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Knack 2 revealed at PSX 2016


You all joke about it, if this game support VR, I'll be there day 1.
Robot rescue team, please make it happen.


I'm not bemoaning everything at all though, I'm simply saying this is a bizarre game to be getting a sequel. Like I said I platinumed the game. Highlight any post where I say it's not ok to like it. You and others are completely projecting there, you'r taking my opinion of the game as an attack, when it's simply my opinion. Which again most of what I posted is opinion based on facts, being that the game was universally panned and widely disliked. That does not mean whatsoever that you CANT like the game.

Ok then, we are going in circles.

I never said anything about liking the game, I even made sure to highlight that I'm talking about the announcement of its sequel, look here, I bolded it.

Well, thats not what it looks like from over here my friend.

From over here it looks like you can't accept that other people have a different opinion than yours regarding this announcement, no matter how much you deny it. (that you're ok with people liking it)

Liking the game or not, has nothing to do with what I said.

For some odd reason, you think this game being made means a waste of resources, its not, even if it isn't profitable. Even Yoshi has said said that thats not how it works.

IIRC he said that every 10 games they make, 3 or 4 makes money, with 2 making enough money to cover all the others.

So yes, there is a reason they are making this game, it doesn't need to be money.


And this game is not replacing any other game. As of right now knack as proved to be a game with potential to make profit on. And if they play their cards right it could. (Lower budget, low price, ect)
Yeah we're just fuming over here.

That being said though wouldn't anger be a valid response since there are plenty of better franchises they could have made a sequel to or even try a new ip instead of making a sequel to Knack? Initially when I read the title I was kinda angry that this was getting a new sequel yet Crash, Jak, Spyro etc. Are still basically dead. R&C 2016 showed ps1/2 type action platformers can still do well critically and commercially and Sony makes a sequel to their worst one.

Maybe I've just been playing games for a very LONG time, but I honestly can't relate to anger over a game announcement not being what I want.


Gold Member
A strange decision indeed. Would rather have had multiple different games like All Stars 2 or a MediEvil reboot or another Sony attempt at a Kart racer rather than Knack 2 lol.


A strange decision indeed. Would rather have had multiple different games like All Stars 2 or a MediEvil reboot or another Sony attempt at a Kart racer rather than Knack 2 lol.

But that's not how it works. It's like people complaining how much money the government spends on X, when they could spend it on Y instead. These things aren't always linked like that
Unfortunately, it still looks a lot like it's going to be more of a beat-em-up like the first game. I was really hoping they'd go more of the puzzle-platformer route, but oh well I guess...

I still might try it if it's good, but I can't say I'm not disappointed.

Fucking shit I forgot there was a PSX conference

Front page looks like some kind of alternate reality

I know. It's crazy. Sony has no chill.

What are they possibly going to announce at E3 next year?
It is true though. The game didn't have legs, it was incredibly front loaded because it was a launch title with slim pickings especially for family games.

If something like the new Ratchet and Clank came out with Knack, do you think Knack would have sold nearly as well as it did?

Critically it was also panned heavily as it seems to be the worst reviewed PS4 exclusive.

It launched against Mario, so... yeah, probably.

But Sony isn't EA. They wouldn't release Knack and Ratchet in the same week.

Knack is a title that isn't made for most of GAF or most reviewers (Knack actually didn't get universally panned, since us 'fanboys' are being accused of revisionist history - plenty of outlets gave it a solid 7, which it probably is, but that was offset by dipshits giving it 2s and 3s for clicks). It was clearly targeted at kids and families - and the sequel likely will as well. That's an audience that traditionally has been Nintendo, and both Sony and Microsoft really seem to want to capture more of that audience.

So, yeah... the idea that it only sold well because it was a launch title has some merit. But it doesn't explain away all of it's relative success. Same with the idea that it was bundles, when it sold well in places it wasn't bundled. The idea that it had no competition is bullshit though, since Mario came out 3 days later and Knack outsold it on a launch system. The idea that it was critically panned is also flawed when you look at how it was reviewed and who the target audience was. And after that, the arguments devolve into opinions stated as facts. Plus it's a genre and target demo that Sony has basically nothing to offer during it's potential launch window. They release one game like this a year, at best.

I enjoy the armchair CEOs claiming it makes no sense; but it actually does when you don't have your head shoved that far up your own ass. I mean, you really don't see people shitting up most other game announcement threads with "I don't like this, why didn't the publisher make something different" bullshit. It takes a special kind of self-important dick to do that, and then claim they aren't doing it.

Not that I'm saying anyone is doing that. But, you know, if people were... that's what they'd be.


Incredibly Naive
Ok then, we are going in circles.

I never said anything about liking the game, I even made sure to highlight that I'm talking about the announcement of its sequel, look here, I bolded it.

Liking the game or not, has nothing to do with what I said.

For some odd reason, you think this game being made means a waste of resources, its not, even if it isn't profitable. Even Yoshi has said said that thats not how it works.

IIRC he said that every 10 games they make, 3 or 4 makes money, with 2 making enough money to cover all the others.

So yes, there is a reason they are making this game, it doesn't need to be money.

Ok I'm done explaining it then. I never once shat on somebody for liking the game or being excited that's not what I'm doing. I still think this game getting made is a waste of time period. All I see is people getting worked up at the expectedly large amount of people confused why this is being made.


Ok I'm done explaining it then. I never once shat on somebody for liking the game or being excited that's not what I'm doing. I still think this game getting made is a waste of time period. All I see is people getting worked up at the expectedly large amount of people confused why this is being made.

It's not that confusing. It's being made because they think it can make them money in some way.


Ok I'm done explaining it then. I never once shat on somebody for liking the game or being excited that's not what I'm doing. I still think this game getting made is a waste of time period. All I see is people getting worked up at the expectedly large amount of people confused why this is being made.

And you're wrong, thats what I'm trying to say, thats all. No hard feelings man.

This isn't a zero sum game, if they weren't making this game it doesn't mean they would be making a game that you would particularly approve.

They could be making no game at all or they could be making a mobile game.

They approved a pitch for Knack 2, the guy who made it must have showed them good reasons. Thats it man.


thread killing me right now. hillarious

tearaway or pupeteer? New Little big? nah knack lol

The gameplay looks a lot better from trailer though


The defensive Knack fans, angry or confused Knack "haters", and the video that looks like someone added a "2" to a Knack 1 gameplay trailer. Everything about this is hilarious.
thread killing me right now. hillarious

tearaway or pupeteer? New Little big? nah knack lol

The gameplay looks a lot better from trailer though

This makes me so salty. I want to live in the dimension where Puppeteer was a PS4 launch title instead of Knack.
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