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Winter Anime 2017 |OT| John Wick cleaning up KyoAni's mess

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So this was definitely better than episodes 2, 4, and 5. Part of the problem with the series right now is that Akko is beyond incompetent. She's completely inept to the point of not even passing the starting line. It's frustrating when you have a main character that can't even do simple shit, for a witch anyway. I could understand making her bad but she's so bad it's not even funny anymore. She's casting spells literally in the opposite direction her wand is pointed at. It's not just that though but also her attitude that makes it really infuriating. Instead of just hitting the books after realizing she's going to fail all of her classes, she comes up with any excuse to get out of actually studying. That's the kicker. If she was seriously trying and failing, I would be much more sympathetic to her plight rather than her using every 'get rich quick' scheme she can think up. It's not completely her fault though as Luna Nova has shown itself to be a shitty learning institution by generally not helping the failing student. I mean why would Badcock think Akko can go master this spell by herself? Shouldn't there be tutors or teachers helping Akko catch up? Her supposed 'mentor' only ends up coming to help her pretty late at night and only hears about Akko struggling from her friends by accident. What sort of school is this? It's like every teacher was Snape.
Now all of that said, this episode seems to be the turning point for her character. The climax involves Akko seemingly, and I do put emphasis on seemingly, realizing that she needs to change her attitude. I thought the climax with Shiny Chariot was fairly well done and hopefully gets the point across to Akko that she needs to hit the fucking books. I'm hoping there's more of an emphasis of her actually learning things in future episodes because even by the end of this episode, she still can't cast a metamorphosis spell. They've spent 6 episodes to get this point across, which doesn't seem like an efficient use of your episode count, so now it's time to get to work. They've spent multiple episodes on these hijinks and Akko is still just as incompetent as she was in episode 1. That's not a good thing. So with this climax, I'm hoping it serves as the ending to this six episode long opening arc.

I'm confused, is Diana and Andrew supposed to be the same age? Dude looks like he's five years older than her.
Now the rest of the episode is about introducing possibly the villain of the series. Turns out he's male (but no father-son groping yet). I'm hoping Andrew doesn't turn into a love interest for Akko and I'm especially hoping it doesn't turn into a love triangle between Akko-Andrew-Diana. I can see it and it scares the fuck out of me.

More Big Witches please.
Visually this is a noticeable step up from 2, 4, and 5 which were lackluster from an animation standpoint. The finale looks like it was either directly animated by Yoshinari, which would be a first for the TV show, or heavily corrected by him. I'm guessing some of it is probably Masaru Sakamoto too. The second half as a whole is pretty solid from an animation standpoint with a sequence probably by Hori (the background animation gives it away). The crying sequence was fluid but it didn't have enough punch for me.

Goddamn could you sound any more like a pedophile?
The first half of the episode was really starting to piss me off due to Akko but the strong second half turned the episode around for me. I'm hoping this means that we'll see Akko either striving to be better or just skip to a point where she's not a total dunce. This episode also was much more in line with what I expected from Trigger in regards to animation and visuals.

Andrew J.

Kirakira Precure 02

If the first episode wasn't proof enough, this confirms this is gonna be a very goofy Precure, with tons of slapstick and silly faces. I can dig it.

Arisugawa worrying about driving people away by talking about her passions too much...oof, that was too real. I'm glad to see some autistic representation in anime, though, it's pretty rare.

This show is good enough for the Ace of the Universe, it's good enough for you.
I dont really watch many animes , the last one I saw was One punch man but a friend recommended to me Youjo Senki saying that I was going to like it because I like spice and wolf and now



Not that 2010 had any better anime.

*looks at what came out in 2010*
Nodame Cantabile Finale
Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei
Major S6
Angel Beats!
Kaichou wa Maid-sama!
Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai

huh... 2010 was a solid year :p

*is reminded that the following shows should be watched*
Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin
I fear for you if this ends well as it'll have undercut the narrative you're after.

The truth is that all Gundam sequel shows post SEED inevitably go to shit because Sunrise can't keep their grubby-little-paws off of the Newtype-isms of the UC days of old.

