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Reggie: Nintendo will have a big E3 this year.


Count how many indie games PS4 gets on a daily and lots being free with PSNPlus. We are talking about retail games here. Abd i knoe you are joking about Mario Oddyssey but technically that was supposed to come out on Wii U but shifted. I rememver reading an interview after Maruo 3D Wolrd came out where the devs said they want their next Mario game on Wii U to be more traditional and similar to 64/Galaxy. However they left the Wii U to die and shifted all their games to Switch, with Breath of the Wild being their key game which was originally supposeed to be a Wii U only game but got delayed. Imagine if Sony gave uo on PS3 and we didnt get The Last of Us, Pupeteer, Gran Turismo 6 and etc. But i guess i dont blame Nintendo for dropping Wii U after it did bad, but because they dropped it they better have a boatload of games ready for Switch as their output on consoles over the last few years hasnt been great.

That's the current situation for PS4. At launch, it had 107 games between its launch and the end of September (check this wikipedia page), a 10 month period. The Switch having 64 indies announced for its first 10 months, along with 7 first party games and a very few third party AAA games (Skyrim, NBA, FIFA), we get to 75 announced atm. That is not at all a far cry from what the PS4 did, even if it is below it. It would be unfair to compare how many games the Switch pushes out in its launch year to how many the PS4 pushes out during its peak years, even if they happen to align in absolute time. I do agree that we should see more first party games this year, but I expect them to be announced around this E3 period. If they aren't, then you have a valid point, but it is not at all unreasonable to expect more for this year at E3 imo.
Good god. No, it's really not. They're doing first party launches most months. Just because they didn't topload it doesn't mean it's barren

I wasn't just referring to Nintendo but the switch in general. In terms of big releases Nintendo has a lot of games coming out but in between that? There's essentially nothing. If that's not a barren lineup then no console has ever had one.

Yep, this is nonsense, because people think that announcing a bunch of low-budget 3DS games for 2017 means that everything they believed in (aka, the unified development teams) was false. This is beyond madness to think that Nintendo would instantly trash an userbase composed of 65 millions people to bet everything on a fresh, new system just released.

I also don't see how it could relate to the lack of Switch announcements. Nothing announced for 3DS this year is in the same league as what's been revealed in the January press conference.

I don't think you really read what I wrote. The point isn't necessarily that the 3DS is the reason for the poor switch support. People were excited for the switch announcement expecting a ton of SW and instead we got possibly the most barren launch lineup for any console at least that I can remember. When you have 3DS exclusive games getting announced at the same time it leaves a sour taste in people's mouths. Is that logical? You might think not but that's why peopl reacted that way.

Point is if the switch gets a ton of games announced at E3 there would be no such backlash regardless of what's announced for the 3DS.


Gold Member
Now that I think about it, their E3 announcement usually takes place late April or early May. So, just about a month left before they announce their plans. Hopefully with some funny video again.


I think these are reasonable if optimistic expectations.

Smash 4 Switch
Metroid (not by Retro)
Retro New IP
Zelda DLC
Pokemon Stars
Animal Crossing

Monster Hunter 5
Bayonetta 3

A teaser for Fire Emblem Switch would be nice too.


More like how Fire Emblem Warriors is being done

That's not what I'm getting at. Bank isn't a substitute for trading with other people and especially not battling.

I don't think it is really that big of problem. While Nintendo has never done it before, as long as Sun and Moon and Stars(for Switch) all use the same protocol for trade and battle, it doesn't matter the hardware. The Sun trainer's 3DS will see the Stars trainer's Switch as a valid device to communicate with. They all communicate over WiFi these days anyway.

That's not to say Nintendo will do it, but there certainly is no technical limitation.

*I don't think there will be a Stars announcement at E3, I can't remember a single time Nintendo announced a new Pokemon there.


E3 2006
E3 2010
E3 2014
E3 2016

I mean, opinions obviously, but those are a few of my favorites. E3 2009 was also a great show, even if Other M turned out awful. I was all doom and gloom going into last year's, but Zelda turned out to be a game that actually could sustain an entire show. Beat everything else out for me that year.

You're also 2004.

2016 was good in the sense that they set the bar really low beforehand by telling people E3 would be only Zelda, so everyone had low expectations. This led to most people being shocked with how well focusing on Zelda turned out. Long-run it wasn't as good as any other classic E3 years.
Awesome, I honest expect a Mario or Splatoon experience similar to Zelda's last year, and treehouse for gameplay stuff.

Glad they're making a point of mentioning 3ds though. My switch is awesome, but tons of great content I still want to see localised for 3ds, and I'll take new games as well, still love the old boy.

Some Nobody

Junior Member
"Ton of great games announced for Switch"

GAF : Great !

"A few low budget 3DS games announced to achieve its life"

GAF : Fucking Nintendo hasn't learned anything, this is Wii U all over again !

This is how I expect E3 this year.

This feels really apologist in favor of Nintendo and reductive of most people's issues with the problem. I could care less how many 3DS games get announced, but it'd be nice if the Switch got something.

Bear in mind: I don't mean specifically from Nintendo either. Third-party support would be great too.

Good god. No, it's really not. They're doing first party launches most months. Just because they didn't topload it doesn't mean it's barren

Perception (which matters) is that it is. As someone who actually wants a Switch, I've had multiple conversations with friends of mine who are gamers about how pointless of a machine it is because it has no games besides Zelda. And for people who are more hardcore Nintendo fans? It's fine to try and argue with this, but Nintendo has maybe one more month to squeeze out the hardcore fans who'll buy anything with their symbol on it...

