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Xbox 360 was just stolen


I hate leanding things to anyone for any period of time because most of the time it don't matter if you know them well or not, they usually don't respect your shit and if or when they return it more often than not something goes sour.


confused by landlord not wanting op to call the cops because his lease is shady and illegal and not valid and op also saying he owes the landlord rent


Without trying to sound like an old man, the OP needs to learn to make better decisions.

I have one single person who I will lend game stuff to, because he respects it. Most other people will blank your saves, use discs as coasters, run disc based machines on fuzzy carpets or inside glass sealed cabinets. People are hopeless, dont give them your stuff.


I don't understand this topic and others like it that frequently pop up here. What is the point of asking random people from around the world who frequent a gaming forum about how to deal with an issue of personal theft and related domestic problems?


So, 11AM now, I'm woken up by a follow-up call from the police.

They asked more questions about the tenancy and from what I was able to say, they said they had to put it down as a burglary for now. It sucked that I had to try and lower my voice for this bit. I gave the email address and mentioned the one I sent (and the lack of reply).

I'm hoping that they don't catch on that I can find out if they use the Netflix account. Last activity from that I.P. from an Xbox was 1AM so...

I said that I had lent it to them a month before and that at no point were they told they could keep it.

I'm here back within 2 days at most.

I'll give you 360 if you want one, Just pm me

Thank you very much, it's super kind. I can't accept. Provided I can't get this one back I wouldn't use a 360 much for games.


I don't understand this topic and others like it that frequently pop up here. What is the point of asking random people from around the world who frequent a gaming forum about how to deal with an issue of personal theft and related domestic problems?

Random people have a detached point of view and my provide help and share their similar experiences.


Then why did you give it away?

Apart from this, how could you demonstrate to the cops that it is YOUR Xbox 360?

If I am able to go on the system (short of the serial number not matching), it has the accounts of most of my family because it's from when I was a teenager as well as my partner.

The local account also points to my Netflix and I can probably recite the 100s of games that are on it. The AC (which is a third party) shows up on my Amazon account (actually shows the date I would have lent the machine).


Random people have a detached point of view and my provide help and share their similar experiences.
What I mean is why post here. I'm sure there are other more suitable fora for this kind of topic if one has to turn to the internet for advice.
What I mean is why post here. I'm sure there are other more suitable fora for this kind of topic if one has to turn to the internet for advice.

It's about a game console specifically. People here are more likely to have experience with losing this kind of item, and know how to get it back.
it's an xbox 360...

can't you just buy a new one?

this is one of those cirucmstances where the time involved in getting your console back is more valuable than the cost of replacement.

i repeat... it's an xbox 360.

still sucks though, and i'm sorry about this happening to you OP.. :/.


Here's hoping you get the Xbox back. I had an N64 stolen once, well i say stolen it was more like the "friend" sold it to a cash generator. I never did get it back, even after calling the police.


If it has Simpsons or X-Men arcade on it call all the police! They should understand the importance of these de-listed games and send a tactical squad to retrieve it immediately.

If not I would accept it's gone but hold a grudge forever and sign them up for spam emails.


it's an xbox 360...

can't you just buy a new one?

this is one of those cirucmstances where the time involved in getting your console back is more valuable than the cost of replacement.

i repeat... it's an xbox 360.

still sucks though, and i'm sorry about this happening to you OP.. :/.

Talk about tone deaf.


it's an xbox 360...

can't you just buy a new one?

this is one of those cirucmstances where the time involved in getting your console back is more valuable than the cost of replacement.

i repeat... it's an xbox 360.

still sucks though, and i'm sorry about this happening to you OP.. :/.

Yeah this is sort of where i am...if it was that important to you, you would never have borrowed it out...

If the system for small stolen items is anything like the US you aren't getting it back...and you need to make peace with that


Dude just call the police, or go to the police station and file a report.

Get the girls number from the Shady Landlord and threaten to call the police on her if she doesn't return it.

You shouldn't have given it to a bunch of strangers on the first place man.


Sounds like you have much bigger issues in your life OP.

You need to stop taking care of strangers for one, it's a sign of weakness and will forever get you burned. I'm surprised you haven't been robbed before.
the Xbox is priceless

At least, the Harddrive is

For as long as they don't know I can track the Netflix activity I should be able to know if it moves.
Not to be unsympathetic but if it was priceless why did you lend it to someone?

