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Mass Effect: Andromeda - EA/Origin Access trial coming March 16th - 10 hour trial


I did not know you could melee someone you're pulling

Holy shit, this changes a lot, since you can get a passive with the adept that each successful melee will restore 20% of your shields. Damn you can just bring the fools to you and punch them for your shields, HA!
Have you even played it? Because you had to read my reply in the other thread to even understand what the pathfinder was. ME1 has fucking Kaiden and space jesus. And no, that's not me retroactively throwing ME1 under the bus, it's that being reductive about any product leads to stupid shit.

Hear, hear


I'd say I'm the most worried about him as a companion. The ME franchise knocked their first Krogan companion out of the park, so they had to make his opposite the second game. I don't see how Drack is more than Wrex 2.0

I am just watching a stream and saw a conversation with him and it automatically put me in mind of Shepherd talking to Wrex. That is a plus for me.
That's a great video, thanks for linking that. Definitely got me more excited after watching that.

No problem man :)

Looking forward to the reviews. Which should be about when I wake up tomorrow. If they echo what others have been saying I will buy it. Especially for the sweet price of about 45 euro for the Xbox version.
I like the direction they took with this game, but until the game actually suggests that it has the capacity to offer a moment like this one, we shouldn't compare it too favorably with ME1


The Dark Shape

Neo Member
I'd say I'm the most worried about him as a companion. The ME franchise knocked their first Krogan companion out of the park, so they had to make his opposite the second game. I don't see how Drack is more than Wrex 2.0

He's definitely Wrex-like, but he's also quite old and there are aspects of his character that we've never really seen with a Krogan before.


I am just watching a stream and saw a conversation with him and it automatically put me in mind of Shepherd talking to Wrex. That is a plus for me.

Asked shinobi about Drack and he also said he reminded him a lot about wrex. Definitely gonna bring Drack with me


I might in the future but there's no way I'm gambling my 60 dollars based on what I've seen of the writing and characters so far, especially when there's already so many incredible games out there right now.

You haven't seen anything, you literally haven't played it. You made a fanfiction comment based on nothing, and now are trying to backpeddle with "I know what the pathfinder is, people keep saying pathfinder and you're the pathfinder, duh" like...come the fuck on. Knowing that the word is what they call you and knowing what it IS are very different things. Glad you gleaned so much about the quality from me reducing it to a sentence to explain to someone that had actually played the game why they were wrong. Glad you're posting so much about a game you haven't played, have no desire to play, yet somehow feel qualified enough to try and dissuade other people from playing? Sounds like an irrational hate-boner to me.

If you don't want to play it that's your prerogative, but "OH THE STORY IS FANFICTION GARBAGE" when you literally hadn't even watched a let's play, passing shit off like that as an informed opinion or fact is actually just garbage.


(From the trial)

The resource gathering is tedious both on planet and off planet. Off planet there is so far just one random planet with minerals in it. Kind of a simplified version of the Mass effect 2 scan. On planet you drive around your nomad while doing a similar scan to Mass effect 2. It's as tedious as there.

Lovely. Nice to know we are still going to have some semblence of the Bioware Time wasting mechanic™ that we've grown used to.
To add to this, you can straight up buy resources on the nexus
Well thats good news then.
AI would constantly get itself killed when I battled a certain miniboss. You can recall them to you but she would just get herself killed again.

AI had the same skills you could get but they may have special abilities after doing their special mission but I doubt it.
This I probably should have expected given the focus on individual ability as opposed to squad based tactics. However I will say that not having companion specific abilities will severely decrease new alien species interest outside conversations.

Any Mako impressions?


You haven't seen anything, you literally haven't played it. You made a fanfiction comment based on nothing, and now are trying to backpeddle with "I know what the pathfinder is, people keep saying pathfinder and you're the pathfinder, duh" like...come the fuck on. Knowing that the word is what they call you and knowing what it IS are very different things. Glad you gleaned so much about the quality from me reducing it to a sentence to explain to someone that had actually played the game why they were wrong. Glad you're posting so much about a game you haven't played, have no desire to play, yet somehow feel qualified enough to try and dissuade other people from playing? Sounds like an irrational hate-boner to me.

