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Mass Effect: Andromeda - EA/Origin Access trial coming March 16th - 10 hour trial


Anybody else on PC getting a weird bug where you can't keep the scanner open? I opened the scanner and it instantly closed again. Restarting the game fixed it. A bit later I was unable to walk at all when first stepping on the Nexus. Ryder was running full speed with every step. Additionally the scanner bug popped back up. I thought it had to do with using an Xbox controller, but it was doing the same thing when I used M/KB. Restarting the game isn't a huge deal, but when the game isn't even letting you save on certain missions, even when you're nowhere near combat, this could cause problems if you can't load right back into where you are.


As far as I recall, if you start aiming in mid-air, you should auto-hover until the hover 'time' is up.

Edit: Though admittedly, I never got a scope, so I'm not sure how that interacts.

My guess is that it's loading the detailed textures in while you travel. But yeah, it could add to being one of the more aggravating issues, especially for not having a whole lot of 'worth' in stuff like the asteroids.

It just makes me aim down the scope mid jump. It seems dumb as hell unless I'm missing somehing.

Edit: damnit, the game lost connection just after a win in multiplayer now the extraction doesn't seem to count towards the tutorial challenge

The Dude

Thanks for those replies fellas. Yea I just want it to be a game that feels like mass effect, has plenty of exploration and gear to get and enjoyable combat. I can easily look past some shoddy animations however I don't want it to be that I'm excusing them but I just can't pass on one my favorite series ever.

I'm really lookin forward to it.
Haven't played it, but regards to "insanity" I meant impressions and images/gifs.

Think imma get it. Hope it's good! Really just concerned about the worlds and the story.

The GIFs and the animation commentary started as funny and good-natured fun but people's obsessive infantile harping is out of control at this point. I guess this is fine but when these same people repeat the same things, warranted or not, over and over and over their views stop being legitimate criticism and they just come off like petulant wankers.

I played Mass Effect 2 all day long and, guys, the writing in Andromeda is as good, and in most cases better. I've played ME2 5 times and remains my favorite ME game and one of my favorite Western RPGs in general.

And these entitled folks saying things like "Bioware should be ashamed of itself" and that "this is an atrocity" or "This is the worst ME of all time" really need to get a grip and a reality check. If you are of the opinion that any of the previous ME games had top tier modeling then you are kidding yourself. Fire ME2 up again and you'll see. The game has some actual rough edges but the hyperbole is gross.
Just watched the exploration video again and all this time I thought the planet they focused on in that video was Eos. But it's a different one and at first glance seems quite similar to Eos too.

This is really going to decide my purchase. Please let the worlds be interesting.


If the scanning for R&D and sidequests ends up being super tedious, I'm passing. I don't have time for that. I'd deal with anything else. I'd complain, but I'd deal.


Something weird going on with lobbies. Sometimes y is inspect squad and when you leave the inspect view y becomes votekick what?


Been having a good time with the trial. Running at 1440p Ultra on the 1080 Ti that came in, looks pretty damn nice IQ-wise. Seemed to be pulling 80-90 FPS average throughout the first planet without any real noticeable dips (I think the lowest I saw was in the mid 70s).

Haven't leveled up much so far so can't speak a ton to the combat but it feels a whole lot better to me than ME2 in fluidity. I especially really the jet evade and hover mechanics. Think I'll probably play a heavy Tech & pistol / SMG style this time.


Gotta say that the movements in multiplayer make everything annoying. I never have the sense that I'm in complete control of my character.


I've only played multiplayer so far and I'm enjoying it, but a few things bug me. The double button press for the third power is terrible. I'd honestly rather jump not be a thing than have to hit both shoulder buttons every time I want to use a certain power. I also really miss the exploding heads after a headshot. That was so satisfying in ME3. It also seems like combo detonations do a lot less damage than in ME3, but maybe it's just because my characters are still pretty low level.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Any impressions on how handling your squad's powers works now that they changed it?

I can see how the AI would be scripted to automatically use a detonator if you tell them to target a certain enemy right after you've just used a primer but what if you just want them to use a particular power regardless of the situation?

From the limited experience in the trial, mainly on Eos, honestly I don't like it. Directing focus commands does seem useful to ensure stuff like, say, Cora is focusing on setting up and detonating combos. And you can command them to move to specific areas, like the trilogy. But it still feels regressive as the AI, in my opinion, doesn't feel convincingly autonomous.

