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I'm ugly


I look at my face in the mirror and see person that I wish wasn't me.

It just doesn't feel right at all.

I know that I probably should just get over it but that is easier said then done.

I hate this misfortune of not being able to look away and think about something else.

I never wanted to be hideous.

You are not ugly !!!
get a haircut, grow a beard and wear some fashionable eyeglasses

boom now you look decent

Maybe he’s Hollywood ugly where all he needs to do is take off his glasses to become hot. Just ask Kathy Ireland.

“I’m so ugly and unattractive.”


“Oh wait I’m hot now.”



Good looks is not everything, im a little handsome today, but i was ugly in the past when i was a teenager, I though that Now im better looking things would change, thats not true. Im not a cool, sociable human being, people usualy avoid me after knowing me and they are right to do so.

So your personality and mind is what matters in the end not your appearance, they can have a bad First impression of you, but If you have confidance and is a cool Guy, or is charismatic you are awesome and thats what matters than good looks.

Also wardrobe and gym, can improve your appearance, but as i Said mind and personality is more important.


There is honestly no such thing as ugly. I know people say that and don't really mean it sometimes, but it's true. Normative beauty standards are a construct of colonialism and capitalism, we're taught to hate ourselves and spend money.

Love yourself as deeply as you can, and then take it even further. Keep fostering self-love until you die. The more you do, the more you'll open yourself up to the world, and the more people will love you regardless of what you look like.

Also, play around with fashion more. Try different styles that maybe you don't think you can pull off, and see if you feel better in them.


Do you have severe facial deformities? If so I'm sorry that's the hand you've been dealt. People can be cruel but it's just the accumulation of opinions that don't really matter - they're people no more important than you. Follow your ambitions to the extent that your condition isn't a barrier to progress.

If you're just unattractive... eh. Everybody's unhappy about some physical attribute they have. Feel free to write it off as a loss and commit that energy to other aspects that make your life worthwhile.

I have a cleft lip and it fucking sucks. So ugly. Trans dysphoria makes things even worse


I look at my face in the mirror and see person that I wish wasn't me.

It just doesn't feel right at all.

I know that I probably should just get over it but that is easier said then done.

I hate this misfortune of not being able to look away and think about something else.

I never wanted to be hideous.
*hugs* i know that feeling...
Are you sure it's not your breath? /s

Consider hitting the gym if you feel self conscious about your looks. It won't change your facial structure but I'm sure you will gain a good amount of self confidence about yourself overall.

This does help... somewhat...


It's absolutely true. Having a good attitude wont make you not ugly, but it will absolutely make you more attractive.

If Steve Buscemi was a guy who behaved as ugly as he looks, then he would just be plain ugly, and might not have ever become such a good movie star.


Steve isn't even really ugly anyway. When he wanted to look clean, he cleaned up damn nice.

But most of the recent roles i can remember him in all involve him typecasted into an "ugly" character.



OP. Being "ugly" doesn't mean shit. You can still be handsome. You just have to work harder
than somebody who is naturally gifted.

Exercise/diet, dress well, get educated and make that loot. Work on yourself and give it your full effort.


I'm ugly, but it doesn't matter. I know this is a really generic, bland, and empty statement, but how you look really doesn't matter unless you're shallow IMO. Unfortunately most of society is to a large degree (and yes, I honestly think I'm above that), but we all need to work to overcome that. I don't really know how to make this point in a way that doesn't sound super pretentious and misanthropic though.

Basically my advice though is to stop caring about how you look and what others think of you and just do the things you enjoy.


I have a cleft lip and it fucking sucks. So ugly. Trans dysphoria makes things even worse

Maybe I can help you feel a little better about your lip. This is JanJaap van der Wal, he's a famous comedian here in the Netherlands, and he was born with a cleft lip (although I believe he had some surgery to minimize it, not 100% sure):


He's one of our most popular comedians: regular sold out standup shows, multiple tv shows (documentaries) he hosts, for years he was one of the regulars on the Dutch version of Have I Got News For You, and he hosted the Dutch version of the Daily Show. In other words, he's incredibly popular and well-liked, and absolutely nobody cares about his lip. People genuinely like looking at his work, and his work means thousands of people staring at him on stage and on the screen. He didn't let it hold him back, even though he talked about being bullied for it when he was a kid. He overcame that childhood trauma and achieved a lot of success. And, not that this is the most important thing, but he's now married to a very attractive Dutch actress and has a kid with her.


