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Wii U Speculation thread IV: Photoshop rumors and image memes

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Again, you're making this sound like it's entirely a money issue that they aren't at Gamescon. They obviously feel it's not worth their time.

Maybe.... just maybe they don't think enough people will experience it there. And after E3 we are going to be hit HARD with WiiU stuff. So maybe they will be too busy to worry about Gamescon or would rather simply put it in the hands of milliothat rather than thousands... and be in full control and away from shitty journalists


Ok, i have 16 pages to catch-up.

A bit tired to read all for the first time, someone can grant me a nice summary with a hot chocolate & a pain aux raisins à la bonne crème patissière ? :gifofaprettycasanovadoingaravagingsmilewithmintbreath:

Some pastry hating ex journalist guy came in and told us a heap of stuff like 4GB RAM, a special feature of the controller was that it's self-aware, that the special tech inside the GPU is zero-cycle lighting and antialiasing.

I guess we all have to take that as gospel unless someone can refute it with more accurate information............


Can I bring the Tea and Scones... with clotted cream and tiptree jam?

I'll be sure to bring out my Royal Doulton with the hand painted periwinkles.


One of my dream come true ?!

Please, Nintendo, if you are around, i beg you, enroll me to sing a hard-rock/trance main theme !

There was also a barely-glanced-at example of Nintendo's DLC future via Fire Emblem Awakening, which I used to rub it in naysayers faces as an example of Nintendo totally "getting it". "It's Nintendo", huh?

There was also brief discussion on the matter of the ill fate of 3rd-parties next gen, where everyone was shocked to find that Konami's primary revenue generators were real estate and gyms.


Mario Sunshine Mario definitely controls much different than the other 3D Marios. I think it's because his actions aren't as drawn out as in other games; his reflexes seem faster. Maybe they did that to make up for the time he spends standing still with his FLUDD contraption.

But, yeah, I would also love for the next mario to return to the 64/sunshine world designs.

Gamecube games in general just feel snappier than Wii games. Think SSBM -> SSBB too... It's an odd phenomenon!
I'll be sure to bring out my Royal Doulton with the hand painted periwinkles.

There was also a barely-glanced-at example of Nintendo's DLC future via Fire Emblem Awakening, which I used to rub it in naysayers faces as an example of Nintendo totally "getting it". "It's Nintendo", huh?

There was also brief discussion on the matter of the ill fate of 3rd-parties next gen, where everyone was shocked to find that Konami's primary revenue generators were real estate and gyms.
Don't forget that thing about the thing.... you know.

At least the shit on WiiU threads have died a death....


Unconfirmed Member
Looking through a bunch of arcane files and pages, and came across what was before Nintendo Network. Not all material is there anymore, but it's still a nice flashback:

Nintendo's E3 2001 webpage: http://web.archive.org/web/20010520155906/http://e3.nintendo.com/

Nintendo's E3 2002 webpage: http://web.archive.org/web/20020601074456/http://www.nintendo.com/e32k2/index.jsp

Nintendo's E3 2005 Japanese webpage: http://www.nintendo.co.jp/n10/e3_2005/

Nintendo's E3 2006 webpage: http://web.archive.org/web/20060509221150/http://e3.nintendo.com/

Mr. Iwata's speech at E3 2006: http://www.nintendo.co.jp/n10/e3_2006/speech/english.html

Nintendo's E3 Media & Business Summit 2007 webpage: http://web.archive.org/web/20070713223152/http://e3.nintendo.com/

Nintendo's E3 Media & Business Summit 2008 webpage: http://web.archive.org/web/20080913072752/http://e3.nintendo.com/

Nintendo's E3 Media & Business Summit 2008 press kit: http://press.nintendo.com/E32008/

Nintendo's E3 2009 webpage: http://web.archive.org/web/20090617050537/http://e3.nintendo.com/?

Nintendo's E3 2009 Japanese webpage (for media briefing): http://www.nintendo.co.jp/n10/e3_2009/webcast.html

And just as a recap

Nintendo's E3 2010 webpage: http://web.archive.org/web/20100616151826/http://e3.nintendo.com/

Nintendo's E3 2011 webpage: http://e3.nintendo.com/

Nintendo's E3 2011 press kit: http://media.nintendo.com/pressroom/E32011/index.html

Nintendo's E3 2011 media briefing: http://media.nintendo.com/e3/_ui/videos/E3_06072011_Nintendo_Press_Conference_English2.mp4

I've been looking for a video of the E3 2006 media briefing, and it appears one is available at http://web.archive.org/web/20061120...3media/podcast/nintendo_e3_media_briefing.m4v, but I can't open it, I just get code. Anyone else can open it, it's an M4V file? The videos on Gamespot, IGN and YouTube are so blurry I think.

Thought this could come in handy while discussing E3.
Perhaps to you, but if there's something Nintendo knows about, it's getting people to talk about them. And if they can do that better through smaller self contained events than at Gamescon, then they will.

