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Trophy Rarity is fascinating

I always felt bad for people who did 5 but not 7-Day-Survivor in Dead Rising. To already have gone through 10 hours of that shit, only to have something mess up during the last 4 hours. I'd prob cry.


That can be done in under five hours.

But why would you want to? Lol

Just like collection trophies. Sure they're easy, but why would you want to do that bullshit? Do you seriously have nothing else to do other than go through levels in a mediocre game and collect pointless shit for a pointless trophy?

Easy =/= fun
But why would you want to? Lol

Just like collection trophies. Sure they're easy, but why would you want to do that bullshit? Do you seriously have nothing else to do other than go through levels in a mediocre game and collect pointless shit for a pointless trophy?

Easy =/= fun
If the moment-to-moment gameplay is fun, why would you not want to engage with that?


Neo Member

I am most fascinated to see how it seems like some people just stop playing some games without investing more than maybe an hour into them. Some don't even have to be very far into them, maybe a mission or two in, and then they seem to give up.

I've seen some games where, like, 5% of people don't even score the second or third story related trophy. I mean, do they just start the game, find they dislike it, and never play it again, or even sell the game back/trade it in? I just don't get it.

I'm one of the rare, insane breeds that finishes almost every game I start, even if it's crap. I enjoy playing through a game, even if the game is a steaming pile. At worst, I can laugh at its ineptitude as a game and riff on it the whole way though; that is assuming some major glitch doesn't completely halt my progress. If that happens, then I will likely forever stop playing that game, but thankfully I haven't encountered that yet.

I've stopped playing a few games, only to play a superior version of the game. Like, I started Shadow Man on the PS1 -- which is arguably the worst version of a game I've ever played (the story, characters, and voice acting were the only reason I continued) -- and then I restarted it on the N64, almost beat it, and then re-restarted it on the PC. It was actually really cool to experience because I got to see a game literally evolve between platforms. It went from utter filth to one of my favorite licensed games of all time, from the crummy PS1 version to the vastly superior PC one. But, I hugely digress...

I just don't understand how someone could potentially spend up to $60 on a game, get only an hour or two in, if that, and then give up. I understand it's usually a pretty small percentage of players that do this based on the trophy data, like 5% of players or so, but it still baffles me.

Although, I guess can understand why this and similar things happen, and I don't fault people for it by any means. Free time can be extremely limited for some, and there are a lot of games to play. If I didn't have as much free time as I do now, I'd probably not have the luxury to finish every game I start, and I'd probably give up on a game I can't get into and either sell it or trade it in for something else. I get it logistically, but it's not something I do.


If the moment-to-moment gameplay is fun, why would you not want to engage with that?
Maybe most people did not find the gameplay nearly as fun as you did.

Also you can find gameplay fun, but if you're not doing anything new or substantial with it, it can still get old and make you not want to go on. My own personal anecdote, MGSV. I consider it to have probably the best TPS/stealth mechanics of all time in games, yet I couldn't bare to play the game anymore shortly after finishing Chapter 1 because it just wasn't compelling to me anymore.

Similarly, why would I spend x amount of hours trying to grind and platinum a game while doing the same thing over and over again, when I can start up a new game that is going to provide me a new fresh experience that could get me more enjoyment.

I do think it just boils down to just how much fun you're having with the gameplay in the end and whether that can get you to participate in monotonous tasks or a lot of trial and failure. Like I just got the Crash 1 platinum recently, the time trials took me hours to do, lots and lots of failures, and I could've easily finished Crash 2 and Crash 3 in the amount of time it took me to do a couple of the harder time trials, yet I did them because I enjoyed the gameplay so much and could deal with the frustration or going through the same sections of the same level over and over again. I don't expect the vast majority of people to be able to do that though.


If the moment-to-moment gameplay is fun, why would you not want to engage with that?

A 5 hour grind, even if you really like the game, is still a 5 hour grind. In my case the most missed platinums are not because some trophy was too hard for me but because they involved an additional grind or doing a collectible run.


It really is.

I was looking at my Witcher 3 trophies the other day. Did you know only 79% of players met Yennefer? That's like the opening mission of the game that 1/5 people never finished.

I replayed on PC and didn't boot it through steam so I'm missing a bunch of Witcher 3 achievements on steam.

