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Prey Demo: Opening Hour Thread: Everything is Going to Be OK

Had a really bad first impression with the demo, but I had a much better time after picking it back up for a 2nd try. It seems questionable to release a demo that opens with melee combat on small enemies with such bad input lag, but it really hits its stride once it opens up.

If you feel alone in this, check out my earlier posts in the thread compared to a day later or so when I decided to try it again. I've come to wonder whether the game simply just demos badly within the context of a possibly quickly slapped together demo section when the game seems to fully rely on skills and movement upgrades for core combat. The input lag and music are still bullshit but the movement upgrade tree really helped with how clunky and slow it feels at first.

There's a surprisingly obvious and easy alternate way into the security room

Just climb on the pipe that's outside the door

Just realized you can break the glass in the ceiling of the IT Security to get to the area above

These two moments are what 'broke the ice' for me from essentially thinking it sucks. I smashed the glass and then proceeded to fail at climbing up several times, was about to drop the attempt and chalk it up to something like 'bullshit limitations' when, what do you know, you can actually climb up and onto anything you can physically reach essentially.

I also ended up doing several drop attacks from those suspended ceiling grids you see in most office/conference rooms and so on. It works really well if you invest in that skill that makes enemies take longer to spot you while hiding. It kills their reaction time enough to be able to blast them with GLOO and have them not really be able to react.


Went and watched Eurogamer's non-demo gameplay video (which has MASSIVE spoilers in every sense) and things definitely looked a bit more fun and atmospheric than what the demo itself showed. Hoping it doesn't turn out to be another Dishonored 2 (well, the bad parts).

EDIT: Also they appeared to be playing the PC version (keyboard prompts) and no crazy hitching/stuttering.
Went and watched Eurogamer's non-demo gameplay video (which has MASSIVE spoilers in every sense) and things definitely looked a bit more fun and atmospheric than what the demo itself showed. Hoping it doesn't turn out to be another Dishonored 2 (well, the bad parts).

EDIT: Also they appeared to be playing the PC version (keyboard prompts) and no crazy hitching/stuttering.

Watched it, too. This looks absolutely amazing..like GOTY (and we already had lots of amazing games this year).


Holy shit is that city ugly. Looks like something out of last gen. I take it that the helicopter ride was meant to be epic but it was anything but.

Love the combat music though, creepy as hell.


Most games are developed side by side on different platforms. The days of ports have been long over really.

It depends on the intent of saying port though, for some it means design philosophy or support. Some games ship with obvious ui/navigation and such intended for a particular platform and ignoring the platform it's actually being used on.

It doesn't always have a literal meaning.
Went and watched Eurogamer's non-demo gameplay video (which has MASSIVE spoilers in every sense) and things definitely looked a bit more fun and atmospheric than what the demo itself showed. Hoping it doesn't turn out to be another Dishonored 2 (well, the bad parts).

EDIT: Also they appeared to be playing the PC version (keyboard prompts) and no crazy hitching/stuttering.

The '58 Minutes...' video posted 2 weeks ago?


I like a lot about the demo other then :

- F the marker, it remove the sense of exploration !
The combat feel a little off, the gloo gun thing control weird and melee combat feel really bad. Like the shotgun thought.
- The enemies design is a little simple, but i like the idea they can transform to object.

When i see people compare this game to Bioshock, no it feel way more like system Shock. This is a good thing for me.


In case anyone wants to listen to it, here is the OST.


I really like it even if its short. Still really torn on if I'm going to buy this game or hold off. The story seems pretty cool from the demo. However, I feel like Arkane will drop the ball like they did with Dishonored 2.

Yeah it is a short OST, but that first track though. Amazing.

Originally I was more on the side of not getting it. Now I've managed to download the demo on XB1 as well, I feel like it plays miles better without the input lag. So I think I will get it.


Can someone explain the structure of this game to me? Is it linear progression with more open-ended encounters like Dishonored, or more open within a smaller world like Deus Ex, or, none of the above?


