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Cringeworthy things you've seen gamers in person do?

I was ebgames once and I overheard a couple of guys buying amiibos talking about how ps4 and XB1 were crap because "stuff like gears, uncharted, and gta just arnt very fun".

Both looked like they hadn't showered in weeks so that was cringey too.


These two posts outline why that logic doesn't work quite well.

So essentially, people are tired of telling people why they are wrong and not getting the results expected so their premature judgment has become justified. I simply do not agree with that mentality. If fighting for what was right were easy, everyone would be a fighter.

You're gonna get no where on this discussion.

Just having discussion with my coffee. Not really going for change here.


Everything at Minecon. I was at 3 of them and they were all huge cringe fests (btw I was paid to be there, in hindsight... not enough).
I was at Gamestop and some guy was asking the clerk of he played demons Souls. Clerk said he used magic and the other guy told him he played the game wrong.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
So essentially, people are tired of telling people why they are wrong and not getting the results expected so their premature judgment has become justified. I simply do not agree with that mentality. If fighting for what was right were easy, everyone would be a fighter.
It's more that people are tired of telling people things that should be common sense. Thus get frustrated since the discussion seemingly can't move forward due to having to explain the same basic points over and over. Or having to explain stuff that should be a no brainer, Ellie doesn't have stereotypically feminine hands due to constantly being physical is met with "MANLY HANDS!!" It's like Oh. Come. On. at that point. -_-

This. Until when people are going to get tired of overusing it, and especially in bad way?

Word of 2016.
If people making a loud long speech about how Shadow the hedgehog is a badass and a deep misunderstood well written character, (note he even mentioned he hates that people call the dude a recolor), in front of people trying to do their work isn't a cringe worthy thing to witness? Because it was awkward and really out of place.
So essentially, people are tired of telling people why they are wrong and not getting the results expected so their premature judgment has become justified. I simply do not agree with that mentality. If fighting for what was right were easy, everyone would be a fighter.

Just having discussion with my coffee. Not really going for change here.

No sweat. I actually think you've got a point, but it's gonna fall on deaf ears sadly.


It's more that people are tired of telling people things that should be common sense.

Of course. But there's a shit-ton of people out there that just don't get it. That is the reality of the situation and the severity of the fight. Letting the ignorance get the better of you serves no purpose.

No sweat. I actually think you've got a point, but it's gonna fall on deaf ears sadly.

That's why I try to keep it light. Whether someone agrees or disagrees with me, it's cool. Just here to shoot the shit.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Of course. But there's a shit-ton of people out there that just don't get it. That is the reality of the situation and the severity of the fight. Letting the ignorance get the better of you serves no purpose.
Again, the posts address that quite well:
So if people desire for minorities and their allies to be less abrasive to people in majority groups who don't have firsthand experience of what it's like to be a woman or black or gay or whatever else, there needs to be an earnest attempt on part of majority groups to pick up the slack on their own and ask questions that aren't demonstrable of a lack of prior engagement and thus are borderline insulting.

"Where is this misogyny in the gaming community?!!" and any of its variants are, honestly, stupid-ass questions whose answers can be gleaned from just cursory reading about the subject through a Google search or an appropriate NeoGAF thread, and its sincerity doesn't improve when it's coupled with ostracizing othering shit like "This is why outsiders shouldn't talk about games!" However, CrustyBritches' question of "What kinds of solutions do you have for improving representation of women?" is a GREAT question because it recognizes the problem and shows an earnest interest in hearing ideas from the horse's mouth. This is a real conversation to be had. I can work with this. I can educate someone who is curious. I can't educate someone who denies the problem and is overtly hostile on top of it.
Context matters quite a bit in this situation.
Years ago in my Global Studies class, a dude in my group randomly said, "God I fucking hate Anita Sarkeesian so much, she's such a fucking cunt bitch." It was pretty obvious that nobody else in the group knew who she was, but they were all pretty weirded out by him saying that. He would also always get in trouble for playing his 3DS because he could never put it away.
Of course. But there's a shit-ton of people out there that just don't get it. That is the reality of the situation and the severity of the fight. Letting the ignorance get the better of you serves no purpose.