Optimism or delusion?... I guess that's the same thing basically, but anyway, enough with this.
Nintendo allready made it's decision, and it isn't really surprising given NOEs amazing PR skills.
In your opinion.

I know if they really thought it'd benefit them being there they would .... seemingly they don't think so. I expect they have a better grasp on their business than you do.

Right, that's why the 3DS and it's software is lighting the charts on fire in Europe. They are masters of their craft.

Delusions of Grandeur from you mister

Hey, I don't need to tell NOE how to not sell their products. They're perfectly able to do that themselves these days.

You would have a point if any of NOE recent initiatives had any tangible and long lasting sales success but I guess they're just saving their breath for the WiiU to go all out there.


For the projects of my sources, it's roughly 30 fps, in a V4 dev kit context with complex scenes rendered on the 480 padlet.

But it was in a certain step in development, before the arrival of "v5" dev kits, 2 SDK revisions before the currently available one, etc, etc. So you'll have like 4 or 5 layers of more optimizations/refinements/overall increase before release. Now, will they choose to run their game at, let's say, 45 fps, or go for 25/30 fps but with a lot of nice FX, and neat image quality with good amount of anti-aliasing and texture-filtering, from what i've heard, it clearly tends toward the latter case.

Again, the situation could be different for first-party titles, tailored from the beginning to the Wii U particularities, it may depend on the game also, less intricate geometry/scenery/demanding effects for 60 fps (party games, sports, etc.), and 30 fps for a content focused on solo campaign, etc.

45 is the max for ports of games that run at 30FPS on current-gen systems? That's pathetic. Pretty much worst case...


I'm not feeling this thread...

Don't worry Cabbie - it is going to get better. Right now, it's finding its sea legs. When news starts flowing in a few days, this place is going to look very different.

It might be "good-different."
Or it might be "bad-different."

But if you don't like it, wait a moment - it's bound to change.


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
What should worry people....
This thread has only been going a day and we're already over 1/8 of the way through it.
Right, that's why the 3DS and it's software is lighting the charts on fire in Europe. They are masters of their craft.

Hm. Do we have information on total hardware and software sales past the end of last year? I imagine we'll get a bunch of info on that at the end of the month, but I was wondering if any new data has appeared.
45 is the max for ports of games that run at 30FPS on current-gen systems? That's pathetic. Pretty much worst case...

That completely depends on what we're talking about.
Obviously middleware engines that aren't built for the system aren't going to see giant increases in performance.
Just like they didn't from XBox to 360 until years later.
Games/Series the HylianTom Has Spent 1000 Hours On:
- Super Mario Bros
- The Legend of Zelda
- Civilization
- Might & Magic
- The Elder Scrolls
I don't know what to say. I've piped hundreds of hours into Football management Sims.... butt wifeust demand to ouch of my time.

Although when I was in the forces we where stuck in Ireland for 6 months and probably pumped 1000's of hrs into Goldeneye and the WWF game on N64 at the time


That completely depends on what we're talking about.
Obviously middleware engines that aren't built for the system aren't going to see giant increases in performance.
Just like they didn't from XBox to 360 until years later.

Yeah, but still...

Well, it does prove my theory. The reason that DSII won't look and better on Wii U is that THQ doesn't think it would be significantly outclassed by other games on the system graphically.
45 is the max for ports of games that run at 30FPS on current-gen systems? That's pathetic. Pretty much worst case...

I'll take a "locked" 30fps with zero dips over games that occasionally dip to 23-25fps like a good portion of games today on 360/PS3.

Everybody wants 60fps, but realistically even if Nintendo launched a system 50x more powerful than 360 dev's would still push polys/effect/particles/physics/lighting/geometry to the wall and we'd still get 30fps in lots of games. Realistically I just want a consistently smooth framerate at native 720p or better.
Yeah, but still...

Well, it does prove my theory. The reason that DSII won't look and better on Wii U is that THQ doesn't think it would be significantly outclassed by other games on the system graphically.

No, the reason is that THQ is broke.
They didn't do anything for the PC version either, you know.
Yeah, but still...

Well, it does prove my theory. The reason that DSII won't look and better on Wii U is that THQ doesn't think it would be significantly outclassed by other games on the system graphically.
Bollocks... they can't guarantee a release date at this point on the game... so maybe they're trying to finish the game first and foremost?
Why would you spen more time doing additional stuff when you're already behind?

Plus you're up against EAD and Retro... competition


I don't know what to say. I've piped hundreds of hours into Football management Sims.... butt wifeust demand to ouch of my time.

Although when I was in the forces we where stuck in Ireland for 6 months and probably pumped 1000's of hrs into Goldeneye and the WWF game on N64 at the time

My other half used to whine when I play too much, but after 16 years, he has realized that I'm not going to change. Plus, we made it a point to grab a few games per generation that he would be interested in playing.

