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Playtonic removes JonTron from Yooka-Laylee.

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You mean they made the choice after he went on several bigot ranks? Including a white supremacy greatest hits 90 minute debate? No shit.

No, this was weeks ago. They came out with this statement right after the callouts in the thread started, which makes me think they wouldn't really do anything if there wasn't any outrage.


I think you would lost or keep your job based on performance. Policital / philosophical / whatever would be out of the equation. But yeah, that world does not and wont ever exist.

People of other races shouldn't have to tolerate a racist in their workplace


I don't wanna feed no trolls but I find it hilarious that they all follow the same script of

"Now I don't know who this guy is or what he did but..."

Like, adlib a bit y'all it's getting too easy
it's amazing how people think freedom of speech grants you freedom of consequence of said speech.

I just want to smack people who say that shit. It's so ignorant. Like people really think freedom of speech means saying stupid shit without consequence. Freedom of speech then goes out of the window when people exercise their freedom to criticize the stupid shit someone said.
Really disgusting that someone lost his job (which, based on the press comments, was very good at) based on his political view. I dont care if its a nazi, a communist, or a communazi.

"Disgusting that a developer made the personal decision to remove a white supremacist from their game because they weren't comfortable with it!"

Put down the free speech pom poms and maybe think about the freedom of choice for the devs to put whoever the fuck they want in their game. They made the decision to have him in the first place, now they magically don't have the right to take him out? Fuck outta here.
I was really on the fence about this game due to some monetary constraints. We have a big trip in April so I won't be able to play for a while and it's kind of a spendy trip. Just put my preorder in. We can take the tram instead of an uber a couple times a make up for it.
No i totally get that. Playtonic made the right choice but what im not getting is how an invidual could somehow hear a series of grunts n think how this bucket with eyes is obviously a white supremacist and suddenly not find the game enjoyable.

Letting such a 1 off thing in the game drastically change ur interpretation of the game just doesnt make any sense to me. Imo its an unfair generalization to make towards the devs who pretty much delivered on what was promised.
That's not what this is about. It's about taking a stance and saying "This is unacceptable." Playtonic and fans both have a moral obligation to oppose JT's horrible views.
Overreacting while complaining about an overreaction.
Pushing freedom of speech = freedom of consequence
Boycotting a game because the devs made a personal decision to remove a white supremacist in their own game.
Admits to know nothing about the person at the center of the controversy.

10/10 suicide post.

Fixed for accuracy.
But yeah, that world does not and wont ever exist.
For many reasons, one of which is we don't 'work alongside' people who advocate for the death and destruction of a people based on their race.

In one of many gardens a shade of Borges himself is weeping for the continued ineptitude of us all.
32, have a kid, a wife, a business, a bachelor degree in cs and two jobs. Worked for a Pro Trump and a Pro Hillary at the same time. Is my background ok?

I agree with you that it's disgusting.

To protest you should go into both your jobs and shout white supremacist shit right in the middle of the office. If they should fire you for it you'll know they too were disgusting and you probably didn't want to work for disgusting companies anyway.


Not at all. I was just asked for my age, which was a retorical way to discredit my opinion.

Well, what we're saying is you should know better.

The idea that spouting horrible racist politics shouldn't have an effect on your work life is utterly absurd.


I don't wanna feed no trolls but I find it hilarious that they all follow the same script of

"Now I don't know who this guy is or what he did but..."

Like, adlib a bit y'all it's getting too easy

It is a variant on "just asking questions". Always check the profile people
No, this was weeks ago. They came out with this statement right after the callouts in the thread started, which makes me think they wouldn't really do anything if there wasn't any outrage.

Its a moot point. People did have a problem and they responded. Like you're really low key defending some bullshit that's not worth defending.
I think you would lost or keep your job based on performance. Policital / philosophical / whatever would be out of the equation. But yeah, that world does not and wont ever exist.
If your views are public enough and you're associated with a company, yeah that world doesn't exist where you're only assessed on your performance when it puts the company's image in a negative light that they don't need the drama to defend or even want to.


My whole gripe is when this statement came out, but that's really inconsequential I guess.

Are you suggesting that they should have removed Jon in consequence for his white supremacist diatribe...before it happened? If anything, this means the decision wasn't final until after his statement clarifying things, and since it was such a laughable double-down, they were firm in the decision.
Even ignoring how terrible most of Jontron's views are, if you're any sort of public figure you can't seriously expect to have the ability to shit on a portion of you or your sponsors consumer base without any sort of repercussion.


"Disgusting that a developer made the personal decision to remove a white supremacist from their game because they weren't comfortable with it!"

Put down the free speech pom poms and maybe think about the freedom of choice for the devs to put whoever the fuck they want in their game. They made the decision to have him in the first place, now they magically don't have the right to take him out? Fuck outta here.