Would you agree that people who say they dislike something for artistic purposes and can't articulate their opinion further than that are most likely being sexist/racist/homophobic?

I'm sorry but if someone tells me they just dislike "the design of a character" without further explanation and that character is black, a woman, or queer, I'm going to assume that it's due to bigotry.
Some wowhead told me smash bros was a kids game and that I was a freak for playing nintendo games. This dude pours hours into cod and wow. (In 2016.) Needless to say, I fired him.

Can't have people who verbally judge other people like that working for me.

Hope it was worth it.

Having not been there, this is completely weird. What a strange reason for firing someone

Would you agree that people who say they dislike something for artistic purposes and can't articulate their opinion further than that are most likely being sexist/racist/homophobic?

I'm sorry but if someone tells me they just dislike "the design of a character" without further explanation and that character is black, a woman, or queer, I'm going to assume that it's due to bigotry.

Well a character is more than just black, a woman or gay. They may be disliking many other things about them...why immediately assume they're a bigot?


I used to run official Pokemon tournaments (its all sanctioned and you get prizes and points to go to higher competitions) and this guy used to come, claimed he had women 'eating out of the palm of his hand' and constantly bragging shit about his sexual prowess in front of the younger kids we had attending league sessions and tournaments and that.

We had a new girl show up, which was kinda rare, she was real nice and real good at the game and all. Bragging guy was paired up against her in round 3 or whatever, she beat him easy, and he fucking exploded 'I DIDN'T GET BEAT BY A GIRL SHE CHEATED, FUCKING BITCH' I was getting in telling him to call down or he'd be getting disqualified, but he was going mad. She very gracefully agreed to redo the match to placate him, she beat him again, and he was fucking bouncing off the walls 'FUCKING SLIMY BITCH, SHE WAS FLASHING HER TITS AT ME DISTRACTING ME SHE SHOULD BE DISQUALIFIED' And in the end, he was disqualified and we never saw him again.

Thats top of my list.

why didn't you kick him out after him regaling his "sexual conquests" to kids?


Again, the posts address that quite well:

Context matters quite a bit in this situation.

See, I think the situation is simply not being respected for what it is. This for example:

So if people desire for minorities and their allies to be less abrasive to people in majority groups who don't have firsthand experience of what it's like to be a woman or black or gay or whatever else, there needs to be an earnest attempt on part of majority groups to pick up the slack on their own and ask questions that aren't demonstrable of a lack of prior engagement and thus are borderline insulting.

Reality is trying to be dictated in this case and a response for that reality has already been formulated. The problem needs to be assessed fully and without bias. Once the problem is understood, then a real solution can begin taking shape.
Some wowhead told me smash bros was a kids game and that I was a freak for playing nintendo games. This dude pours hours into cod and wow. (In 2016.) Needless to say, I fired him.

Can't have people who verbally judge other people like that working for me.

Hope it was worth it.

As if your fragile Nintendo-based ego wasn't evident enough in other threads, you admit to firing someone for insulting your taste.

Wow, man. You should really take some time for the slightest amount self reflection.


i mean i have seen gamers do cringeworthy things

non-gamers too

I used to run official Pokemon tournaments (its all sanctioned and you get prizes and points to go to higher competitions) and this guy used to come, claimed he had women 'eating out of the palm of his hand' and constantly bragging shit about his sexual prowess in front of the younger kids we had attending league sessions and tournaments and that.

We had a new girl show up, which was kinda rare, she was real nice and real good at the game and all. Bragging guy was paired up against her in round 3 or whatever, she beat him easy, and he fucking exploded 'I DIDN'T GET BEAT BY A GIRL SHE CHEATED, FUCKING BITCH' I was getting in telling him to call down or he'd be getting disqualified, but he was going mad. She very gracefully agreed to redo the match to placate him, she beat him again, and he was fucking bouncing off the walls 'FUCKING SLIMY BITCH, SHE WAS FLASHING HER TITS AT ME DISTRACTING ME SHE SHOULD BE DISQUALIFIED' And in the end, he was disqualified and we never saw him again.