The 360 has cloud saves right? Do you know your brothers password? If so get a new 360, log in and you should be able to recover what was on the other Xbox.


If you get no response and are unsure where she is living, then call the popo. You know their name and that is all they need to find her. That is straight up theft.
Read the thread maybe.
I did read the thread. This couple had a domestic abuse issue and someone came at him to help unlock a stolen phone. At that point it should be a sign and op should have gotten his shit back. People fucking suck and don't care about shit they don't have to pay for. I feel for the op but you never lend shit out of you aren't willing to never see it again.


If you threaten police, that Xbox will get destroyed in a fire or dumped in a landfill somewhere it won't ever be found.

It might be down to offering money, but unfortunately, if they are as much pos as you hint, you already told them how much you value that item.

I hope you get it back, but loaning it was a very bad idea to start with.

You seem like a very nice guy op, but you met the kind of people that'll likely chew you out.


Junior Member
It's because...

Being around people who are in shit situations makes me unable to sleep or feel comfortable like I have to help in some way. My counsellors both told me I can't be like this but it's who I am. I just have to one day be surrounded by people who aren't garbage.

And that only will happen when you set clear boundaries. Because then you start to attract people who respect boundaries. You only set yourself up for more misery, false friendships and people who will use you.
Some of you should read through the thread. OP has called the police. They've received a call back asking for more information and it sounds like it's at least going somewhere, though I'd wager that at probably has something to do with the shady landlord too. I know what it's like to be too nice for my own good and even though I would not have lent the system out, I understand where OP is coming from. At this point are we really adding anything to the discussion by repeatedly berating him?

That said, I'm hoping for the best for you Izuna. Shitty people are out there and they do not care about others. It's just the way of the world. Earlier in the thread, one poster mentioned possibly threatening to sue. If the police don't get it back for you then maybe this is another way. Obviously you probably shouldn't take the matter to court due to the cost, but if they willingly return the Xbox to avoid a small suit then at least you get your system back. I'm an American so I'm not sure how small claims works where you are at though.
Some of you should read through the thread. OP has called the police. They've received a call back asking for more information and it sounds like it's at least going somewhere, though I'd wager that at probably has something to do with the shady landlord too. I know what it's like to be too nice for my own good and even though I would not have lent the system out, I understand where OP is coming from. At this point are we really adding anything to the discussion by repeatedly berating him?

That said, I'm hoping for the best for you Izuna. Shitty people are out there and they do not care about others. It's just the way of the world. Earlier in the thread, one poster mentioned possibly threatening to sue. If the police don't get it back for you then maybe this is another way. Obviously you probably shouldn't take the matter to court due to the cost, but if they willingly return the Xbox to avoid a small suit then at least you get your system back. I'm an American so I'm not sure how small claims works where you are at though.
Yeah not a lot of people reading the thread it seems. It's obvious why it is so important to OP

I'm truly sorry that it happened OP and I hope you somehow get it back, but this is exactly why I don't lend stuff to anybody sans 3 individuals who I know I can trust and I know if they had damaged something they would reimburse me. That said I'm a minimalist in most aspects so I don't have much to lend out.

Good luck OP, you had the best intentions so I hope everything goes well.
Sorry to hear of your problems Izuna. Being nice is not rewarded in this world. Rarely, anyway it seems.

I don't understand this topic and others like it that frequently pop up here. What is the point of asking random people from around the world who frequent a gaming forum about how to deal with an issue of personal theft and related domestic problems?

A problem shared and all that. It can be very useful to get
differing views on how to handle a situation; many people may have had a similar experience and can guide the person asking.
I lost a ps2 and some games to a girl at college who wanted it for her bf and then never showed up in the final weeks to pay me, and we were close friends all year! some people just don't give a shit.

I hope you can sort this out, sounds like you have a lot on your plate as it is.


I don't understand this topic and others like it that frequently pop up here. What is the point of asking random people from around the world who frequent a gaming forum about how to deal with an issue of personal theft and related domestic problems?

Seriously. Also, why is this even posted on gaming side? It's related to theft not gaming.