I think that probably accounts for a lot too.


I was just looking at this for star ocean 3. All but a third dropped off by the point I reached when I got the game for ps2 and now only around 2% have actually finished the game!


If the moment-to-moment gameplay is fun, why would you not want to engage with that?

Because for many playing through the game once or twice is enough.
Because collecting random junk is not engaging with "moment-to-moment" gameplay.
Because SS ranking things is frustrating, which diminishes the fun.

I'm a huge advocate of Transformers Devestation, it's a great little platinum game, but trophy hunting isn't what makes the game fun.

Why is it so hard for you to understand that not everyone wants to do things they don't enjoy to get a meaningless trophy


I have a friend in his late 40s (same age as me) who hasn't finished a game in YEARS. I loan him stuff for when he has a free weekend, he has a PS3, I've loaned him Arkham Asylum, Uncharted 2, Last of Us, X-COM, all kinds of stuff.

His issue is that life gets in the way, and once a game gets put down for a couple of weeks (work, family, traveling holiday) he just doesn't pick them back up again. But he always has fun for those few hours of each game he plays and he's always glad when I lend him something. At some point he'll pick up a PS4 slim I'm sure.
I have no idea how Metal Gear Solid 2 can have 1.6% of players getting the platinum. It requires you to collect every dog tag in Plant 5 times (for each difficulty level). That's one of the worst grinds out there.


I still don't get why some trophies that appear like after You just start the game are not at 100%...

Example taken from psnprofiles:
Neptune, Start
You chose to start the game. Here's your reward!

.... so 11.3% of people started the game until the menu screen and then...what? lol


A very interesting one to me, which I recently discovered on PSN Profiles, was a Twisted Metal PS3 trophy that I have. You have to complete the entire campaign without switching cars or dying, and it was incredibly challenging. According to that website, only about 1300 people have this trophy. An interesting side note is that this means only those 1300 people were able to play as Warthog online! :)

I assume that website is accurate, as far as within people who have synchronized their trophies of course.


Then it wouldn't show up in their trophy lists at all, would it?

It's more like they started the game until the menu, then closed the game and never ever played it again.
Or played it but never ever synched trophy again...

Both are really strange though... :\
Makes you realise how few people actually play games to the full. Add on top how relatively few people buy most games, even mega AAA hypehype stuff, and you see how niche we all are.
Sight is being lost on my initial post, guys.

I am saying how low the platinum percentage rate is does not make a lot of sense. More difficult and time consuming games have higher platinum ratings.
A very interesting one to me, which I recently discovered on PSN Profiles, was a Twisted Metal PS3 trophy that I have. You have to complete the entire campaign without switching cars or dying, and it was incredibly challenging. According to that website, only about 1300 people have this trophy. An interesting side note is that this means only those 1300 people were able to play as Warthog online! :)

I assume that website is accurate, as far as within people who have synchronized their trophies of course.

PSNProfiles only counts people who have signed up for the site. Use a PS4 or the Playstation mobile app to see rarities that count everyone on PSN.


PSNProfiles only counts people who have signed up for the site. Use a PS4 or the Playstation mobile app to see rarities that count everyone on PSN.

You can hover over trophies on PSNProfiles to check the actual PSN rarity.

Also you don't have to be signed up to be added to the pool. You can add your friends to the site assuming their trophies aren't private.


One explanation for this can be having multiple users on a single console. You accidentally start the game with the wrong account, wonder where your saved game has gone and notice that you didn't switch user.

Shadows of the Damned has 99.3% on starting the game.
Xbox is the worst for this and it makes the stats for achievements COMPLETELY unreliable. If you're playing a game but another profile is logged in at the same time the game is added to their account as them playing it. It also adds to their play time, even if they're not playing the game. It's so stupid and needs to be fixed.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
It really is.

I was looking at my Witcher 3 trophies the other day. Did you know only 79% of players met Yennefer? That's like the opening mission of the game that 1/5 people never finished.

Yet the public opinion and vocal hardcore gamers and gaming reviewers will slam Games for being short or not content rich enough... when gamers with not a lot of attention span and lots of disposable income jump from game to game...


Any game which has a low rate(<5%) "just" for finishing the game?