Thats top of my list.

jesus christ what a piece of shit


Would you agree that people who say they dislike something for artistic purposes and can't articulate their opinion further than that are most likely being sexist/racist/homophobic?

Most likely? Absolutely not. Possible? Absolutely. Without evidence however, no result can be made.

I'm sorry but if someone tells me they just dislike "the design of a character" without further explanation and that character is black, a woman, or queer, I'm going to assume that it's due to bigotry.

I disagree. There are plenty of other reasons why a person may not be able to articulate the way they feel about something. And I certainly wouldn't want to be a person to chastize someone who simply couldn't describe why they feel how they do.

But to your point, they could just as easily be a bigot. I simply cannot act without knowing, however.

How is this a gamer thing?

I've gotta catch up on this thread, clearly.

Misogyny/homophobia/hatred is a common topic in many gaming discussions. Especially when discussing the artistic direction(or lack thereof) publishers take when representing women and minorities in their games. There is an excellent argument to be had for diversity. But as you have some that fight blindly for scantily-clad women, you have others that blindly fight for diversity. Fighting for diversity is in no way a bad thing, it's the blindly part that is of issue. Some have been known to call others pretty painful words simply out of belief bigotry exists in the individual due to their opinion. To me, that's taking it too far. Everyone deserves a fair trial.


Seriously question, what is 'hacking wifi'?

edit: beaten by broscientific

Could I ask what 'hacking the wifi' means exactly

Exploiting the router to see everyone's web traffic. Then bragging to everyone about how h4x he is and showing them, causing numerous issues. He was a problem.

As if your fragile Nintendo-based ego wasn't evident enough in other threads, you admit to firing someone for insulting your taste.

Wow, man. You should really take some time for the slightest amount self reflection.
As explained like 10 times in this thread, that was far from the only reason. Hacking, being rude to everyone, complaints from customers and employees. He was practically fired already. At that point we were only keeping him because of scheduling conflicts.

We actually had to close a location due to his antics. So don't think it was unfounded.


Exploiting the router to see everyone's web traffic. Then bragging to everyone about how h4x he is and showing them, causing numerous issues. He was a problem.

As explained like 10 times in this thread, that was far from the only reason. Hacking, being rude to everyone, complaints from customers and employees. He was practically fired already. At that point we were only keeping him because of scheduling conflicts.

Lol it's an interesting story, but I don't buy it. Had you delivered some context beforehand, it would have been less farfetched. But once you were pressed, it seems you had to figure out a scenario to justify it.

Gamers who don't shower, and gamers who dress terrible is what gets me. Lol.
Exploiting the router to see everyone's web traffic. Then bragging to everyone about how h4x he is and showing them, causing numerous issues. He was a problem.

As explained like 10 times in this thread, that was far from the only reason. Hacking, being rude to everyone, complaints from customers and employees. He was practically fired already. At that point we were only keeping him because of scheduling conflicts.

We actually had to close a location due to his antics. So don't think it was unfounded.

People are jumping on you because you were so cavalier to say that you fired him right after you stated his comments towards you. It wasn't relevant to "the cringeworthy moment" at all.


People are jumping on you because you were so cavalier to say that you fired him right after you stated his comments towards you. It wasn't relevant to "the cringeworthy moment" at all.
I was half asleep when I posted that. But I assure you all, he was a bad egg. A real gamer gate type. He would literally scream at people who "got in his way". People didn't feel comfortable around him. He was also homophobic and someone told me he was on serious drugs, but I couldn't prove that.

Like I said, he was practically fired beforehand. But when I invited the office to play smash bros, everyone was enthusiastic except this dude, who proceeded to shit on everyone by saying the game sucks and we were weird for enjoying it. Toxic energy.

I understand if that's your opinion, that's fine, but the cringeworthy part was openly mocking a group of people who were just trying to have fun. Should have kept it to himself or maybe tried playing with us. No one hates smash bros that much, he was clearly being obtuse.


