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Wii U Speculation Thread The Third: Casting Dreams in The Castle of Miyamoto

Havent seen this on here yet. Sorry if I overlooked it.


Sounds to me like he likes the specs. Dont think that would happen if it was less powerful than current systems. He also calls it a "bridge". Which to me implies in between current and the next systems from MS and Sony.

Yep. Clearly all developers aren't playing with the same ball. Why would some developers say that nintendo is listening to feedback and others say that the platform is weak? Guess some people just aren't in the know.


If it comes up short it comes up short. You won't need numbers to make that assumption however. All numbers do is create a placebo effect which causes nothing but bad press. It is an unnecessary evil that the community blows wayyyyyy out of proportion.

When it comes to PR spreading out specs, I agree, however I'm interesting to learn about the hardware on a deeper level. I don't care about the theoretical performance and stats, these are things that people love to hang on, but I would still love to learn about the architecture specifics and such.

Basically it's all out of pure interest to me, nothing more.
When it comes to PR spreading out specs, I agree, however I'm interesting to learn about the hardware on a deeper level. I don't care about the theoretical performance and stats, these are things that people love to hang on, but I would still love to learn about the architecture specifics and such.

Basically it's all out of pure interest to me, nothing more.

Well that is a completely different scenario then, but the comment you made that I responded to made it out to seem like you felt it should be global knowledge to everyone as opposed to being merely interested in it yourself.
Here's the thing about developers - or people from any profession - they aren't all equally good at their jobs. The ones who aren't so good aren't going to necessarily realize it, much less admit it. However, you can usually spot them easily because they'll be the one's complaining ("hmph, typical weak Nintendo hardware") rather than accepting responsibility ("this engine we made years ago isn't optimized for this hardware's feature set"). They'll also be the ones more likely to say nonsensical, fanboy-ish phrases ("not enough shaders" or "the graphics aren't as powerful" or "we could do this with PS3+Vita").

To take all developers' impressions as being equal is always a mistake, especially when they're anonymous - because then you have no clue as to their qualifications. We don't know if they're guys who just came from coding an IOS fart app or are trying to get Wii U to run vanilla OpenGL or what. There's absolutely no context to be found in their statements.

The regulars in this thread take EVERYTHING with a grain of salt. Doesn't matter what the news is, if it paints Wii U as some beast or not. I don't think outsiders to this thread realize this; they tend to come in here and assume we're just in a big circle jerk. We don't believe that it's "5x the 360" or whatever horseshit IGN said a while back. We're just the gaffers who have seen ALL of the info out there and have worked to come up with the most realistic expectations for the system possible.

So please, quit acting like it's us against you. We don't have unreasonable expectations for the device to begin with. If you just ask what we think instead of assume, you won't get jumped on for being an ignorant troll.

Tis true.
I produce business applications at a higher rate and a much lower bug rate, than either our IS manager or systems director have experienced before at other companies.
My IS manager is rather.perplexed. I just tell him I find it easy to do.
Look around the webs on coding forums and you'll see "developers" not knowing how to do things efficiently and sometimes basics. They blame tools and things people left behind. Could be the case here...?


I fully expect Nintendo to have at least one title at E3 that totally outclasses every 3rd party effort visually.

This is what I want to see. All the sane ones in here know it's more powerful than the P60 and is likely to pump out some gorgeous games so I want Nintendo to come to the party and silence (at least some) of the haters.


I thought Nintendo would put up an event during the spring about Wii U to build up hype around the machine again but guess we will have to wait til E3. A year, Nintendo. Just terrible.
As much as I like the circlepad on the 3DS, if they don't click on the Wii U's, that will be disappointing.

I strongly suspect that after feedback and requests from developers we'll see both clickable circle pads and analog triggers.

I'm not too keen on clickable sticks myself, I usually end up clicking them by accident when playing under stress lol.


