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Persona 5 |OT2| Someone must have been helping you go to bed early. Talk!


I would say personally the only thing that P5 has objectively better then the previous games is the combat, other then that it has the same problem that P3 had....its hard to care about certain characters when they just barely do anything together....like the cast of P5 is all about heists and helping people and stuff but they barely actually just hang out, by the time you would think they spend to have a good party for the new member that joins they're already rushed into the next heist, theres no downtime at all in P5.

Overall still like the cast of P4 more then P5 but neither are bad stories, I just....personally couldn't care about Haru for example....I hope the revision version adds more on that front.


I would say personally the only thing that P5 has objectively better then the previous games is the combat, other then that it has the same problem that P3 had....its hard to care about certain characters when they just barely do anything together....like the cast of P5 is all about heists and helping people and stuff but they barely actually just hang out, by the time you would think they spend to have a good party for the new member that joins they're already rushed into the next heist, theres no downtime at all in P5.

Overall still like the cast of P4 more then P5 but neither are bad stories, I just....personally couldn't care about Haru for example....I hope the revision version adds more on that front.
My first impressions still stand. I prefer P4's cast as a group but P5's individual characters mostly because I don't get the sense the cast would hang out outside being Phantom Thieves the way the P4 cast would just by virtue of being classmates.


Tears in the rain
I prefer the story and characters from P3 and P5, to P4. But...these 3 games literally my Top 3 JRPGs of all time, so who the fuck cares?


Hopefully you were intending on doing another complete playthrough anyway.

I'm already at the last Palace. NG+ is a breeze, especially after grinding to Lv 95 (and playing on Normal instead of Hard like I did for NG).

EDIT: I did a lot of the other trophies in NG+, like fishing, reading, playing games, confidants, etc.


My first impressions still stand. I prefer P4's cast as a group but P5's individual characters mostly because I don't get the sense the cast would hang out outside being Phantom Thieves the way the P4 cast would just by virtue of being classmates.

Yep, like I said it has the same problem that P3 cast had, they're doing stuff together only for the goal or heists. Kinda like SEES only really hanging out together because of tarturus. Where as P4 cast outside of the murders would totally be friends anyway, not as close as they're because they didn't experience each others darksides but yeah.

I just overall hope that with P5(enter whatever you want to call it here) being made they add more to the characters to flesh them out more, maybe more events besides requests and heists that the members spend time doing together....I guess this being the first game of the P5 group just makes it feel weird to lets say P4G or P3FES in terms of fleshed out events.


I'm about to finish the seventh palace, can I get a non-spoilery answer about whether the game ends after it, or am I safe to continue my s-links stuff after completing it.


Am i missing something, but do your friends always send a text to you if they want to hang out? And is there no clubs to join? I feel like the school in this one is a huge missed opportunity and not that easy to run around. Like in P4 there's a training building but the corridors in the school are so long and have nothing in them making moving around the school a chore. Especially since i haven't seen anybody just hanging around there without sending me a message first.


Tears in the rain
I'm about to finish the seventh palace, can I get a non-spoilery answer about whether the game ends after it, or am I safe to continue my s-links stuff after completing it.

It does not end after Palace 7. But...you won't have much time.

Guess Who

I'm about to finish the seventh palace, can I get a non-spoilery answer about whether the game ends after it, or am I safe to continue my s-links stuff after completing it.

The game does not end after it, but the deadline for the seventh palace is (basically) the end of your time to social link.


When the game tells you your next target is



It's so absurd, I hate stuff like this in these games, I mean
even fucking Haru of all people was at it. "I won't ever forgive for what you did to my father... But Akechi-kun please reconsider, we can be bffs :("
Jesus Christ

I feel the same.
Imo the Twist was good. A liitle bit constructed and not the biggest surprise, but good. But the whole "we all make mistakes" after changing peoples hearts for whatever reason was a little bit silly.


NG+ is going to be much faster. Started in safe and finished the first dungeon at lvl 15 in like 2 hours total. A lvl 99 Lucifer and 250+ weapons were too much for the first boss.


Finally unlocked Gallows and created a good Shiki Ouji. Other good abilities aren't available right now (level 26 main character), so pretty happy with this result. I did consider putting the master abilities on a different Persona, but the idea of switching every battle would get annoying. Would do so for eventual ultimate personas though.

Edit: Also, the music in the 3rd palace is awesome!


I friend zoned Takemi and I kind of feel like a piece of shit. I really like her, but I really ought to save myself for Makoto too...


It's time for the Mishima defense force. He's just a misunderstood bullied kid dammit! Y'all wrong!

Nah. He's a tryhard schemer who wants to ride the coattails of my popularity, and wants to share in the credit of my hard work. He uses my fame to raise money, and then uses it for dodgy things, only to be too chicken to go all the way and backs out of everything. Kill him now.


It's time for the Mishima defense force. He's just a misunderstood bullied kid dammit! Y'all wrong!

I was trying to not laugh hard at the end when
Mishima tries to get people to sign petitions for MC but everyone ignored him and he commented that it was for his best friend. Like dude. MC has at least 5 people he'd consider his best friend before you.

Guess Who

I'm still a bit upset that (September spoilers)
on the Hawaii trip Kawakami still made me room with Mishima even after I clearly told her I'd rather room alone.

Hawaiian hotel rooms ain't cheap enough for a high schooler to get his own room on school funding, kiddo.


Mishima is a garbage human since the beggining
He knew all of what Kamoshida did,
He knew what he did to the female athletes, all for what? He wasnt even good at sports.


Mishima is a garbage human since the beggining
He knew all of what Kamoshida did,
He knew what he did to the female athletes, all for what? He wasnt even good at sports.

That fucker
is the one who leaked your criminal records to everyone online in the first place. Literally GG-tier doxxer. Fuck him.