That bf1 thing with all the celebs was pretty weird and cringy, snoop dog blazing was the exception vut all els was cringy.
Well a character is more than just black, a woman or gay. They may be disliking many other things about them...why immediately assume they're a bigot?

My point is that if they dislike a character and can't reference a supporting detail specifically other than saying "I just think it's bad/lazy design" then I will assume that.


Actually called a homophobe or gay? I still hear people use gay as a derogatory term and that is cringe worthy (used to hear it alot at arcades). Like oh that's "gay" after a death, etc.

Im pretty sure that poster meant homophobe.

Also it probably happened at Tumblr or a similar place [Edit: I read the context now, sorry],I've seen people at places like tumblr doing mental gymnastics to turn the things they like into moral crusades, so if you don't like, say, Steven universe, for whatever reason, then you must be a homophobe even if that reason is "i can't stand the art style".


Gold Member
When I worked at GameStop two guys came in and they were talking about .hack. The conversation was fine, but then they started fighting with imaginary swords and started saying what moves they were using on each other.

There's a huge spectrum of what's "-"normal"-". It's really up to you to choose what that word means.

To me. It has always felt that there's a part of society who thinks only kids should play video games, there's another where game's should be banned altogether, and there's theone where they believe game's can be enjoyed by mature human beings.

I am not typically a loud person in public. I understand how it feels to be excited enough to make quotes or even references to video games, but I'm also not going to express it where I know someone may not fully understand what it all means.

I have gotten into a fight where I live over games I own because they take up space. Any time I defend my personal property it feels like I'm caring more for my video games than I am human life or something.

There are so many stigmas in the world.
I once went to a fighting game meet and saw some guys playing smash (I play sf) and after the guy was done and was spectating, I asked him how his game went and after like 20 seconds of silence he said "there's no lotion in the bathroom"

I was like "ok man" and just left him alone hahaha man it was weird.
I love metal gear.

But I winced when I heard someone use the CODEC sound as a ringtone.

Being over the age of 20
or even 12.
and still wearing Sonic the Hedgehog branded clothes.

Seriously, both of y'all are just rude.
This is why I stopped giving a fuck what people think, because the majority of them are uptight assholes who should have this plastered somewhere on themselves:
I remember laughing at this image for 5 minutes straight in my school library:


Real fond memory that. There was also that time I was waiting to get in the club so I played sonic on my phone. People were interested at first then they were not.

What we learn from this and the OP is that Sanic is the gift that keeps on giving.
Yeah, if he weren't a gamer, or just was less of a jerk about his preferences, I wouldn't have worried about it. But he is a gamer, and he plays games that are notoriously marketed towards a younger audience. So he's a hypocrite. So he had to find another job.
he was also a terrible employee. That rudeness didn't stop at video games. He was rude to everyone he encountered. I had multiple complaints on him when this happened. This was just the final straw.

If you fired him because of his videogame preferences I sure as hell hope he gets unemployment off of you and then some.


I did the most cringey thing myself.

I was working at a large Fortune 500 company and had just returned from lunch, talking on my cell. I entered the front door and was standing in the lobby just outside this huge fancy conference room that was always empty.

My buddy and I were in a spirited discussion about all the new Warlock talents in whatever the latest WoW release was at the time. It was some pretty explicit Warlock discussion about rotation and such.

I was in mid sentence when someone in a suit walked out of the conference room, gave me a very, very puzzled look and shut the door. There like 50 normal people in there listening to my discussion.
Only thing I can think of was when my friends and I went to an anime con one year, they had a small game room and I was really into SFIV at the time so I decided to take part in the tourney.

During button checks my opponent started yelling nonsense about someone changing the VA all to English, and then started to go to around to all the SF stations and checking/changing the VOs while yelling and knocking over stuff.

Needless to say I just got up and left, I get it, we're at an anime convention but really?



Gold Member
There's this guy I know who constantly defends Ubisoft. If me and my other friends are alone and mention their name he suddenly appears and starts defending them. We will be talking about something completely unrelated and the topic will somehow turn to Ubisoft.

We are actually starting to believe he's an Ubisoft employee it's getting so bad. It's soooo cringey!!
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