Tis true.
I produce business applications at a higher rate and a much lower bug rate, than either our IS manager or systems director have experienced before at other companies.
My IS manager is rather.perplexed. I just tell him I find it easy to do.
Look around the webs on coding forums and you'll see "developers" not knowing how to do things efficiently and sometimes basics. They blame tools and things people left behind. Could be the case here...?
Sounds pretty probable - at one time in the field of computing, programming games was considered to be some of the most challenging due to the amount of low-level work required (as well as the limited resources available, especially with closed systems like games consoles).

Here's my post one of the other Wii U threads on the matter...

Oh I may not see the differences in terms of graphics, but I can definitely feel the difference in terms of performance.

Seriously, optimisation used to be so key with games programming, especially with closed systems, but with this current generation (thanks partly to the myriad of multi-purpose middleware solutions available for developers, and also partly due to a lot of low-level processes being handled automatically by higher-level APIs), a number of games developed for one console as lead platform haven't transisted well to the other console. This is sounding like it's the case, especially if third parties are just simply porting over their code from either current-gen system and expecting it to run smoothly...

What this means is that *gasp horror* companies can't be lazy with the Wii U and will actually have to do some optimising for once in their lives with their games, be it ports or from the ground up. If companies want to squeeze every gram out of this console and make half-decent games, they're gonna have to do it the old-fashioned way - robust coding, efficient memory management and effective optimization.

That is, if companies can be bothered... ;P But I don't like the idea that they're all too ready to blame the hardware when they haven't had enough time to tap into it fully...

EDIT - Though, to be fair, Nintendo are throwing the developers a bone by constantly updating their own devkits to help optimise said middleware solutions. If they keep doing revisions, this should help them out tremendously...



Well that is a completely different scenario then, but the comment you made that I responded to made it out to seem like you felt it should be global knowledge to everyone as opposed to being merely interested in it yourself.

No, you're correct, I did say it was odd for Nintendo to boast about their graphical capabilities, checking those boxes =p, but they shy away from specifics when asked.

You commented how I shouldn't care unless I'm a developer and we went from there.

Regardless, it is interesting how they try to walk this fine line of trying to show off what their system is capable of but without revealing too much.
I made an image proving how ridiculously easy this is to spoof but the thread got closed before I could post it

so I am going to use this here



Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.

So it's the CPU now.

CVG said:
This week development sources told CVG that Wii U games look "just as good" as Xbox 360 and PS3 titles, but that Nintendo's console still struggles to match its rivals when it comes to processor intensive game systems such as complicated physics and AI.

'Cause earlier this week it was:

CVG said:
Speaking to GamesIndustry.biz under the condition of anonymity, one source said to be familiar with the hardware commented: "No, it's not up to the same level as the PS3 or the 360. The graphics are just not as powerful."

Another developer agreed: "Yeah, that's true. It doesn't produce graphics as well as the PS3 or the 360. There aren't as many shaders, it's not as capable. Sure, some things are better, mostly as a result of it being a more modern design. But overall the Wii U just can't quite keep up."

But hey, it's ok to post contradictory information in the span of a week - it's not the journalist's fault, it's the damn sources.


So it's the CPU now.

'Cause earlier this week it was:

But hey, it's ok to post contradictory information in the span of a week - it's not the journalist's fault, it's the damn sources.

I already made that case. But apparently, CVG is very trustworthy, so they must BOTH be correct, lol. "GPU is powerful but sucks"?


But hey, it's ok to post contradictory information in the span of a week - it's not the journalist's fault, it's the damn sources.

I can explain. This obviously means that the CPU is weaker than Xenon and the GPU is weaker than Xenos, but there's some disagreement as to which is more weakerer.

I was right, this isn't a secured channel.
Is the power of the console really that important? I mean if we would get games that looks like Uncharted on WiiU, would that be such a huge disappointment? To me it sounds quite awesome to have that level of graphics while at the same time having a second screen.

Nope, it's not, as long as it's more powerful than the PS3/360. If it is a half way gap, I'll be beaming. A Zelda game that's on the same scale and visual achievement as Skyrim? Wow. I've been dreaming of that for years.

I think WiiU threads need to be banned until concrete news is out.
Its really really shitting the board up.
Even this thread of sanity has been hijacked

I'm for this. We've pretty much exhausted the discussion and conversation, and have suffered both ends of the hype train. There's little meaning left to this thread and others.
Any significant news comes out, and we'll make a thread, just like normal.

