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Has the PS4 surpassed the previous three consoles in terms of quality? (Answer: no.)

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The console's still a kid. Don't throw him in there with those old grizzled, wiley veterans. It's on it way though. In my eyes it's closing in fast on the PS3 at least. Still need Polyphony and SSM to release something for us GT and GoW fans.

Have you seen the PS2's library?
It's not really fair to compare until all is said and done now isn't it? I'd say it can hold its own but maybe not up there with the PS2. Everyone saying not even close probably are blinded by sheer nostalgia.

That said the reason why it seems so far ahead is the competition is even weaker than ever. PS1 had to compete with N64 which was strong. PS2 had GC/Xbox which both had great games. Nintendo has been nearly non existent this gen. They've had a small handful of good games but not much. Xbox is even worse this gen and has wider gas in exclusives than even Wii U.

Ps1 completely dominated the N64 worldwide. It was only really competitive in the US thanks to FPS games like Turok, Doom, and Goldeneye. The gap was HUGE. 100m to about 36m.

Ps2 was even worse. 155 million to about 20m for GC and 24m or so for the OG Xbox. And again the Xbox like the N64 was only really competitive in the US.

The Xbox One is tracking to do better worldwide than the N64 did...probably between 40 to 50 million depending on pricing and what MS does with Scorpio, with the WiiU accounting for another 10 million or so, and PC is getting the lions share of third party software as well.

Ps3 generation aside, ps4 competition is much stronger than it was for PS1 or 2.


Why are you even comparing metacritic scores? Not only is it irrelevant to quality, but scoring systems have changed over time.
There are now fewer "large" game journal/websites that actually give a score, and there are more no-name fans who give scores (anyone remember Biogamer girl?)

It's not a valid comparison at all.

This makes no sense. The gameplay was disappointing. The gameplay was good. What?

Everything but the gameplay was disappointing, MGS5 is one of the best playing games of all time imo, everything else just lets it down.


Unconfirmed Member
It's not surpassed any yet, but if it keeps on it's current trajectory it will be up there with the greats.


SCE was never better than the PS3 era. The only way I can see PS2 > PS3 is if you're mainly into Japanese games. And even then PS3 had a huge library.

SCE's games are always terrible so they dont factor in to my rankings. I can count like 10 ps3 games I enjoyed that didn't have superior x360 versions. 4 of which got ps4 remasters. The ps3 has the weakest library of any console I've ever owned.


I liked the PS2 library, but I didn't love it. It's actually probably the weakest library to me.

My favorite Playstation library so far is PS1, and I don't think the PS4 has gotten there yet.

To me it's PS1 < PS3 = PS4 < PS2


Nope. I doubt any console will ever touch PS2. That is how great that gen was for Sony.

EDIT: I guess PS1 if you like JRPGs. Although PS2 still had plenty of quality.


IMO, it has surpassed PS3, is on par with PS1, and is currently almost even with PS2 but still has a way to go. I haven't been this thrilled to be a gamer since the PS2 era however, I feel like the quality and quantity of games is way up from gen 7.
Nah, not yet, I'll make a review thread at the end of 2017 though and see where it stands. I think until TLoU2 and Death Stranding release we won't know.
I mean on the one hand, I probably play my PS4 more than I played my PS3 at the same point in its life cycle.

But on the other hand, that's because it's my Final Fantasy XIV machine, which isn't even an exclusive.

Nah man. PS1 and PS2, definitely not. PS3 maybe.


Sony would have to keep knocking games out of the park for years to hit the PS2's numbers.

They have a good start though, but the smaller number of 3rd party games we're getting on all hardware makes it more difficult.

The PS1 had a darn good library too.
Not trying to be mean, but how old are you?

Like, better than Ps1? Seriously? The sheer number of amazing games on that console is insane. I'm talking GOAT quality games. FF7, 8, 9, GTA 1/2, MGS1, etc.

Come on man

I'm 38. He's not wrong. GTA 1 and 2 sold very poorly compared to what the series did with 3 and beyond. They're hardly "greatest of all time" category.

The ps1 also didn't have the huge amount of indie and arcade games playable via PSN. The ps4 has a ton of these, as well as Vita games playable via crossbuy.


Getting there with ps3

It's not surpassing the ps2. The market would have to change greatly for them to touch ps2 levels
Or games are worse now.

I see people saying that reviewers are more critical this gen, but TLOU and GTAV scored exactly the same. That's just denial, Trump levels of "fake news".
Nah I think the evidence for critics being harsher is abundant. Stuff like gravity Rush 2 or halo wars would have gotten 9's more often in previous gens, they were very very generous.


I'm sure I'm forgetting things, but top of my head my favorite PS1 games were Symphony of the Night, Chrono Cross, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy IX, Mega Man X4.

Frankly I like all of those better than the PS2's output.

The PS3 had some real winners, but it blurs the lines when my favorite games have been re-released on PS4 in superior iterations (Last of Us, Bioshock, et cet).