If you don't want to play it that's your prerogative, but "OH THE STORY IS FANFICTION GARBAGE" when you literally hadn't even watched a let's play, passing shit off like that as an informed opinion or fact is actually just garbage.

You're the Vanguard of this thread. And your Charge power never has to recharge. NEVER.

I love it.


Well, I have been avoiding watching too much footage, but the stream I am watching looks like a new Mass Effect to me. No weird bugs or anything going on.


Lovely. Nice to know we are still going to have some semblence of the Bioware Time wasting mechanic™ that we've grown used to.

Well thats good news then.

This I probably should have expected but given the focus on individual ability as opposed to squad based tactics. However I will say that not having companion specific abilities will severely decrease new alien species interest outside conversations.

Any Mako impressions?

Nomad controls uh... Not so well? The mako was pretty fun to use to explore but was overpowered. The nomad has no weapons is pretty slow and gets stuck easily. But apparently it's speed and thrusters get upgraded later on according to some people.


Nomad controls uh... Not so well? The mako was pretty fun to use to explore but was overpowered. The nomad has no weapons is pretty slow and gets stuck easily. But apparently it's speed and thrusters get upgraded later on according to some people.

mmmmmmm will have to keep an eye on this then.Thanks for the impressions.Still havent decided to give this game a shot yet though, although the combat gifs look pretty rad.


mmmmmmm will have to keep an eye on this then.Thanks for the impressions.Still havent decided to give this game a shot yet though, although the combat gifs look pretty rad.

Combat I personally felt was not as good as other games. Enemies don't react to being shot and their health just goes forever in that it's not challenging but tedious.

Sorry if I sound so negative but this game really feels not finished. The trial was like an open beta.


I am starting to feel like a complete idiot for getting too sucked in by the negativity and bad footage floating around. As what I am watching right now looks great.
mmmmmmm will have to keep an eye on this then.Thanks for the impressions.Still havent decided to give this game a shot yet though, although the combat gifs look pretty rad.

I'd have to squarely disagree with his take.

I thought the nomad was super fun to use. It doesn't have a weapon, but that was kinda broken in ME1 anyway. You can still run guys over and hit them to send them flying though.

Engaging all wheel drive is a nice touch and is more exciting than just "go" like the mako did. I think it controls pretty well too.

It has a boost forward (the mako didn't) and still has vertical thrusters. I didn't get stuck once, when engaging the all wheel drive mode, and managed to get all sorts of places you clearly aren't supposed to (the radiation level spikes and your shields and life support plummet, instead of the old traditional invisible wall).

Overall I think it's a fantastic replacement. I love the design too. Reminds me of the Arkham Knight batmobile.

I also love that, similar to MGS V, you're able to approach some camps/bases from multiple angles and there were plenty of times where I I just came blazing in with the nomad, powerslid sideways, hopped out and used it as cover (since the soft cover system allows you to pretty much hug anything)

It's a cool vehicle. But to each their own.


PSA: If you want to explore full of Eos then I suggest you to travel to the side quest location with one of your father's memories (the one on the far left on the map). Go there, pick it up and then kill yourself. You should respawn on the same location but now the high radiation part from the Trial is gone.



My biggest concern out of everything is the p2p servers. I love ME mp and it sucks they went with this server type, should've been dedicated. Other than that, come on Tuesday.


I am starting to feel like a complete idiot for getting too sucked in by the negativity and bad footage floating around. As what I am watching right now looks great.

Don't listen to the noise, this game gets a lot better later on and IS a very good game. My only issue is the weak IQ on Xbox, so may opt to wait for a better version (Scorpio or PC) later when some more DLC and updates are applied.