And I mean, it's the little QOL stuff too. Like running up to and taking cover, and trying to move along it where an NPC might be in the way. In, at the very least, Mass Effect 3 you're basically guaranteed the squadmate will take 100% priority of your movement. Here it's not the same. It's irregular, but I have frustratingly bumped into squadmates in the middle of combat.

It was the wrong direction to take, in my opinion. I don't feel there's anything there at all conveying a convincing autonomy yet team cohesion in the AI as it. It really just feels like the trilogy, only with significantly reduced synergy and control, thus worse.


From the limited experience in the trial, mainly on Eos, honestly I don't like it. Directing focus commands does seem useful to ensure stuff like, say, Cora is focusing on setting up and detonating combos. And you can command them to move to specific areas, like the trilogy. But it still feels regressive as the AI, in my opinion, doesn't feel convincingly autonomous.

And I mean, it's the little QOL stuff too. Like running up to and taking cover, and trying to move along it where an NPC might be in the way. In, at the very least, Mass Effect 3 you're basically guaranteed the squadmate will take 100% priority of your movement. Here it's not the same. It's irregular, but I have frustratingly bumped into squadmates in the middle of combat.

It was the wrong direction to take, in my opinion. I don't feel there's anything there at all conveying a convincing autonomy yet team cohesion in the AI as it. It really just feels like the trilogy, only with significantly reduced synergy and control, thus worse.

Thanks for the feedback. That sucks to hear. It was my biggest concern when i heard about the changes. They clearly wanted a faster, mobile, multiplayer type experience but it sucks that you don't have complete control of your squad.

So lets say you want to use concussive shot from one of your squadmates. How would you initiate that? Do you just direct them to attack an enemy and hope they just throw out that particular power?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Thanks for the feedback. That sucks to hear. It was my biggest concern when i heard about the changes. They clearly wanted a faster, mobile, multiplayer type experience but it sucks that you don't have complete control of your squad.

So lets say you want to use concussive shot from one of your squadmates. How would you initiate that? Do you just direct them to attack an enemy and hope they just throw out that particular power?

Unless I'm missing something, you can't. It's just supposed to be "smart" in a contextual sense, like if I prime a target and command Cora to attack she'll ideally detonate with whatever relevant skill. She'll also set up and activate her own detonations.

But in terms of using specific skills, you're shit out of luck. If you want a squadmate to use concussive shot you simply cannot. They'll use it when they feel like it or with a relevant context, not when you command.


good god the mattock is so punchy and satisfying
One of mah faves. Curious to hear all the new sound effects.
No save during a mission? Really?

I spent 15 minutes exploring a laboratory on the initial mission, encounter enemies on the way out, die, and get reset to my previous encounter before I even walked to the laboratory. Wtf is that? Seriously frustrating.
Damn, that sucks. I feel like i read preview or something that mentioned the saving and checkpointing wasn't always up to snuff and that you needed to watch it.


imagine my surprise when I learn this isn't a 10 hour unlimited trial. It does have an end lmao.

I mean, that was fairly up frontly said. You can definitely spend 10 hours solely in the single player and not finish EVERYTHING too, though you can come very very close (or maybe can finish it, I spent time in multi so idk).

Unless I'm missing something, you can't. It's just supposed to be "smart" in a contextual sense, like if I prime a target and command Cora to attack she'll ideally detonate with whatever relevant skill. She'll also set up and activate her own detonations.

But in terms of using specific skills, you're shit out of luck. If you want a squadmate to use concussive shot you simply cannot. They'll use it when they feel like it or with a relevant context, not when you command.

Not excusing it, but fairly sure it's because they let the AI squadmates cheat lilke crazy, like if you tell them to detonate your primer they'll do it even if they just used that skill. They also literally warp around the battlefield with you, generally they seem much less beholden to the rules than you are (or than they were in the past games). I could be way off, was just the feeling I had dicking around with them in game. I'm not in favor of less squad control, but I don't think it matters too much in the campaign anyway. Insanity aside, ME has never demanded perfect synergy with your squad and really MP is the only place those tactics really matter.
I mean, that was fairly up frontly said. You can definitely spend 10 hours solely in the single player and not finish EVERYTHING too, though you can come very very close (or maybe can finish it, I spent time in multi so idk).

I got to 2 hours away from ending. I could in theory still turn in one more mission. And I have no interest in the multiplayer. Oh well, it was worth 5 bucks.

