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Legendary Shipping Meltdowns (SPOILERS)


Gold Member
Bleach is like my favorite anime and the only one I could ever watch. I made so many excuses for it especially the pacing no matter how slow it was.

I'm trying to imagine a scenario on how he thought Ichigo and Orihime could ever end up together. Like how? It's like Sasuke Sakura over again. Hell, Ichigo Rukia would have made sense because of their relationship throughout the series. I hate the ending of Bleach so much. I can't even listen to the soundtrack anymore because of how much I hated the ending, it's like HIMYM all over again. He didn't need to force some bullshit pairing ending.

The thing with Rukia though is that there was nothing that said/implied that they were more than being just friends. they had a close bond but it never gave off a romantic undertone.

I remember when I first read/watched Bleach I thought it was going to be Ichigo and Rukia with how far he went for her but it never really developed that way. The bit where Ichigo got his powers back and met Rukia again and she slapped him upside the head was my sign that the idea of any romantic relationship was dead and buried.

Orihime liked him but I figured, correctly mind you, that when the manga ended Kubo would timeskip and Ichigo would either be with Orihime or no one.

The timeskip was just a convenient excuse to not give the details.

Shipping is all fun and games until you force your beliefs onto other people and send death threats to other fans or to the creators for not appealing to your fantasies.

Exactly. The idea of liking two (or more characters) together isn't bad as long as you know and acknowledge that its your kink - especially if there's nothing canon to support it. I have no issue with these fans.

But the ones that are as above I cannot fucking stand.

The amount of hate, vitrol & toxicity within the VLD fandom regarding shipping is absolutely disgusting, which is a shame because even a platonic ship such as the brotherly bond of Keith and Shiro was attacked by the rabid subset of fans. The fact that they've even gone so far as to harass the creators & VAs is just creepy.

As for Keith and Lance, they've always been rivals but they're more or less friends- yet these diehard klance shippers are adamant that they've been hit with gay feels since the beginning of the series.

You missed the Pidge is a transsexual war on the Voltron wiki page last year but yeah the VLD fandom has been toxic since day one.

And don't get me started on the RWBY fandom...
ahahaha you don't know how far deep the shipping weirdness pokemon is
Don't do this to me Boss Doggie. Me already had my pure thoughts about Pokemon ruined when I decided to search up some Gardevoir art as a kid cause I thought was one of the coolest Pokemon ever (third to Typhlosion and Ho-Oh). It didn't end well.

I feel that a taboo shipping such as Ash/Delia exists but I refuse to search it up. For my sanity.
The author of Little Women destroyed the most popular ship in part because of its shippers.

Laurie/Amy is gross and a disproportionate punishment though.
Yikes. I had no idea.
Man googleplex defended Sakura hard.
Googleplex? Is he a member here?
The funniest thing is Zutara shippers still trying to convince people after 10 years.

I remember back during book 2 when I was on some forum, a poster was talking about Zutara and they posted a picture of Iroh explaining the 4 elements to teach Zuko the the lighting directing technique. They posted the part after Iroh said he learned the technique from studying waterbenders and Zuko smiled.They said he was thinking about Katara and that's why he smiled and said Zutara was going to happen. It was crazy.

Ray Down

Really despite Ichigo X Orihime not having any real development on either end, Ichgio X Rukia never had an implied romance angle.

If Kubo would go down that path, people would buy it, but he really didn't.


I remember back during book 2 when I was on some forum, a poster was talking about Zutara and they posted a picture of Iroh explaining the 4 elements to teach Zuko the the lighting directing technique. They posted the part after Iroh said he learned the technique from studying waterbenders and Zuko smiled.They said he was thinking about Katara and that's why he smiled and said Zutara was going to happen. It was crazy.

Woah the mental gymnastics just to keep up with that one!


I remember back during book 2 when I was on some forum, a poster was talking about Zutara and they posted a picture of Iroh explaining the 4 elements to teach Zuko the the lighting directing technique. They posted the part after Iroh said he learned the technique from studying waterbenders and Zuko smiled.They said he was thinking about Katara and that's why he smiled and said Zutara was going to happen. It was crazy.

My schadenfreude at the sinking of that ship was off the charts.
People can become so obsessed with their fanfiction narrative to the point they will go and try to coerce their vision into the creative mind behind it.

Which is funny since I thought that's the main point of fanfiction, to fantasize around a narrative that will never see the light of day in the final work.


I've basically become anti most main characters getting together these days as often it's so forced and kills so much time that could be plot progression, especialy when romance is no where near the primary plot. It's one thing if it's a comedy centered around relationships but I don't need an entire season of a Sci Fi show wrapped up in will they, won't they. Lost was probably my first foray into the crazy world of shipping but I didn't really care who Kate ended up with.