Hey, if IBO doesn't do that I'll congratulate it but that's how it's been for a while now and I don't see it changing.
The truth is that all Gundam sequel shows post SEED inevitably go to shit because Sunrise can't keep their grubby-little-paws off of the Newtype-isms of the UC days of old.

Hey, if IBO doesn't do that I'll congratulate it but that's how it's been for a while now and I don't see it changing.

It's not even a sequel show, just the 2nd half of the original story.


oh jesus god

Ok this shit is actually stupid. It seems like every time I watch a Gundam series, I lose brain cells.

Edit: I can't stop laughing.


Look, I know Sunrise's game.

One of these days I'll go back to finishing Zeta and the rest of the UC timeline and go back to IBO so I can start drawing the parallels.

You're like that old fart who complains about everything without actually bothering to see what is really there. Oooh all mecha sucks now! People list interesting mecha shows. Ooooh it's all CG crap now. People list non CG stuff. Oooh whatever I don't got time for this. Blahblahblah. You call yourself a mecha fan but you don't even consume the medium anymore. You're a disgraceful negative nancy Who the fuck gives a shit what you think anymore lol. Prove me wrong!
You're like that old fart who complains about everything without actually bothering to see what is really there. Oooh all mecha sucks now! People list interesting mecha shows. Ooooh it's all CG crap now. People list non CG stuff. Oooh whatever I don't got time for this. Blahblahblah. You call yourself a mecha fan but you don't even consume the medium anymore. You're a disgraceful negative nancy Who the fuck gives a shit what you think anymore lol. Prove me wrong!

I watched the second episode of Kuromukuro last week!!

I would have enjoyed that fight scene a lot more if the mech designs didn't look so ugly and uninspired!

Also I'm getting Tomica Hyper Rescue next season!
K-ON!! 14

This second OP is worlds better than the first. KyoAni needs to ban Ishihara from making OPs already. Yamada can run circles around him.

Otherwise, it was great to come back to this comfortable show. It really nails the feeling of hanging out with friends, and the casual, goofball interactions that happen when doing so. Some of the transition habits feel more intrusive than I'd like, but otherwise the direction is very natural. Mugi's quest to get whacked on the head was adorable.
The truth is that all Gundam sequel shows post SEED inevitably go to shit because Sunrise can't keep their grubby-little-paws off of the Newtype-isms of the UC days of old.

Hey, if IBO doesn't do that I'll congratulate it but that's how it's been for a while now and I don't see it changing.

Sometime I feel like you are wishing for the show to be bad lol

Ushio and Tora END
What a ride this was! Those last 9 or so episodes were just out-freakin-standing! PURE SHONEN HYPE and exactly what I was searching for! Ushio and Tora are part of the best duo of MC I saw in anime yet. These two man...their dynamic was so excellent! From the dramatic moments, to the comedic moments and to the awesome fight they had, these two always seemed to catch my heart. Ushio basically is what I like in my shonen protagonist. Never giving up, quick to care for others, likeable, a good sense of camaradery and the flame in them that makes you say f*ck when they go and beat up the bad guys or do something awesome. As for Tora...oh boy Tora, what a character! He is the embodiment of cool, badass, fearless, a really inspiring character. His Tsundere side just made him even better.

The supporting cast could have been a little more developped, but the more important characters in my eyes more or less got the moments they needed. Asako, while weak at the start, got me to care for her greatly toward the end. Her feelings for Ushio were quite strong. Mayuko was on the other hand strong for the entirety of the show. She had this caring for others characteristic that I really like. The rest of the cast was a mix bag. Some were good like Ushio's father and the sibling yokais, while other were meh like Nagare.

The fights all looked amazing and always delievered! That final battle holy snap! I really think Tora had all the best moments though.

Overall aside from a weaker set of episode toward the middle, the let's comb Ushio's hair arc, I think most of the episode all were ranging for good to amazing. ANNNNND the show gave me lots of emotions and made me cry so that gives it LOTS of points.

I really liked it! I would rank it in high on my show list! 9/10 easy.

Thank you Ushio and Tora you gave me a great time!


If we remember the horses he did hitch his wagon to, maybe we can understand his frustration what with gems like Regalia and Comet Lucifer going unappreciated.


