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Uncharted: The Lost Legacy - Review Thread

Crap because they had a different point of view?
A 6 is not exactly a 2 or a 3.
While I don't believe the site is crap and the review definitely has some valid points it is certainly a specific case we've seen before.

The review literally starts with the writer saying after Uncharted 4 they never wanted to play any more Uncharted again. It also seems to miss out on a lot of what they did add and simply harp on the fact that a lot of the mechanics from previous games make a return.

Always baffles me when a website gives a game to a reviewer who openly dislikes said game series. Ah well.


If you go to the product page for the game on the PSN web store, it'll show up as free if you bought the right pack.

edit: There's also this which was shared earlier which might answer more questions. https://www.unchartedthegame.com/en-us/faqs/

For me the game shows up as not available for purchase because I bought the Explorer's Pack so I'm assuming it will show up as free when it releases.

Cool, thanks for the replies, that's the info I was looking for.


While I don't believe the site is crap and the review definitely has some valid points it is certainly a specific case we've seen before.

The review literally starts with the writer saying after Uncharted 4 they never wanted to play any more Uncharted again. It also seems to miss out on a lot of what they did add and simply harp on the fact that a lot of the mechanics from previous games make a return.

Always baffles me when a website gives a game to a reviewer who openly dislikes said game series. Ah well.

Respectfully, I think it can be a useful thing for players that feel similarly as the reviewer about certain products. For example, I remember when a writer at Destructoid reviewed 999 and gave it a 10 despite having never really liking visual novels before. Convinced me to buy the game, since I never liked visual novels before, either. Still don't like any besides 999 and its sequel.

Like, I feel the same as the reviewer. I'm good on Uncharted. But if they gave it good marks despite feeling that way, then I may have went out and got it. I think it's important to have reviewers like that out there.


Lol, as baby Sully?


He would actually not be alive at all, but I found the idea of baby Sully with a mustache cool. ;)

Always baffles me when a website gives a game to a reviewer who openly dislikes said game series. Ah well.

Is it not a valuable perspective to have? What if the game had convinced them otherwise?

The last thing we should want is every reviewer to have the same perspective and stance
I wonder f they put more effort in the HDR implementation in the game? The HDR in Uncharted 4 is not that impressive at least when compared to Horizon Zero Dawn.


While I don't believe the site is crap and the review definitely has some valid points it is certainly a specific case we've seen before.

The review literally starts with the writer saying after Uncharted 4 they never wanted to play any more Uncharted again. It also seems to miss out on a lot of what they did add and simply harp on the fact that a lot of the mechanics from previous games make a return.

Always baffles me when a website gives a game to a reviewer who openly dislikes said game series. Ah well.

It's not that simple.
I love Uncharted 2, and i liked 3 well enough.
After 4 i didn't think i'd ever want to play another one though, for example.

This seems to fix some of the issues i had with 4 though.


played about 2 hours and so far it's the same thing as the full game, walking, walking, climbing, climbing, VERY few minutes combat, back to walking and climbing

will continue tomorrow because the game has put me to sleep, so far i'd say it's even worse than UC4, the characters are boring

but i'm early in the game so that may change


Gold Member
played about 2 hours and so far it's the same thing as the full game, walking, walking, climbing, climbing, VERY few minutes combat, back to walking and climbing

will continue tomorrow because the game has put me to sleep, so far i'd say it's even worse than UC4, the characters are boring

but i'm early in the game so that may change

Sounds like more of everything I hated about Uncharted 4. Hmm.


While I don't believe the site is crap and the review definitely has some valid points it is certainly a specific case we've seen before.

The review literally starts with the writer saying after Uncharted 4 they never wanted to play any more Uncharted again. It also seems to miss out on a lot of what they did add and simply harp on the fact that a lot of the mechanics from previous games make a return.