GAF Gold members, put "Lock the Wii U threads!" image you see below into your signature to let the mods know how many people support this motion.

[GAFGOLDIMG]805: You need a NeoGAF Gold subscription to view this image![/GAFGOLDIMG]


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
I already made that case. But apparently, CVG is very trustworthy, so they must BOTH be correct, lol. "GPU is powerful but sucks"?
Sorry, I must have skimmed a post or two from this thread while giving directions to my capable forces.


So it's the CPU now.

'Cause earlier this week it was:

But hey, it's ok to post contradictory information in the span of a week - it's not the journalist's fault, it's the damn sources.
Well, the nice thing about this is that the CPU thing is easily explainable (devs who rely on unoptimized middleware or are too lazy or stupid to use the dedicated silicon and try to do everything on the CPU instead have issues), while the "clarified" statements about the GPU and RAM are now in line with what known developers like Gearbox, Epic or Vigil say.


Sorry, I must have skimmed a post or two from this thread while giving directions to my capable forces.

I have a feeling we'll see them post a few more articles, with quotes from devs who choose to be anonymous, eventually slowly claiming the Wii U is more powerful than the 360/PS3

....as devs have more time with the hardware.

No coincidence, of course ;)


My source is my ass!
so all of this "The Sky is Falling" is for nothing?

Are these not the same middleware that Nintendo had press releases about? How long until these issues are solved and devs take back what they have been saying?

I would like to see a dev that was saying negative things come back and say wow but will this ever happen? I believe you ideaman but I think those devs will continue to have negative things to say. I wonder which publisher is forcing them to make WiiU games :)

Some middleware are actually supported and running on the Wii U, without being announced. And the benchmarks on this system were some times meh, UNTIL optimizations or hardware changes. I think some of them will do all the promotional efforts when their software will run at least properly.

For the take back, well, doom & gloom leaks are more click-generating than "everything is fine" for websites. But you can't exclude the possibility that some of the negative vocals ones will take back their assessments, if they are true, when the hardware and software development tools kits will be fully polished/finished.


btw, darkchild seems to be really irritated by me lol.


It's difficult for me not to think of Ideaman as just an echo in the room. Guek's right, he's said nothing substantial on his own despite promises or revealing information at times.

It all seems like a bit of a bad joke. Again, I'm not calling him out, but there's something about his statements and comments that seem way too vague and familiar to be credited as insider info.

Besides... I've always been suspicious of his name and avatar... like it's a troll's idea of some kinda Nintendo 'saviour', or gleam of hope.

I don't like it.

Sorry if you're offended, Ideaman, but since last time I brought up these thoughts, you've done little to change my mind.

Well... just do a research on Speculation Thread 2 & 3 by my nickname, you'll see that a bunch of what i posted wasn't vague at all. And for lherre to say what he said about my informations, believe me, i told him things never heard before about the Wii U, that can only prove that i have well some insiders infos (from a specific context).

It start to be irritating actually to see some posters to come back to "i doubt ideaman" thing every one or two week because someone is pissed by the fact that i wasn't as poorly received as arkam, whereas a lot of people explained the different situations.

And just chill out and think about it 2 minutes. Do this research that i advised you, with my name. Do you really think that someone have the time to consolidate a lot of Wii U infos + spice it up with wall of texts of contexts and parameters explanations that he would have invented from i don't know where, do this for 1 month, in hundreds of messages, etc ? I'm on the web since the 90's, the fake "trolls" aren't acting like that, the messages are far shorter, and in such a long period, with such many posts, you spot inconsistencies.

