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Talk about double standards (Wall Street Journal vs. PewDiePie)

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The point is that PDP was once a Disney employee and that perhaps Disney should've known earlier that they had a public relations liability on their hands in case ol' Homeboy fucked with the wrong one one day.
And they had that with the "Death to all jews" "joke". The other stuff was irrelevant to that and out of context.

Like I said, they had a perfectly fine story but then undermined it by trying to imply worse.
No you don´t know anything. You just generalize base on your bias views. Even though PDP linked Sargon that does not make Sargon a company for PDP to keep. You know the people who defend him? You know nothing Ponn.

Every single one of you lack nuance. Duke, King Jong Ill? Fucking really. Get a grip.

Linking Sargon of Akkad's channel absent any criticism is a tacit endorsement of him. It's really that simple. I'm not going to be on board with that.


Linking Sargon of Akkad's channel absent any criticism is a tacit endorsement of him. It's really that simple. I'm not going to be on board with that.

Ya, to me linking to Sargon is much worse than the dumb joke that started all this. You're giving a megaphone to an actual racist shithead, GJ jokey youtube white guy.

Some of my best friends are youtubers.

Gross Chinner I thought you had better standards.
What is the difference? Cable vs. YouTube? Internet comedy vs. standup? If you're going to excuse Louis CK then you can't expect people to apply a different standard to an entertainer on YouTube. You're just excusing people you like. It's favoritism.

I literally told you the difference. Where it is doesn't matter. It's not excusing because there is nothing to excuse, everything I said before shows why there is a difference.

It's not favoritism, it's because there IS a fucking difference.

You're being willfully obtuse.


Without any context it looks like PDP has randomly a swastika in his game appear. But if they had not cut out the sound and replaced it with music you'd know that he was talking to his community to not do this in his game.

So this part is literally right after they let him in his own words describe his position, explaining how it was just a joke and that the media was mischaracterizing his intent (~1:50 - 2:16) -- that's the context in which it's placed in the video. The swastika isn't even referenced; your screenshot lasts for I think two seconds or so, in which time it fades out and has text overlayed on top of it. So your complaint is what exactly? That they allowed him to explain it's all jokes and the media is wrong but didn't otherwise bend over backwards on top of that?


So this part is literally right after they let him in his own words describe his position, explaining how it was just a joke and that the media was mischaracterizing his intent (~1:50 - 2:16) -- that's the context in which it's placed in the video. The swastika isn't even referenced; your screenshot lasts for I think two seconds or so, in which time it fades out and has text overlayed on top of it. So your complaint is what exactly? That they allowed him to explain it's all jokes and the media is wrong but didn't otherwise bend over backwards on top of that?
No, that they threw in that bit to make it look like he has randomly nazi imagery appear. Again, he wasn't making a joke there.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
He's not apologizing in that clip. The text also refers to a clip they showed a moment earlier, after all did they cut out the sound of the clip, so you wouldn't even know what he's saying about the swastika

I get that, but he is still showing the image which is the point of the text. I get that he is saying not to do it, but the point of that text is the imagery itself bolsters some people regardless of context.


I like all races and also pewdiepie. Or is that not an option in this day and age?

Seriously, get a grip.

More power to you if you like him. No one's saying you shouldn't like him. But you gotta understand - using the "separate the art from the artist" argument, something I can sympathize with to some degree, becomes a blurred line when his business and channel is entirely dependent on people's investment in the artist themselves. That's how most of these YouTube Gamer channels work these days, and people watch PDP less for what he does and moreso for who he is.

If you can look passed those personal indifferences to appreciate the work he makes that's fine, but you can't blame the people who can't reconcile the kind of behavior and tactics that PDP is exhibiting.
You're coming off as super defensive. It's easy to dismiss arguments by saying "or is that not an option this day and age" maybe you should do some research and get a grip.

What I'm saying is that labels like alt right and fascist and racist and nazi and so on are being thrown out like candy at a parade and it's pathetic. Get a grip. There are people out there who actually dont like other people because of some superficial difference. Save it for them.


I get that, but he is still showing the image which is the point of the text. I get that he is saying not to do it, but the point of that text is the imagery itself bolsters some people regardless of context.
Well then the WSJ is guilty of that too by showing the very same image.


And they had that with the "Death to all jews" "joke". The other stuff was irrelevant to that and out of context.

You can't say that if the point you were previously making was that the references were out of context, because the context of even the Jews sign was that the service had no checks in place to prevent the sign from being made, meaning we're back at this notion that the WSJ should've never made the article. Either all of the examples are relevant or none of them are.

But they did make the article, and they did investigation to show he's done it on more than one occasion to strengthen the argument that he's not just a guy who slipped up once, but a certified dumbass.


No, that they threw in that bit to make it look like he has randomly nazi imagery appear. Again, he wasn't making a joke there.

They're literally saying "hey this guy has a lot of Nazi imagery on his videos, here's his explanation for it." That's adequate context.