How do you reconcile the strength of a console's library and place in history when its release list is usurped by its replacement? If a PSN store or Virtual Console were to perfectly emulate all prior system's releases, would the present console be the greatest of all-time?


Ps1 completely dominated the N64 worldwide. It was only really competitive in the US thanks to FPS games like Turok, Doom, and Goldeneye. The gap was HUGE. 100m to about 36m.

Ps2 was even worse. 155 million to about 20m for GC and 24m or so for the OG Xbox. And again the Xbox like the N64 was only really competitive in the US.

The Xbox One is tracking to do better worldwide than the N64 did...probably between 40 to 50 million depending on pricing and what MS does with Scorpio, with the WiiU accounting for another 10 million or so, and PC is getting the lions share of third party software as well.

Ps3 generation aside, ps4 competition is much stronger than it was for PS1 or 2.

I'm talking about games, dude. That is what we are talking about here in fact. As far as consoles go the Wii U is the best competition for games against the PS4 but nothing compared to the library of GC/N64. Xbox One output is probably the worst I've seen of a big player in the console race post PS1.


Nah I think the evidence for critics being harsher is abundant. Stuff like gravity Rush 2 or halo wars would have gotten 9's more often in previous gens, they were very very generous.

Halo Wars not really. RTS console games rarely, if ever, review well. If I had to guess I would say Civ Revolution (RTS lite) is probably the best reviewed RTS console game.


I know PS1 and PS2 had a great diversity of games, but pound for pound I don't think the quality is there. Very rarely are games that bad anymore, unless you include indie games. THQ, Activision, Ubisoft, and EA released scores and scores of bad and terrible games. Nowadays, most games are generally good with only a very few number of bad or disappointing titles.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
It's on track to for me, but probably hasn't yet.

I've never been a Playstation main until this gen really though. I grew up a Nintendo fanboy, starting with NES, so while I had and enjoyed PS1 and PS2 I played more on N64 and GameCube (also had an Xbox later in the gen). Last gen I mostly played 360, had a Wii from launch and only got a PS3 later in the generation around TLOU and went back and played through exclusives.

PS4 was my first platform this gen, as MS lost me with their botched reveal and costing $500 despite being lower powered due tot he Kinect and TV stuff I didn't want. PS4 has thus by far gotten the vast majority of play time. I had an X1 briefly, sold it when they started the play anywhere thing after I'd gotten my first gaming PC in ages. I tried shifting most of my gaming to PC, but Sony exclusives keep pulling me back that way, along with being able to buy physical and sell after beating. The Wii killed off any remains loyalty I had to Nintendo, still have a Wii U but it's my least played console ever probably.

So as long as the releases, exclusives especially, keep coming the PS4 will definitely end up my favorite of the Playstation line. Doubt it can knock off SNES as my favorite console of all time though. To be fair, part of why I'm not so in love with the PS2 is that was just the generation I was the least intersested in games. I had all three platforms eventually, but I was so busy fininishing undergrad and starting grad school that gaming just wasn't a priority. There are a lot of games I loved for sure that still rank high among my favorites, but there were months where I wouldn't game at all vs. always regularly playing something pretty much all the time every generation from NES to present.


PS4 is great. But topping the PS2? That system was the perfect storm of tons of games. Experimental wonderful stuff, and many high quality efforts by pubs in their prime.


SCE's games are always terrible so they dont factor in to my rankings. I can count like 10 ps3 games I enjoyed that didn't have superior x360 versions. 4 of which got ps4 remasters. The ps3 has the weakest library of any console I've ever owned.

Click this, read it, and come back.
Personally, I've been playing more games and spending more hours on PS4 than on any other Sony console (and I've had them all). It's great piece of hardware and too many good games to find time for.
How can the worst game in the series be better than the best?

Depends on what you're looking for obviously. If you want games to be more like shitty movies. Great. MGS2 is awesome in that regard, just the best. If, on the other hand, you want a hell of an actual fucking videogame where you make your own fun. Excellent. MGS5 is perfect for that.

Is there a better game than Metal Gear Solid 2 on PS4 ?

You have your answer OP.

I'd say Bloodborne.

On the whole though, to answer the OP's question, the PS4 has a long ways to go before it comes close to rivaling the PS2 library.
Not even close to the PS2. Gen 6 had the sweet spot of game budgets where you had massive amounts of developers putting out new and interesting stuff on the regular.
PS4 could have the best games in the universe, and I would still knock it for the absolute shit battery life on the Dualshock 4. The OS is still kind of wonky for me too. Things like having to wait for my streaming apps to "load" will always get to me.

As far as first-party titles go, PS4 comes in second for me against Xbone and Wii-U. Switch seems to be a damn strong contender for first place in my heart.

So yeah... Opinions. Definitely nowhere near fully surpassing their current competition or even their previous consoles for me.