I know I have an issue being "nice". I've always been this way. I used to share out my lunch money and I'm the sort to let others pick what they prefer if there's a choice of two flavours. I do it for myself, it makes me feel better.

Ofc, if stuff gets stolen or taken, it super sucks but I don't feel betrayed. I was merely expecting these people to not be super dicks. Part of why I am proud of the police is that I have some chance to right this issue (also why I really wanted to be an officer prior to Uni).

I'm not sure what is going to happen at work but at least my worries these past few days are somewhat justified and I hope that helps.

I'm sure the police are interested because they've been around prior and they probably know about the boyfriend already. It's a massive shame, really.

Seriously. Also, why is this even posted on gaming side? It's related to theft not gaming.

Merely because I wanted to know if anyone else, especially in the UK, had any advice.

I wasn't sure if I should try and sent email threats or go to the police. I'm happy I did the latter. I'm happy that I didn't change the Netflix password yet.

... If mods decide it's not the best thread I wouldn't be upset. Within reason however, I appreciate that NeoGAF can be helpful at times.


I know I have an issue being "nice". I've always been this way. I used to share out my lunch money and I'm the sort to let others pick what they prefer if there's a choice of two flavours. I do it for myself, it makes me feel better.

Does it really make you feel better? Humanity is not inherently good, and your OP is proof that some people will treat others like shit despite them being given any kindness.

I hope you get your 360 back but you definitely made some easily avoidable mistakes in your interactions with those people.


I don't understand this topic and others like it that frequently pop up here. What is the point of asking random people from around the world who frequent a gaming forum about how to deal with an issue of personal theft and related domestic problems?



To be honest, from the sounds of it, they might need the Xbox 360 more than you if they really needed to steal it. If it were me I would personally let this one go and buy a used one from CEX. Could always just get the progress back on those games by grinding all the way back up to the points of each save.
Have you considered going balls to the wall and simply posting the thief's private info that you have? Who knows, there might be one gaffer talented enough to make the thief's life a living hell. At this point if they don't have any money they might try to sell it.


Have you considered going balls to the wall and simply posting the thief's private info that you have? Who knows, there might be one gaffer talented enough to make the thief's life a living hell. At this point if they don't have any money they might try to sell it.

The police have enough information to pursue it. I wouldn't commit a crime to get to back.

I'm expecting it hear back tomorrow.


Have you considered going balls to the wall and simply posting the thief's private info that you have? Who knows, there might be one gaffer talented enough to make the thief's life a living hell. At this point if they don't have any money they might try to sell it.

I'm from Greater Manchester too and was going to suggest they post the person's name, as someone on here might know them (or know someone who knows them) on Facebook etc.

But then I realised that's a very bad idea.


Good news (kinda) update: I have given the police the male's phone number and to my surprise they are still using the Netflix account at the same I.P. (actually, it's slightly different from what I understand it should point to the same account).

Which means, whatever happens, they did all of this for a Netflix account and a Borderlands save. I'm surprised and thankful that they're stupid enough to keep using my account...


Which means, whatever happens, they did all of this for a Netflix account and a Borderlands save. I'm surprised and thankful that they're stupid enough to keep using my account...

Can we use this to blame Randy and call him names again? It's always fun to bully Randy


Can we use this to blame Randy and call him names again? It's always fun to bully Randy

Part of me wonders if it's the real reason why they were compelled to take it. Dude apparently reached NG+ in less than a week.

Somewhere, Jonathan Blow is saying "I told you so"
I know I have an issue being "nice". I've always been this way. I used to share out my lunch money and I'm the sort to let others pick what they prefer if there's a choice of two flavours. I do it for myself, it makes me feel better.

Are you sure you're not just doing it because you think it makes people like you more?


Are you sure you're not just doing it because you think it makes people like you more?

I'm sure. Especially since I'm fully aware it makes quite a lot of people uninterested.

It may be because I lived with a lot of older brothers and sharing -- everyone getting the same everything -- wasn't always possible. I'm not a communist or anything.

It's a natural high you can get addicted to, helping others. Within reason, I need to learn.

Not that I would stop these people from having the book thrown at them if it came to that.


So, I've been silently following this thread from the beginning and OP is a great guy(girl?) and I hope everything gets resolved, any news Izuna?
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