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What are your political leanings?

It's not really a secret I know about the other forum. I've posted my thoughts on it here before.

But the fact they already banned certain topics and have an open communist group doesn't inspire much confidence. Will someone create an Ethno-Fascist community there to balance things out? Both ideologies are highly murderous. Or does only Communism get a pass on the new website?

Hokay so you've mentioned communism before and you disdain for it is obvious. What do you think of cuba? A country on your doorstep that has survived 50 years of your sanctions? A country that is largely happy and self contained.
Must grind your gears seeing those dirty commies succeed at things.

Dude Abides

"Clinton won the popular vote" has got to be the most salty phrase ever. It's tantamount to saying "yeah we lost the soccer game but we had more ball possession". Very pathetic.

Did the snowflake get triggered by someone pointing out a fact? Pretty sure Make America Great Again is the most salty phrase ever.


Nope. I know it’s hard to believe but a lot of us were pulling for her from the start. She beat Sanders by an enormous margin.

Wait. I thought in the US system not the normal people but some representatives have voted for Clinton instead of Sanders. Wasnt there a huge shitstorm because Sanders people felt betrayed by this?

Also I still believeSanders would have won against Trump since people wanted change not the same old shit.


Did the snowflake get triggered by someone pointing out a fact? Pretty sure Make America Great Again is the most salty phrase ever.

Dude Abides called someone who disagreed with him a triggered snowflake! Again! LOL! Wow, classic Dude, amiright? Man, I sure can't wait until he does it again. Do me next! Do me next!


If you actually think that everyone who voted Trump did so because they are hateful racists, you're being irrational. It's absurd. Of course not a stitch of evidence can be shown to demonstrate this is the case. It's a kooky liberal fantasy conspiracy and nothing more. Everyone who disagrees with left wing politics is an evil racist!!! Does it help leftists sleep better at night to believe such patently false stupidity about their political opponents?

I'd like to think that most who are saying this really understand that it's vastly more likely that many millions of Trump supporters voted for him for what they sincerely felt were good reasons. I am one of those Trump voters. I did not vote for Trump because I am a racist. Honestly that claim is just dumb to me. Did he campaign on harming to persecuting minorities in any way? Of course not. Not even close.

I voted for Trump because I thought that he would do less evil/more good for my fellow Americans and my nation, than Clinton. Period.

Dude Abides

If you actually think that everyone who voted Trump did so because they are hateful racists, you're being irrational. It's absurd. Of course not a stitch of evidence can be shown to demonstrate this is the case. It's a kooky liberal fantasy conspiracy and nothing more. Everyone who disagrees with left wing politics is an evil racist!!! Does it help leftists sleep better at night to believe such patently false stupidity about their political opponents?

I'd like to think that most who are saying this really understand that it's vastly more likely that many millions of Trump supporters voted for him for what they sincerely felt were good reasons. I am one of those Trump voters. I did not vote for Trump because I am a racist. Honestly that claim is just dumb to me. Did he campaign on harming to persecuting minorities in any way? Of course not. Not even close.

I voted for Trump because I thought that he would do less evil/more good for my fellow Americans and my nation, than Clinton. Period.

This is all easily disprovable bullshit of course, but i wouldn’t expect someone who believes in magic peddled by kiddy-diddlers to care about reality.


Blood Borne

It’s ok if you can’t understand the article. In addition to racism, being a stupid gullible rube is a common trait amongst Trumplings.
Name calling means you've lost the argument.
Also, your link does nothing of any sort to prove that Trump voters were motivated by racism, it isn't a FACT but a laughable opinion.

More so, the author's stupidity and bias is glaring, authoritarianism is on the left and not on the right. How can big government lead to freedom and small government lead to authoritarianism?


Name calling means you've lost the argument.
Also, your link does nothing of any sort to prove that Trump voters were motivated by racism, it isn't a FACT but a laughable opinion.

More so, the author's stupidity and bias is glaring, authoritarianism is on the left and not on the right. How can big government lead to freedom and small government lead to authoritarianism?
I don't care about anything else, but if you think present day conservatives are in favor of small government you're naïve.
Small government is a misnomer, it describes how little care they give to the citizens, not the size of the federal government. Trillions on military spending isn't making the government smaller. Budgets never get smaller when services are cut, the money just goes elsewhere to fund something else or as massive tax cuts for corporations.

