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Mass Effect: Andromeda - EA/Origin Access trial coming March 16th - 10 hour trial

Anyone know are character creation presets savable or are code? I'm double dipping on Ps4 and PC to play MP with different sets of friends and I want to be able to use my character generated. I usually spend a lot of time creating a character I like, so I'd prefer not to do it twice.



I find the game really disappointing from what ive played in the trial and honestly can't believe this is the best they could come up after 5 years.
Hoping it gets much better past the trial and that they start working on patches.

Ordered from cd keys too so won't get to play tomorrow but at this point I'm ok with waiting till Thursday to continue the adventure.


Not "everything", ME1 didn't have shitty writing, cardboard characters or a dumb fanfic tier story.

What you're describing was like... the vast majority of ME1. Did you jabronis forget Shepard literally trying to get a specops operative fired in a trial using visions as evidence then using a staticy audio file to get them to pull through?

edit: shit, while we're at it, the entirety of the cast in the game were basically exposition tools with little personality outside of Wrex and "Shepard-senpai" Liara.

I'm gonna assume that you're posting this as a counterfactual, 'cause it's really great lol.

What you're describing was like... the vast majority of ME1. Did you jabronis forget Shepard literally trying to get a specops operative fired in a trial using visions as evidence then using a staticy audio file to get them to pull through?

edit: shit, while we're at it, the entirety of the cast in the game were basically exposition tools with little personality outside of Wrex and "Shepard-senpai" Liara.

Yup yup yup. People throw out ridiculous hyperbolic nonsense about MEA while treating ME1 with kid gloves. Either they're all garbage or none of them are.


ME1 early on has the game trying to make the player indignant that a galactic council trial won't accept dreams into evidence then later accepts a fucking static filled, easily faked tape as evidence ("this evidence is irrefutable" fucking serious?). Not even "my face is tired" compares. If ME:A doesn't work for people, that's fine- but lets not pretend that the writing in ME1 was approaching anything good and certainly not with the early part of the game.


Finished my 10 and bought, had a fun day with this and hopefully it keeps getting better. If I had on gripe, the waypoint icons confused me on more than one occasion.


Well, my trial is up. Got my apex to 1940. Multiplayer feels much better on PC with 60fps and a mouse and keyboard. I think I am going to be enjoying this! See you all in the OT.


Interesting "choose you training" video, I found it helpful


Thanks for posting. I actually didn't even see the Training option in the character creator somehow; was already planning on restarting tomorrow when the game unlocked but that will make it mandatory for me. Probably going to go Leader to start with Energy Drain, as Overload has no pre-requisites and I can buy back into it immediately at level 2. I was wondering why I started with that Concussive Shot power.


ME1 early on has the game trying to make the player indignant that a galactic council trial won't accept dreams into evidence then later accepts a fucking static filled, easily faked tape as evidence ("this evidence is irrefutable" fucking serious?). Not even "my face is tired" compares. If ME:A doesn't work for people, that's fine- but lets not pretend that the writing in ME1 was approaching anything good and certainly not with the early part of the game.

Aren't you comparing two different things? Bizarre, stilted, nonsensical dialogue vs disagreeable plot points?


I've mostly enjoyed my time with the trial. Enough to warrant a purchase. But I'm sad at a bunch of the little things that'll niggle at me throughout. Hopefully they can buckle down and work on their character models for the next installment of the series.


I am starting to feel like a complete idiot for getting too sucked in by the negativity and bad footage floating around. As what I am watching right now looks great.

Shhh, no. I was getting down on it too, until I played the trial. Its got rough edges aplenty from animations, to face modelling, to dialogue. (Face Modelling and textures is high on my list. Luckily, its texture tweaking, so I'm hoping is a relatively straightforward fix in the near future.)

But its just so damn fun, and it captures that ME1 feel of open exploration. And all those t-poses, glitches and other shit, you just don't run into them that often, if at all in some cases. I think your going to love it.


Aren't you comparing two different things? Bizarre, stilted, nonsensical dialogue vs disagreeable plot points?

I'm comparing instances of bad writing to instances of bad writing. It's not disagreeable, it's an outright bad and nonsensical plot that hinges on stopping the bad guy because of your dreams while stopping them from getting "the conduit" for reasons unknown even the player. ME1 was a poorly written game for the most part. People will point to sovereign's monologue but the majority of the writing in it was a combination of nonsensical and flat.


Also, ME:A looks pretty amazing and runs really well even on a 970. At least so far. It's what you'd expect from Frostbite in fantasy space but there's a lot of really, really nice looking scenes.
Aren't you comparing two different things? Bizarre, stilted, nonsensical dialogue vs disagreeable plot points?

Ok let's talk about one thing then. Stilted isn't necessarily bad as it indicates self-consciousness in play or script form. It was an awkward scene dealing with blossoming feelings. We've all been there. It reads well.