...But then they've got to start convincing people, and right now? They're failing.
You're also 2004.

2016 was good in the sense that they set the bar really low beforehand by telling people E3 would be only Zelda, so everyone had low expectations. This led to most people being shocked with how well focusing on Zelda turned out. Long-run it wasn't as good as any other classic E3 years.

Yeah, it was surprisingly positive year considering it focused entirely on Zelda (and Pokemon I guess?) but it hardly was a great year when people were excited for a NX blowout.

I think 2006 is still my favourite Nintendo conference, back when Wii hold such promise ;-;


the piano man
Please revive Baten Kaitos by releaseing a 1 + 0 collection for switch, atferwards please make a 3rd entry


I bet we will. VC doens't seem like an E3 material, and Pokemon games are usually announced before E3. + Tons of other stuff like Arms' release date and amiibos, remaining Zelda amiibos, update on upcoming 3ds titles like FE echoes, Pikmin and some third party support for Switch (mostly Japanese)

I doubt we'll hear about VC before the launch of their online service. And even then, I doubt they'll do a direct about it.

There wasn't even a Direct for the launch of the switch...


They're heavily going to push Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade 2 and the Zelda dlc, but I'm hoping we'll get some decent surprises. If we don't finally get to see Retro's new game I'll be highly upset.
Nintendo usually makes their E3 announcements early May.

I really want them to do another skit with Mega 64 for the announcements. Nintendo hasn't talked about E3 in March in the past years. I can't recall the last time they talked about E3 prior to April.
They have to. With the Switch having had a good launch but in a fragile position catalogue-wise, this E3 can make it or break it.

Can't wait.


Yeah nice and all, but eh, what else could he have said about it? Obviously he's going to hype their E3 offering instead of downplaying it before it even happens. Seems kinda like the only thing he can even say about it.


Junior Member
I think Pokemon would be announced on its own thing. Pokemon is bigger than E3.

And Monster Hunter would be announced in Japan. Probably on its own thing. Way before an announcement for us too. We might get a MHGXX 3DS announcement at E3, if we're lucky.

If we don't see Retro's game, then they really have just been BBQing all this time.


Switch Sports
Super Smash Bros Deluxe
Super Mario Maker Deluxe
DKC:Returns HD colllection
Metroid Prime Trilogy HD
Metroid Prime 4 (from Retro)
New IP from Retro
Luigi's Mansion 3 (from Next Level Games)
Animal Crossing
VC service launches straight after event with GC games
Details on the new online service
Teaser from Game Freak that they are working on Pokemon Switch
Super Mario Odyssey dated
More new indie game announcements


at last, for christ's sake
I don't want to get hyped, but I will get hyped nonethless

Zelda DLC and Mario are a given. Xenoblade better come out in october

slam a new Metroid and Donkey Kong down my throat, Nintendo

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
This will go down in history.

-Netflix announcement for half an hour. Not yet working in portable mode. "Next summer"

-Presentation explicitly aimed to make clear there will never ever be a Metroid again. CGI trailer shows Samus actually dying.

-Internet browser for switch. No flash due to security reasons. Content restricted to make parents feel safe.

-Retro made Ice Climbers. Similar to Snipperclips it will heavily assume two player modes only.

-Nes classic II will feature new games, WiFi controller. All games are boring, but new ones can be bought for ten bucks a piece.

-F Zero Overdrive featuring all two SNES games and the N64 one in one 60 bucks package. Only on Nintendo 3DS.

-Miitomo 2.

Nah it'll be fine :)
Makes sense to have a big showing at E3 after a soft spring launch of new hardware, I guess. I think holiday season is going to be huge for Switch.

I would expect them to address stuff like 3rd party apps and VC in a Direct before E3. That's not something you focus on at E3. E3 should be 100% about upcoming games.

0% long-winded Miyamoto anecdotes about arches inspiring him to make a new Star Fox game.


Will they do Sony 2015!

FF7 Remake announced for Switch?


In all likelihood, we'll probably see games that featured in the Switch Presentation, or before, get an actual/official announcement or confirmation in the form of a non-gameplay teaser or story trailer: SMT5, No More Heroes 3, Beyond Good & Evil 2, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 will perhaps get some narrative expansion. Plus you can guarantee Nintendo will spend some time focusing on smaller "indies" and give that section a sizeable showreel.


Give me

Super Mario Maker Switch
Splatoon 2 dlc teasers or announcements
Star Wars games
New IP that i wasn't expecting
Animal Crossing teaser to make my gf happy
Tons more switch games


I just hope not everything is 2018.

I predict most first party games Nintendo show at e3 will be 2017 (Fire Emblem Warriors, Smash Bros, Pokémon Stars, Mario Odyssey, Splatoon 2, Xenoblade 2), I think they'll only show Retros project and Pikmin 4 which will be 2018. Then we can get another amazing January direct next year showcasing 2018 titles like Fire Emblem and who knows what else.


Are there any safe bets as to what could release this year, like Retro's game maybe?

Sorry if that was already answered. Been out of the loop for a while with Nintendo, especially on home consoles.
I couldnt be more excited for this e3

Nintendo with a new console, zelda is out and mario is announced, that leaves room for more new exciting games

Xbox with their back to the wall they want to come out swinging

Ps4 with hiiigh expectations and potential for crazy announcements.

3 more months until Christmas
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