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Can someone explain the structure of this game to me? Is it linear progression with more open-ended encounters like Dishonored, or more open within a smaller world like Deus Ex, or, none of the above?

It's essentially open-world with a dash of Metroid. The space station -- which is one big level rather than a series of interconnected ones -- can be fully explored from the off, but the extent to which you can access areas will initially be limited owing to your lack of the requisite abilities/items.
I'm actually really interested to see someone post a screen of the Options menu once it's out.

I need to know how much of the HUD shit you can turn off. I'd really like any and all markers, pointers, notifications etc. gone if possible. As far as I recall, Dishonored had those features, so I hope that carries over. Especially in a game like this, I don't want to even vaguely be pointed in the right direction.
It's possible for a game to look worse than Horizon and UC4 and still end up looking better than this game. Dishonored 2 is an example.

Dishonored is not open world like Prey. There is way more interactivity in Prey. Also, it's a different engine ;)

Sure it could look better but it's definitely not ugly imo. Maybe you just don't like the art style?


Watched it, too. This looks absolutely amazing..like GOTY (and we already had lots of amazing games this year).

Oh and I do want to say that I'm not a fan of the
scanning. I know it was in Bioshock in the form of the camera/recorder, and I can understand why the mechanic was included, but...

And seeing as it looks like one of those games where you can become overpowered if you do a lot of exploring, I hope they keep the game challenging as things go on. Both Bioshock 1 and 2 were mind-numbingly easy after a point due to the large amount of resources and the brokenness of some of the abilities (Winter Blast), even on the hardest difficulty. 2 especially by giving you the spear gun so early on.

The PS4 demo did not look or run great, hard to see things at times. I'd definitely go for the PC version if it works proper.


All the people who think this game is average....do you think Bioshock is an average game?
Because combat and movement is similar to Bioshock. And this game still is one of the best ever made imo.
I think a lot of people have jumped into this with an expectation of it being a typical AAA guided single-player FPS, rather than an immersive sim which doesn't treat the player like an idiot, and focuses on exploration and experimentation.
The fact that The perfect Dark was able to get 6 hours out of the "opening hour" demo says a lot.

Aiming sounds like it could be problematic on consoles - at least with the wrench and the mimics at the start - but I don't know what the solution to that is really.
Gyro aiming makes a huge difference to aiming in FPS games with a DualShock 4 on PC, but most console players seem to hate that and I don't think there is a global option to use gyro aiming on the PS4 if it's not built into the game.
Other than that, what alternative is there? Make the player overpowered? Slow down the enemies and make them easier to hit? No thanks.

Everything I've seen suggests that the gameplay design of this was "PC first" rather than console focused - much more than the Dishonored games - and I don't consider that to be a bad thing.
I have nothing against games coming to consoles, but there's been a trend of "dumbing down" games as a result of being developed for consoles.
As an example, Morrowind was a complex PC game which was made to work on the original Xbox, but Oblivion was a console-first design and really simplified everything. Skyrim went even further in that direction.
None of these are bad games, but Skyrim was clearly built for a different audience than Morrowind.
And I feel like that's been indicative of game design in general for the past 10-15 years.
There have been very few games which have actually advanced in complexity from where we were in 1998-2000 with games like System Shock 2, Deus Ex, Thief etc.
Games that assume the player is smart and capable of coming up with their own solution to problems, instead of pushing them down a narrow corridor filled with cutscenes and scripted sequences that only have one solution and play out the same way every time.

Most big-budget games have focused on being very narrow in scope, but very polished, whereas games like Deus Ex, Dishonored, and now Prey, focus on dropping the player in a well-realized space and simulating as much of that as they can. Where interactions are systems-based, rather than scripted.