Just one example of someone with the same condition, leading a happy and succesful life, while being adored by a huge number of people who genuinely enjoy watching him.

Everyone has their thing, and even though you may not be what you yourself may consider traditionally attractive, that's no reason to hold yourself back from leading a happy and fullfilling life. Everyone deserves that. You do too.


Been the same way as you OP since I hit highschool. I have days where I think I look pretty good and than days where im suprised the mirror didn't crack.

Getting in shape will help your own self esteem immensely. Learning not to give a fuck is another trick.

I still have problems today even though I'm married and what not. Always hated my face. Not worth giving up though.


What sucks about the cleft lip?

It's clearly visible. I've gotten shit for it my whole life. My nose is weirdly shaped as a result too. Yeah, I'm getting surgery for it soon but the thing is people will still be able to tell I have it even after that. I hate it so fucking much

Maybe I can help you feel a little better about your lip. This is JanJaap van der Wal, he's a famous comedian here in the Netherlands, and he was born with a cleft lip (although I believe he had some surgery to minimize it, not 100% sure):



It's clearly visible. I've gotten shit for it my whole life. My nose is weirdly shaped as a result too. Yeah, I'm getting surgery for it soon but the thing is people will still be able to tell I have it even after that. I hate it so fucking much

Did you see my response to you above? I hope it'll give you some peace of mind. The older you get, the less something like that will matter.

Edit: didn't see your edit, it appears you did. Good luck man, it'll work out. Stay strong.


Did you see my response to you above? I hope it'll give you some peace of mind. The older you get, the less something like that will matter.

Edit: didn't saw your edit, it appears you did.

Yeah, sorry, I did. It looks like that guy got surgery to stitch his lip together as a baby, but hasn't had a nose job or lip surgery after that. I plan to get both very soon. I find having long hair and wearing glasses helps distract people from it.


1. Exercise and get in good shape. Good for aesthetics and good for burning mental and physical energy.

2. Make sure you wear clothing that fits you properly and suits your age.

3. Groom yourself, get a haircut that fits your face and head shape.

These three things will make you instantly more attractive. Is it easy? Hell no. If you don't do it, though, you'll just keep hating yourself with no end.
I've suffered from terrible body dysphoria and eating disorders most of my life. It's not fun. I hate looking in the mirror. If it weren't for shaving and straightening my hair I never would. Photos are even worse, I think there's probably less than 20 pictures of me from the past 5 years.

I'd like cosmetic surgery as well (forehead reconstruction, rhinoplasty, & genioplasty are the procedures I've looked into) but I'm terrified of complications. Unfortunately the two things I hate most (size of my head and midface length) cant be fixed anyways. :(
Maybe I can help you feel a little better about your lip. This is JanJaap van der Wal, he's a famous comedian here in the Netherlands, and he was born with a cleft lip (although I believe he had some surgery to minimize it, not 100% sure):


He's one of our most popular comedians: regular sold out standup shows, multiple tv shows (documentaries) he hosts, for years he was one of the regulars on the Dutch version of Have I Got News For You, and he hosted the Dutch version of the Daily Show. In other words, he's incredibly popular and well-liked, and absolutely nobody cares about his lip. People genuinely like looking at his work, and his work means thousands of people staring at him on stage and on the screen. He didn't let it hold him back, even though he talked about being bullied for it when he was a kid. He overcame that childhood trauma and achieved a lot of success. And, not that this is the most important thing, but he's now married to a very attractive Dutch actress and has a kid with her.


Just one example of someone with the same condition, leading a happy and succesful life, while being adored by a huge number of people who genuinely enjoy watching him.

Everyone has their thing, and even though you may not be what you yourself may consider traditionally attractive, that's no reason to hold yourself back from leading a happy and fullfilling life. Everyone deserves that. You do too.

For cleft lip, there's also Joaquin Phoenix and Tom Burke.



I feel you, OP.

Maybe he's Hollywood ugly where all he needs to do is take off his glasses to become hot. Just ask Kathy Ireland.

”I'm so ugly and unattractive."


”Oh wait I'm hot now."


Nuts to that. Put the glasses and big T-shirt back on. <3


It's how you feel on the inside that matters.

Screw everybody else.

Yeah, but OP also made the thread about how they don't know what it feels like to be happy. I think there's more at play here than simple self-esteem issues. OP needs real professional help or advice, IMO.