Edit: Realized OP is talking about exclusives mainly. Not even close to PS3/PS2 in that regard (for me personally). There have been some great first-party games on PS4, but they're too few and far between for me.
It's on track to for me, but probably hasn't yet.

I've never been a Playstation main until this gen really though. I grew up a Nintendo fanboy, starting with NES, so while I had and enjoyed PS1 and PS2 I played more on N64 and GameCube (also had an Xbox later in the gen). Last gen I mostly played 360, had a Wii from launch and only got a PS3 later in the generation around TLOU and went back and played through exclusives.

PS4 was my first platform this gen, as MS lost me with their botched reveal and costing $500 despite being lower powered due tot he Kinect and TV stuff I didn't want. PS4 has thus by far gotten the vast majority of play time. I had an X1 briefly, sold it when they started the play anywhere thing after I'd gotten my first gaming PC in ages. I tried shifting most of my gaming to PC, but Sony exclusives keep pulling me back that way, along with being able to buy physical and sell after beating. The Wii killed off any remains loyalty I had to Nintendo, still have a Wii U but it's my least played console ever probably.

So as long as the releases, exclusives especially, keep coming the PS4 will definitely end up my favorite of the Playstation line. Doubt it can knock off SNES as my favorite console of all time though.

It's funny how Sony emerged this gen as the primary company who "got" gamer's tastes. Oldschool gamers have criticized Sony as being a conglomerate with a gaming wing, rather than a pure gaming company like Sega or Nintendo.

But now, Sony is run by the former top Playstation manager, MS failed to make Xbox a trojan horse for their entertainment strategies, and Nintendo just struggles to keep up in basic ways. PS4 learned all the right lessons from the Xbox 360 challenge last generation (strong online functionality, simple development architecture, reasonable MSRP), and now they've mostly unified the world audience around one platform. There's no reason PS4 can't be the GOAT by the end of the gen, though it still has a ways to go.


PS2 is still king for now but I agree that the PS4 is doing good so far, clearly ahead of the PS3. Head to head with PS1?


Depends on what you're looking for obviously. If you want games to be more like shitty movies. Great. MGS2 is awesome in that regard. If, on the other hand, you want a hell of an actual fucking videogame where you make your own fun. Excellent. MGS5 is perfect for that.

MGS 2 has an absolute ton of make your own fun gameplay too, it's just it didn't have to sacrifice having good level design and pacing or an interesting story for it.
Edit: it also used it to have some excellent boss fights, not the garbage 5 had to offer.


I'd say the quality of the average game that comes out these days is better than the average game that came out in previous generations. There is a really, really large number of good games to choose from.

So good games: PS4 > previous consoles

But at the same time, the previous generations had a larger number of "great" games when compared to this gen, and while they may not have accounted for the vast majority of the library, they had a big impact.

And that's where the split of opinions comes in. Some people love a larger number of good games to play and think this is the best generation to be in, while others miss the larger number games with a big impact/innovation that knocked it out of the park and feel this generation is lacking due to that.

For me, I'm drowning in games. This is the most amount of games I've ever owned and have been really enjoying this generation right from the getgo and I'm playing more games than ever despite having health problems and other responsibilities that get in the way. Younger, healthier me, would've enjoyed it even more as he would've been able to spend even more time playing these games.

PS2 is arguably the best system of all time. The PS4 clearly has the best lineup of the current gen, but it's not even in the same universe as the PS2.


Well hey, at least it's nice to see some positive hyperbole on GAF for one

To be fair though I am really enjoying this gen and I think that in a few years PS4 will be able to proudly stand alongside the Ps1, 2 and 3 as one of the better systems in Playstation history. But it's not quite there and in terms of relevance it will probably never reach the Ps2 even if the games themselves are better
Or games are worse now.

I see people saying that reviewers are more critical this gen, but TLOU and GTAV scored exactly the same. That's just denial, Trump levels of "fake news".

Uh, right.
Maybe I'm reading this wrong but were you imagining that there was some huge shift in reviewing standards between June 2013 and July 2014 when TLOU and TLOU remastered released respectively? Because that's not what happened. It's a comment on the state of reviewing over a much longer timescale.

People are saying that reviewers are more critical this gen than two - three gens ago, in the PS1 or Ps2 eras. And that's true. That doesn't mean that games can't reach the high 90s, but it's harder because there are so many more reviewers that it just becomes functionally impossible to maintain the highest scores. That, together with a more common 10 point scale instead of 100 points means reviews end up lower than they used to.

Ocarina of time has a metacritic of 99 with 22 reviews; while the 3DS remake, which is as close to objectively the same or improved in any way has only 94 from 85 critics. The 3DS remake actually has 24 perfect scores - more reviews than were even recorded for the original - but also some 20 or so 9/10s which previously may well have been, presumably anywhere up to 95/100, dragging the game down.

This is true for almost any game.


Not even remotely close to being the best

I love my PS4 but yeah. But honestly because games take a lot more time and money to make, I think it's more the fault that companies can't try many different things so you don't get as many unique games out there.
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