There's a few that are low, for different reasons. The first I thought of was XCOM: Enemy Unknown (Plus), Vita edition. Humanity's Saviour, beat the game on any difficulty: 6.2%. 75% beat the tutorial mission based on the And So It Begins trophy, so the drop-off before completion is massive. It's not a great port though, very slow loading times.

The second was Spelunky, Made it, complete the game: 2.3%, but Spelunky was a PS Plus game and just the sort of thing that people might try and think "woah, not for me". Only 20% beat the first level, 80% presumably messed around with it and dropped it.

Anyways, it's good question, any lower percentages just for a vanilla "finish the game" trophy?


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
It's also interesting to see how many people finished X games, like for example, based on PSN Profiles:

- 64.95% of the people who played FFXV and uploaded their profiles completed the game (getting the Homecoming trophy).
- 51.06% of the people who played FFXIII-2 and uploaded their profiles completed the game (getting the Epic Finisher trophy).
- 39.90% of the people who played LR:FFXIII and uploaded their profiles completed the game (getting the A Legend from Times Past trophy).
- 39.65% of the people who played FFXIII and uploaded their profiles completed the game (getting the Instrument of Change trophy).
- 33.36% of the people who played FFVII and uploaded their profiles completed the game (getting the A Feat of Meteoric Proportions trophy).
- 29.57% of the people who played FFX and uploaded their profiles completed the game (getting the The Eternal Calm trophy).
- 25.01% of the people who played FF Type-0 and uploaded their profiles completed the game (getting the What Lies Beyond trophy).
- 16.90% of the people who played FFX-2 and uploaded their profiles completed the game (getting the Machine of War trophy).
- 11.56% of the people who played FFXII and uploaded their profiles completed the game (getting the Wings of My Own trophy).


It was fascinating to me when I was playing through Flinthook on Xbox One the first couple weeks it was out and literally every achievement was considered "rare" (less than 10% of players with the achievement) on unlock. Some of the unlock percentages at the time were super crazy to me too, a bunch being sub 1%.

Looking it up now, almost four months after release, 31 out of 37 achievements for the game are still "rare".


the piano man
- 29.57% of the people who played FFX and uploaded their profiles completed the game (getting the The Eternal Calm trophy).

If I am not mistaken, that trophy is for watching a special movie that doesn't require the player to finish the game at all, the movie is accesible from the main start-up menu.

I think there is a trophy for defeating the last boss I think, a hidden one, I forgot its name though.


Neo Member
I've always checked the rarity of the trphies I earn. Also I've to say that Xbox One achievements are bad because if you have the console offline the achievement is lost forever
Out of curiosity, are there any trophies that have been 100% by all players of X game?

Now that would be rare in and of itself.

When I played What Remains of Edith finch (on Xbox One) every achievement I got on my play through said,
100% of gamers have this achievement.

I looked on achievements and every achievement said this, first time I have ever seen it on every achievement.


a grind by definition is a result of something being laborious and dull. if you enjoy what you're doing, then it won't be a grind.

I wasn't talking specifically about his situation. You can really like a game or even consider it one of your alltime favorites, but you don't necessarily have to enjoy spending additional hours with it just to unlock a trophy or to get to max level. And even if you do it still can feel like a grind to you, it's just something you can accept.


When I played What Remains of Edith finch (on Xbox One) every achievement I got on my play through said,
100% of gamers have this achievement.

I looked on achievements and every achievement said this, first time I have ever seen it on every achievement.

Hmm, I find that very hard to believe. Not saying you're lying, just sounds broken.

The PS4 version about 70% of people completed the game. Granted it's only 2-3 hours long but I think it still says a lot how about engaging it is. Or maybe the type of person who would buy a game like this in the first place is the type of person to see it through, it probably doesn't hook many casual buyers into a purchase.

There's a lot of room for interpretation when it comes to looking at the trophy rarity statistics.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
Mass Effect: Andromeda
83.71% got First Contact (just landing in the tutorial map after the first dialogues) and 74.20% completed it (Pathfinder achievement)

Those were the reviewers dropping off. &#128514;
Hmm, I find that very hard to believe. Not saying you're lying, just sounds broken.

