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Resident Evil 4 Remake, initially announced for next-gen only, will also come to PS4

Not that it couldn't but maybe the resolution they can hit wouldn't be acceptable by internal standards.
We've had games running at very low resolution on X1 that's not going to stop it releasing. More likely its a sales thing with the PS4 being the dominant platform, presumably they don't expect the Xbox One version to sell well.


Gold Member
Insane post. Should devs be targeting atari graphics because of poor people.

Nonsense. You sell me a $500 console. You better fucking make games for it. If you dont it's anti-consumer.

It's different for third party devs. Capcom didnt sell me the PS5, but if it starts taking 3+ years to get next gen games, they too deserve a kick up the ass.

lol everyone but you in that thread thinks it looks next gen. for once, I had some support on this board.
It looks nextgen compared to tekken 7 (but tekkne 7 looked like crap, let's be real), but if you do a close up of the models, they are far from nextgen.

it looked to me like the lighting and effects were doing the heavy work on that trailer.

Don't get me wrong it looks good, but nextgen? do i have to repost the less than tertiary npcs of horizon fw once again? you have to put everything in perspective, tekken only renders 2 characters and a background at any given time.

I'm sorry but you are never gonna convince me that this thing looks nextgen (and to me the models are the most important thing in a beat em up)


(and this is from a cutscene)

like i said, it seems like the effects and ligths are doing the heavy work

But we are off topic, better continue in the t8 topic.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
It looks nextgen compared to tekken 7 (but tekkne 7 looked like crap, let's be real), but if you do a close up of the models, they are far from nextgen.

it looked to me like the lighting and effects were doing the heavy work on that trailer.

Don't get me wrong it looks good, but nextgen? do i have to repost the less than tertiary npcs of horizon fw once again? you have to put everything in perspective, tekken only renders 2 characters and a background at any given time.

I'm sorry but you are never gonna convince me that this thing looks nextgen (and to me the models are the most important thing in a beat em up)


(and this is from a cutscene)
yeah, its the rain particle effect and lighting doing all the heavy lifting. HFW looks like trash whenever its raining.

Game can look better. I suspect MK12 will look far better than this. But im not expecting Matrix quality character models from a 60 fps game even if they target 1080p 60 fps.


Gold Member
yeah, its the rain particle effect and lighting doing all the heavy lifting. HFW looks like trash whenever its raining.

Game can look better. I suspect MK12 will look far better than this. But im not expecting Matrix quality character models from a 60 fps game even if they target 1080p 60 fps.
No, the game should look infinitely better, it should look like the most photorealistic thing on the market.

I'm not sure why you don't take in account how few things it has to render against literally almost every genre.

Matrix has to render an entire fucking city plus dozens of npcs, imagine if all the resources were used to just render 2 pg and a background...

60 can't be THAT taxing when the difference in genre is so fucking big.

I would be curious to see one of the big graphical wizards making a beat em up just to see how much detail they can put on the characters, imagine ND doing that:pie_drooling:

I expect big things from the next mk yeah, their previous game was easily the best looking beat em up (same fo injustice 2)
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Astral Dog

This doesn't shock me , this is still just an updated RE4 on REngine, they could work it cross gen gameplay wise without much problem. though im surprised the PS4 version wasn't cancelled by now.

Other game i was expecting to include a last gen version (cancelled or not) was FFXVI, but we will see


Not really, I want more people to play great games. Don't you?

Might have limits to scalability, but since they can target base PS4, and they're releasing on xberx, why not scale all the way down to the bone, which has more userbase than their current gen counterpart?
There’s nothing wrong with the words in your post. I’m just basing this off your history of searching for any slightly positive Xbox post to put in a laugh emoji (even in Xbox only threads).

If you’re turning a new leaf, then great. I’ll take your posts more seriously.


Pretty bummed about cross gen, because it will mean the levels need to be built with loading hallways in mind. But whatever, not a huge deal. Cross gen will probably be here for most of this generation. Very few if any games will actually take advantage of the new hardware in a meaningful way. That being said, why are sony and other companies being so sneaky about this? Why not just announce its coming to last gen to during the initial announcement?


Honestly people need to get out of this idea that games are suddenly going to look like AVATAR when cross gen ends, because they wont.
Its not only about graphics, its about game design in itself properly targeting the MUCH MUCH superior CPU and Storage of next gen machines.
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Reseterror Resettler
I can't fathom wanting to play RE4 again on any platform

REmakes have traditionally been looser with geographical accuracy to their originals, which make the Remakes seem less like "firing up an old title you've played millions of times," and more like you're experiencing an adaptation.

Were it something more 1:1, I could see this point of view, but


If it wasn’t for the SSD jump and the fact that my PS4 sounded like a vacuum cleaner I wouldn’t have missed anything if I’d have just kept my One S and PS4 Pro and we’re approaching year 3.

Mr Rogers Clown GIF

Still though, the SSDs are worth it.
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We will continue to see cross gen games until the end of next year. The install base for next gen consoles isn’t big enough yet for publishers to want to make nex gen only games.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Pretty bummed about cross gen, because it will mean the levels need to be built with loading hallways in mind. But whatever, not a huge deal. Cross gen will probably be here for most of this generation. Very few if any games will actually take advantage of the new hardware in a meaningful way. That being said, why are sony and other companies being so sneaky about this? Why not just announce its coming to last gen to during the initial announcement?
I think they know what they are doing is wrong and people are going to riot and/or dismiss a game if they see it revealed as a last gen game. So they hide and stealth drop the cross gen announcement months later.