There is honestly no such thing as ugly. I know people say that and don't really mean it sometimes, but it's true. Normative beauty standards are a construct of colonialism and capitalism, we're taught to hate ourselves and spend money.

Love yourself as deeply as you can, and then take it even further. Keep fostering self-love until you die. The more you do, the more you'll open yourself up to the world, and the more people will love you regardless of what you look like.

Also, play around with fashion more. Try different styles that maybe you don't think you can pull off, and see if you feel better in them.

Come on now son.
fuck OP, i feel for you man.

i doubt you're actually ugly, but i know what it's like for your own face to not meet your own beauty standards... i struggle with this too.


We cant give any practical help, we'll just tell you that style, confidence and charisma are far more important than looks and it would be true but you wouldn't believe us.


Come on now son.

I personally think, like I said before, that the percentage of truly ugly people is so low it almost doesn't register. And the people in that camp are those that are unfortunately disfigured in some way.

Most people who call themselves ugly are likely average folk who no one else on the street would look at and think "Damn that person is ugly."


Yeah, but OP also made the thread about how they don't know what it feels like to be happy. I think there's more at play here than simple self-esteem issues. OP needs real professional help or advice, IMO.

No doubt. I used to feel really shitty about myself. It took a lot of hard work, therapy and self reflection for my attitude to change.

Of course a supportive family/living environment helps, and we all can't be lucky enough to have that.

It's possible the OP has body dismorphia of some sort. Probably why he/she should seek out the advice of a professional.
Most people are ugly or at least have what are considered ugly features. We are also extremely judgemental over our own physical features. If your goal is to date a gorgeous person, yeah probably your chances might be low. Life is clearly (natural) biased over similar pairings but physical ugliness is rarely a determent of a happy life. Luckily there's an abundance of great people whom anyone can bond.

Also, we tend to get accustomed to other people's features, which makes any kind of ugliness to become less and less apparent.

If you created this thread this is obviously an important issue. I can't advice you to simply accept it and move on (it's easier said than done) but don't create a fictitious reality in which your features always create a negative reaction and they define you.


Are you actually claiming that society-wide beauty standards did not exist before these two things

Holy fucking shit
Edit: Okay, not quite. I'm saying current pervasive global standards of beauty are rooted in colonialism and capitalism, not that all standards of beauty ever are.

Dead Guy

I feel ya OP. I hate how my face looks too. One thing you gotta remember though is that the vast majority of people look average at best. Just because you are bombarded with images of movie stars and models every day the average person looks nothing like that


I feel ya OP. I hate how my face looks too. One thing you gotta remember though is that the vast majority of people look average at best. Just because you are bombarded with images of movie stars and models every day the average person looks nothing like that

And also remember that those images of movie stars and models are taken under perfect lighting conditions, at perfect angles and with makeup.


I've suffered from terrible body dysphoria and eating disorders most of my life. It's not fun. I hate looking in the mirror. If it weren't for shaving and straightening my hair I never would. Photos are even worse, I think there's probably less than 20 pictures of me from the past 5 years.

This is me as well. Recently Id thought I put the worst of it behind me until I went to the doctor and rando weighed and was shocked to learn that I was not the 185-190 I thought but in big jeans, pockets with a knife set, screwdriver, pill bottle, phone, work boots, and hair soaking wet I was like 168. As a 6'2" tall dude that's kind of scary, but not super bad yet. I've been trying to keep myself straight by forcing down a few bags of candy here and there, but I have a feeling the psychological side of things are probably here for the long term.


Are you sure it's not your breath? /s

Consider hitting the gym if you feel self conscious about your looks. It won't change your facial structure but I'm sure you will gain a good amount of self confidence about yourself overall.

Having abs and being below average is a lot better than being fat and being below average

Confidence is the most beautiful thing about some people.


Then again, a lot of fat below-average people have found success romantically because they just don't give a shit. They're like, OK, I'm fat and not handsome, got it. Why does that mean life has to suck? I can still have friends. I can still be nice to people without expecting favors. I can stop caring what people think about me, ignore the media fostering romantic entitlement within me, and enjoy being alive.


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
Losing weight, doing a nice skincare routine, buying well fitting clothes, and getting a nice haircut can get you a really long way. People making sappy speeches about how everyone is beautiful isn't going to help you change the way you feel about your face/body, so try something that will actually get physical results. Just ask us if you are interested in any of these things, we can help you out.
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