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Talk about double standards (Wall Street Journal vs. PewDiePie)

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My respect for pewdiepie has skyrocketed after this and his previous apology video.

Spot on. Im finally a subscriber.

In a way Im glad this horrible incident happened to him (a genuinely nice guy) purely for the fact that he has the platform and reach to expose it for what it really is and perhaps wake more people up as to what is actually going on.

The exact same thing holds true for Trump.

He's not a Nazi. He's not a fascist. He's just a nice guy making millions laugh and offending a few precious power hungry virtue signalling people along the way.

The videogame industry is filled with these types unfortunately... but that's another story.


He was so close.

He was so close. That was a great video and everything.

And then he had to throw it all away by linking those fuckheads in the description.


PDP made a comedy group on Fiverr hold up a sign that said "Death to All Jews" followed by them saying "Subscribe to Keemstar".

A crass joke that is tone deaf and insensitive, but nothing more.

People jump on him for the joke and he kind of pushes back, paying a Fiverr Jesus comedy guy to say "Hitler Did Nothing Wrong" among other things. Fiverr bans Jesus guy and PDP gets upset about that, Fiverr bans PDP and the original comedy duo and PDP gets upset about that. PDP makes a video mocking people who're calling him a nazi (which was a fairly funny video imo), small tech blogs do their small tech blog thing and write about the drama. PDP apologizes via Tumblr.

WSJ gets wind and collects a bunch of nazi imagry used in PDPs jokes and then contacts Disney (who employs PDP), Disney fires PDP, then WSJ contacts PDP for comment. He declines. WSJ posts what I feel is a badly written article and PDP gets mad and responds via Video pointing out the poor reporting. H3H3 makes a video response backing PDP. PDP makes a video where he shoots nazis in the nuts in Sniper Elite 4. PDP makes this video to respond to small tech blogs, linking to Sargon who apparently came out in support of PDP at some point.

I may have gotten some of the timeline wrong.
From what I understood WSJ contacted PDP before Contacting Disney and he refused to comment.


People jump on him for the joke and he kind of pushes back, paying a Fiverr Jesus comedy guy to say "Hitler Did Nothing Wrong" among other things. Fiverr bans Jesus guy and PDP gets upset about that, Fiverr bans PDP and the original comedy duo and PDP gets upset about that.

Wait, people were saying that he DIDN'T have anything to do with Jesus Guy.


Entryism is the term we're all looking for.

White supremacists, nazis, fascists, they like these kinds of ironic jokes because it delegitimizes something and normalizes it. They see it as an entry point. PDP is essentially holding the door open for his followers right now to Sargon, a fascist, racist, misogynist, serial harasser, etc., by promoting him.

he's not just opening the door

he's literally ushering them in by linking to racists now


(Ridiculous was a tad too strong)

I just don't find the "it's a joke" distinction all that meaningful. There are racist jokes! There are jokes that communicate awful, hateful things! Comedy isn't something that minimizes the underlying messages it communicates -- often, it makes those messages much more potent and dangerous. I think comedy is one of the most dangerous, potent political forces there is.

Look at Milo. His whole schtick is "everything's a joke." That's the alt-right's knee-jerk defensive crouch. Well, that's not good enough. Irony, comedy, etc. is speech just like any other speech -- and it holds power and meaning and can be dissected and criticized in an intelligent manner.

I think it's meaningful from the point of view of you yourself need to be able to read/see/hear things and assess how much of an imminent threat they actually are. I'd like to think 95% of the population could see a PDP video and at worst think what a fucking idiot/is this what the kids laugh at these days? Why? Because your brain deciphers it is someone in front of a camera trying to be funny, not an actual criminal or dangerous person. Speech is important but it is still separated from actual actions.

Maybe the real issue of modern times is crude/insensitive humour isn't locked away behind 15/18 rated DVDs, but literally 15 seconds away from clicking an internet browser and doing a google search/YT search. I'll admit that is a challenge of our times, but again, I see good parenting far more important than being too paranoid every young person who seeks a sick/twisted joke is going to go mad and actually be a genuine threat. Some are, but that's life, there are bad people out there and we do our best to prevent them from doing anything.