Pitch started out as an interesting show that too quickly dived into romantic triangle between the female main character, the catcher, and her agent. Realizing it was going to become the primary storyline going forward is no loss to me that it was cancelled.
Do not want Jonah and Amy together on Superstore.
And not initially a main character but Supergirl relationship with the super douchcanoe ruined a lot of her previous character development and the show is barely about her these days.

But hey, the 15 yr old kids and 30+ yr old women love this shit? (Mid 30s myself lol)

I do recall the Mako Korra fans so pissed at the Korra Asami ending of Legend of Korra supposedly coming out of nowhere. I thought they'd been hinting at them pretty well for awhile but never expected it to actually happen, as writers love to string along that community if it gets them viewers.

The Supernatural fandom is just crazy with the winncest stuff.

Edit: also we finally watched Ouran Host Club for the first time. Started out so promising satirizing shoju stereotypes only for those two to end up together. I honestly checked out on the show midway through. Should have just been 13 episodes

You'll be happy to know Wincest is losing ground at alarming rates to Destiel due to it not bring you know...incest. It's the J2 crazies you have to watch out for, as they actually believe the wives are beards and Misha is a homewrecker.

I ship Destiel, know it's never going to happen, will not throw a bitch fit when it doesn't. But if you guys really want to know what queerbaiting actually is, look that show up. Hot damn there's a fucking mixtape and everything lol


Really despite Ichigo X Orihime not having any real development on either end, Ichgio X Rukia never had an implied romance angle.

If Kubo would go down that path, people would buy it, but he really didn't.
The big problem was for the most part Ichigo seemed to show absolutely zero interest in females or relationships, at least from as much of Bleach as I was able to follow anyway. I remember thinking back in the day that the series could end and it wouldn't be unlikely for Ichigo to just pick no one at all.


People can become so obsessed with their fanfiction narrative to the point they will go and try to coerce their vision into the creative mind behind it.

Which is funny since I thought that's the main point of fanfiction, to fantasize around a narrative that will never see the light of day in the final work.

To me, its entitlement, pure and simple.
I know lots of people who still hotly debate whether Geralt should be with Triss or with Yennifer.

And then you get that small minority who say that Geralt should be with Ciri. Odd.


To me, its entitlement, pure and simple.

It's insane to me. I grew up in fandom, and yeh there were ship wars but it was between fans and somewhat tounge-in-cheek. But now its like demanding shit from the PTB and im still like 'Hey, arent we supposed to keeping our heads down and shit? Stop being dicks!'


What older woman? It's been awhile and all that comes to mind is dalinar's sister?
It's been a while since I read Words of Radiance too but I think it's Dalinar's sister the one who in the 2nd book
got killed but was eventually revived
? That girl was the pairing I always imagined for Kaladin since I like her better than Sketchbook girl.

Folks are setting themselves up for disappointment if they're attached to One Piece shipping.
One Piece shipping bugs the hell out of me because Luffy is so clueless and oblivious about things not related to eating or fighting I don't think he could ever even formulate a single romantic thought.

WidowTracer was soooo delicious I still feed on their anger (MercyMaker for the win) and Pharah/Mercy will be a fucking bloodbath when that gets scratched out.

Love Blizzard for these things.

That already happened to some extent. There was a comic page juxtaposing Mercy and Genji with Genji handwriting a letter to Mercy followed by Mercy reading it, and then voice lines were discovered of them exchanging chocolate for Valentine's Day. "He's just saying thanks for saving his life." "It's just friend chocolate." People even complained to the senior writer and also said some racist shit because the writer is Asian.

Blizzard could release a map where the payload is a wedding cake with Genji and Mercy on it and people would still try to rationalize Pharah and Mercy.



Hinata earned that victory; her intervention in the Pein Arc was so damn beautiful.

She's literally the only one who loved and respected Naruto at the academy from Day 1.

She was the only reason I even bothered to watch Naruto: The Last Movie because it gave closure to her character arc.



Hinata earned that victory; her intervention in the Pein Arc was so damn beautiful.

She's literally the only one who loved and respected Naruto from Day 1 at the academy.

She was the only reason I even bothered to watch Naruto: The Last Movie because it gave closure to her character arc.
Preach it, brother
That is creepy.
Yep. When I asked why they gave out some explanations
and directed me to this trope here.

Speaking of this trope, anyone remember Usagi/Bunny Drop???

Wasn't the last arc just so much fun?!?!?!

I wake up everyday and bathe in the tears of those that are still butthurt to this day over Korrasami becoming canon.
Dang it! Here's my tears then.

I just didn't like it!

Ray Down


Hinata earned that victory; her intervention in the Pein Arc was so damn beautiful.

She's literally the only one who loved and respected Naruto at the academy from Day 1.

She was the only reason I even bothered to watch Naruto: The Last Movie because it gave closure to her character arc.

And then Naruto outright ignored her for doing so, despite that going against his character.

God I fucking hate you Kishi.


lol shipping is sometimes like a cult where people go berserk when things don't go with their beliefs.