I love how all the alien tech we find isn't Kett tech, they seem to be another extra-galactic race. I really want to find out more about these Remnant and what they were. These structures are much nearer than Prothean ruins in the Milky Way as they only appeared in the 600 year journey to Andromeda so maybe these Remnant are still around? They seem to be another race that love machines though... Similar to the Reapers.

I have my issues with the game, it doesn't quite envoke what I felt with previous Mass Effects but maybe it's because we're still too early. The story is totally intriguing to me but the characters feel like shells of what we had before.

Anyway, I have Tuesday off, I'm guessing I can VPN to unlock this on Monday night? (Anyone know where?). I'm going to mainline the story and experience it at my quick pace. I hope the Kett aren't a relation to the Remnant in anyway, I hope they're just fascinated by the tech and we can find out more about the Remnant separately.
Interesting "choose you training" video, I found it helpful


That's cool, thanks - after starting a couple of Ryders trying to find one I liked, when I did find one I clicked with I forgot about the background until a couple of hours in and so was stuck with Security when I wanted to be a more biotic type. Good to know it's not actually going to hinder me in the medium or long term.


It's a cool vehicle. But to each their own.

Yeah don't get me wrong I'm not saying it's the worst thing ever and with upgrades I can see it being great and especially updates. Plus it's good to have a constant vehicle again. I really wish they had destruction though since they are using the frostbite engine and my nomad got stuck going into some trees? :/


Well, I have been avoiding watching too much footage, but the stream I am watching looks like a new Mass Effect to me. No weird bugs or anything going on.

On the whole it's good looking and plays well. The story seems pretty good where I'm at, even if the dialogue leaves a lot to be desired.
PSA: If you want to explore full of Eos then I suggest you to travel to the side quest location with one of your father's memories (the one on the far left on the map). Go there, pick it up and then kill yourself. You should respawn on the same location but now the high radiation part from the Trial is gone.


oh sweet, i was just posting about that. ill go try that


Combat I personally felt was not as good as other games. Enemies don't react to being shot and their health just goes forever in that it's not challenging but tedious.

Sorry if I sound so negative but this game really feels not finished. The trial was like an open beta.

No worries, right now the many changes to the combat have me thinking that MEA will have similar combat issues more akin to skyrim's than previous titles were ease of access will lead to swift boredom and poor enemy (encounter) design. But thats obviously my own negativity so I might be wrong as well.

Im hoping reviewer's actually take the time to discuss how these changes play off each other for good or for ill and dont just go with the usual "Its a Bioware game,its fun. 10/10 GOTY" reviews lesser surface critics might be tempted to give. Ofcoarse if it is definately amazing then I wont have an issue with that and I may bite the bullet and finially buy the game.
You haven't seen anything, you literally haven't played it. You made a fanfiction comment based on nothing, and now are trying to backpeddle with "I know what the pathfinder is, people keep saying pathfinder and you're the pathfinder, duh" like...come the fuck on. Knowing that the word is what they call you and knowing what it IS are very different things. Glad you gleaned so much about the quality from me reducing it to a sentence to explain to someone that had actually played the game why they were wrong. Glad you're posting so much about a game you haven't played, have no desire to play, yet somehow feel qualified enough to try and dissuade other people from playing? Sounds like an irrational hate-boner to me.

If you don't want to play it that's your prerogative, but "OH THE STORY IS FANFICTION GARBAGE" when you literally hadn't even watched a let's play, passing shit off like that as an informed opinion or fact is actually just garbage.