And yeah, i'm offended, because i appreciated you, but it's like some of you have a pleasure to publicly state for the 10th time their doubts against me. I'm becoming a way to demonstrate to the persons attacking you for your disdain for these bad articles about the Wii U that no, you're not a blinded Nintendo Fanboy that only believe "positive rumors", because "hey, see, i doubt ideaman also".
I'm rather tempted to send an email to gaming sites.
I can send it through an exchange mail server that doesn't need credentials. So I can spoof the sender and return address completely. I do it at work and fool people into thinking the CEO wants tea making
I can word the email from EA and say the WiiU is awesomely underpowered and we're considering holding back from release or something.... lol.
I'm just not sure whether the spam filter will label it on the way out as it doesn't internally
Would be fun....lol


I'm rather tempted to send an email to gaming sites.
I can send it through an exchange mail server that doesn't need credentials. So I can spoof the sender and return address completely. I do it at work and fool people into thinking the CEO wants tea making
I can word the email from EA and say the WiiU is awesomely underpowered and we're considering holding back from release or something.... lol.
I'm just not sure whether the spam filter will label it on the way out as it doesn't internally
Would be fun....lol

LOL. Please do this. Try to get the name of someone that works at DICE and send it.
It start to be irritating actually to come back to "i doubt ideaman" thing every one or two week because someone is pissed by the fact that i wasn't as poorly received as arkam, whereas a lot of people explained the different situations.

It shouldn't be irritating in the slightest... they don't believe random anonymous sources leaking to certain sites, why would they believe some random anonymous Neogaf Poster who gets his information from random anonymous sources? You should come to expect it.

Me personally, if I was in your situation, I would just stop talking about it :p


It shouldn't be irritating in the slightest... they don't believe random anonymous sources leaking to certain sites, why would they believe some random anonymous Neogaf Poster who gets his information from random anonymous sources? You should come to expect it.

Me personally, if I was in your situation, I would just stop talking about it :p

I wouldn't. I would just throw it all out there. It would be easier for "us" and if he doesn't like being called into question, for him as well. Short pain.

PS: obviously i'm talking about the info he is able to disclose, without compromising himself or his sources.
Well... just do a research on Speculation Thread 2 & 3 by my nickname, you'll see that a bunch of what i posted wasn't vague at all. And for lherre to say what he said about my informations, believe me, i told him things never heard before about the Wii U, that can only proof that i have well some insiders infos (from a specific context).

It start to be irritating actually to come back to "i doubt ideaman" thing every one or two week because someone is pissed by the fact that i wasn't as poorly received as arkam, whereas a lot of people explained the different situations.

And just chill out and think about it 2 minutes. Do this research that i advised you, with my name. Do you really think that someone have the time to consolidate a lot of Wii U infos + spice it up with wall of texts of contexts and parameters explanations that he would have invented from i don't know where, do this for 1 month, in hundreds of messages, etc ? I'm on the web since the 90's, the fake "trolls" aren't acting like that, the messages are far shorter, and in such a long period, with such many posts, you spot inconsistencies.

And yeah, i'm offended, because i appreciated you, but it's like some of you have a pleasure to publicly state for the 10th time their doubts against me. I'm becoming a way to prove to the persons attacking you for your disdain for these bad articles about the Wii U that no, you're not a blinded Nintendo Fanboy that only believe "positive rumors", because "hey, see, i doubt ideaman also".

Now hang on, I don't for one minute hate you nor do I get no pleasure in voicing my doubts.
I'm sure you can understand our collective frustration at this moment in time due to the negative articles and rumours that have been generated recently, and it's because of this pressure that I've begun to doubt my own beliefs and ideas.

I'm sorry to have doubted you and your credibility, but you must understand that in order to make a bit more sense of this, I had to take a step back and look at the bigger picture.
Sounds clichéd, I know, but it's genuine.

Now I haven't always been around to see your posts, so maybe I was harsh in judging the quality and accuracy of your contribution, but from what I've read more recently, in this thread in particular, it seems like your words have wained a little, or rather, lacked definition.
I know you proclaimed yourself dedicated to 'spicing up' the talks here on the road till E3, and helping us reach the right conclusions through your gentle nudging, and through this I understand why you may have been vague here and there (because it's surely difficult to maintain direction without giving too much away), and I respect and appreciate your efforts to do so, I really do.