I honestly think the P5 cast's closeness is understated while the opposite applies to P4's.

Sure the P5 cast doesn't hang out much, but I think they treat their mission like a group of friends would, and their text chats portray them as a very natural group. If you were to ignore all Phantom Thief talk from them, it would be no different from a group of friends having fun messing with each other via texting.

P4's on the other hand, yes it's a group of friends, but at times it feels like Yu is what glues most of them together and weren't for him, some of them wouldn't hang out with each other at all. I mean can you picture Yosuke hanging out with Yukiko all by themselves? Kanji with Rise? I dunno. They're probably a bit closer than P5's, but I don't think it's that big of a difference.

Other than that I'll have to agree that I like the P5 cast individually way more than 4's, and I do like most characters in 4. I think I'd like P5's even more if it weren't for the shoddy localization probably stealing like half of their charm.

Not that this impacts my perception of the game too much though. In P3 most of them barely tolerate each other for a big part of the game but their dynamic was particularly interesting thanks to it.

Also unrelated but holy shit, Haru's english voice is insufferable.


It probably was already asked, but still...
Question about end of november:
I entered 7th palace for first time and saved for now. Will I have time for social links till the end of 7th palace deadline? MC can't go to school now so I'm not sure if I'll be able to finish my teammates SL. I'm realy close to getting all my confidants to Max... And if I will have needed free time, how should I go about sending calling card? Will it work as in case of1st-5th palaces or like in case of 6th?


I honestly think the P5 cast's closeness is understated while the opposite applies to P4's.

Sure the P5 cast doesn't hang out much, but I think they treat their mission like a group of friends would, and their text chats portray them as a very natural group. If you were to ignore all Phantom Thief talk from them, it would be no different from a group of friends having fun messing with each other via texting.

P4's on the other hand, yes it's a group of friends, but at times it feels like Yu is what glues most of them together and weren't for him, some of them wouldn't hang out with each other at all. I mean can you picture Yosuke hanging out with Yukiko all by themselves? Kanji with Rise? I dunno. They're probably a bit closer than P5's, but I don't think it's that big of a difference.

Other than that I'll have to agree that I like the P5 cast individually way more than 4's, and I do like most characters in 4. I think I'd like P5's even more if it weren't for the shoddy localization probably stealing like half of their charm.

Also unrelated but holy shit, Haru's english voice is insufferable.

But here's the thing, Kanji and Rise do hang out together sometimes, same with Yosuke and Yukiko...dunno P5 just needs that extra version that has more little nods to things. Its like P5 content wise was between P3/4 and P3FES/4G in terms on fleshed out characters, which makes me excited for it personally.


P4's on the other hand, yes it's a group of friends, but at times it feels like Yu is what glues most of them together and weren't for him, some of them wouldn't hang out with each other at all. I mean can you picture Yosuke hanging out with Yukiko all by themselves? Kanji with Rise? I dunno. They're probably a bit closer than P5's, but I don't think it's that big of a difference.

I agree with this, and it's the premise of half an episode in the Persona 4 anime, where as everyone goes on without Yu, you see them all go their own ways and stop hanging out with each other. One of the best scenes in that mediocre series.


Tears in the rain
Mishima haters, utter bastards of lust. We know how shitty you are, and that you put your twisted desires for worst characters, on this student that can't fight back. That's why we have decided to steal away those desires and make you confess your sins. This will be done tomorrow, so we hope you will be ready. From

The Phantom Thieves of Heart.


People who say the P3 cast isn't close...that's the entire point of the story. Their present lives and their pasts are completely fucked up, it's only natural that they're slow to open up to others. Throughout the whole game they start to let down barriers and get close to the other party members. By the end of The Answer you can tell that they've started to heal from their trauma and can finally look to a brighter future.


Mishima haters, utter bastards of lust. We know how shitty you are, and that you put your twisted desires for worst characters, on this student that can't fight back. That's why we have decided to steal away those desires and make you confess your sins. This will be done tomorrow, so we hope you will be ready. From

The Phantom Thieves of Heart.

Doesn't even have a full name. Amateur loser wannabe thieves. Just like Mishima.


I honestly think the P5 cast's closeness is understated while the opposite applies to P4's.

Sure the P5 cast doesn't hang out much, but I think they treat their mission like a group of friends would, and their text chats portray them as a very natural group. If you were to ignore all Phantom Thief talk from them, it would be no different from a group of friends having fun messing with each other via texting.

P4's on the other hand, yes it's a group of friends, but at times it feels like Yu is what glues most of them together and weren't for him, some of them wouldn't hang out with each other at all. I mean can you picture Yosuke hanging out with Yukiko all by themselves? Kanji with Rise? I dunno. They're probably a bit closer than P5's, but I don't think it's that big of a difference.

Other than that I'll have to agree that I like the P5 cast individually way more than 4's, and I do like most characters in 4. I think I'd like P5's even more if it weren't for the shoddy localization probably stealing like half of their charm.

Not that this impacts my perception of the game too much though. In P3 most of them barely tolerate each other for a big part of the game but their dynamic was particularly interesting thanks to it.

Also unrelated but holy shit, Haru's english voice is insufferable.

The thing is, they kind of address the whole thrown together nature of the P5 cast
Makoto used it to deduce MC/Ann/Ryuji/Yusuke were Phantom Thieves. Followed by Akechi and Sae doing the same thing with the larger group.

So in my mind, they're not supposed to feel like they have a certain closeness the way the P4 cast does. Which is intentional, sure, but is also why I prefer the group dynamics of the P4 cast more.

And yeah...once Haru came around...I started skipping voiced lines and just started reading them unless there were scenes with Makoto, Sae, or Futaba. I just got tired of a lot of their voices by the 5th Palace.
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