When was the last time the Republican party attempted to reduce the deficit.


This is all easily disprovable bullshit of course, but i wouldn't expect someone who believes in magic peddled by kiddy-diddlers to care about reality.


Ok This shit was quite confusing so excuse me If I mess up.

First of all Trump voters felt left behind so of course they will answer in a rather jealous way. They felt forgotten and why everyone was talking about how hard black people it have while they got the white Privilege bullshit. If you can read German there was a great Spiegel article about the forgotten people of America. It was a perfect example of Trump voters.

Secondly I also believe that some black people try to make it look pretty simple if something does not go their way in life they will shout "racism" because it is a much easier way than seeking for faults and errors you made by yourself. Again Read something about Victimhood mentality which is a pretty big topic in modern Psychology right now. Many black people who are not into identity politics working their ass off to give their children the future they deserve

Third: I think black and white ghettos need to go. I think people should never separate themselves because this will create parallel worlds. We have this in Germany and Muslim people who live in their own world, even with their own justice system they rather follow. As consequences they can not speak our language they have no chance in terms of education etc. Also they need a chance to education which means more schools, more places and also more security in these areas.

So in conclusion I think this article is pretty bad since it only seeks for the stuff they wanted it to be. Without getting to the ground why they think like this makes this pretty pointless.


It’s ok if you can’t understand the article. In addition to racism, being a stupid gullible rube is a common trait amongst Trumplings.

It's very revealing how you've rashly judged me as a racist, stupid, gullible rube and you've never met me and have only read a handful of sentences I've typed. That's extremely judgmental and uncharitable of you, isn't it? I can better understand now why you are so quick to judge all Trump supporters in a similar way. You don't need evidence for your insults.

FYI, I thought "Trumpling" was pretty good though. Anyway, I won't return fire by saying anything nasty back.
Ok This shit was quite confusing so excuse me If I mess up.

First of all Trump voters felt left behind so of course they will answer in a rather jealous way. They felt forgotten and why everyone was talking about how hard black people it have while they got the white Privilege bullshit. If you can read German there was a great Spiegel article about the forgotten people of America. It was a perfect example of Trump voters.

Secondly I also believe that some black people try to make it look pretty simple if something does not go their way in life they will shout "racism" because it is a much easier way than seeking for faults and errors you made by yourself. Again Read something about Victimhood mentality which is a pretty big topic in modern Psychology right now. Many black people who are not into identity politics working their ass off to give their children the future they deserve

So in conclusion I think this article is pretty bad since it only seeks for the stuff they wanted it to be. Without getting to the ground why they think like this makes this pretty pointless.

If there was a victim mentality, the root cause of it devolves from institutionalized racism, one such as the war on drugs and the marginalization of dark people in the workplace.

Rural Trump voters have an entirely different problem.
"Clinton won the popular vote" has got to be the most salty phrase ever. It's tantamount to saying "yeah we lost the soccer game but we had more ball possession". Very pathetic.

You said "most people see the left as a caricature", which you can't back up in any way.

I simply stated the fact that most americans actually voted for the left than they did the right, so your statement is flat out wrong; spin it however you need to avoid admitting your statement was pure bullshit pulled from your asshole.

Blood Borne

If there was a victim mentality, the root cause of it devolves from institutionalized racism, one such as the war on drugs and the marginalization of dark people in the workplace.

Rural Trump voters have an entirely different problem.

There's no such thing as institutionalised racism. Institutions are not racist, people are racist. Gun is not evil, people are evil.

With that said, you need to point out which policies are racist and/or which people are racist, rather than taking the lazy and harmful route of smirching institutions.

Also, where is your incontrovertible proof that blacks are discriminated in the workplace? Me and my folks have never ever experienced it. I mean, while on the job, I met a client who was racist but that isn't enough for me to say, all blacks experience racism at work.

Blood Borne

You said "most people see the left as a caricature", which you can't back up in any way.

I simply stated the fact that most americans actually voted for the left than they did the right, so your statement is flat out wrong; spin it however you need to avoid admitting your statement was pure bullshit pulled from your asshole.
Mea culpa.

Nevertheless, I thought it was obvious that I was referring to the present. The left's true colours came out AFTER the election.