Even taking away the internet, some kid on the playground back in the day always had some edgy joke passed down from an older brother/sister and ran around the playground telling it to all the other kids for a shocked reaction. Parents and society have always faced the realities of shock humour, albeit it may well get to the eyes and ears of most a lot easier/quicker in today's retweet/repost internet world.


"I know him and everyone he associate with even though i don´t know the guy. He is racist sexist, and a homophobe, not he actually showed any of that but i will just make these accusations to the guy, because he is a successful youtuber and i am not, and he does not conform to every single idea that i have. He does not have the same sense of humor that i have. PDP is a racist scumbag".

I have a great joke for you.

Knock Knock.

Whose there?

Black people are subhuman

Oh what don't find the joke funny?

Can't criticize me you just don't have the same sense of humor I do.

Like what kind of a shitty defense is that for anything.

Also playing the "You jelly" card is fucking childish.


Have you watched the video?

Majority of GAF can barely read a OP let alone watch a 10 minute video.

The WSJ Article was shit no excuse they handled it really poorly and caused a ripple effect with people not trusting the media even more, but also help pusedh more people to the right.


He was talking to his community to not arrange furniture in his videogame to look like swastikas. It wasn't a joke about nazis but more like a PSA, "hey don't do this kids."

Can you link me to the video in question, because I'm still not seeing how this helps his case and requires more context than him explaining himself directly.

The WSJ Article was shit no excuse
Exactly what was shit about it? Like, what is your specific beef, with quotes?
Does anyone have a summary for anyone who isn't involved in YouTube/Twitter culture wars?

PDP made a really crass and offensive "Death to Jews" prank prompting WSJ to lump that legit issue in with some less offensive and somewhat understandable Nazi gimmicks he's done in the past.

He made a somewhat decent apology and now it seems like he's reneging on that apology and going full on Trump with "the media is out to get me" and straight up advertising for a legit Right Wing Fascist on his recent YT video.

Also This:



My respect for pewdiepie has skyrocketed after this and his previous apology video.

Spot on. Im finally a subscriber.

In a way Im glad this horrible incident happened to him (a genuinely nice guy) purely for the fact that he has the platform and reach to expose it for what it really is and perhaps wake more people up as to what is actually going on.

The exact same thing holds true for Trump.

He's not a Nazi. He's not a fascist. He's just a nice guy making millions laugh and offending a few precious power hungry virtue signalling people along the way.

The videogame industry is filled with these types unfortunately... but that's another story.

Oh come on, there's nothing wrong with today's Nazi. They are just trying to wake more people where white population are under siege by the mainstream media and illegal immigrants.

Can't wait for all the PC bullshit and diversity rhetoric to be eradicated from this industry right?


He was so close.

He was so close. That was a great video and everything.

And then he had to throw it all away by linking those fuckheads in the description.

Yeah, I thought the video itself was fine. A little petty, but fine. Linking to those awful people in the description is unacceptable and undermines every point he's made.
Comments like this show how much you've actually looked into either case. PDP is NOTHING like Milo.

Except for both of them racially targeting Leslie Jones? This kind of bullshit "lol j/k" frat boy bullshit that gamer gate and the alt right are built around absolving themselves of any bit of blame or consequence and instead shifting the blame on to anyone and everyone else (sjws! Fems! Cucks! The media!). It all comes from the same place. A complete inability to be introspective and massive amounts of insecurity. "Forget racism and sexism and fascism, my right to be a total, insensitive shithead trumps all of that."

You want tell edgy jokes? Cool. Go for it. But when the joke falls flat, it doesn't come out quite as you intended, fucking own it. Don't go whining about how unfair things are for you.


Since I pointed it out in the other thread, that JK Rowling image is a fucking Photoshop. But please, let's talk about how it's the mainstream media that's solely responsible for smearing people.