Wow, a lot of odd assumptions in this post. First off chill my man, secondly
You haven't seen anything/when you literally hadn't even watched a let's play
Well, starting the post off by telling me that I haven't done something that I definitely have probably isn't the strongest opener. I watched the Giant Bomb livestream a few days ago, was a couple hours long dealing with the opening of the game, pretty in depth as far as I'm concerned, a decent way to see what the game has to offer. Which leads me to weird accusation #2
You made a fanfiction comment based on nothing, and now are trying to backpeddle with "I know what the pathfinder is, people keep saying pathfinder and you're the pathfinder, duh" like...come the fuck on. Knowing that the word is what they call you and knowing what it IS are very different things
I do know what the Pathfinder is, the GB livestream made it very clear, as did the years of promotional material for Andromeda. What I didn't know was what was going on in these poorly executed moments: https://youtu.be/FGs-pLmDd1s?t=1h2m6s which was finally explained by you in the other thread when you dumped the exposition on the super duper secret AI that makes you the chosen one that daddy passed down to you before he died. Nothing cliche, or fanfictiony about that, not at all.
Glad you're posting so much about a game you haven't played, have no desire to play, yet somehow feel qualified enough to try and dissuade other people from playing? Sounds like an irrational hate-boner to me.

There's no one who wants Mass Effect to be incredible more than me, I've read the books, I've got an N7 shirt, as an artist I've spent an embarrassing amount of time sketching the Normandy(s). I'm simply expressing my disappointment in the direction the series has gone. I don't even mind the janky ass animations, it's the lame ass writing that's soured me on it. I'll probably play it eventually, but everything I've seen for this game, starting with the reveal years ago has felt "off" and everything I've seen since then has only confirmed my fears. Sorry that my thoughts seem to anger you though, you should probably refrain from the insane accusations in the future if you want people to take you seriously.
Anyone know are character creation presets savable or are code? I'm double dipping on Ps4 and PC to play MP with different sets of friends and I want to be able to use my character generated. I usually spend a lot of time creating a character I like, so I'd prefer not to do it twice.
PSA: If you want to explore full of Eos then I suggest you to travel to the side quest location with one of your father's memories (the one on the far left on the map). Go there, pick it up and then kill yourself. You should respawn on the same location but now the high radiation part from the Trial is gone.


this only seems to work for that area. I drove to the other side of fairwinds basin and its still level 3 radiation


Combat I personally felt was not as good as other games. Enemies don't react to being shot and their health just goes forever in that it's not challenging but tedious.

The combat certainly feels more polished than ever before, but I hope it ends up being well balanced. I had an encounter in the trial that I could not clear without cheesing and kiting enemies to me one at a time because they ate bullets and swarmed on me quickly. This was on hardcore, not insanity, and I played every minute of the trilogy on insanity (well I think you had to unlock it initially in ME1?).

In the other games if I was an adept I could balance that with bringing a character who has overload. In the demo I felt helpless against certain shielded enemies, especially with more open environments leading to encounters being much more frenetic.

I feel like this is going to be a lot more open run and gun style than I'm used to and I'm not sure how I feel about that. I'm sure many were tired of the pace of combat from the other games, and that's great, but combat doesn't really feel like an ME game to me. I'm gonna have to watch some videos to get a better feel for it I suppose.


You haven't seen anything, you literally haven't played it. You made a fanfiction comment based on nothing, and now are trying to backpeddle with "I know what the pathfinder is, people keep saying pathfinder and you're the pathfinder, duh" like...come the fuck on. Knowing that the word is what they call you and knowing what it IS are very different things. Glad you gleaned so much about the quality from me reducing it to a sentence to explain to someone that had actually played the game why they were wrong. Glad you're posting so much about a game you haven't played, have no desire to play, yet somehow feel qualified enough to try and dissuade other people from playing? Sounds like an irrational hate-boner to me.

If you don't want to play it that's your prerogative, but "OH THE STORY IS FANFICTION GARBAGE" when you literally hadn't even watched a let's play, passing shit off like that as an informed opinion or fact is actually just garbage.

You seriously need to chill out and take a breath.
You seriously need to chill out and take a breath.

He can do and react how he wants. The hyperbolic hate is growing more and more annoying especially when the pejoratives aren't backed up at all with any reasonable explanation. Having played the original trilogy all weekend the "fan fiction" comment was especially weak.
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