Always baffles me when a website gives a game to a reviewer who openly dislikes said game series. Ah well.
I don't think it's a particularly interesting review, but why should we want reviewers to already like the series? Why is that any better than them starting from a point of dislike?


played about 2 hours and so far it's the same thing as the full game, walking, walking, climbing, climbing, VERY few minutes combat, back to walking and climbing

will continue tomorrow because the game has put me to sleep, so far i'd say it's even worse than UC4, the characters are boring

but i'm early in the game so that may change

Sounds like more of the stuff I loved about Uncharted 4. Can't wait for next week!
Sounds like more of everything I hated about Uncharted 4. Hmm.

nah, its actually way fun. It's 533am here in sydney and I've been up since installing it playing it. I'm only stopping because I dont want the flatmate to see me bleary eyed on the couch.

playing on hard. good difficultly level. plenty of combat. good banter.
played about 2 hours and so far it's the same thing as the full game, walking, walking, climbing, climbing, VERY few minutes combat, back to walking and climbing

will continue tomorrow because the game has put me to sleep, so far i'd say it's even worse than UC4, the characters are boring

but i'm early in the game so that may change
Based on everything you've said about Uncharted before, this has me extra excited for Monday night.

PK Gaming

I don't get the "X outlet gave this a Y/10 I guess i'll get/pass on Uncharted" posts.

It's just weird. Especially since people should know from experience that early reviews don't always work for everyone. Example: UC4 was amazing, but it didn't click with everyone, despite the super high metacritic score which led to some post-release backlash.

Give it some time. Watch/read more reviews. Don't decide on buying/passing on a game based on literally one person's opinion. And always, fuck metacritic.


the most important thing here is that it's better paced

if it really does have less combat.. I don't know if that means anything to me unless I understand how that compares relative to the entire game.

I thought that Uncharted 4 had plenty of combat. The problem is that it was paced out pretty poorly and cutting the traversal time would have benefited the game immensely. Like they should have cut out 50% of that shit and the game would felt much more tight. I didn't think the banter between him and his brother added that much.
I don't get the "X outlet gave this a Y/10 I guess i'll get/pass on Uncharted" posts.

It's just weird. Especially since people should know from experience that early reviews don't always work for everyone. Example: UC4 was amazing, but it didn't click with everyone, despite the super high metacritic score which led to some post-release backlash.

Give it some time. Watch/read more reviews. Don't decide on buying/passing on a game based on literally one person's opinion. And always, fuck metacritic.

One person's opinion can mean a lot more to someone if they know his/her opinions usually line up than the reviews of a bunch of nobodies to them.


I don't get the "X outlet gave this a Y/10 I guess i'll get/pass on Uncharted" posts.

It's just weird. Especially since people should know from experience that early reviews don't always work for everyone. Example: UC4 was amazing, but it didn't click with everyone, despite the super high metacritic score which led to some post-release backlash.

Give it some time. Watch/read more reviews. Don't decide on buying/passing on a game based on literally one person's opinion. And always, fuck metacritic.

the same thing is always said in threads for big releases. Half the time I honestly think it's just people trolling
I don't get the "X outlet gave this a Y/10 I guess i'll get/pass on Uncharted" posts.

It's just weird. Especially since people should know from experience that early reviews don't always work for everyone. Example: UC4 was amazing, but it didn't click with everyone, despite the super high metacritic score which led to some post-release backlash.

Give it some time. Watch/read more reviews. Don't decide on buying/passing on a game based on literally one person's opinion. And always, fuck metacritic.
Reviews for games almost never sway my actual purchasing decision but there are definitely critics in other mediums that hold a ton of weight for me because I have years to get to know their tastes and the POV they are writing from.
I just hope for better pacing and a better soundtrack. The latter I have pretty much scratched off since its the same composer from U4. But, who knows, still waiting for this dude to surprise me after a couple games game and several movies.
He wont, dude sucks, lol.