My biggest regret is no super pale skin so I could make a proper Ronald. With the power to name your weapons, all of the mcdonalds themed shitty names. Down the drain.


Am I doing something wrong or does the game really not automatically flip your over the shoulder orientation in cover if you're at the edge of cover but facing the wrong way? My usual stance is Ryder on the left aiming weapon to the right. Behind cover I'm always facing right, even if I'm on the left edge of cover where you'd figure the game would automatically turn you that way. I'm finding myself having to manually flip the perspective to be able to step to the left and fire, then having to eventually flip back to my usual orientation.

Please tell me that I'm doing it wrong or that my game is glitching.


Am I doing something wrong or does the game really not automatically flip your over the shoulder orientation in cover if you're at the edge of cover but facing the wrong way? My usual stance is Ryder on the left aiming weapon to the right. Behind cover I'm always facing right, even if I'm on the left edge of cover where you'd figure the game would automatically turn you that way. I'm finding myself having to manually flip the perspective to be able to step to the left and fire, then having to eventually flip back to my usual orientation.

Please tell me that I'm doing it wrong or that my game is glitching.

No you have to manually shoulder swap. I think it was the same in ME3. TBH once you're used to it I prefer having complete control over this than having to wrangle movement directions in other games to get the shoulder I want.
I liked it, though my PC gets to struggle a little with the game (it's just a FX-8320, so...)
I'll buy it. The thing is, on PC or PS4... that I don't know yet.
No you have to manually shoulder swap. I think it was the same in ME3. TBH once you're used to it I prefer having complete control over this than having to wrangle movement directions in other games to get the shoulder I want.
Yes. To manually change direction you press the R3 on the controller. That's how it works on PC anyway. I'm sure it's the same on Xbox/PS4
No you have to manually shoulder swap. I think it was the same in ME3. TBH once you're used to it I prefer having complete control over this than having to wrangle movement directions in other games to get the shoulder I want.

It was not, this is the only third person shooter I've played where the character does not automatically change camera depending on what side of cover you're on.

Instead you're constantly forced to press in on the stick to swap shoulders and it makes playing on insanity aggravating because most of the deaths come from your character not facing cover the right way.
Holster and weapon wheel is assigned to the worst button ever on the controller.
It is awkwadly placed. But at least it pauses the game though not in multiplayer I assume (yet to try it). L3 may have been a better option. What is it currently used for? Not that we can change controller configuration of course which always bloody annoys me (and 90% of games don't allow button assignment on controllers for some poxy reason).


It was not, this is the only third person shooter I've played where the character does not automatically change camera depending on what side of cover you're on.

Instead you're constantly forced to press in on the stick to swap shoulders and it makes playing on insanity aggravating because most of the deaths come from your character not facing cover the right way.

Have played plenty that want you to do it, you get different angles with different shoulders, so it's tactically very valuable to be able to directly control it. It's also not remotely tedious or hard to do.


It is awkwadly placed. But at least it pauses the game though not in multiplayer I assume (yet to try it). L3 may have been a better option. What is it currently used for? Not that we can change controller configuration of course which always bloody annoys me (and 90% of games don't allow button assignment on controllers for some poxy reason).
I felt the same about those two things. Was bugging me a lot but thank god for ability to rebind everything on steam controller. Created something that works much better for me. Should be able to use the same configuration tool through steam for the xbox one and DS4 controllers to maybe fix it.


No you have to manually shoulder swap. I think it was the same in ME3. TBH once you're used to it I prefer having complete control over this than having to wrangle movement directions in other games to get the shoulder I want.

This is PC you're talking right? If that's the norm on PC then I understand and will assume I won't have to worry about this on the console (likely gonna be getting it on PS4). It would be nice to be able to toggle this on PC at least, for those who are used to how it worked on the console. Maybe it's easier to handle using M/KB, and maybe it's something I'd get used to with controller, but having never done this on the console it's a weird mechanic for me.

It was not, this is the only third person shooter I've played where the character does not automatically change camera depending on what side of cover you're on.

Instead you're constantly forced to press in on the stick to swap shoulders and it makes playing on insanity aggravating because most of the deaths come from your character not facing cover the right way.

Are you playing this on XBox or PC?


