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Predict the Flops of 2017

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I have not been remotely interested in any of the footage I have seen of Mass Effect Andromeda as of yet, despite that game being my favorite series last gen. I'm damn afraid they are going to run that series into the rocks.

Me too, I can't unsee, hey that's a nice space map builder with Mass Effect characters. Don't think it will flop though.

GT7, is anyone fed up yet?
??? At the bolded
-The Switch feels like it's going to be another Wii U situation
-Ubisoft set in open world fatigue this year and Asscreed won't bring in numbers anymore
-Everyone's going to write off RE7 as another VR tech demo since there's no returning characters or campiness from the older games
-And Call of Duty, well it technically won't be a flop but its numbers will keep dropping especially if they continue the future combat trend


probably resident evil 7 out of the super big stuff. shame, because it looks like my kind of horror game.

scalebound is an obvious one, but i think expectations are in check for that, or at least should be, with microsoft.


I think it should be repeated: for something to flop, it has to fail completely. A movie that has a $150 million budget and opens to $10 million is a flop considering its budget, moreso than a $1 million movie that makes $5 million.

Gravity Rush isn't made to sell a billion copies. So unless it was budgeted to the point where it would have to be a system seller or something of the sort, I wouldn't consider it a flop.

It's like saying indie games are all flops. Most indie developers aren't expecting to sell a ton of copies.
What your saying applies to everything realistically so most games being mentioned aren't actually going to be flops since they likely aren't forecasted to sell that much or have a huge budget. Like for how much Recore probably cost MS, it probably isn't a flop


You really find out in these threads who's in touch with the general consumer and who isn't.

Horizon has all the potential to be huge. EVERYTHING we've heard and seen has been great. Every previews has been heaped with praise and people who have played the game have said nothing but good things.

It's open world which is going to appeal to a lot of people. Mechanical dinosaurs hasn't been done this gen at all. It has great systems that appeal to a wide range of people. It also comes out in a non crowded month and Sony is going to push the hell out of it. Everything we've seen shows nothing of it being a flop imo.

Now Nier will flop sales wise, Scalebound, For Honor, Metal Gear survive.
Nice ideas but they don't seem to show off how everything works like Witcher previews, seems highly scripted and for me, small things like animation and such look inconsistent. I also have no faith in GG.

What does Witcher have to do with Horizon? GG has shown a lot of it from gameplay to rpg mechanics. It's a typical open world rpg at the least and somehow it's a flop.
Critical flop: Injustice 2 - With WB seems committed into making it a cosmetics based fighting game and it'll be its downfall. And the story mode will likely be shorter.

I thought it was confirmed there would be a non-gear mode for competitive play? NRS isn't stupid enough to completely cripple their competitive scene with a purposely unbalanced game.


Horizon's marketing push + Robot Fucking Dinosaurs and Gorgeous Open World Game = not flopping. Casual hype for Horizon is real.

Probably swimming in the 80s on metacritic. That's not a flop at all, unless you think this game absolutely MUST have 90s to not be a flop, which is absurd. Not going to flop Critically or Commercially

And I think a game has to have some level of expectations to "flop". A niche NIS, KOEI, or XSEED game hitting its very low sales target isn't a flop for example.

Something like Scalebound though? Yeah, that has potential to be seen as a flop. I think For Honor has a chance to be one too.

I'd also throw Dead Island 2 into the ring, but I think most expect that to be pure garbage if it ever comes out after its troubled development history.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
Way to stay positive guys! Happy new year.

As we say back home in Ireland
"Athbhliain faoi mhaise daoibh go léir agus go mbeirimid beo ag an am seo arís."


I really really really hope Scalebound explodes. It looks AMAZING and by far the coolest thing that Platinum has ever done, imo (especially the badass and relatable protag). Glad Platinum is taking this direction and I hope it's permanent for the future of their games!!

