinking process made their decision.

They're gambling with other people's lives then. You don't get to cherry pick which policies you support. Donald Trump was on the ballot, not each individual thing he's said. You only choose to vote if you think the positives of your candidate outweigh the deficiencies. Essentially, that the rights of others are acceptable chips to bet for a government shake up.
I'm going to make a prediction here. You're going to look back in 4 years and think to yourself "Donald Trump was not worth losing a long time friend". Honestly, it sounds like something Donald Trump would say "I can't be friends with that guy, just look at him, look at who he supports".

Thanks for assuming, but actually my former friend was the one who attacked me, simply because I did not share his view of a glorious Trump future.

On a related note, I also saw someone post a photo on FB today of a shotgun with the caption, "GET ON BOARD, OR GET OUT".
What isn't a failure to you?

not much. what little progress was made over the last 8 years were hard fought scraps. and the Republicans are going to undue them within the next year while taking away even more. and this is what they've been working towards for decades. you simply aren't going to convince them to stop. we have to fight them and win. the numbers are on our side and the boomers are old and dying. we just need the democrats to wake up. which is a scary place to be in right now.
My college is having a safe space event today for LGBT+minorities who feel threatened by a Trump presidency. Apparently my parents' Republican state rep went on a tirade about how we were wasting tax dollars to make millennials feel better, and now I'm getting messages about how terrible safe spaces are.

I just don't get it. How can you have such a lack of empathy for people? There is nothing wrong with coming together and expressing your perfectly valid feelings.

Likely because they didn't grow up in a world where LGBT was a concern in the average person's mind. They think it's an issue that "cropped up" due to millenials being crybabies (despite the fact that they raised those so-called crybabies...), rather than something their own culture refused to acknowledge. So they see it requiring empathy as much as a high schooler being bummed about losing their first crush requires empathy. To them, it's just emotional belly-aching that comes from a lack of "tough love" parenting, and thus does not activate empathy.

... but herein lies the issue with "trying to understand and empathize with Trump voters." I understand the logic, "They won't make any effort to empathize with our values, so why should we empathize with theirs, especially when theirs are hurtful to us?" We can logically deduce their thought process, but you're not going to explain it to them; it will seem self-righteous, at best.

They need exposure to the people they shit on. They need an environment where they can engage in critical reflection and discourse without the pressure of their peers or the threat to their immediate values. They need to feel like their loved ones care about them, but that their refusal to see alternative viewpoints will ostracize them.
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