This is PC you're talking right? If that's the norm on PC then I understand and will assume I won't have to worry about this on the console (likely gonna be getting it on PS4). It would be nice to be able to toggle this on PC at least, for those who are used to how it worked on the console. Maybe it's easier to handle using M/KB, and maybe it's something I'd get used to with controller, but having never done this on the console it's a weird mechanic for me.

Controller games too. Especially stealth oriented games it really helps with lining shots up. It's really not that hard to figure out and it quickly becomes second nature.


So, uh. Dunno if this is the right thread for it but I'm trying to try the PC Origin Access thing and ever since putting the game in borderless windowed, I see nothing but a black screen when I launch the game. Simple enough, right?

Except it kills my entire monitor and I have to unplug it and plug it back in after this happens. Fix your shit, EA.


Unless I'm missing something, you can't. It's just supposed to be "smart" in a contextual sense, like if I prime a target and command Cora to attack she'll ideally detonate with whatever relevant skill. She'll also set up and activate her own detonations.

But in terms of using specific skills, you're shit out of luck. If you want a squadmate to use concussive shot you simply cannot. They'll use it when they feel like it or with a relevant context, not when you command.
Ugh. Worst fears confirmed

Not excusing it, but fairly sure it's because they let the AI squadmates cheat lilke crazy, like if you tell them to detonate your primer they'll do it even if they just used that skill. They also literally warp around the battlefield with you, generally they seem much less beholden to the rules than you are (or than they were in the past games). I could be way off, was just the feeling I had dicking around with them in game. I'm not in favor of less squad control, but I don't think it matters too much in the campaign anyway. Insanity aside, ME has never demanded perfect synergy with your squad and really MP is the only place those tactics really matter.
I can only hope that the flow of combat is such that not having that control over you team doesn't turn out to be a big deal but it's one of those if it aint broke don't fix it elements that was a core staple throughout the whole series.

I guess the upside is that by them giving you access to every type of power and setting up favorite profiles and stuff that you can (in theory) feel less handcuffed by only rolling with certain squad mates because in the trilogy i'd generally only roll with mates that complimented my adept playstyle. Who knows but i'm still excited to try it out
Have played plenty that want you to do it, you get different angles with different shoulders, so it's tactically very valuable to be able to directly control it. It's also not remotely tedious or hard to do.

Yes it is, I respect that you personally may not have any issues with it that doesn't reflect the situation for all of us. Shoulder swap is a neat thing for sure, but at most it should be something you do once in a game to cater to left-hand users, otherwise your character should at all times face the correct direction automatically when sliding to different sides in a piece of cover.

Are you playing this on XBox or PC?

Xbox One, but platform really shouldn't matter in this context.


Been having a good time with the trial. Running at 1440p Ultra on the 1080 Ti that came in, looks pretty damn nice IQ-wise. Seemed to be pulling 80-90 FPS average throughout the first planet without any real noticeable dips (I think the lowest I saw was in the mid 70s).

Haven't leveled up much so far so can't speak a ton to the combat but it feels a whole lot better to me than ME2 in fluidity. I especially really the jet evade and hover mechanics. Think I'll probably play a heavy Tech & pistol / SMG style this time.

How can I see what FPS I am actually getting?


Anybody else on PC getting a weird bug where you can't keep the scanner open? I opened the scanner and it instantly closed again. Restarting the game fixed it. A bit later I was unable to walk at all when first stepping on the Nexus. Ryder was running full speed with every step. Additionally the scanner bug popped back up. I thought it had to do with using an Xbox controller, but it was doing the same thing when I used M/KB. Restarting the game isn't a huge deal, but when the game isn't even letting you save on certain missions, even when you're nowhere near combat, this could cause problems if you can't load right back into where you are.

Yeah, I had that bug on habitat 7. Another poster (perhaps you if you posted about this before) had it too. It seemed like the same kind of glitch that makes choosing an option in the settings menu hard to do with a mouse. After I moved to a close by different area, the scanner worked again.


Xbox One, but platform really shouldn't matter in this context.

Well that sucks.

Controller games too. Especially stealth oriented games it really helps with lining shots up. It's really not that hard to figure out and it quickly becomes second nature.

I'm not doubting that you find it to be helpful or that it's something I'd get used to, but the previous ME games worked perfectly fine for me without manual shoulder switching. I won't say there were never times I popped up and faced a direction I wasn't expecting, but this was not a regular occurrence. It is just appalling to me that they'd make this change as it feels completely odd and unnatural.