Looking back on some of your previous posts (which I must say have been handily bolded in the correct places to highlight the importance of certain phrases!), I can safely say that you've helped keep us on track, and have laid the breadcrumbs, so to speak, from time to time to help us reach conclusions on the Wii U's stance in the gaming world.
Hell, if it wasn't for your clarification on the uses of the tablet and how this fit in with Nintendo's GPU of choice, I wouldn't have realised that it's an adaptable machine that dictates visual fidelity through how much the pad is used.

I just began to question all this when all this news started to pour through.
With all these conflicting views, I cast my mind back to some of the things you have posted in the past, and fro a moment it struck me as if you were being rather elusive in revealing info and details, which caused me to jump to the conclusion, albeit hesitantly, that you might not know as much as members in this thread have said you do.
Now I fully appreciate why this has caused you to become offended and/or disappointed in me and other members on this board, and so I apologise for this - but now you've taken the time to reply and substantiate your comments, I think it's time for me to get back on the Ideaman boat, as it were.
By asking me to go back and look at some of your past posts in the other threads (god knows how many we've had), I have in fact realised that your little pieces of info here and there, albeit infrequent, have helped us gain a better understanding of the console.
And even your dedication to providing us with news stories from around the web here and there is vastly welcomed by myself.
The more to talk about, good or bad, the better!

So I ask for two things - understanding and ultimately forgiveness. In the blinding storm of negativity that has washed over this forum as of late, I was hasty to switch my mind, and maybe that's a reflection of my true self - often doubtful and uncertain in my own decisions.
In the same vein, however, you must be able to understand, after watching us grow so quickly in our eagerness for info, that it's easy to begin to question sources of information, after so many ambiguous and unsupported pieces of news from across the web, all coming in at once in the past few days.

I just hope you realise I never believed you were a 'troll' or a tease, just that you shared some qualities - which is why I felt is so difficult to draw a line between these two worlds and define your credibility!
But now I see I have done wrong, and I hope, once more, we can begin valuable and focused discussion - but more importantly, that we can be fwends.

Oh, and just out of interest - where does your name and avatar come from? :D


My source is my ass!
It shouldn't be irritating in the slightest... they don't believe random anonymous sources leaking to certain sites, why would they believe some random anonymous Neogaf Poster who gets his information from random anonymous sources? You should come to expect it.

Me personally, if I was in your situation, I would just stop talking about it :p

I was the first to encourage people to doubt what i'll write in my very first message because of the context in which i've gathered my information (3rd party, second-hand knowledge, non-techies sources, etc.).

Read again well what i wrote. It's irritating to be BACK to this "i doubt ideaman" every now and then. I acknowledge that some persons won't believe me, but a lot of them already declared it, why repeating it everytime they are attacked by another poster who claim they are nintendo fanboy who only believe in positive rumors ? I refuse to be a way for some gafers that i used to appreciate, to prove their fairness, like "hey, don't say i'm only criticizing this CVG or GI or arkam rumors because they are bad ! look, i doubt ideaman positive leaks also !". There's a lack of respect in this manner (in repeating it).

And usually, i don't come back to this subject but i wanted to make a point, because if tomorrow another interview state that the wii u is underpowered, i refuse to be a tool for some in order to demonstrate their "objectivity".
I wouldn't. I would just throw it all out there. It would be easier for "us" and if he doesn't like being called into question, for him as well. Short pain.

PS: obviously i'm talking about the info he is able to disclose, without compromising himself or his sources.

But see, I would let you guys stew because clearly you WANT to know what he knows, whether his information is accurate or not. Personally, If my integrity was brought into question, I would just stop supplying info to you guys. But again, thats just me :p


But see, I would let you guys stew because clearly you WANT to know what he knows, whether his information is accurate or not. Personally, If my integrity was brought into question, I would just stop supplying info to you guys. But again, thats just me :p

But that's the thing. His integrety is brought into question BECAUSE he teases and never gives concrete info (eg "1gig or more and then some more" versus "1.5GB RAM"). Or at least that's how i see it.

But i already had this discussion with Ideaman through PM.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
I have a question..

Did the Japanese Garden Demo and or Zelda HD Demo have real time sound effects running along side the graphic engine?
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