He's making a joke about that blog post being made up. Did you watch the video?


this site is full of hypocrites and people with tunnel vision. if you've never joked about something that someone else would find offensive you're a fucking liar. i don't think i've ever watched a video of pewdiepie until these last few weeks, but from what i've seen and read on this situation, he seems to have been treated extremely unfairly by the WSJ and others. I'm not saying he is without fault, but if you think headlines like the ones in this video aren't hyperbole, you're kidding urself

He was making anti-Semitic jokes while employed by Disney. He got exactly what he had coming.
Can someone summarize the video?

PDP made a really crass and offensive "Death to Jews" prank prompting WSJ to lump that legit issue in with some less offensive and somewhat understandable Nazi gimmicks he's done in the past.

He made a somewhat decent apology and now it seems like he's reneging on that apology and going full on Trump with "the media is out to get me" and straight up advertising for a legit Right Wing Fascist on his recent YT video.

Also This:



Can you link me to the video in question, because I'm still not seeing how this helps his case and requires more context than him explaining himself directly.
Unfortunately I don't have a link to that specific video and his video names make it kind of hard to find it. ( I guess you might agree that WSJ actually fucked a bit up there by not including sources and timestamps)

Edit: Ah found it.

Surprisingly appropriately named "Stop doing this"


The actual Vox headline was "The controversy over YouTube star PewDiePie and his anti-Semitic 'jokes,' explained." The part PewDiePie references in the video was Vox detailing how neo nazis and alt-righters have come to view PewDiePie, not about themselves saying he was a nazi for how he dresses.

again. vox didn't compare him to himmler. vox reported that neo-nazi sites were making comparisons of him to himmler. the only reason this adds fuel to pie's alt-right fire is because he's an idiot.

this is from vox


see the quotation marks? and the text preceding the quote directly attributing it to a neo-nazi website?

and here's the neo-nazi website


where you can see where the quote comes from

For the new page when people keep talking about the content in his video.

EDIT: I feel these should be in the OP after recent discoveries.


My respect for pewdiepie has skyrocketed after this and his previous apology video.

Spot on. Im finally a subscriber.

In a way Im glad this horrible incident happened to him (a genuinely nice guy) purely for the fact that he has the platform and reach to expose it for what it really is and perhaps wake more people up as to what is actually going on.

The exact same thing holds true for Trump.

He's not a Nazi. He's not a fascist. He's just a nice guy making millions laugh and offending a few precious power hungry virtue signalling people along the way.

The videogame industry is filled with these types unfortunately... but that's another story.

This is transparent (or misguided) enough that I can't tell if it's serious or satire.

Just in case:



First tragedy, then farce.

Looks like PDP is going to push further and further towards where he said he wasn't going to go.

I mean, I thought he acknowledged the mistake and was going to learn from it? It sure looks like he instead wants to beat up on the messenger and is trying really hard to play the victim here.

Also, do we have a source on the Rowling thing other than pro PDP Reddit threads?
Never watched or liked PDP...

I do now.


WSJ is scum.

Why? What has the Wall Street Journal done, if you are familiar with their work, to know they're scum? Would you say they are scum for this one specific act? A mistake, one might say? Something...let's say, akin to making a joke in poor taste that did not land and then not stepping back and admitting the fault in it but doubling down and going balls to the wall on defending it by attacking the other side?


this site is full of hypocrites and people with tunnel vision. if you've never joked about something that someone else would find offensive you're a fucking liar.

Don't speak for me. I don't throw Jews under the bus for edgelord shock humor like PDP does. I have better standards for myself than that.

However, if I'm going to ever delve into race territory, it's either A.) behind closed doors because I don't feel like breaking black-centric race relation jokes down for white people (cuz then the joke isn't funny), or B.) In a very specific public context where the point of my joke is to highlight the ills of racism and white supremacy.

However, at 5 feet tall I'm still a bigger person than PDP to believe that if even my own well-intended jokes hurt someone or had an unintended consequence, I would be able to apologize for my own actions and promise a call to action to be a more empathetic and thoughtful person in the future without being combative and blaming everyone else for my own victimization.