His all-time favorite? Zack and Wiki. We had an absolute blast going through this game. I honestly think it brought us a bit closer, since he finally realized - as he puts it - "the joy that one can receive from gaming."


aka Cabbie
Don't worry Cabbie - it is going to get better. Right now, it's finding its sea legs. When news starts flowing in a few days, this place is going to look very different.

It might be "good-different."
Or it might be "bad-different."

But if you don't like it, wait a moment - it's bound to change.
This thread is basically the Two Towers, but you're right, just one kernel of news will send it into ludicrous speed. :)

To me The Third felt like this

and this thread is like this...

with E3 of course being this.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Four threads, what the fuck? Is this place like the equivalent of caffinating a room full of kids and letting them loose in the ball pit at chuck e cheese? Ha.


No, the reason is that THQ is broke.
They didn't do anything for the PC version either, you know.

I didn't know that, especially after seeing the bullshots. :/

At the same time I think my theory will hold true for many other games. (And cause GAF to say, "HAHA WORSE THAN 360 THE RUMORS WERE TRUE!" when it does.) After all, competition is the only thing that would drive them to spend money to make it look better.

Also, GAF will say that every game looks worse than Uncarted 3, Gears 3, GoW4, and Halo 4 no matter what. You know that this is true.


Yeah, but still...

Well, it does prove my theory. The reason that DSII won't look and better on Wii U is that THQ doesn't think it would be significantly outclassed by other games on the system graphically.

The reason DSII and almost any other 3rd party port won't look any better on Wii U is simple. They make just as much money regardless of which platform a copy is sold for. Therefore why put effort into another platform for 0 net gain. In fact I think just having to put something on the Subscreen will annoy developers enough because they have to waste resources on doing it. Therefore most will just chuck an inventory or a map. Something that's easy to put there.

Wait until the 1st and 2nd party stuff comes, or Nintendo moneyhats some 3rd party to really show the thing off. Then we'll see it shine.




My source is my ass!
45 is the max for ports of games that run at 30FPS on current-gen systems? That's pathetic. Pretty much worst case...

45 was an assumption. It's just that even if there will be layers of increase until their projects releases, it won't be to a point of doubling the framerate from what i know at the moment.

Don't forget the context, and the more important point, this fluidity was witnessed while another view of the main screen was rendered on the padlet, a pretty demanding thing resource-wise. Use the DRC for a 2D inventory/map/virtual buttons, and studios will be able to tap into a non-negligible additional pool of capabilities, with positive results on the main screen (+fps, +IQ, we can even imagine +more intricate scenes with a dynamic engine).

For these titles, you'll basically have a 1x Xbox360 on your TV + a 0,3/0,4/0,5/0,6x Xbox 360 on your hands (480p "current gen" content in terms of complexity + the fact that calculating a different angle of what is displayed on the TV is though as some techies explained in thread 3) + 0,3/0,4/0,5/0,6x Xbox 360 thanks to final graphical polish, additions of effects in the end of development, better image quality, better framerate, thanks to new dev kits, sdk, further hardware and software optimizations, better handling of the asymmetrical hardware setup, improvement on the method to "dual render", etc.

And all this for third-parties ports or titles using inhouse engines already seen before, so expect more from first-parties.

It will be a noticeable leap in the hands of competent & serious & at least a tad ambitious and not-lazy developers.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'

Basically everyone on GAF comes in... posts witty one liners like yours and scarpers. :)
Ha, well we do have a lot of members. I looked in the other threads every now and then but it was sorta headache-inducing since there's not much to go on still.
45 was an assumption. It's just that even if there will be layers of increase until their projects releases, it won't be to a point of doubling the framerate from what i know at the moment.

Don't forget the context, and the more important point, this fluidity was witnessed while another view of the main screen was rendered on the padlet, a pretty demanding thing resource-wise. Use the DRC for a 2D inventory/map/virtual buttons, and studios will be able to tap into a non-negligible pool of capabilities, with positive results on the main screen (+fps, +IQ, we can even imagine +more intricate scenes with a dynamic engine).

For these titles, you'll basically have a 1x Xbox360 on your TV + a 0,3/0,4/0,5/0,6x Xbox 360 on your hands (480p "current gen" content in terms of complexity + the fact that calculating a different angle of what is displayed on the TV is though as some techies explained in thread 3) + 0,3/0,4/0,5/0,6x Xbox 360 thanks to final graphical polish, additions of effects in the end of development, better image quality, better framerate, thanks to new dev kits, sdk, further hardware and software optimizations, better handlin of the asymmetrical hardware setup, improvement on the method to "dual render", etc.

And all this for third-parties ports or titles using inhouse engines already seen before, so expect more from first-parties.

It will be a noticeable leap in the hands of competent & serious & at least a tad ambitious and not-lazy developers.

When you say "Xbox 360", you mean an early life Xbox 360 game, or a 2012 360 game ?


aka Cabbie
Ah shit, I forgot how much of an emotional shotgun FMA is. Sorry you two. D:

I'm glad there are fans in here though
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