I'm also surprised that people seem to think the game looks bad graphically - I really like the look of it.
Hopefully it's also a good sign of things to come for the PC version if they managed to get a CryEngine game running at a locked framerate on both consoles.
Dishonored 2 had performance issues on all platforms. The PC version still runs better than the console versions, but it doesn't run smoothly no matter what hardware you throw at it.


Having spent time playing the demo on both PS4 (non-Pro) and Xbox One - man, it is like night and day.

Since there is no PC demo, my second system is generally PS4, while I often forget I have an XBOX. Playing the demo on PS4 left me in two minds about the game. The 'form' of the game seemed to be there, and to be as I'd hope from a studio like Arkane. But the mechanical act of playing felt sloshy and unpleasant, and fighting mimics in particular was a *real* chore - to the extent that I certainly wouldn't want to put up with a whole game of that.

Then I read about the input lag issues with the PS4 demo specifically, so dusted off my XBOX.

Well everyone was right. The XBOX demo doesnt' have the lag issues, and getting rid of that input lag made *all* the difference. Just moving around feels precise now, interacting with things straightforward, and clobbering things with the Wrench actually enjoyable.

Now that I've seen my biggest concern 'addressed', I'll for sure be picking this up. On PC. (You learned your lesson with Dishonored 2's issues on PC, right Arkane? Riiiiiight...?)

Edit: More on PS4/XONE demo differences... While on XONE I'm guessing that the res is lower, or often lower (more noticable artifacting and jaggies), it seems smoother, either in terms of sustainable frame-rate, or perhaps frame pacing. I'd actually regard that as a worthy trade-off, if console was my only option.
Having spent time playing the demo on both PS4 (non-Pro) and Xbox One - man, it is like night and day.

Since there is no PC demo, my second system is generally PS4, while I often forget I have an XBOX. Playing the demo on PS4 left me in two minds about the game. The 'form' of the game seemed to be there, and to be as I'd hope from a studio like Arkane. But the mechanical act of playing felt sloshy and unpleasant, and fighting mimics in particular was a *real* chore - to the extent that I certainly wouldn't want to put up with a whole game of that.

Then I read about the input lag issues with the PS4 demo specifically, so dusted off my XBOX.

Well everyone was right. The XBOX demo doesnt' have the lag issues, and getting rid of that input lag made *all* the difference. Just moving around feels precise now, interacting with things straightforward, and clobbering things with the Wrench actually enjoyable.

Now that I've seen my biggest concern 'addressed', I'll for sure be picking this up. On PC. (You learned your lesson with Dishonored 2's issues on PC, right Arkane? Riiiiiight...?)

Edit: More on PS4/XONE demo differences... While on XONE I'm guessing that the res is lower, or often lower (more noticable artifacting and jaggies), it seems smoother, either in terms of sustainable frame-rate, or perhaps frame pacing. I'd actually regard that as a worthy trade-off, if console was my only option.

Since I don't know jack about how games are made, to anyone with the proper background:

How does this happen where one version can control significantly worse with the other platform having none of that going on? What goes wrong for this to be the end result and how difficult is it to fix in reality once you've reached that point?


Holy shit is that city ugly. Looks like something out of last gen. I take it that the helicopter ride was meant to be epic but it was anything but.

Love the combat music though, creepy as hell.

Huh. I thought it looked dope and I really liked the integrated titling.


So something weird about the demo.

I stole the light from the janitor in the hallway outside of your apartment. I set it down on the bench next to the elevator. When I went up to the roof, the light was in the same position on a bench just outside the elevator.

So something weird about the demo.

I stole the light from the janitor in the hallway outside of your apartment. I set it down on the bench next to the elevator. When I went up to the roof, the light was in the same position on a bench just outside the elevator.

So the level is actually built as it appears when you find the switches?
Played the demo a bit, didn't find the game fun or interesting enough to continue after getting to the medical bay, or whatever. Character feels way too heavy and the combat is stupid, with the GLOO gun being one of the lamest weapons I've ever seen in a game.
So something weird about the demo.