Mea culpa.

Nevertheless, I thought it was obvious that I was referring to the present. The left's true colours came out AFTER the election.

You live too much on the internet

Trumps numbers are in the toilet and Republicans are starting to either distance themselves from him or straight up lose elections
Mea culpa.

Nevertheless, I thought it was obvious that I was referring to the present. The left's true colours came out AFTER the election.

Oh you thought it was obvious huh? lol sure. Still doesn’t fit with the idea that that the crazy liberals drove people to Trump is our “true colors came out after the election”

Caricature is a funny word choice to describe the left, considering how ridiculous Trump and his Fox News base is. The called Obama a celebrity president for years and then voted for a guy with reality tv show. The same base rallied against transgender bathroom rights for safety of women, then totally cool with pedophiles as long as they’re republican. The same base that claims to hate big government and love personal freedom but want to legislate what women can do with their bodies.... but you claim the left are the caricatures

How many rightwing posters are banned for saying truly disgusting shit in this thread? At least you have decency enough to not be one of them but the claim that “most people see the left as caricatures” doesn’t hold up to any scrutiny and you have nothing at all to back up that statement. It’s an “alternative fact”... which is a phrase coined by the right and largely ridiculed. But the left are caricatures, sure


If Ginsburg (84), Kennedy (81) or Breyer (79) retire from the Supreme Court, the left is going to go absolutely bonkers when Our Dear Leader, Trump the Great, nominates another Gorsuch. If that happens the overturning of Roe v. Wade is probably more likely than not.
You live too much on the internet

Trumps numbers are in the toilet and Republicans are starting to either distance themselves from him or straight up lose elections

Both former presidents Bush have criticized Trump. Those guys are no saints and even they think Trump is a blowhard who doesn’t know what it means to be President. But somehow “most people see the left as a caricature”? Republicans don’t even like fuck with Trump, that’s how blatantly ridiculous he is.


Hokay so you've mentioned communism before and you disdain for it is obvious. What do you think of cuba? A country on your doorstep that has survived 50 years of your sanctions? A country that is largely happy and self contained.
Must grind your gears seeing those dirty commies succeed at things.

It's another communist shithole.

You know the stories about Cubans literally building boats out of scrap metal to get off the island? That doesn't sound like happy Socialist Paradise™ to me if the people are that desperate.

And 50 years. That's 50 years of Castro stealing everyone's private property and forcing the entire populace to live in poverty. That's nothing to be jealous of. But it does show why once again, Socialism never works.


I voted for Trump because I thought that he would do less evil/more good for my fellow Americans and my nation, than Clinton. Period.

And what in the hell of trumps actions in his past life made you believe that? Sry but for someone who is not living in the USA it’s unbelievable that there could only one point in favor for trump. And please don’t come with this „he’s a good businessman“ bullshit.
There's no such thing as institutionalised racism. Institutions are not racist, people are racist. Gun is not evil, people are evil.

With that said, you need to point out which policies are racist and/or which people are racist, rather than taking the lazy and harmful route of smirching institutions.

Also, where is your incontrovertible proof that blacks are discriminated in the workplace? Me and my folks have never ever experienced it. I mean, while on the job, I met a client who was racist but that isn't enough for me to say, all blacks experience racism at work.

No need to reinvent the wheel for basic level acknowledgements, let's make use of the internet where the facts are already researched, scrutinized and published. Google institutional racism, individal vs institutional racism, and anti-black hiring discrimination. Watch this video. https://youtu.be/6JErESW-CQI.

The only thing limiting you is your own bias and lack of education. Maybe you should try arguing from the other side to get a more well rounded viewpoint, rather than relying on anecdotes and feelings. Just being realistic.


Democrat out of the two parties that matter.

And what in the hell of trumps actions in his past life made you believe that? Sry but for someone who is not living in the USA it’s unbelievable that there could only one point in favor for trump. And please don’t come with this „he’s a good businessman“ bullshit.

Not answering for the poster you quoted, just jumping in.

Because he's the republican party candidate. A lot of people expected him to follow suit with Republicans. If you're a Republican and believe the republican party ideology will help the most Americans overall, why would you vote for a democrat?

Its the same reason I vote democrat. I expect the candidate to go along with the party, I expect the parties beliefs to help america the most.