I'm really anxious about Friday the 13th. I was EXTREMELY invested in it since it was called Summer Camp, but I don't really see much enthusiasm for it and that makes me sad :c
Friday The 13th was pulling 40,000-50,000+ Twitch viewers when the beta started.

It's not really a GAF or traditional press game, but it has huge traction among its actual audience.


I really hope Scalebound doesn't flop but I just can't see it doing so hot. That boss battle didn't show well and we haven't seen much from the game since.


so many people seemingly want Horizon to fail.
No one wants it to fail, but there's cause for concern if you weren't a huge fan of Killzone. It'll look amazing, but the fear is that the gameplay will be bland and generic. People are expecting it to be a great game when there's a huge chance it could just be mediocre.


Horizon if skin deep looks like a recent Tomb Raider or Uncharted with some light combat options. Which isn't the worst thing but I kinda feel we need to move beyond that and the setting gives them a chance to show new things. Fingers crossed.


I don't know about how good that game will be but the developers don't really matter here when it comes to commercial success. Horizon's visuals overshadow any developer name and are striking enough to be one of the few games "Call of Duty and FIFA players" will know about.

Wait, what? Speaking nothing of the game or its prospects, I don't follow your logic. Horizon has good visuals so it's going to be something that the most casual of players recognize? That doesn't make any sense, sorry.

Now if you were talking about something like good word of mouth or a strong marketing presence, then I'd be more inclined to talk about its wider appeal. I happen to think it will perform very well, but that will come from word of mouth and strong marketing, not its visuals.
Scalebound had Massive Flop written all over it from way back when it was first revealed. Even if it turns out to be a competent or even a good game, I don't think anyone's going to buy it. Its audience would be limited on PS4, on Xbox1 it's already dead. Unfortunately, I must add. I'd love to be proven wrong.


You really find out in these threads who's in touch with the general consumer and who isn't.

Horizon has all the potential to be huge. EVERYTHING we've heard and seen has been great. Every previews has been heaped with praise and people who have played the game have said nothing but good things.

It's open world which is going to appeal to a lot of people. Mechanical dinosaurs hasn't been done this gen at all. It has great systems that appeal to a wide range of people. It also comes out in a non crowded month and Sony is going to push the hell out of it. Everything we've seen shows nothing of it being a flop imo.

Now Nier will flop sales wise, Scalebound, For Honor, Metal Gear survive.

Killzone looked amazing. Oh how it was going to bring back the multi-ways fps, the game to rival Halo and look what we got.

I'm wanting this to succeed but again, people are deluded if they think this going to be a guaranteed hit.
probably resident evil 7 out of the super big stuff. shame, because it looks like my kind of horror game.

scalebound is an obvious one, but i think expectations are in check for that, or at least should be, with microsoft.

Resident Evil 7 is getting massive praise and the media has already played the first 4 or 5 hours of it.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Marvel vs Capcom Infinite unfortunately. I have a feeling Marvel wants it to be a mega blockbuster which fighting games rarely are, especially after the SF5 fiasco.


I really really really hope Scalebound explodes. It looks AMAZING and by far the coolest thing that Platinum has ever done, imo (especially the badass and relatable protag). Glad Platinum is taking this direction and I hope it's permanent for the future of their ...
Generic white dude with short hair. The protagonist is really the most uninspired of any P* game, he looks like a westernized Nero tweaked to check all the male protagonist cliches. The gameplay also looks very worrying from what we've seen. I'm a huge P* fan and I hope the game does well, but the more I've seen of it the harder it's been to find what I like of P* in this game.


hopefully nothing major will. That would be great for the industry.

BUT let me put my shitpost negativity nancy pants on (available at footlocker)

Horizon scares me. For one GG makes pretty but meeeeh games sans 1 game, no? It feels like they have shown a lot but not really. This is lame but all I have seen is "look at this big thing, here is a long and often wonky way to kill it", which is fine but is that "it". Again it feels like a shitty thing to say and you could say it for multiple games but yeah. They need to have a solid story and more variety world wise (all of these worries could have already been nixed but spoilers and all that jazz).