Because I'm an adult.

i don't think i've ever watched a video of pewdiepie until these last few weeks, but from what i've seen and read on this situation, he seems to have been treated extremely unfairly by the WSJ and others. I'm not saying he is without fault, but if you think headlines like the ones in this video aren't hyperbole, you're kidding urself

God a white guy can't even make Jew jokes anymore without someone pointing out that he's using Jew jokes. This world is so unfaaaaaiiiiiiiir.



Looks like PDP is going to push further and further towards the alt-right.

I mean, I thought he acknowledged the mistake and was going to learn from it? It sure looks like he instead wants to beat up on the messenger and is trying really hard to play the victim here.

Also, do we have a source on the Rowling thing other than pro PDP Reddit threads?

Remember those days when youtubers involved in controversy followed up with a thoughtful, introspective video where they recognized their position of influence and vowed to try to speak in a more positive and inclusive way?

Me neither


Unfortunately I don't have a link to that specific video and his video names make it kind of hard to find it. ( I guess you might agree that WSJ actually fucked a bit up there by not including sources and timestamps)

Well articles aren't debates, I don't expect them to have footnotes unless they're longform analysis. I think what you're trying to say is, he happened to have a video where he was looking at clips or screenshots of other people's stuff and making fun of them, and one of those happened to be of a user-created room that had a swastika in it, and you feel that the WSJ was unfair to include it because even though it is an instance of him using Nazi imagery in his videos it was a "PSA" as you call it.

But hey I happened to find a page that links it:

The video is entirely jokey though?


From what I understood WSJ contacted PDP before Contacting Disney and he refused to comment.

To be fair to PDP, I've had journalists contact us for comment and literally give a timeframe of hours before they publish anyway. Sometimes they really aren't actually interested in your opinion and know "did not comment" will sound more damning.

There's plenty to bury PDP without latching onto that one detail.


From what I understood WSJ contacted PDP before Contacting Disney and he refused to comment.
If this video is to be believed. The twitter exchanges on the subject went:

- PewDiePie said they didn't contact him before going to Disney.
- A WSJ writer called PDPs statements "demonstrably false", "post-truth" and that they always contact subjects before going to print.
- Person asks if they contacted PDP before going to Disney.
- The writer said he didn't know about the chronology of the events.

I think the WSJ writer probably just misunderstood.


You missed all the people posting it in the other threads on this as an example of Disney being hypocrites.

oh my gosh really?

i wrote an entire research paper on wb and disney propaganda cartoons

how the fuck could those people in the other thread miss the whole context? especially since they're so keen on providing context for "kill all the jews" and other such hilarious jokes


"I know him and everyone he associate with even though i don´t know the guy. He is racist sexist, and a homophobe, not he actually showed any of that but i will just make these accusations to the guy, because he is a successful youtuber and i am not, and he does not conform to every single idea that i have. He does not have the same sense of humor that i have. PDP is a racist scumbag".

Please, please please quote where I said he was a racist, sexist homophobe? It would be pretty hard to make an exact judgement call based on his youtube videos, especially experienced youtubers who will know exactly how to wink-wink nudge-nudge their videos and maintain neutrality. There ARE known bigots and racists though (the ones in particular you are trying to sweep under the rug) that you can make clear judgement calls on. If one is fighting to maintain their innocence a normal person would not in any way shape or form associate themselves with such individuals or platforms. Linking to and thanking such people in your videos that you and only you are responsible for the content of and are CULPABLE for and exposing millions of your young and impressionable viewers to does say things about your character and where your stance is. For instance, if you truly feel sorry for what you had put out that people took offense to or if you are just sorry that you got caught and don't want to be held culpable (I love this word in association with youtube content providers) for what you are putting out and influencing. Those associations are enough for me to make a judgement call on a persons character and to not partake in their content and criticize it.

If you don't want to be portrayed as something, its actually relatively easily to do so. Don't do the shit you are accused of and don't associate, thank and promote those that do those things unabashedly. Millions of people and thousands of youtubers are able to accomplish this simple task on a daily basis. Why is this so hard for PDP to accomplish?
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