Did the snowflake get triggered by someone pointing out a fact? Pretty sure Make America Great Again is the most salty phrase ever.

I'm going to be honest and say the popular vote thing is stupid.

When the only way to be elected President legally is through the electoral college, crying "but the popular vote" is stupid.

It's also hypocritcal too. Guess who lost the popular vote but still became the Dem's nomination?


Should that be taken back now?

You can still oppose Trump without doubling down on hypocrisy.

Blood Borne

Both former presidents Bush have criticized Trump. Those guys are no saints and even they think Trump is a blowhard who doesn’t know what it means to be President. But somehow “most people see the left as a caricature”? Republicans don’t even like fuck with Trump, that’s how blatantly ridiculous he is.

Career politicians being against him is why he's liked by Americans
I'm going to be honest and say the popular vote thing is stupid.

When the only way to be elected President legally is through the electoral college, crying "but the popular vote" is stupid.

It's also hypocritcal too. Guess who lost the popular vote but still became the Dem's nomination?


Should that be taken back now?

You can still oppose Trump without doubling down on hypocrisy.

Typical that you ignore the context of me stating the fact that way more Americans voted against Trump than for him to refute the claim that “most Americans see the left as caricatures” and then compare the party primary to the actual election. Where exactly is the hypocrisy? Do you even know what that word means?
I'm going to be honest and say the popular vote thing is stupid.

When the only way to be elected President legally is through the electoral college, crying "but the popular vote" is stupid.

It's also hypocritcal too. Guess who lost the popular vote but still became the Dem's nomination?


Should that be taken back now?

You can still oppose Trump without doubling down on hypocrisy.

Oh no 🙄 Hillary becomes president instead of John McCain. How terrible.


Oh no �� Hillary becomes president instead of John McCain. How terrible.

I thought Trump was the racist pick?

A black man wins the nomination legally but you're in favor of taking that away and giving it to a white woman? Is this not institutional racism I've been hearing about?

Mister Apoc

Demigod of Troll Threads
I honestly don't believe that any young western millennial that self identifies as "communist" is actually a communist

They might wear soviet iconography, they might have che shirts

they might be able to spout marx or lenin or luxumborg quotes

but they are not communists, they are mostly privileged college white kids that don't really have a fundamental understanding of reality


I honestly don't believe that any young western millennial that self identifies as "communist" is actually a communist

They might wear soviet iconography, they might have che shirts

they might be able to spout marx or lenin or luxumborg quotes

but they are not communists, they are mostly privileged college white kids that don't really have a fundamental understanding of reality

If they refuse to work, want millionaires to hand over their money because "they earn too much", and believe everything should be free, they're commies.

Dude Abides

I'm going to be honest and say the popular vote thing is stupid.

When the only way to be elected President legally is through the electoral college, crying "but the popular vote" is stupid.

It's also hypocritcal too. Guess who lost the popular vote but still became the Dem's nomination?


Should that be taken back now?

You can still oppose Trump without doubling down on hypocrisy.

Nobody is arguing Trump wasnt legally elected. Do try to keep up, won’t you? I realize the presence of blood borne may suggest otherwise, but this board isnt quite gamefaqs level yet.

Hillary’s 2008 popular vote total included Michigan and florida which were stripped of their delegates and were essentially straw polls. Michigan was uncontested. That’s why there are those litlle notes next to the wikipedia entry. We adults call those “footnotes”and they can be important.


A centrist. Both extremes are full of shitty people that I'd never in a million years want to be associated with. The one thing they have in common is they both hate me because I think both sides are equally made up of shitheads. They can both fuck off.


A centrist. Both extremes are full of shitty people that I'd never in a million years want to be associated with. The one thing they have in common is they both hate me because I think both sides are equally made up of shitheads. They can both fuck off.

so you have no political leanings except "pretending to be better than people that care about stuff"

A centrist. Both extremes are full of shitty people that I'd never in a million years want to be associated with. The one thing they have in common is they both hate me because I think both sides are equally made up of shitheads. They can both fuck off.

what a boring and milquetoast post

Why even bother posting lmao


Comments like this are exactly why Trump won.

Do people realize how incredibly stupid they sound when they say this nonsense?

