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Trump to lift Obama restrictions on Military Weapons/Vehicles for Police


It will only be a matter of time before he send in the national guard into Chicago on Sean Hannitys suggestion

God only knows what he would deploy to Chicago.
I mean this is from a Sheriffs office in South Carolina.
I think he's changing things up but most of what he's doing is getting rid of EOs. The Dems played the spam EO game almost exclusively and now they're facing the consequences of it. EOs can easily be dismantled at any moment. That is why you work to get some form of consensus and get laws passed instead. Laws can still be taken down but it's not as easy as an EO.

You do know George W. Bush enacted more EOs than Obama, right?

And you do know that Obama's Republican Congress stated outright that their one goal was obstruction? Obstruction of new legislation for instance?

Miss me with this transparent both sides bullshit, PLEASE.


The Autumn Wind
It makes much more sense when you realize whenever Trump talking about "law and order," he really means intimidation and abuse of power.

I think he's changing things up but most of what he's doing is getting rid of EOs. The Dems played the spam EO game almost exclusively and now they're facing the consequences of it. EOs can easily be dismantled at any moment. That is why you work to get some form of consensus and get laws passed instead. Laws can still be taken down but it's not as easy as an EO.
Jesus, are there any Trump supporters that aren't completely clueless and constantly wrong? What a garbage post. Try doing some goddamn research.



Is there a list of policies Obama enacted that Trump hasn't reversed yet? It would be like knowing the future.

Velcro Fly

When martial law happens it won't be the actual U.S. army enforcing it. It will be law enforcement everywhere. They will become the military (if they haven't already).


I think he's changing things up but most of what he's doing is getting rid of EOs. The Dems played the spam EO game almost exclusively and now they're facing the consequences of it. EOs can easily be dismantled at any moment. That is why you work to get some form of consensus and get laws passed instead. Laws can still be taken down but it's not as easy as an EO.

Obama tried getting consensus for 8 years and the GOP spit in his face. They own this too.
They better be keeping a good list of all the shit Trump's rolling back, then when his ass is outta there, reverse everything Trump's reversed, and even reverse everything hurtful that wasn't associated with his Obama hate. If there is any Presidential legacy that should be stamped out, it sure as HELL is Trumps, and this is the fuckin' FIRST YEAR.


Don't worry, most people here wont shed a tear when he dies of a massive heart failure from eating all those ketchup doused steaks & buckets of fried chicken.
If he kicks the bucket becuase of KFC, does The Colonel qualify for a nobel peace prize?
I think he's changing things up but most of what he's doing is getting rid of EOs. The Dems played the spam EO game almost exclusively and now they're facing the consequences of it. EOs can easily be dismantled at any moment. That is why you work to get some form of consensus and get laws passed instead. Laws can still be taken down but it's not as easy as an EO.
How do you get consensus on stuff when the other party literally blocks everything you want because that is their strategy though. It wasn't like Obama wanted to do it so much, but they literally made it impossible to pass even the most common sense laws for 8 years.


I think he's changing things up but most of what he's doing is getting rid of EOs. The Dems played the spam EO game almost exclusively and now they're facing the consequences of it. EOs can easily be dismantled at any moment. That is why you work to get some form of consensus and get laws passed instead. Laws can still be taken down but it's not as easy as an EO.

Bullshit Mab cause you know the GOP did nothing but obstruct during his term and have shown no interest in governing still while they're in power.

You spout BS a ton in these threads but sometimes...just a little...ya'll would get your heads out of your parties ass and recognize when something is fucked up for everybody.

The GOP can't get a damn thing passed with all their power, but the dems should've worked with them while they obstructed? Right...
I think he's changing things up but most of what he's doing is getting rid of EOs. The Dems played the spam EO game almost exclusively and now they're facing the consequences of it. EOs can easily be dismantled at any moment. That is why you work to get some form of consensus and get laws passed instead. Laws can still be taken down but it's not as easy as an EO.
Someone post that user whose tag quote called Obama Mr. Executive Order and then linked to the statistic that Reagan used it vastly more than him pls

Conservative propaganda is a helluva drug
He promised he'd do this, just another reason to hate your neighborhood Trump supporters.

Basically. They act like Trump cares about them but we know he doesn't. This shit is going to hurt us all and the only consolation is waiting for them to get what they have coming for them from their orange tinted gold toilet overlord.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Clearly, the one thing American police needs right now, is even more even deadlier weapons. They don't kill enough people with what they have.
Obama tried getting consensus for 8 years and the GOP spit in his face. They own this too.

How do you get consensus on stuff when the other party literally blocks everything you want because that is their strategy though. It wasn't like Obama wanted to do it so much, but they literally made it impossible to pass even the most common sense laws for 8 years.

Bullshit Mab cause you know the GOP did nothing but obstruct during his term and have shown no interest in governing still while they're in power.

You spout BS a ton in these threads but sometimes...just a little...ya'll would get your heads out of your parties ass and recognize when something is fucked up for everybody.

The GOP can't get a damn thing passed with all their power, but the dems should've worked with them while they obstructed? Right...

Someone post that user whose tag quote called Obama Mr. Executive Order and then linked to the statistic that Reagan used it vastly more than him pls

Conservative propaganda is a helluva drug

Conveniently he doesn't come back to defend himself when he's veritably, empirically wrong.
I don't see what the big deal is. Having tacticool gear doesn't really make police more deadly or likely to engage in police brutality. If there's any argument against it, it's that it's a waste of money.


The GOP can't get a damn thing passed with all their power, but the dems should've worked with them while they obstructed? Right...
I think both should work together. The Dems are doing the same thing that the Reps did during Obama's terms. This cycle is toxic for the country.