Gundam IBO-43

Well besides the twist and crazy background stuff, it was a fairly good episode I guess. That said this season feels like it was written by a totally different team than the first season. A big deal was made and wasted on Kudelia in the first season and it looks like she will have pretty much zero importance in this season as a whole. She's been written almost completely out of the show despite her being the Valkyrie of Revolution, whatever the fuck that meant.

That twist though is the stupidest thing I've seen since Charlotte. Congrats Okada and Sunrise.
Look. Without Corvo around, people are losing their way about the meaning of mecha. He has written extensive posts about the mecha industry and Sunrise as a whole for this community throughout the years.

It is my duty, as a loyal mecha fan, to preserve that legacy and make sure his teachings aren't forgotten.

That is to say: I bring up and praise Imagawa whenever I can in a discussion of mecha, I constantly maintain the rule that all 2D mechs are automatically better than 3D mechs, and the fact that Sunrise is stuck in a time-loop where they can't stop making the original Mobile Suit Gundam over and over again.

The mecha lessons I learned from the AnimeGAF of 2013-2014 must not be forgotten!!

What is this? Some kind of off-brand Transformers?

Yes, which is exactly what the Brave shows we're like.

And do you know what the Brave shows were? Super Robot shows!


Look. Without Corvo around, people are losing their way about the meaning of mecha. He has written extensive posts about the mecha industry and Sunrise as a whole for this community throughout the years.

It is my duty, as a loyal mecha fan, to preserve that legacy and make sure his teachings aren't forgotten.

He's moved on from this community, perhaps we (read: you) should move on from him.


As someone who has watched way too much Gundam, IBO isn't like the original. It's closer to 00 which is closer to Zeta than it is to the original MSG. In fact I would say there's more entries that are near completely different from the original than there are close to or imitating it.
Geass R3 will save mecha anime, because its been struggling to catch up for a decade.

Now this I agree with.

As someone who has watched way too much Gundam, IBO isn't like the original. It's closer to 00 which is closer to Zeta than it is to the original MSG. In fact I would say there's more entries that are near completely different from the original than there are close to or imitating it.


EDIT: I mean, I'm considering you mean 00 Season 2 which was closer to Zeta than Season 1.


Aikatsu Stars 43

It's Valentine, and in this universe even idols get to have a little love. Tsubasa of course gets all the ladies. Ako needs to be less stealthy if she wants Subaru to ever acknowledge she exists. Good to see M4 getting a performance, even if it was abbreviated. Yume went from not caring about Subaru to thinking he's a rival. Not quite the progress he wants, but it's something.
Sometime I feel like you are wishing for the show to be bad lol

Oh no, I would never wish for a show to be bad.

I'm just confident in my predictions based off the usual trends of how Sunrise Gundam shows have usually gone.

He's moved on from this community, perhaps we (read: you) should move on from him.

I have moved on. I'm not trying to BE Corvo.

I'm just stating my beliefs on what truly makes a good mecha anime that I've learned from my time in the thread when he was the most most active.


Look. Without Corvo around, people are losing their way about the meaning of mecha. He has written extensive posts about the mecha industry and Sunrise as a whole for this community throughout the years.

It is my duty, as a loyal mecha fan, to preserve that legacy and make sure his teachings aren't forgotten.

That is to say: I bring up and praise Imagawa whenever I can in a discussion of mecha, I constantly maintain the rule that all 2D mechs are automatically better than 3D mechs, and the fact that Sunrise is stuck in a time-loop where they can't stop making the original Mobile Suit Gundam over and over again.

The mecha lessons I learned from the AnimeGAF of 2013-2014 must not be forgotten!!

Yes, which is exactly what the Brave shows we're like.

And do you know what the Brave shows were? Super Robot shows!

Sometimes I feel like you're too fixated on mecha iconography, to the point that you lose sight of whatever qualities made those great mecha shows worth watching. Imagawa's own Giant Robo: The Day the Earth Stood Still showed that you barely even need actual robots if you've got strong characters and the right blend of melodrama and hot-blooded machismo.

This actually made me think about the Imagawa-penned Gifu Dodo!! Kanetsugu to Keiji, a cheap but wonderfully hot-blooded historical drama that I left off in the middle and should maybe get back to someday.
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