Edit: I haven't played the original trilogy in awhile, but thinking about how it works, I guess if you're crouched in cover facing left and hit LT to pop up it's always going to face you right if that's the orientation you have set. Is that correct? If so I can see this being weird for lining up shots from cover. I'd really have to go back and play ME3 again to see exactly how it worked in every situation.


I've done all the SP content until the cut off point of the trial. Not impressed so far. PC version runs great at 60 FPS on my machine so that's a good point. It reminds me a lot of DAI while they've explicitly stated it wouldn't be. I don't like driving around the nomad at all. It reminds of Skyrim and DAI when you waste time trying to find a way across a mountain. The environmental hazard is more of a gimmick so you set up the station just like you set up camps in DAI. Some of the NPCs around the Hyperion and Nexus are absolutely terrifying and look at least a generation behind. Many are janking and start running around for no reason after you talk to them or disappear/pop in. The crafting system is overwhelming because of all the stuff you can craft right from the beginning. The planet scanning is tedious and every time you select a new planet from the galaxy map you have a long animation showing the trip between planet. I can't believe the backward gun firing is still in the game at this point either. Verticality is cool for battles but it tends to make the AI jump excessively around for no reason. I don't like not be able to order teammates to use the skill I want either.

This one will need a lot of patching.


2pm UK/10am US EST/7am US PST

I heard that the embargo has been moved up earlier in response to all the negative info about the facial models, animations etc...I'm thinking EA/Bioware are confident that the full game when taken as a whole is really good and don't want people to get a bad impression after only playing a few hours
Been having a good time with the trial. Running at 1440p Ultra on the 1080 Ti that came in, looks pretty damn nice IQ-wise. Seemed to be pulling 80-90 FPS average throughout the first planet without any real noticeable dips (I think the lowest I saw was in the mid 70s).

Haven't leveled up much so far so can't speak a ton to the combat but it feels a whole lot better to me than ME2 in fluidity. I especially really the jet evade and hover mechanics. Think I'll probably play a heavy Tech & pistol / SMG style this time.
Bioware did suggest you could hit 60fps@4K and Ultra (well, I assume Ultra) with a 1080ti. I have a 1080 and with everything at Ultra I can get 50fps with 4K@.75 resolution.
How can I see what FPS I am actually getting?

Mass Effect is a frostbite game which means it has an inbuilt frame rate counter. You just have to enable it. Simple bring up the console which is usually done tapping the tilde key (usually the key next to the number 1 on the main keyboard)

Then type into the console perfoverlay.drawfps 1 Then press enter and boom your fps counter in the top right hand corner. You have to enable the framerate counter every time you start the game though.
I played for an hour tonight and just ran to every planet and anomaly and scanned it, I really enjoyed the mindless tedium of that and just reading all the little descriptions of each planet and solar system. It sort of felt like a detached version of No Man's Sky, like I was just ordering dudes to run around the galaxy scanning planets and mining resources like some sort of crazed space Michael Scott. That part of the game felt straight up out of ME2 or ME3, albeit no worries about fuel I think? It was pretty cool that if you got the black hole behind you while map navigating, sometimes it would lens-bulge that area but it was a bit inconsistent too.

Thats really the only part of the game I enjoy, and tbh I am tempted to just pick up my pre order and do just that and skip all the story stuff for now. Maybe play some co-op MP, but I didn't really enjoy the few MP games I tried and I've never really liked any of the horde/arena PVE modes in Halo, Destiny, Division, etc and this is just more of the same.


Been playing for about 4 hours on PS4 pro. Liking the game so far but god the frame rate is horrendous. Hope the patch fixes it. Constantly below 30 for sure. I thought it ran good on the PS4 pro from what I heard but that's not the case for me. Will continue. :)
I have only casually played other ME games but I really like this. I am still in the tutorial so i need to spend more time with it on the weekend. I might even wait for reviews before fully diving in. But so far i am leaning towards a buy.


Been playing for about 4 hours on PS4 pro. Liking the game so far but god the frame rate is horrendous. Hope the patch fixes it. Constantly below 30 for sure. I thought it ran good on the PS4 pro from what I heard but that's not the case for me. Will continue. :)

That's so weird. It runs great for me on high pc even with a pretty mid-tier shit comp.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I have zero issue with over the shoulder control and I think I prefer it to automated. On PC it's assigned to left ALT and thus super easy to access. I might even assign it to a mouse button.
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