PK Gaming

One person's opinion can mean a lot more to someone if they know his/her opinions usually line up than the reviews of a bunch of nobodies to them.

Reviews for games almost never sway my actual purchasing decision but there are definitely critics in other mediums that hold a ton of weight for me because It's have years to get to know their tastes and the POV they are writing from.

Oh, for sure. I personally really respect people like Jim Sterling and Austin Walker (even when I disagree with them). But it's never like that on GAF. It's always "oh, IGN gave this game this score" or "Gamestop gonna gamestop." Reviewers are never mentioned by name and it's really bizarre. Especially when people bring up contentious reviews from the same outlet in an attempt to discredit them. How many times have you seen the God Hand / Imagine Babies Image?


While I don't believe the site is crap and the review definitely has some valid points it is certainly a specific case we've seen before.

The review literally starts with the writer saying after Uncharted 4 they never wanted to play any more Uncharted again. It also seems to miss out on a lot of what they did add and simply harp on the fact that a lot of the mechanics from previous games make a return.

Always baffles me when a website gives a game to a reviewer who openly dislikes said game series. Ah well.

Why wouldn't they assign someone like that to the game? I bet there are a decent number of people out there who feel a bit tired of the franchise and want to hear the perspective of someone who also shares that feeling.


I don't get the "X outlet gave this a Y/10 I guess i'll get/pass on Uncharted" posts.

It's just weird. Especially since people should know from experience that early reviews don't always work for everyone. Example: UC4 was amazing, but it didn't click with everyone, despite the super high metacritic score which led to some post-release backlash.

Give it some time. Watch/read more reviews. Don't decide on buying/passing on a game based on literally one person's opinion. And always, fuck metacritic.

Some people have reviewers they trust far more than others. I personally have a few, and just 1 saying it's good/bad can massively influence my decision, especially so if I was only loosely interested in the first place. If I'm really interested they'd all have to say it's not good to really turn me off though as I'm usually good at knowing what I like.

If all it takes is some guy/gal you've never heard off to turn you off, you probably weren't all that interested to begin with, and just looking for a reason to justify being so.


Why is everyone dogpiling on Bolivar for expressing his opinion in a review thread

Because his opinion is that reviewers are intentionally conspiring to "lie" to people about Uncharted 4 and hide away its flaws, which is extremely childish, paranoid and self-centered. You state a bad opinion, people have the right to tell you that you have a bad opinion.


I haven't played LL yet, but I've played all the console Uncharted entries.

There's no question everything the player does while engaging in a game counts as gameplay—from light adventure games like Gone Home/Firewatch, to Bayonetta/DMC, and everything in between. Even low-impact gameplay such as choosing dialogue options or inspecting environments/objects can be engaging.

The hangup with Uncharted's non-combat gameplay is that it has always been merely complimentary to the combat. The climbing, the puzzles, and now the exploratory segments are not fully realized like the combat scenarios.

About the climbing:
I've played Grow Home and Grow Up, two games entirely about climbing. Putting aside how long they are (they can be beaten in an hour or two, or can be 100%'d which could take far longer), the moment to moment climbing is engaging because the player must hold a trigger/key in order to grip onto a surface. There's no stamina meter, but if the player lets go of a surface with the robot character's left hand before attaching the right hand to something, they'll fall, and unless they catch themselves, they could lose progress. What the player does in moment-to-moment gameplay matters.

In Uncharted, The climbing itself requires no timing or inputs beyond pushing in a direction and pressing X. In a static environment, it's often impossible for the player character to fall due to player error—when there's a bunch of crazy stuff going on, that's a godsend as the player's attention is split between leaping between/hanging off the sides of trucks and fighting enemies, or hopping from roof to roof while dodging helicopter fire. Even during the UC4 auction stealth segment, the streamlining of the climbing only helped make for interesting scenarios involving pull guys off ledges or avoiding their flashlights. The traversal serves the action well, but it does not feel complete on its own. Stuff like swinging around with the rope, sliding and the piton are great because they introduce the need for actual timing and planning, but they're underutilized and hardly are ever mixed-and-matched with one another (until the penultimate chapter), and sliding rarely gets mixed with combat outside of the Scotland ending and that one arena that was shown at E3 '14. There's nary a moment where the path forward requires any discovery or thought, so merely going through the motions can get really dull when it's this frequent.

