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Huge protest going on in NYC (and DC) over Trump's anti-immigration order

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Meanwhile CNN is showing the Trump family hanging out at the white house bowling and talking about their instagram photos.
That's the scary thing, not just because there's so much bad stuff, but it I fear it will dissolve the focus on what to protest.
I think if anything so many citizens are being attacked by this administration's actions that most of us will have something personal to protest about. There are no single issue protests from here on--we're resisting together.


That's the scary thing, not just because there's so much stuff, but it I fear it will dissolve the focus on what to protest.

To fucking who? Who is this person sitting on the sidelines that needs to have a 'focus' of what a protest is? The protest is anti-trump administration. Thats the take home. How many times can Americans, or people, keep up the ruse of questioning why a protest is happening, or how effective it is? America is getting railroaded right now. Everyone can be out on the street every day protesting 10000 different things because 10000 different things are broken. There aren't rules and structure to protesting government. If you are lost on the focus, enjoy the show. Other folks will do the work for those people. That is the saddest thing to see about protests in america, and its just an american thing I've noticed, questioning the viability of a damned act of civil disobedience. The world is about to change, and Trump god bless him, is the catalyst people needed around the nation to get this ship righted.

The message is get fucked for A, B, C, D, E, F, G.. etc, and all the above x2. There is no form that someone needs to fill out to accept a protest. Its an action to announce that people aren't going to take this. Most protests, if not all, are also organized by groups that highlight congressmen/representatives in X region to complain to. Focus is well beyond covered, and these optics are here to make any coward politician nervous about falling in line with Fascism. It needs to be stopped immediately, by any and all methods available. As time moves on, it will evolve. Just like all things do, so maybe those confused about the focus will be able to participate.


I wonder how long it will be before people start taking action by force.

At these point, not long. If non-violent methods don't kick Trump and his cronies out of the Wh, I don't see how violence can be avoided. It hasn't even been a week yet. I can't condone violence, but Trump is antagonizing the people who are struggling the most and that isn't the best way to keep the peace.

Nelo Ice

I wonder how long it will be before people start taking action by force.
My mind is going to dark places and at this rate I'm starting to think shit like this will be necessary. The GOP and the asshole in chief are tearing the country apart. And they're trying to take the world with them. Cuz waiting for 2018 sounds like a pipe dream since too much damage will be done working within the system. O god I'm losing it.


This needs to happen daily frankly in cities around the world like on the Woman's March day. Really need to protest DC though, on the White House where this fucker now lives.


We need to form a Tea Party of the left with a focus on human rights, those motherfuckers' were unjustifiably angry in 2009 and organized and it ultimately lead to the federal government we have now, we need to organize and let them know their vision of America is disgusting and we want no part in it, we need to take back DC and make our voices be heard.


Well good luck being effective with it. Anti second amendment nature has left that political side crippled.
Any legal guns we could get wouldn't really be all that effective against the military. This has to be won through smart tactics and determination.


Great idea, could you do mine? I don't have access to a computer right now.
Meanwhile, Trump wants to target NY (and CA, and probably DC) in his investigation into illegal voter fraud.

I support all the decent human beings protesting this shit right now, but I fear its lack of impact. Sure, New York and DC are huge, but it's easy enough for Republicans to ignore them as long as their rural and middle-class voters in their home states don't think it matters. Our best hope is that the scale of these protests inclines some moderate Republicans and independents to realize that shit has hit the fan and maybe they should do something about it.


I really feel as if the DNC is letting an opportunity pass by here.

This renewed anger towards Trump and Republicans should be focused- Dems have to take some seats back in 2018.

Get people registered to vote. Raise money for voter IDs... Something. What an opportunity to capitalize on his truly horrific policy decisions.


I do expect a call for a general strike within months at this rate.

There were some socialists calling for a general strike after the election but it never materialized. Americans aren't trained to understand the effectiveness of strikes anymore and they don't see the link between not going to work and protesting government policies.
I really feel as if the DNC is letting an opportunity pass by here.

This renewed anger towards Trump and Republicans should be focused- Dems have to take some seats back in 2018.

Get people registered to vote. Raise money for voter IDs... Something. What an opportunity to capitalize on his truly horrific policy decisions.

Obama was already planning a group to combat voter suppression, wasn't he? Hopefully he'll be able to take advantage of the momentum.

I'm going to pay very close attention to future DNC forums.
I really feel as if the DNC is letting an opportunity pass by here.

This renewed anger towards Trump and Republicans should be focused- Dems have to take some seats back in 2018.

Get people registered to vote. Raise money for voter IDs... Something. What an opportunity to capitalize on his truly horrific policy decisions.

DNC is essentially headless until Ellison gets installed.


Obama was already planning a group to combat voter suppression, wasn't he? Hopefully he'll be able to take advantage of the momentum.

I'm going to pay very close attention to future DNC forums.

That's exactly the kind of leadership we need right now.

Protests are great... But we need fucking votes. Democrats simply can't afford to stay home again in the next midterm election.


Canadian citizen here, just wanted to say I'm proud of all the people that are making their voices heard across the States.
I wish there was a large scale protest here in Boston. I wanna see it get large, to the point of Logan shutting down. Oh man, that'd be great. A protest big enough to get me out of work for the day.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Fucking fantastic. I would pay a decent amount of money for a 5-minute video, with audio, of Trump walking around amongst the general public. Call it vindictive, but the thought of knowing that he realizes exactly how much the world hates him feels kinda cathartic.

Can someone 'RESIST' my avatar, please?
There were some socialists calling for a general strike after the election but it never materialized. Americans aren't trained to understand the effectiveness of strikes anymore and they don't see the link between not going to work and protesting government policies.

Yeah but there's miles between where we were immediatly after the election, and where we are today. And where we'll be a month or two down the line.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
To fucking who? Who is this person sitting on the sidelines that needs to have a 'focus' of what a protest is? The protest is anti-trump administration. Thats the take home. How many times can Americans, or people, keep up the ruse of questioning why a protest is happening, or how effective it is? America is getting railroaded right now. Everyone can be out on the street every day protesting 10000 different things because 10000 different things are broken. There aren't rules and structure to protesting government. If you are lost on the focus, enjoy the show. Other folks will do the work for those people.
I think you got the meaning of what I posted wrong. I don't question whether it's right to protest, or if the reason is good or not. I think that there's been so many reasons already in just these few days, that people won't know which thing to protest first. Like in this protest, they are protesting to support immigrants. Tomorrow something just as scandalous could crop up that would draw the attention to itself. It could end up being like the occupy movement that was constantly criticized because they "couldn't decide what exactly they are protesting" (or at least so the people who were against them were saying).

*edit* Sorry that I say "they", but I'm from Canada and not in position to protests in the streets.
My mind is going to dark places and at this rate I'm starting to think shit like this will be necessary. The GOP and the asshole in chief are tearing the country apart. And they're trying to take the world with them. Cuz waiting for 2018 sounds like a pipe dream since too much damage will be done working within the system. O god I'm losing it.

I wrote a post earlier but decided against it but honestly curiosity has gotten the better of me so I'll ask anyway.

How long was it before people decided Hitler needed to be errr, taken out? Is that where we are truly headed with trump? This past few days have shown how, just, "evil" the man is, when is enough?

And no by God I do not wish harm on anyone. I'm not suggesting to take violent action against anyone but I'm completely torn, this man's actions affect me personally and it's not fair.
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