? I never said Playtonic does not have the right to fire that guy. All the opposite.
No, this was weeks ago. They came out with this statement right after the callouts in the thread started, which makes me think they wouldn't really do anything if there wasn't any outrage.
Or, maybe, they had planned to something but had to be delicate in how they approached it legally?


Really disgusting that someone lost his job (which, based on the press comments, was very good at) based on his political view. I dont care if its a nazi, a communist, or a communazi.

Don't care if he's a nazi.........

Please think on the absurdity of what you're saying.


But if Yooka Laylee has gone gold, how could they remove his work and name from the product? I would assume "gone gold" means a master has gone to the production line.
I certainly agree that if Jon's rights were being violated because he said something, even something so despicable, there would be a problem. It's just that it isn't the case here.


Really disgusting that someone lost his job (which, based on the press comments, was very good at) based on his political view. I dont care if its a nazi, a communist, or a communazi.
And the people that suffer due to racist rhetoric that people like JonTron spue. Is that less disgusting?


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Oh, I forgot this game comes to Switch? Perfect. Already have it on Steam but a "to go" version will be just perfect.

I got that much but I didn't understand why Dunkey specifically was the one everyone wanted. Popular YouTube gamers are a dime a dozen. Why Dunkey in particular? Maybe I'm just old and out of touch but whatever. I'd rather they hire professionals but on the other hand I know it's only noises and grunts so who knows.

That I don't know. He might just have a lot of fans on GAF? No idea. Watched some of his videos, seems like a fun guy but I can't stand the voice.


32, have a kid, a wife, a business, a bachelor degree in cs and two jobs. Worked for a Pro Trump and a Pro Hillary at the same time. Is my background ok?

How the hell does someone go 32 years without realizing that people usually get fired for publicly saying WHITE SUPREMACIST talking points?
Hm, I don't feel like I'm sympathising with Jon, but you're right that I'm somehow defending him.
Of course you are sympathising with him. You feel bad/it is umfair he is being pumished for what he did. How is that not sympathy?

This is a case where I would try to separate the person from his work, since none of his views are even in it.

He did voice work. He got paid. They decided not to use it. Where is the problem?

Forgetting that, why should we separate the person from the work? Why should shit human beings not be discouraged from being shit? A lot of people could have done the voice work he was given partly because of his platform. Now his platform suddenly doesn't matter?
I think you would lost or keep your job based on performance. Policital / philosophical / whatever would be out of the equation. But yeah, that world does not and wont ever exist.

Okay, assuming you held beliefs that blacks, women, gays, immigrants whatever were inferior, ruining the country, etc, it CAN cause a problem with your performance at work. You may be less cooperative with coworkers from groups you look down on, and if you're in a position like HR, management and so on you might give less positive performance reviews, pass over candidates for jobs based on their race. Many workplaces would do well to take public racist outbursts into account not just for PR reasons, but because people who hold these views can have them affect their judgement and performance at work, whether they intend it or not.


Really disgusting that someone lost his job (which, based on the press comments, was very good at) based on his political view. I dont care if its a nazi, a communist, or a communazi.

The fact that you put nazis and communists in the same bag says a lot about your ignorance.


The bigger question you should be asking is why he deserves inclusion at all still after going on a horrifying racist tirade.

Its not about fear of his character turning out to be a penguin with a third reich helmet or how big or small his part is at all. Its about the ethical integrity of whether they really want to say "who cares?" or "he just has a different opinion, guys" and instead actually making a point in saying they don't want anything to do with him after his rant.

Hmm i think i kind of understand where our disagreement comes from. Im of the opinion that playtonic doesnt actually care but they made this decision for financial reasons. This is why im questioning those who are letting johns inclusion detract from their enjoyment of the game. Imo Its unfair to the guys at playtonic.

It seems that you and many others are of the opinion that they are infact actively trying to promote some sort of ethical integrity outside of their games.

I hold my particular beliefs based on playtonics history. I've always known them not to let crude or fucked up shit bother them. Their games have never been known to be ethical goldmines. This is why i believe they are acting out of fear for being financially punished for something that isnt their responsibility.
Raise of hands:

If you were the developer for a video game and one of your minor voice actors spoke very publically about their dangerously racist and xenophobic beliefs, would it take a public intimidation campaign for you to remove their work from the game and dissociate yourself from said racist?

Or would you do it even without provocation because, you know, fuck racists and hate-mongers?

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Im not downplaying anything. Im just defending the right to work to people that thinks completely opposite to me. What are you suggesting, ban any single racist from job market? Next steps on that plan must be very scary.
The world would be a much better place yea if racism exempted you from getting a job. Wtf am I reading?
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