RE8 Village was announced the same way. Next gen only until the last gen versions were announced. HFW, Miles, GOW, GT7 were all announced as PS5 titles first. Even Returnal's steam deck version has been leaked. That means it can run on a PS4 since the GPU is so similar in tflops.

At the end of day, its classic preemptive damage control. You never want to announce a new game and have its controversy overshadow the reveal.


Gold Member
Eh...there's too many PS4s out there for them not to do this. Thankfully, more and more the cross gen releases are starting to dry up and that's a good thing.

Buggy Loop

So all this IO tech will be for next gen it seems, to be fully utilized.. maybe a few games managing to squeeze something exceptional by end of gen.


Reseterror Resettler
Nah, but it's disappointing.

Yeah, I think people hear some of us fussing about cross gen and think it equates to us all being ADHD squirrels, but it affects more than visuals. It affects performance, it affects game design (smaller levels, or more zones, more loading, lots of those "squeeze through gap so we can load the rest of the area without going to a black screen," less populated cities, less verticality in levels, I mean...yeah, the differences aren't SO huge that I'm trashing my PS4, but I mean, crossgen means compromise so that both demographics get as close to a consistent experience as one another. So like...why not just stick with the PS4 if all we're getting is PS4 games?

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
Yeah, I think people hear some of us fussing about cross gen and think it equates to us all being ADHD squirrels, but it affects more than visuals. It affects performance, it affects game design (smaller levels, or more zones, more loading, lots of those "squeeze through gap so we can load the rest of the area without going to a black screen," less populated cities, less verticality in levels, I mean...yeah, the differences aren't SO huge that I'm trashing my PS4, but I mean, crossgen means compromise so that both demographics get as close to a consistent experience as one another. So like...why not just stick with the PS4 if all we're getting is PS4 games?

I don't think I could have put it better.


Hahahah GAF is so out of touch.

Yes because the game launches on PS4 you'll miss out on 6 polygons worth of fidelity with the current-gen version. My god... :messenger_tears_of_joy:

When these things go into production they know well in advance what the scope, budget and general vision for a game is. Especially in the case of a remake. You're not missing out on anything lol. If anything it's the PS4 folk who are getting shafted as that version, while no doubt serviceable, will come with plenty of concessions.
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PS5 install base not high enough in Japan where Biohazard series is very popular?
Besides. Being done in RE-Engine and the project most likely started with Jaguar CPU target spec, so why not make it available for PS4.
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Kind of hard to ignore that install base. This game wasn't doing anything to push the cpu as is, so it makes sense to lower graphical settings and make a last gen version.


I'm actually happy about the drama for these decisions and i hope we'll get more.
This will teach you all to buy expensive consumer electronics only AFTER the software you want is out.

Lol but who am i kidding. See you next day one!


What time is it?
It's the price you pay for backwards compatibility. Ken Kutaragi would have never allowed this to happen.



It is because of the xbox one s...they could get it running easily on Xbox one x but not S,

if it runs on PS4 it can also run on Xbox One.

these console use almost the same hardware, and turning down graphics is the easiest thing to do in a modern engine.

in fact, the Xbox One has a faster CPU than the PS4, which is way more of a factor in porting games than the slightly slower GPU.

the only situation in which it would be on the edge of not doable would be if it turns out that the PS4 version rund at 720p30fps, which I doubt it will.

the Xbox One can run anything the PS4 can run at 30% to 40% lower resolution with minimal to no other changes needed.

finally, it runs on RE Engine... which is already an engine that runs perfectly fine on Xbox One
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if it runs on PS4 it can also run on Xbox One.

these console use almost the same hardware, and turning down graphics is the easiest thing to do in a modern engine.

in fact, the Xbox One has a faster CPU than the PS4, which is way more of a factor in porting games than the slightly slower GPU.

the only situation in which it would be on the edge of not doable would be if it turns out that the PS4 version rund at 720p30fps, which I doubt it will.

the Xbox One can run anything the PS4 can run at 30% to 40% lower resolution with minimal to no other changes needed.

finally, it runs on RE Engine... which is already an engine that runs perfectly fine on Xbox One
Schitts Creek Eww GIF by CBC
Resident Evil 2 for PC basically ran on a potato with integrated graphics.

I'm sure they realized that with this engine they could run the game on PS4 on PC low settings or something (it's probably higher than that) and some extra loadings. It's not the same as Xbox 360 getting ports of next gen and PC games in 2013/2014.
if it runs on PS4 it can also run on Xbox One.

these console use almost the same hardware, and turning down graphics is the easiest thing to do in a modern engine.
Yes, but 1.2 Tflops to 1.84 Tflops is a bit steep (Base PS4 basically has 1/3 of extra performance), I can understand Xbox One falling off the wagon as it would be a consistently worse version. But then again, the One X wouldn't.

But the real reason is down to active userbase I feel.
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I do not have a problem with Resident Evil 4 also coming to the PS4.

I honestly do not think we are going to see many games that can *only* run on the new hardware until well into this generation and then they will be few and limited mostly to console exclusives. Most multiformat games will continue to just be cross-gen games that only differ from the previous gen in terms of resolution, framerate and asset/texture quality. There's a good reason for that and it comes down to development costs.
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