Non-sensical? No but it's also with specific context, another vacuum pull to reinforce a weak point. What was bizarre about it?
y'know. george bush had this exact same problem :) ...


Hahaha, exactly.
Watch this stream and see for yourself. But honestly, I have a thing for snow and mountains, so don't mind me, lol.


Nah I'd rather not see any more new planets. I want to discover that myself. :)

I think this will be the first hyped game of 2017 to to disappoint critically, but it won't be a total flop. I'll say an 83...and yes that is a disappointment for an IP with the track record of ME.

That's possible. I still wouldn't be surprised to see some 90s here and there too. Lower because it doesn't do anything really new and critique about technical stuff.

I find the game really disappointing from what ive played in the trial and honestly can't believe this is the best they could come up after 5 years.
Hoping it gets much better past the trial and that they start working on patches.

Ordered from cd keys too so won't get to play tomorrow but at this point I'm ok with waiting till Thursday to continue the adventure.

Not even the Habit 7 stuff? I really enjoyed that part and Nexus and Tempest were fine too. Certainly not like the Citadel from ME1 but still better than 2 and 3. It's Eos where it went downhill for me but if some impressions are to be believed it really opens up after that planet. So I really hope that's the case here.
I think this will be the first hyped game of 2017 to to disappoint critically, but it won't be a total flop. I'll say an 83...and yes that is a disappointment for an IP with the track record of ME.

I think it is fair to have favorite critics who your tastes and feelings have aligned more or less with throughout the years. enough so your purchasing decision is determined in deference to their review. This hyper focus, however, on what ALL critics felt, ALL outlets, or the average aggregate number is so counter productive.

Is review score average speculation really fun for people?

If so, why?


I foresee a bunch of polarizing reviews, average around 80...

The thing is as humorous as some of the glitches and cringe-worthy dialogue were didn't see much after that after the game got rolling. I will say DA:I had the same issues with bad/fugly character creation..must be a Bioware thing.
ME1 early on has the game trying to make the player indignant that a galactic council trial won't accept dreams into evidence then later accepts a fucking static filled, easily faked tape as evidence ("this evidence is irrefutable" fucking serious?). Not even "my face is tired" compares. If ME:A doesn't work for people, that's fine- but lets not pretend that the writing in ME1 was approaching anything good and certainly not with the early part of the game.

yep. how seriously can anyone take a sci-fi series where your 'translator' doesn't just translate, but somehow co-ordinates the lip movements of those not actually speaking english so that they even appear to be speaking english :) ...


Didn't get a response on this in the OT, maybe someone here can give some perspective:

Anybody who's had a chance to put time into the MP: what are your thoughts on it compared to ME3? I'm wondering if the difficulty was adequately adjusted to compensate for the added movement abilities. In ME3 positioning was really important as you could get in big trouble if you allowed yourself to be pinned in. In ME:A it seems like you can fly and dash away from any situation with ease. I hope I'm wrong about this.

I didn't even get to finish the single player trial in the ten hours unfortunately. I've read some people saying they cleared it in three and I'm like WTF. Though I do realize I haven't read a single other person say they didn't finish the single player in ten hours, lol. (spent time codex reading, getting my ass kicked on insanity for a bit and even on hardcore, driving around exploring Eos, and having to backtrack several times on the first mission with the inability to save and dying).
I think it is fair to have favorite critics who your tastes and feelings have aligned more or less with throughout the years. enough so your purchasing decision is determined in deference to their review. This hyper focus, however, on what ALL critics felt, ALL outlets, or the average aggregate number is so counter productive.

Is review score average speculation really fun for people?

If so, why?

I don't have any favorite reviewers or review sites that I really follow so aggregate works better for me.
Well for someone who used to a big Bioware fan, still Obsidian fan. Still re-play Bg1/2. I liked the trial of ME:A. I want to play more (already pre-ordered it on Origin). Then again I hated DA: 2 (liked Origins) and did like DA:I though it is pretty long and I haven't finished it yet (GOTY edition).

ME:A is fun to play, works really, well, runs well on my PC (i7-4770k @ 3.5ghz 16 gigs of ram GTX 1060 6gig @ 1080p). It's just fun to play, I enjoy it. People like to criticize the second and third Matrix films, but that's what ME:2 and 3 felt like, and hell, ME:1 felt like the Witcher 1. A great idea, poorly realized. Just IMO. I can't even count the number of times I've felt bored and been like, you know, let's install ME1/2/3 again and try playing them. Always moving on to the next game shortly after I play the first and then stopping, I just can't do it. I just can't get into them at all. They're not KOTOR. Then again, since EA has the Star Wars license, I can see this engine working fairly well for a new KOTOR-esque game. It's perfect really. I guess I fall into a weird demographic for this game, and I greatly appreciate it being mostly separated from the original trilogy.