The PS4 version about 70% of people completed the game. Granted it's only 2-3 hours long but I think it still says a lot how about engaging it is. Or maybe the type of person who would buy a game like this in the first place is the type of person to see it through, it probably doesn't hook many casual buyers into a purchase.

There's a lot of room for interpretation when it comes to looking at the trophy rarity statistics.

I believe that most people who bought the game on Xbox know what they were buying. And being such an easy completion everyone can do it. I believe the % will fall with time, as the game will go on sales and even GwG.
Hmm, I find that very hard to believe. Not saying you're lying, just sounds broken.

The PS4 version about 70% of people completed the game. Granted it's only 2-3 hours long but I think it still says a lot how about engaging it is. Or maybe the type of person who would buy a game like this in the first place is the type of person to see it through, it probably doesn't hook many casual buyers into a purchase.

There's a lot of room for interpretation when it comes to looking at the trophy rarity statistics.

I have questioned myself if it's broken, it's literally the only one in my list that is like this.
Then again, there are people out there who will purchase games, that are easy 1000's, just to bump their gamerscore.
This could be one of those games.

I remember a guy on GAF installed rocket league over a free weekend, 1000g'd it and said he wouldn't bother buying it now he had completed it.

Achievements make people do crazy things.
Lots of trophies/achievements are still a boring grind that doesn't require skill at all. I have the time, passion and capability to get the platinum on most games I play since I tend to only buy what I'm more likely to finish (barring cheap sale games I take chances on), but they almost always involve dumb busywork that doesn't interest me. Sometimes the trophy is tied to a component of the game that I dislike, or has luck involved. There are still a lot of grindy/boring trophies out there, so I question if these percentages are actually used in the development process of future titles. There's always a necessity to provide an extra challenge for those that do stick around to the end of the game, but it's almost always done the wrong way. Someone who beats the game on the hardest difficulty but also didn't want to grind out a weapon collection or finish it with four more characters has still experienced most of what it has to offer, despite their trophy collection for that game not showing it. I have all the difficult trophies on Transformers : Devastation, and the one for completing all the challenges is at 0.72% on Steam. I could have gotten the rest, but that involves SS ranking every level, which is boring/frustrating in that game due to how the ranking system works. By all intents and purposes I saw all the game has to offer, but I'll always be missing those last few achievements because they require grinding for the collectibles and ranks.


I actually left off on that chapter or just beyond it I think on PS4. It was a healthy amount of hours into the game for sure, possibly 20 or more. I personally didn't quit out of frustration due to any combat or challenge, but I really just had my fill.

I am usually exceptionally patient with games and have several platinums that attest to my curiosity to finish something I didn't enjoy out of morbid curiosity. Type-0 had reached even my limit as I was checked out at far earlier, but still gave it far more time before calling it quits.

From one player to another: You missed absolutely nothing. The end of that game just falls apart. It's truly z-tier storytelling.



I am most fascinated to see how it seems like some people just stop playing some games without investing more than maybe an hour into them. Some don't even have to be very far into them, maybe a mission or two in, and then they seem to give up.

I've seen some games where, like, 5% of people don't even score the second or third story related trophy. I mean, do they just start the game, find they dislike it, and never play it again, or even sell the game back/trade it in? I just don't get it.

I buy a game, check it out for a bit and decide if I want to finish the game now or add it to my backlog because other games are higher on the priority list.

Doesn't even mean that I didn't like the game. I just play through it at a later date.
I don't know if anyone mentioned this but you can deleted 0% trophy lists from your account.

That'll be helpful, I'm mildly annoyed with 0% games on my trophy list but my dude is really bothered by them and compelled to play Nier Automata now.
...Okay, I might not tell him about this until he gets around to playing it.

I have plenty of these as well. Games I purchased and either accidentally booted from a controller dropping on the floor(thus no 'freebie' trophies since I never actually made it to a menu before quitting out). I have even backed out of a few games after launching due to unforseen circumstances, like plans changing and I need to leave, or a work call that comes in and leaves me with no desire to play after sitting at the title screen waiting.

I have definitely booted some games to ensure the latest patches were installed and updated and not playing, before realizing I can avoid that process by hitting options on the game tile and checking for patches.

Just plenty of rationale for not having some of the freebie trophies.

Thanks for the tip about how to check for patches!
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