I think "spam" wasn't a good word to describe it. I guess what I was trying to say was that the Dems used EOs as their main policy implementation tool and that's not good at all. You're going to get burned eventually when the next president from across the aisle shows up.


What is the point of SWAT then? Let's just give every PD a fucking tank. I'm sure this will relieve the tension between Cops and Civilians. And by civilians I mean POC.


I think both should work together. The Dems are doing the same thing that the Reps did during Obama's terms. This cycle is toxic for the country.

I think "spam" wasn't a good word to describe it. I guess what I was trying to say was that the Dems used EOs as their main policy implementation tool and that's not good at all. You're going to get burned eventually when the next president from across the aisle shows up.

You not acknowledging the GOP's insistence on obstruction over governing is toxic. Also you're straight up lying comparing what the Dems are doing now to what the GOP did during Obama's term considering the Dems have NO power to do a damn thing. While the GOP had the power to actually stop things from getting done.

The only thing toxic for the country is people not having the fortitude to call out things that need to be called out and lying about why things are the way they are even if it's someone you support.

You're lying...and it's BS.


If he kicks the bucket becuase of KFC, does The Colonel qualify for a nobel peace prize?

Strong argumemt for it but I know I'd make an ecception and eat raise a KFC drumstick in the air to pay my respects.
Then i'd never touch that garbage ever again. ;)
I think both should work together. The Dems are doing the same thing that the Reps did during Obama's terms. This cycle is toxic for the country.

I think "spam" wasn't a good word to describe it. I guess what I was trying to say was that the Dems used EOs as their main policy implementation tool and that's not good at all. You're going to get burned eventually when the next president from across the aisle shows up.

Holy shit lol.
I think both should work together. The Dems are doing the same thing that the Reps did during Obama's terms. This cycle is toxic for the country.

I think "spam" wasn't a good word to describe it. I guess what I was trying to say was that the Dems used EOs as their main policy implementation tool and that's not good at all. You're going to get burned eventually when the next president from across the aisle shows up.
Both sides, blocking all policy for no reason and blocking the right from taking healthcare away from millions and trying to prevent the country from turning in to even more of a racist police state are the same thing
I hope we survive this fascism.

We'll survive but I hope they don't have us in an anymore fucked position than we are

it's fucked, but I could see a bloody event where they basically kill all the people who aren't willing to accept their narrative of what happened.

Imagine a black wall street situation with "MLK would've" revisionism

so basically "hero king Trump called in the good old military to crush the BLM/antifa rebellions in most major cities" and anyone who doesn't accept that narrative is un-American

So many of us will survive but what will our conditions be? that's what I worry about


Trump is not playing 8th dimensional chess but the design of his actions is unmistakable:

1) Erase Obama from history
2) End the rule of law and refashion the Presidency as an autocratic position


He really is erasing what Obama did..what a racist motherfucker.


I think both should work together. The Dems are doing the same thing that the Reps did during Obama's terms. This cycle is toxic for the country.

I think "spam" wasn't a good word to describe it. I guess what I was trying to say was that the Dems used EOs as their main policy implementation tool and that's not good at all. You're going to get burned eventually when the next president from across the aisle shows up.

This EO was a direct response to police brutality during the Ferguson riots. It wasn't planned policy so much as bunch of Black-biased people in charge over-reacting to protest and forcing the fed to do something about it. Insert that into today's context and regardless of whether Trump acting racistly and maliciously or just, really, really fucking dense this is not the order to take issue with.

In the broader sense, obstructionism over even basic sensible policy will continue to require exercising paths that have fewer partisan participants in general.
I think both should work together. The Dems are doing the same thing that the Reps did during Obama's terms. This cycle is toxic for the country.

I think "spam" wasn't a good word to describe it. I guess what I was trying to say was that the Dems used EOs as their main policy implementation tool and that's not good at all. You're going to get burned eventually when the next president from across the aisle shows up.

I may be speaking out of my ass, but most of Trump's EO's have been in direct response to the work Obama has done
I think both should work together. The Dems are doing the same thing that the Reps did during Obama's terms. This cycle is toxic for the country.

I think "spam" wasn't a good word to describe it. I guess what I was trying to say was that the Dems used EOs as their main policy implementation tool and that's not good at all. You're going to get burned eventually when the next president from across the aisle shows up.

Omg, you ignore everyone refuting you but one person to make another bullshit both sides argument. You are pathetic, my dude!

How about you address the fact that Reagan, Bush Jr, Nixon, and Eisenhower are all Republican presidents of the past 60 years that signed more Executive Orders than Obama? Hmm?

How about the fact that, at the current rate, Trump is signing EO's 2 to Obama's 1 on a per year basis? And that if this continues and he serves 2 terms, he will have signed ~590 to Obama's 276.

So, please, once more: Miss me with this mother fucking bullshit, my. dude.


What do you do when you're unable to pass actual legislation?

Just undo all the good stuff your predecessor did.


You not acknowledging the GOP's insistence on obstruction over governing is toxic. Also you're straight up lying comparing what the Dems are doing now to what the GOP did during Obama's term considering the Dems have NO power to do a damn thing. While the GOP had the power to actually stop things from getting done.
Well that's generally the point, lol.

Really it breaks down to this:

Is the President your preferred party dealing with a hostile congress, then s/he should hold the party line and veto everything.

Is the House and Senate your preferred party dealing with a hostile President, then they should obstruct the Presidency at every turn.

Of course the problem is that both of these are generally true at the same time for both parties. In that situation the answer's simple, your side's the right one the other one's ignoring the will of the people.
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