I'm willing to bet an entire month's wages that PDP reached out to The Daily Stormer directly and asked them to change their banner to the WSJ one, which of course they were more than happy to oblige
What I'm saying is that labels like alt right and fascist and so on are being thrown out like candy at a parade and it's pathetic. Get a grip.

PDP is literally giving a prominate memeber of the alt-right known for dog piling and harassing more attention and people are having a problem with that. What's hard for you understand?
Every single one of you lack nuance. Duke, King Jong Ill? Fucking really. Get a grip.

Anyway. Getting back to you once more.

Yes, David Duke. His endorsement of Trump is an actual thing that happened. And now Pewdiepie is cozying up to and linking the profiles of similarly vile, racist scumbags to millions of people.

Please demonstrate this nuance of yours, because apparently I don't see it.


My point is he's always been in the realm of "comedy", whether you find him funny or not. Comedy can exist not as an educational force, but as... comedy? Many comedians you consume will reach tens of millions, but it may be more so through DVD sales/TV specials. Just because you can see PDP's subscription counter does not mean individuals who are not on YT do not reach similar figures. As I said he's not built up tens of millions of followers doing geography education, then suddenly switched to dropping f-bombs and posting memes.

Speech matters, but everyone shouldn't be assumed to be brain-dead and unable to differentiate humour, no matter how shitty it is, from "real life". Are Ben Fritz's jokes okay because he only had/has a few thousand Twitter followers? That's where I don't understand the argument of if you're popular you cannot be like other individuals? Or in this context as I've said a few times now, with said popularity comes a clear expectation of your content from day 1. He's always been posting crappy jokes, edgy humour, shouting f-bombs and generally being quite insufferable.

I'm hoping we've just crossed wires, because I don't know how my attitude is ridiculous? I would say YT could probably do better at age-rating channels and/or stating what the channel may be like when you hit subscribe. I'm not sure how they can do much more though, unless T&C get broken.

(Ridiculous was a tad too strong)

I just don't find the "it's a joke" distinction all that meaningful. There are racist jokes! There are jokes that communicate awful, hateful things! Comedy isn't something that minimizes the underlying messages it communicates -- often, it makes those messages much more potent and dangerous. I think comedy is one of the most dangerous, potent political forces there is.

Look at Milo. His whole schtick is "everything's a joke." That's the alt-right's knee-jerk defensive crouch. Well, that's not good enough. Irony, comedy, etc. is speech just like any other speech -- and it holds power and meaning and can be dissected and criticized in an intelligent manner.


What I'm saying is that labels like alt right and fascist and so on are being thrown out like candy at a parade and it's pathetic. Get a grip.

I mean both of those words are pretty accurately describing both a number of people, and the general political situation in a certain country of the world right now, so I'd wager many of those uses are relatively justified.

That is, unless you are in a position where neither of those things really affect you, then of course it just seems "pathetic".

Get a grip.


You can't say that if the point you were previously making was that the references were out of context, because the context of even the Jews sign was that the service had no checks in place to prevent the sign from being made, meaning we're back at this notion that the WSJ should've never made the article. Either all of the examples are relevant or none of them are.

But they did make the article, and they did investigation to show he's done it on more than one occasion to strengthen the argument that he's not just a guy who slipped up once, but a certified dumbass.
I never made that notion. What I've said from the beginning is that they had a story with the sign and the rest was idiotic to include. You argument that it's all or nothing doesn't make sense. That they left out the context for the other examples doesn't help their argument but actually undermines it

They're literally saying "hey this guy has a lot of Nazi imagery on his videos, here's his explanation for it." That's adequate context.
No, it's not when he was literally not making a joke there. Why include that and even cut out the sound?


My respect for pewdiepie has skyrocketed after this and his previous apology video.

Spot on. Im finally a subscriber.

In a way Im glad this horrible incident happened to him (a genuinely nice guy) purely for the fact that he has the platform and reach to expose it for what it really is and perhaps wake more people up as to what is actually going on.

The exact same thing holds true for Trump.

He's not a Nazi. He's not a fascist. He's just a nice guy making millions laugh and offending a few precious power hungry virtue signalling people along the way.

The videogame industry is filled with these types unfortunately... but that's another story.
"You don't know Pewdiepie-senpai like I do. Leave Pewds alone! Don't judge him on your bias facts you are listing!"
"I know him and everyone he associate with even though i don´t know the guy. He is racist sexist, and a homophobe, not he actually showed any of that but i will just make these accusations to the guy, because he is a successful youtuber and i am not, and he does not conform to every single idea that i have. He does not have the same sense of humor that i have. PDP is a racist scumbag".
Is this an actual serious post or have you just gone off the deep end?

Is this a serious post, or have you got your accusatory, judgmental goggles on? Comparing People to Kim Jong Ill and Duke is going off the deep end.
Comments like this show how much you've actually looked into either case. PDP is NOTHING like Milo.

