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Horizon Zero Dawn | Cinematic Trailer


I mean, there is probably a zero percent chance the game's writing is anywhere near Witcher 3 if that's what you are trying to imply here. Guerrilla when it comes to writing and storytelling is no CDProjekt Red.

Game still looks great regardless

maybe, but still → http://www.gamespot.com/articles/killzone-dev-hires-fallout-writer/1100-6416431/

Killzone developer Guerrilla Games has hired John Gonzalez, best known for his work on 2010 role-playing game Fallout: New Vegas, for which he served as the lead writer.


I GUARANTEE you this game will be closer to Far Cry on the RPG scale than Witcher 3 (not to say it's literally at the same level as Far Cry). But I'm coming to grips with being okay with that. I'm tempering my expectations. I've followed this game very closely and have read/watched pretty much everything there is on it.

Well there is a big gap between Far Cry and Witcher, so somewhere in between could be a good spot. As long as it isn't really close to Far Cry (which i have no reason to belive it is) i think it will be fine.


hmmm, dunno if I liked it or not... story seems to be so generic compared to the amazing setting... crappy old action you-are-the-savior-of-the-world stuff... meh



Thank you! It was very informative (I searched the entire gameplay and found it =D).

It changed a bit of my perspective about the game... indeed feels a bit deeper in RPG elements than I was first expecting!

Would love to hear / watch more about side-quests now. If they manage to make some interesting side-quests and the wiriting indeed be as good as we shall expect, than that may be enough to make the game feels much fresher than Far Cry and most other open world games out there.


I think some people should chill out a little bit. Some of us are not hating on the game, we just want more piece of information to feel secure that this won't be as repetitive as most open world games this generation. Is nothing to be surprised of based on how most of these kind of games turned out really tiring...
The hate for this game is starting to reach Uncharted 4 levels of bad.

This trailer painted the story of the game on a much more positive and straight-forward way. It needed this.

And god the city looks amazing. If this is the base art direction for most cities in this game, then jesus take the fucking wheel.

There's really no hate in this thread. All I read were a small number of posts that voiced some nitpicks and others that mentioned Guerilla's tropes.

Yeah, this trailer is really good. It has helped me and other people turn their opinions around. Before it released, the previous footage did not do much for some of us.

With this game, the defense force is just so easily triggered.


hmmm, dunno if I liked it or not... story seems to be so generic compared to the amazing setting... crappy old action you-are-the-savior-of-the-world stuff... meh
Why would they get more than general brush strokes of basic, easily grasped story in a trailer, aimed at a wide audience?


With this game, the defense force is just so easily triggered.



That town looked amazing. I don't like the Waterworld civilization/tribes though. Seems very cliche. Not a big deal, gameplay > story.


Yes they are almost non existent other then crafting and a few skill upgrades, Just from gameinformer and whats been released we know Horizon has much more then that. It's an RPG, Far cry is not.

Depth and far cry lol, funny.

I'm not saying its systems HAVE "depth"; I'm using "depth" as a measurement. It can still be very low on that scale. Far Cry has skill trees, side quests, loot, crafting, etc. We've also heard multiple times that Guerilla is going for "accessible" in Horizon's RPG mechanics and not going for the depth of a game like Witcher.

Just to be sure, are you well-acquainted with the extent and depth of Horizon Zero Dawn's RPG mechanics/systems?

Close as an outsider can be.


Almost none of the things you described (except perhaps the spider tank) could have developed from having seen more of it, though, since they are statements about GG's pedigree rather than about Horizon.

Still, it is always good to approach something from someone you didn't like before with caution. Guerrilla has had some changes in staff for the project, but it is obviously not a guarantee that the game will have good quests and a good story. That's what reviews generally are for: to get a close-to-final verdict on the quality of such things as story, gameplay functionality, and quest design, since you can't show off the depth of the story or the variety of quests off very well (though in some way you can do a better job than GG has done until now) in preview footage without spoiling those aspects for the player. TL;DR always wait for trusted impressions and reviews if you are uncertain about a game.

Nah, I'm sold on the game enough to take the risk. Like I said, if nothing else, I expect to find the world enticing and interesting. If the game fails in all other aspects, but succeeds in that one, I will be satisfied.

But that just means I'm easy to please, since I'm allowing them a ton of room to fuck up, mostly because I expect them to.

And if that's what they want you to think and you are wrong will you then say well we saw that twist coming a mile away?

How the heck did you jump all the way to this conclusion LMAO. The point is you cannot judge a plot based on assumption at a very high level. How it unfolds, is told, and the twists and turns along the way, the execution are what matters.

Saying the Plot is generic is Nothing criticism. The god fathers plot is simple and been there done that, but it's still an all-time great

Well, you keep using "World's greatest literature" as a defense for why I shouldn't assume this will be crap, and now used a specific example with Godfather, so if you're argument isn't "it could be some of the worlds best writing, wait until it's proven it's not", I'm genuinely not sure what you're trying to say here.

The criticism I'm putting forth (which is the wrong word to use anyway. I don't know the story yet, I have nothing to criticize. What I'm putting forth is an expectation) isn't that the plot is generic, but that the plot will be shallow and predictable. I expect that the bad dictator guy will just be an paper thin asshole, for example, with no greater depth to him beyond that he is an asshole. Which might be fine for this game if they play it off right, but you know, not the Godfather.

It could be some of the world's greatest writing, sure, the same way I could win the lottery today, but I'm not counting on it.


Well there is a big gap between Far Cry and Witcher, so somewhere in between could be a good spot. As long as it isn't really close to Far Cry (which i have no reason to belive it is) i think it will be fine.