Scalebound looked rough in both of its showings. The main lead doesn't have that immediate "yeah this person is cool" feel, Kamiya's previous leads have given off and I think Platinum's rep hurts the game in that people are expecting an Open World DMC which I don't think this is supposed to be. HOWEVER, I remember W101 looking like hot ass out the gate too (although I still didn't gel with it in the end) and turning around. Plus Kamiya hasn't made an outright "BAD" game, no? I think the delay should help but...yeesh.

now to get really edgy, I also worry about the Switch. I'm buying one because I am a whore for 3D Mario games...so if thats there and looks cool, so be it. But I worry about the switch for other reasons. I don't care about the power, the concept is novel enough to overcome that and there has been too much buzz about the ease of developing on it to worry too much. I also think the would have been mobile only titles will help any drought issues (ideally). I also think it will have a damn good launch lineup. So why do I worry? Because Nintendo. I am just waiting for the "why would you do this" moment. It could be the price ( IMO 250 is a bit too high but w/ a game its "fine"). It could be the network stuff. It could be the launch lineup (Zelda delayed to Christmas, Rabbids/Mario is the launch Mario game...oh lawd). It could be the battery (less important to me as the 3DS already dies stupid fast it feels). I just feel like the classic last moment Nintendo fuck up is lurking.... So far, sans the lower than expected power, I think Nintendo has done a great job w/ the Switch's rollout....but you all know "that" moment is coming ,right?
I feel as if For Honor has a huge margin for error, it's starting to look like a game you play for a month then never touch. It just honestly feels like Evolve to me, in the sense where it was super popular for a month then died off.

I hope Friday the 13th doesn't flop, that game honestly has more potential than Dead by Daylight.

Scalebound's MC was really cringy to me during E3, but the core gameplay looked good


That's cute people believe that Horizon will flop. We have seen so many Gameplay footages, previews and more. Media and players are very impressed.

I'm sure ghost Recon Wildlands will flop like the division.


Nintendo Switch will be a flop just like the Wii U. It is the same thing as the Wii U except now you can take the Wii U with you. Being severely underpowered I cannot see many third party developers wanting to port any current games over.

Nintendo will need to release a new Pokemon and Animal Crossing if they want this thing to survive.

Ill probably buy one even after getting burned with the Wii U.


I feel as if For Honor has a huge margin for error, it's starting to look like a game you play for a month then never touch. It just honestly feels like Evolve to me, in the sense where it was super popular for a month then died off.

I hope Friday the 13th doesn't flop, that game honestly has more potential than Dead by Daylight.
I doubt f13 is gonna flop


Scalebound looks incredible. At least we've seen some good gameplay from it... something that is absent from Horizon ~~

doesn't have any factor in sales though, otherwise Nier would be best selling game of all time


I am still waiting for the people that said Horizon to give a valid reason to pick it as a future flop.

I think it will be fine.

From a review sense?
It just seems like any other open world title from what I've seen of it, but it's pretty.


No one wants it to fail, but there's cause for concern if you weren't a huge fan of Killzone. It'll look amazing, but the fear is that the gameplay will be bland and generic. People are expecting it to be a great game when there's a huge chance it could just be mediocre.

Again though. We've had press and actual people. People from this forum who have played it and said it's great. Loved the controls and the mechanics.


What does Witcher have to do with Horizon? GG has shown a lot of it from gameplay to rpg mechanics. It's a typical open world rpg at the least and somehow it's a flop.
Witcher demonstration that gave real insight and removed a bunch of uncertainty. We saw cohesive world and mechanics, so far, the ideas GG speak about is neat and examples look cool but we've yet to see everything woven together like with did Witcher. It feels off and I'm highly skeptical of GG. Would be good to revisit this thread when it's released.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
Am I losing something here? Literally everything they have been showing has been received with praise.

It's a PS4 exclusive, so everyone that can't play it will hate on it.
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