I stole the light from the janitor in the hallway outside of your apartment. I set it down on the bench next to the elevator. When I went up to the roof, the light was in the same position on a bench just outside the elevator.


You may want to get further before you read this.
It's all one room. You are in a sim. The area rearranges, whenever you select a destination in the elevator. Later you can mess around with the area.
I am so close to preordering this, even though I "beat" the demo I didn't explore anything past the first floor of the lobby as I realized that if I get it I'd rather do the exploration then. But I just keep wanting to play more! That's the mark of a good demo to me, if it just makes you really want to go back in and play the game more. In that way this demo certainly succeeded for me. I only want to wait and see how the PC version performs, as while I tolerated the controller for the hours I played the demo I wouldn't want to use it long term and would definitely prefer playing it on my PC. So long as the PC version's good and the game doesn't turn out to take a nosedive in quality I think I'll definitely be buying it next week or so.


Dishonored is not open world like Prey. There is way more interactivity in Prey. Also, it's a different engine ;)

Sure it could look better but it's definitely not ugly imo. Maybe you just don't like the art style?
If Prey is open world then Metroid, Deus Ex (and perhaps even DMC3/4, RE4 and Doom because you can go back to previous locations accessed before) are open world games and Zelda has always been open world instead of BoTW being first open world Zelda. You can see my point here.

Prey is not open world, it's just a hub based world, the areas in Prey are separated by loading screens and IF the demo area is any indication of the general size of the areas they are smaller than Dishonored 2.


Huh. I thought it looked dope and I really liked the integrated titling.

Yes, pretty creative opening. The music did the rest for me. Perfect opening imho, the story/scenario got me hooked immediately.

I preordered the PC version. I'll be happy to report back regarding options/performance. I've got a 1060 tho, I think Cryengine works pretty well with nVidia chips...


It can look pretty great at times. I think parts of the game uses stylized PBR in a similar way to Dishonored 2. It's gonna look fantastic at 60fps on PC.
Dishonored 2 fully uses PBR (stylised ofc), I'm pretty sure there's no PBR here anywhere (atleast none that I have noticed). The only way a game ends up partially using PBR is if only some materials were made/upgraded with it in mind while some weren't (due to whatever reasons be it budget/time). It would mean a lack of uniformity which is one of the important things about PBR.

I've heard that this game has been in development for like 2 years, so I'm not sure why they don't have full fledged PBR implemented in since CryEngine has supported it since late 2013 and PBR makes a developer's job easier in many ways.
If Prey is open world then Metroid, Deus Ex (and perhaps even DMC3/4, RE4 and Doom because you can go back to previous locations accessed before) are open world games and Zelda has always been open world instead of BoTW being first open world Zelda. You can see my point here.

Prey is not open world, it's just a hub based world, the areas in Prey are separated by loading screens and IF the demo area is any indication of the general size of the areas they are smaller than Dishonored 2.
Well I'd certainly consider Metroidvanias open worlds when they're one interconnected map. As was the first Zelda (hence the back to its roots nature of BOTW)

Comparing the size of Prey's areas to Dishonored's levels doesn't make much sense IMO; one game is in a sprawling but enclosed space station, the other across different sections of a city


I think I did everything available. Except there was alot of passwords and locked doors.

Couldn't use a code because the area became unavailable.

Overall, but Bioshock feel.


Having a blast with the demo.

It will be interesting to see how much changes from the full game. With the gloo gun glitch I've managed to reach the main Psychotronic door and in the process get a new objective.

Access the IT supply closet, which has some supplies.

And access the secure pharmaceutical room which has some neuromods and a new plan but unfortunately, there's no door release button the other side so was a 1 way trip, it may be possible to glitch back through but I needed the rank 2 leverage
Having a blast with the demo.

It will be interesting to see how much changes from the full game. With the gloo gun glitch I've managed to reach the main Psychotronic door and in the process get a new objective.
I'm assuming there's going to be less ammo. They practically shower you in gloo canisters
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