Exploratory segments:
These areas in UC4 are gorgeous, and the island hopping one and the Madagascar areas allow the player some agency as to where they want to go at certain points, but exploration is rewarded with some random artifacts that have no contribution to the story or the gameplay—you can't sell those for money to get more weapons or tools, and Drake doesn't describe the history behind the treasures (which he never did in previous games, but those were always just slightly off the beaten path, whereas in 4, there's stuff like the actually neat Madagascar well puzzle that leads to ... a random piece of treasure). Finding the diary entries near old pirate corpses is cool because they parallel the main story, but that's pretty much it. Any hidden weapons will have just a few shots, and there's no real feedback loop for exploration—you just do it, maybe find a treasure or power weapon (with no way to get extra ammo) and then it's back to the main path. Stuff like the painting room was entirely a series of looking through empty drawers until a cutscene triggered.

Contrast that with something like Firewatch where the dialogue choices affect further dialogue and give some insight into the characters involved. Uncharted 4 has maybe three moments where the player can choose dialogue, and beyond that it's all pretty vapid banter. The only times the conversation felt substantial was during the island hopping part with Sam as that really showed how bummed Drake was at that point, and the poriton with Elena. Finding objects in Firewatch often had some story purpose, and picking stuff up is a core game mechanic, and there's plenty of stuff to find in Firewatch, even that stuff doesn't loop back into — it's a way to interact with the game world. There's really no interacting with the environments in Uncharted because every input on the controller is for combat purposes—there's no dedicated "pick up/inspect object" button, but there's a cover button, punch button, aim trigger, shoot trigger, reload button, etc. The exploratory segments feel like afterthoughts, and play as if they're complimentary, yet they take up a lot of time, just like the climbing segments.

That's why I don't consider "balance" to be giving each of these types of gameplay anywhere close to the same amount of run time. If the climbing itself is super basic, it doesn't need to show up for long stretches of time. Following linear paths up cliff walls without any real choice of where to go and without any need to consider my inputs or time things well does not hold my interest. Walking around beautiful environments losing its luster when there's nothing for me to do or find that has much significance to the story, the lore or the gameplay. Merely hearing scripted quip-filled conversations between characters in which I have no influence over that don't tell me anything I didn't know about the characters already doesn't make the dull, lengthy climbing segments and empty exploration any better.

I would love a game that incorporates everything Uncharted 4 attempted, being equal parts traversal with exploration and combat in a treasure-hunting setting, but it would all need to be fully realized and not just feature the most basic, simple versions of each of those types of gameplay. It's why hearing that Lost Legacy has even more of surface-level exploration and insubstantial downtime is disappointing to many.

This is pretty much a perfect post regarding the issues some of us have with Uncharted 4 that a lot of people seem to be incapable of understanding as anything more than blood-thirsty morons who want to shoot people more than anything else in the world.

I think I'll start referring to it instead of making the same points in slightly different ways over and over again. Thanks for that.