Trump is a racist. This isn't up for debate. There's no discussion to be had. It is a factual statement.

So if you're willing to vote for a man who is racist, you too are in fact racist. It doesn't matter if your main reason for voting for him was taxes or because you fell for his lie about bringing coal jobs back. You were still willing to look over fucking racism.

This isn't hard.

But yes, I love your logic. "People keep telling me I'm racist despite voting for a racist. That's exactly why we voted for Trump. That'll show 'em!"
Despite thinking that Trump is an idiot and most republican opinions suck: As a German I will never understand how Americans can choose their vote based on a single person rather than because of political programs. I'd vote for Hitler if his party stood for equality, freedom and proposed a UBI. And I would never vote for, dunno, Shigeru Miyamoto, if his party stood for rightwing extremism and violence.

In that sense it shouldn't matter what shit Trump spills, as long as his party dictates the contents of what happens on the political stage.
But yes, I love your logic. "People keep telling me I'm racist despite voting for a racist. That's exactly why we voted for Trump. That'll show 'em!"

A lot of these guys hate being told that what they are doing isn't good enough, to the point of not minding nazi rhetoric because it's not telling them to change. Explains why they vote for Trump, there's no critical thought or change needed. Let's just talk about games is backlash against change.


Trump is a racist. This isn't up for debate. There's no discussion to be had. It is a factual statement.

Of course it's up for debate. He denies he's a racist and has condemned the KKK and Nazis and other hate groups. He obviously didn't pledge to do any racist acts or support racist laws and policies as president, did he? If you say "yes", which? But he has pledged to clean up violent crime and provide more jobs in black communities, for example.

Please define what you mean by racist and then give me, say, 5 specific examples.

The border wall? This can obviously be supported by people who simply support closed and well secured borders for the safety of Americas citizens by restricting the flow of illegal guns, crime, drugs, gangs, terrorists, etc. Or the wall could be supported for economic concerns as millions of unskilled laborers with poor education flood the welfare system. Agree with it or not, a border wall is not inherently racist.

The ban on immigration from Islamic nations that are hotbeds of terrorism? First Islam is an ideology and religion, not a race, so it obviously isn't a race issue. Most Muslims today are non-Arab, I believe. Anyway, such a law could obviously be enacted with the protection of the American people in mind, in an effort to thwart Islamic terrorists, who, yes, often do come from these nations. Agree with it or not, a travel ban from key terrorist Islamic nations is not inherently racist.


Most folks don't know what voluntaryism is, so I say libertarian to most. Used to say ancap, but the alt-right has slowly been taking over in some of those circles.

I'm one of those who did not post in political threads (or in general too much really) because I was laughed at for having a different opinion. Which is probably one of the reasons I did cry the night I read that Gaborn had passed away, they had a way of presenting things and standing their ground that I simply do not possess and completely admired.

I suppose the thing that bothers me the most about people who attack my view points is the whole, "you're just in it to get yours and fuck everyone else."
No, I simply have a different point of view than you do and if you showed me the same respect I do when I read your opinion, maybe I wouldn't always have my panties in such a giant twist!

Yeah the terminology and some of the people who call themselves certain things is frustrating at times.

The basic ancap argument that state power will inevitably grow no matter how limited it starts out as is hard to dispute, but an anarcho-capitalist society would just be a different starting point in that regard, as state power seems as likely to arise from nothing as it is to grow from the small minimalist state.

In deontological terms I like natural rights/natural law arguments, because I find them solid and practicable in a way some arguments aren't really. They provide a fairly obvious and natural limit for the powers of the state. It just seems like a clean framework for establishing a just society.

In consequentialist terms, the theoretical basis of the powers of the state is irrelevant, because there are plenty of things that the government does that a large majority of society are not in favor of, so we should be able to move policy in the right direction for years or decades before there is a major disagreement, instead policy is going in the wrong direction.

As for the bolded, yeah it is annoying that people seem to refuse to accept that people might actually have ideas that are not motivated by self interest. I guess we can blame the Ayn Rand side of the debate(and the people who misinterpret it) a bit for muddying the waters, but it does get old when people refuse to argue your ideas at face value and just call you selfish when they don't know you or your history. I just tend to ignore the jabs, because it's just impossible to talk to someone who refuses to engage with the actual ideas.


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