This is at least fun to play. It's not up to Horizon or BOTW level, but it's fairly solid in its own right if the early trial is anything to go by.

went Most Tech (stealth/invis skill) and some combat and Infiltrator profile. Basically going for a sniper/assassin. I've been quite impressed. Biotic no doubt looks fun and of course the Vanguard looks OP as hell.


To add to this, you can straight up buy resources on the nexus

How do you get the money necessary to buy resources enough to replace mining/looting/scanning?

(PC cheats, hopefully, because I doubt there's any legit way of doing so.)


Tried it after the update. Performance seems better, but it still hard crashes at that one spot in the beginning.

I wonder if that will ever get fixed for me.


I foresee a bunch of polarizing reviews, average around 80...

The thing is as humorous as some of the glitches and cringe-worthy dialogue were didn't see much after that after the game got rolling. I will say DA:I had the same issues with bad/fugly character creation..must be a Bioware thing.

The review thread will be something else. I won't be surprised if it gets plenty of 9/10's, a lot of the negativity seems overblown from what I've encountered in my trial. We'll have to wait and see...

Reviews in:

Didn't get a response on this in the OT, maybe someone here can give some perspective:

I didn't even get to finish the single player trial in the ten hours unfortunately. I've read some people saying they cleared it in three and I'm like WTF. Though I do realize I haven't read a single other person say they didn't finish the single player in ten hours, lol. (spent time codex reading, getting my ass kicked on insanity for a bit and even on hardcore, driving around exploring Eos, and having to backtrack several times on the first mission with the inability to save and dying).
I didn't get to try a full gold match during the trial as my game crashed when I finally met up with a group of pubs good enough at silver to tackle it :(

Based on my experience in silver matches though, I'd say that enemies are definitely beefed up a bit and its still possible to get into situations where things can go south very quickly, especially on objectives. The mobility takes center stage with combat, and the verticality is awesome - so much so that snipers, which I felt weren't always ideal in ME3 because of the level design, are now really awesome.

The new factions are all a lot of fun to fight, especially the Remnant.


Obvious animation jank aside, seems fun to actually play, so far. Combat feels fine, going biotic. I like the jump and dash booster.


I didn't get to try a full gold match during the trial as my game crashed when I finally met up with a group of pubs good enough at silver to tackle it :(

Based on my experience in silver matches though, I'd say that enemies are definitely beefed up a bit and its still possible to get into situations where things can go south very quickly, especially on objectives. The mobility takes center stage with combat, and the verticality is awesome - so much so that snipers, which I felt weren't always ideal in ME3 because of the level design, are now really awesome.

The new factions are all a lot of fun to fight, especially the Remnant.

Nice, that's what I like to hear. With how robust the MP was in ME3 I figure these guys would get it right. Love that you think snipers are even more viable now because that was all I used in ME3 MP, hahah.
Lovely. Nice to know we are still going to have some semblence of the Bioware Time wasting mechanic™ that we've grown used to.

The areas with high concentrations of minerals are marked on the map.

mmmmmmm will have to keep an eye on this then.Thanks for the impressions.Still havent decided to give this game a shot yet though, although the combat gifs look pretty rad.

You're not necessarily supposed to "complete" a planet in one trip. You can make multiple trips over the course of the game as the story progresses and you upgrade the Nomad.
ME1 early on has the game trying to make the player indignant that a galactic council trial won't accept dreams into evidence then later accepts a fucking static filled, easily faked tape as evidence ("this evidence is irrefutable" fucking serious?). Not even "my face is tired" compares. If ME:A doesn't work for people, that's fine- but lets not pretend that the writing in ME1 was approaching anything good and certainly not with the early part of the game.

Look, Salarians just have very different rules of evidence. It makes their legal system...interesting.

"I submit to the Court that the accused murdered the Prime Minister"
"What evidence does the prosecution have to support this submission"
"This is an artist's interpretation of the event. As you can see, the artist draws the murderer with a similar head shape as the accused."
"This evidence is irrefutable!"


Ok let's talk about one thing then. Stilted isn't necessarily bad as it indicates self-consciousness in play or script form. It was an awkward scene dealing with blossoming feelings. We've all been there. It reads well.

Non-sensical? No but it's also with specific context, another vacuum pull to reinforce a weak point. What was bizarre about it?

About "my face is tired from everything," which was in the quote? I guess it... kinda makes sense, in that it means someone is worn out from an emotional day, but it's utterly bizarre. Who would actually say that? Are we going to excuse that as a speculative futuristic idiom?


not me
About "my face is tired from everything," which was in the quote? I guess it... kinda makes sense, in that it means someone is worn out from an emotional day, but it's utterly bizarre. Who would actually say that? Are we going to excuse that as a speculative futuristic idiom?

Naw there's something weird about Addison's lines. All the really terrible lines I've seen quoted from the game are from her. It's like something an ESL person would write. Not saying that as an insult, just not sure what happened because it's very different from the usual "lolBioWaredialogue"
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