Nah, he's acting like Milo: Say horrible offensive shit then blame the media for daring to report about it say they are trying to destroy him because they are sooooooo jealous. He might not be as scummy as Milo(few are) but he is using the same playbook.
Why should they do it differently? The story is about a prominent YouTuber losing sponsors over controversial behaviour. Obviously you have to contact the sponsors for quotes. Don't you think it makes sense to have them on the record in order to be able to ask him about his response to their statements?

The wording of the OP is as though they snuck behind his back. That's not how journalism works. You want the sources and ideally you get them in an order that let's you ask questions that are relevant to your earlier discoveries.


My respect for pewdiepie has skyrocketed after this and his previous apology video.

Spot on. Im finally a subscriber.

In a way Im glad this horrible incident happened to him (a genuinely nice guy) purely for the fact that he has the platform and reach to expose it for what it really is and perhaps wake more people up as to what is actually going on.

The exact same thing holds true for Trump.

He's not a Nazi. He's not a fascist. He's just a nice guy making millions laugh and offending a few precious power hungry virtue signalling people along the way.

The videogame industry is filled with these types unfortunately... but that's another story.
this shit all sounds the same

we got sockpuppets up in here?


My respect for pewdiepie has skyrocketed after this and his previous apology video.

Spot on. Im finally a subscriber.

In a way Im glad this horrible incident happened to him (a genuinely nice guy) purely for the fact that he has the platform and reach to expose it for what it really is and perhaps wake more people up as to what is actually going on.

The exact same thing holds true for Trump.

He's not a Nazi. He's not a fascist. He's just a nice guy making millions laugh and offending a few precious power hungry virtue signalling people along the way.

The videogame industry is filled with these types unfortunately... but that's another story.

wtf am I reading here


My respect for pewdiepie has skyrocketed after this and his previous apology video.

Spot on. Im finally a subscriber.

In a way Im glad this horrible incident happened to him (a genuinely nice guy) purely for the fact that he has the platform and reach to expose it for what it really is and perhaps wake more people up as to what is actually going on.

The exact same thing holds true for Trump.

He's not a Nazi. He's not a fascist. He's just a nice guy making millions laugh and offending a few precious power hungry virtue signalling people along the way.

The videogame industry is filled with these types unfortunately... but that's another story.



Does anyone have a summary for anyone who isn't involved in YouTube/Twitter culture wars?

PDP made a comedy group on Fiverr hold up a sign that said "Death to All Jews" followed by them saying "Subscribe to Keemstar".

A crass joke that is tone deaf and insensitive, but nothing more.

People jump on him for the joke and he kind of pushes back, paying a Fiverr Jesus comedy guy to say "Hitler Did Nothing Wrong" among other things. Fiverr bans Jesus guy and PDP gets upset about that, Fiverr bans PDP and the original comedy duo and PDP gets upset about that. PDP makes a video mocking people who're calling him a nazi (which was a fairly funny video imo), small tech blogs do their small tech blog thing and write about the drama. PDP apologizes via Tumblr.

WSJ gets wind and collects a bunch of nazi imagry used in PDPs jokes and then contacts Disney (who employs PDP), Disney fires PDP, then WSJ contacts PDP for comment. He declines. WSJ posts what I feel is a badly written article and PDP gets mad and responds via Video pointing out the poor reporting. H3H3 makes a video response backing PDP. PDP makes a video where he shoots nazis in the nuts in Sniper Elite 4. PDP makes this video to respond to small tech blogs, linking to Sargon who apparently came out in support of PDP at some point.

I may have gotten some of the timeline wrong.


What I'm saying is that labels like alt right and fascist and racist and nazi and so on are being thrown out like candy at a parade and it's pathetic. Get a grip. There are people out there who actually dont like people because of some superficial difference. Save it for them.

You have a childlike understanding of racism/discrimination. It's vastly more complex than "not liking people." If your behavior contributes to systemic structures that disadvantage people, you're part of the problem. A person's individual feelings are almost irrelevant in the grand scheme of things now. Whether you or PDP harbor some internal negativity toward a group in your heart of hearts means all of jack-shit.


I never made that notion. What I've said from the beginning is that they had a story with the sign and the rest was idiotic to include. You argument that it's all or nothing doesn't make sense.

The notion I mentioned wasn't in regards to anything you've said, but the general defense people have held that the WSJ literally never should've been said a thing about it. Sorry that wasn't clear.

Regardless, the rest wasn't idiotic to include because the rest directly ties into the point that the original sign video wasn't a slip up, but rather that he's carelessly done this shit before.


Wait I'm not following you--he's genuine about Nazi imagery now? I'm really legitimately not following you.
He was talking to his community to not arrange furniture in his videogame to look like swastikas. It wasn't a joke about nazis but more like a PSA, "hey don't do this kids."


Entryism is the term we're all looking for.

White supremacists, nazis, fascists, they like these kinds of ironic jokes because it delegitimizes something and normalizes it. They see it as an entry point. PDP is essentially holding the door open for his followers right now to Sargon, a fascist, racist, misogynist, serial harasser, etc., by promoting him.
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