I remember Naruto fans, specifically those who ship Naruto with someone else other than Hinata, sending death threats to Kishimoto (and his wife as well I think) after the ending. Scary folks.


People called Romanes they go the house?
I know lots of people who still hotly debate whether Geralt should be with Triss or with Yennifer.

Eh, I can kind of understand this one, it's a debate between people who have only played the games, (where Triss is always super kind/helpful and actually present in 1 and 2, versus Yen, who's kind of a bitch at first - she doesn't really help Geralt at the start of 3, AND she gets introduced out of the blue) versus people who've read the books and/or like the give and take to the two's relationship.

Or, somewhere deep down, Yen fans don't mind a woman who'll put on the metaphorical pants once in a while.

How is this not a Harry Potter thread

It's been brought up multiple times already, tho.


And then Naruto outright ignored her for doing so, despite that going against his character.

God I fucking hate you Kishi.
In a fucked up way, him not responding to her feelings at the time made sense, simply because of all the chaos that was happening in the Ninjas world at the time.

He could have at least thanked her though!

The movie kinda made it clear how much of a dense motherfucker Naruto can be.


You'll be happy to know Wincest is losing ground at alarming rates to Destiel due to it not bring you know...incest. It's the J2 crazies you have to watch out for, as they actually believe the wives are beards and Misha is a homewrecker.

I ship Destiel, know it's never going to happen, will not throw a bitch fit when it doesn't. But if you guys really want to know what queerbaiting actually is, look that show up. Hot damn there's a fucking mixtape and everything lol

Oh yeah, those that dive into RPF can be rabid. I recall the Darren Criss crazy fans who loved him from his Harry Potter youtube videos basically stalking anything to do with Chris Colfer insisting they were a real couple. The Glee fandom is long dead but I hear there's still those that believe they're a thing and still harrass Colfer on twitter on occasion. I mean, these were the people that were swooning over drunk Blaine trying to force himself onto Kurt. You could tell Colfer checked out of the on screen relationship of Blaine and Kurt pretty quickly (and Glee as a whole kind of)


Really despite Ichigo X Orihime not having any real development on either end, Ichgio X Rukia never had an implied romance angle.

If Kubo would go down that path, people would buy it, but he really didn't.

There was that whole thing right before she ran away from Ichigo's when everybody thought she loved him.


Speaking of this trope, anyone remember Usagi/Bunny Drop???

Wasn't the last arc just so much fun?!?!?!
I loved that last arc.

Considering Rin's personality and life in general up till that point, her ending up with Daikichi made sense.

I called it though, specifically during the first few chapters when she refuses to become his adopted daughter, lol
Understatement. Movie just proved further that Naruto doesn't deserve her, but luckily, she's not a quitter.

Fuck Naruto, I was only rooting for Hinata all the way.


I will say though that the Power Rangers marathon reminded me of my annoyance that in Turbo/Zeo,Tanya and Adam didn't become a couple.
All of this just reinforces my strong belief that Tumble was a mistake by tenfold.

Also, anyone that ships Kylo Ren and Rey gets eternal side eye. That shit is just fucked up.

Beth Cyra

That already happened to some extent. There was a comic page juxtaposing Mercy and Genji with Genji handwriting a letter to Mercy followed by Mercy reading it, and then voice lines were discovered of them exchanging chocolate for Valentine's Day. "He's just saying thanks for saving his life." "It's just friend chocolate." People even complained to the senior writer and also said some racist shit because the writer is Asian.

Blizzard could release a map where the payload is a wedding cake with Genji and Mercy on it and people would still try to rationalize Pharah and Mercy.
I think this is bullshit though.

It can be anything and Genji and Mercy are not hard confirmed like Tracer/Em and things can change and even if they are together (I totally think they will be in canon) until such time as it happens in real time the true meltdown will not happen and I need to be there for it.
The Naruto meltdown was such a joyous time for me, the tears will sustain my life for centuries to come. Only way it could've been better is if Sakura really did get cucked by Karin.
God fucking shipping and my teen years. Dark times. Its good to enjoy having your favorite characters possibly becoming an item or getting together. But don't go shoving it down people's throats and especially leave threats out of it.

I'm still salty Harry got a fangirl as his wife while the intelligent girl who stuck by him through thick and thin ended up with the biggest loser of their generation but I don't go threatening Rowling over it. I'll talk and share my feelings about it but I won't hate on people liking the canon pairing either.

That being said, the best meltdowns were the Naruto and Sakura pairing along with Naruto x Sasuke and then Ichigo x Orihime. Felt pretty vindicated about supporting the canon pairings all along. I'm curious if OP ever decides to end and actually have canon shippings, will the fanbase meltdown?

Mashima Hiro who writes Fairy Tail has basically sunk every pairing that he hasn't already implied before with his recent chapters but there weren't any meltdowns on that end so far from what I've seen.
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