I actually hope you're right. While the depth of The Witcher 3 was amazing it got too deep for me with all the mixing potions and stuff. I was able to beat the game completely disregarding items pretty much.
I'm not saying its systems HAVE "depth"; I'm using "depth" as a measurement. It can still be very low on that scale. Far Cry has skill trees, side quests, loot, crafting, etc. We've also heard multiple times that Guerilla is going for "accessible" in Horizon's RPG mechanics and not going for the depth of a game like Witcher.

Close as an outsider can be.

No one is saying better then the witcher, but far cry is not an RPG, it's a FPS with skills, the crafting is limited and basic, it has no dialog, choices, role playing at all. The comparisons are silly.

Most games these days for for accessible, Skyrim is accessible, would you say that's an RPG?

Also, on that topic, the witcher is fantastic, but it's very accessible, it's not a complex or deep rpg either. It's not some bastion of complex hardcore rpg, like PC party based RPG's.


Thank you! It was very informative (I searched the entire gameplay and found it =D).

It changed a bit of my perspective about the game... indeed feels a bit deeper in RPG elements than I was first expecting!

Would love to hear / watch more about side-quests now. If they manage to make some interesting side-quests and the wiriting indeed be as good as we shall expect, than that may be enough to make the game feels much fresher than Far Cry and most other open world games out there.

No problem! I kinda wish Guerrilla Games would release another 10 minute gameplay video showcasing more rpg elements and side quests before release.


No one is saying better then the witcher, but far cry is not an RPG, it's a FPS with skills, the crafting is limited and basic, it has no dialog, choices, role playing at all. The comparisons are silly.

Most games these days for for accessible, Skyrim is accessible, would you say that's an RPG?

Indeed. This won't be a Far Cry with a writer of Fallout: New Vegas on board.


That means it is good enough to get some fanboys of other systems nitpicking the details. Looks truly amazing from a graphical perspective, and you have to feel for the XBox fans. They get news of AAA cancellation, and PS4 fans get an AMAZING looking game

Just take it in stride.

Game looks amazing and I love a good open world....but what is up with these silly posts.

Just take it in stride??? Is this ish really that personal?


No one is saying better then the witcher, but far cry is not an RPG, it's a FPS with skills, the crafting is limited and basic, it has no dialog, choices, role playing at all. The comparisons are silly.

Most games these days for for accessible, Skyrim is accessible, would you say that's an RPG?

Far Cry 4 actually has choices which change the storyline, though. Not that it changes anything to the discussion, since the comparisons are indeed useless, but still.

Horizon looks so good. I was waiting to see a town like the one we get a glimpse of.
Looks utterly brilliant. Cant believe the graphics, now I want a Pro, so kinda annoyed.

Just looking forward to reviews saying it plays as well as I hope.


That means it is good enough to get some fanboys of other systems nitpicking the details. Looks truly amazing from a graphical perspective, and you have to feel for the XBox fans. They get news of AAA cancellation, and PS4 fans get an AMAZING looking game

Just take it in stride.

Where did it came from? I mean, where is all that hate from Xbox fans that you're talking about? Lol.... chill out, no need for this kind of vulgar provocation.


Gotta say Guerilla makes the best looking mechanical looking machines and weapons ever in games. Even the likes in platinum and kojima games look subpar compared to GG.

That bodes well for the consistency in the universe but not necessarily the scenario Design which I would say was New Vegas' actual claim to fame. It wasn't just the Writing that was good, the entire structure of the game supported it. With Horizon, Obsidian isn't making this game, Guerrilla is and they may not necessarily play to the writer's strengths. I am excited to see how the cultures of the tribes pans out because of the writer's experience on Fallout and it's likely to be the part of the game least affected by Guerrilla's gameplay scenarios. But the story trailer gives the impression of a traditional action movie (which isn't bad mind you, the game's premise is stupid as hell so traditional action movie tropes fit well and the female main character is a refreshing appearance in the action adventure space (as opposed to the action survival genre)).

No one is saying better then the witcher, but far cry is not an RPG, it's a FPS with skills, the crafting is limited and basic, it has no dialog, choices, role playing at all. The comparisons are silly.

Most games these days for for accessible, Skyrim is accessible, would you say that's an RPG?

Also, on that topic, the witcher is fantastic, but it's very accessible, it's not a complex or deep rpg either. It's not some bastion of complex hardcore rpg, like PC party based RPG's.

Going by what they've talked about in regards to sidequests, I'm gonna go on a limb and say that there aren't many choices in this game either and it's best not to expect them, dialog trees are for information gathering only, crafting in this game is pretty basic too outside the currency materials for arrows which is a great twist. Role playing (by the table top definition) as a result seems pretty limited by extension. There seems to be no experimental flavor to crafting which is my main issue with AAA crafting and so it really only works in more linear games where the system creates more interesting choices like TLoU. I'd say overall it's a logical progression of Far Cry 3/4 gameplay wise. Now that I think about it, it's interesting that I feel that this game is a progression on Far Cry 3/4, while Zelda is a gameplay progression on Far Cry 2.


No problem! I kinda wish Guerrilla Games would release another 10 minute gameplay video showcasing more rpg elements and side quests before release.

They may reveal tons of things from now on! Did IGN First covered it before?


That means it is good enough to get some fanboys of other systems nitpicking the details. Looks truly amazing from a graphical perspective, and you have to feel for the XBox fans. They get news of AAA cancellation, and PS4 fans get an AMAZING looking game

Just take it in stride.

Are you the poster in the Microsoft thread , with some insider knowledge or saying your friend work their?
Sorry this"have to feel for the XBox fans" sounds like totally fanboyish and you may be just trolling that thread.


They may reveal tons of things from now on! Did IGN First covered it before?

True, the fact that they release a trailer on January 11th tell you they have plans for footage through out the next two months. I don't think IGN First covered it, but Gameinformer had a month's coverage of the game.
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