Junior Member
played about 2 hours and so far it's the same thing as the full game, walking, walking, climbing, climbing, VERY few minutes combat, back to walking and climbing

will continue tomorrow because the game has put me to sleep, so far i'd say it's even worse than UC4, the characters are boring

but i'm early in the game so that may change
Thanks for the impressions, glad I skipped this
Oh, for sure. I personally really respect people like Jim Sterling and Austin Walker (even when I disagree with them). But it's never like that on GAF. It's always "oh, IGN gave this game this score" or "Gamestop gonna gamestop." Reviewers are never mentioned by name and it's really bizarre. Especially when people bring up contentious reviews from the same outlet in an attempt to discredit them. How many times have you seen the God Hand / Imagine Babies Image?
I get your point and agree in general but a lot of that is the fault of IGN. They made themselves a monolithic presence that very rarely gave reviewers an individual or highlighted voice. It's easy to understand why people view IGN as this singular entity.
This is pretty much a perfect post regarding the issues some of us have with Uncharted 4 that a lot of people seem to be incapable of understanding as anything more than blood-thirsty morons who want to shoot people more than anything else in the world.

I think I'll start referring to it instead of making the same points in slightly different ways over and over again. Thanks for that.

I don't expect to have meaningful interactions with the games I play at every second of it. The comparison with Firewatch is not fair either because the story and dialogue interaction is the main component of that game (and we could talk about how many things about that plot are wrong imo), Uncharted have other strong points but the focus is mainly the sense of adventure, maybe you don't feel it while you're playing it but it's evident that a lot of people do.

Some people want challenge and complex interactions in every game they play, others don't need or want this. I couldn't care less about platforming systems and failure at my jumps in Uncharted but here some people seems to hate this, that's why the want a full action game most of the time because they don't want basic platforming, I understand that but personally, as a fan of EVERY Uncharted game, I never needed full action on the games, I even got burned of it sometimes, I just want to feel part of a great adventure with great characters and so far Naughty Dog never failed me at this.


Anyone hear anything about preload? Can't find anything about it. Would love to have this ready to go since my PSN speeds are garbage.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
I don't expect to have meaningful interactions with the games I play at every second of it. The comparison with Firewatch is not fair either because the story and dialogue interaction is the main component of that game (and we could talk about how many things about that plot are wrong imo), Uncharted have other strong points but the focus is mainly the sense of adventure, maybe you don't feel it while you're playing it but it's evident that a lot of people do.

Some people want challenge and complex interactions in every game they play, others don't need or want this. I couldn't care less about platforming systems and failure at my jumps in Uncharted but here some people seems to hate this, that's why the want a full action game most of the time because they don't want basic platforming, I understand that but personally, as a fan of EVERY Uncharted game, I never needed full action on the games, I even got burned of it sometimes, I just want to feel part of a great adventure with great characters and so far Naughty Dog never failed me at this.

Remember when the waves of enemies were the worst thing about early Uncharted games?


played about 2 hours and so far it's the same thing as the full game, walking, walking, climbing, climbing, VERY few minutes combat, back to walking and climbing

will continue tomorrow because the game has put me to sleep, so far i'd say it's even worse than UC4, the characters are boring

but i'm early in the game so that may change

That's a shame. Glad I waited. Was hoping it would be more action focused.


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
I don't expect to have meaningful interactions with the games I play at every second of it. The comparison with Firewatch is not fair either because the story and dialogue interaction is the main component of that game (and we could talk about how many things about that plot are wrong imo), Uncharted have other strong points but the focus is mainly the sense of adventure, maybe you don't feel it while you're playing it but it's evident that a lot of people do.

Some people want challenge and complex interactions in every game they play, others don't need or want this. I couldn't care less about platforming systems and failure at my jumps in Uncharted but here some people seems to hate this, that's why the want a full action game most of the time because they don't want basic platforming, I understand that but personally, as a fan of EVERY Uncharted game, I never needed full action on the games, I even got burned of it sometimes, I just want to feel part of a great adventure with great characters and so far Naughty Dog never failed me at this.

The thing I'll never comprehend is parts of this forum that want to legitimize "walking simulators" against all the "not a game" criticisms.

Then you have Uncharted with lots of walking and gawking at scenic views and pretty easy climbing/platforming; things that other people praise in the walking sim genre are criticized here...

Why the double standard?

What do people expect out of Uncharted ?

Are walking sims secretly not engaging?
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