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DayZ - zombie apocalypse online FFA permadeath survival Arma II mod


Today was fun :)


And bonus shot for Premature xD


Just set things up and i would need some help getting things playable, What is the most taxing thing video settings wise, I have a GTX 580 and an i7 950. I cranked a few things up and my FPS were around 20, which isn't the best.

Plus the mouse movement is completely unbearable, I can't seem to make it un-floaty, any help?


Last life, I thought the guy on the road was being chased by a zombie for 10 minutes. They kept looking back over their shoulder, nearly dead, and finally the guy caught up and it was apparently just their friend?

And then the friend lay down on the road and died. And then the camera guy kept running for a while longer until they got into a yard and then decided to respawn. Why didn't they respawn earlier? Why did the guy die on the road? These are mysteries that can only be answered NEXT TIME

Just set things up and i would need some help getting things playable, What is the most taxing thing video settings wise, I have a GTX 580 and an i7 950. I cranked a few things up and my FPS were around 20, which isn't the best.

Plus the mouse movement is completely unbearable, I can't seem to make it un-floaty, any help?
What resolution are you playing at? Are you forcing any AA or settings outside the game? I'd try turning down the AA and/or view distance first.

For mouse movement, try turning down the mouse smoothing slider in the control options. If that doesn't help, turn off vsync in visual options, and run D3DOverrider for vsync + triple buffering instead.


any good video without stupid commentary or shenagans.

I just want video of someone playing the game from start, showing what the game is (and the fear). Impressions from the one playing is ok as long as there is no introductory talk.
Tried joining about 5 minutes ago. The game crashed upon start up. Decided to do a fresh install. Currently downloading 14 gigs or so. Will go on a hour long run hopefully it is complete when I come back.


As in "Heathcliff"
I am tempted to buy PC for just this kind of game. I can tell that this game would be great for me. I don't feel like I want to make my own PC so what kind of laptop or PC should I get?
Waiting for a Steam sale to Arma 2 is pretty painful, especially while reading all of ya'lls great stories. ;__;

Watching the Criken stream right now, hope it lives up to the hype! ;D


The Criken stream is amazing.

It really is like a movie. I haven't seen it all but from what I've seen it keeps getting better and better. The ending scene is a great finale and you'll feel constant tension. Just like a brilliant movie.

Just skip the first hour or so.

Yeah, the second half is great. Loved watching while they we're lost in the woods at night and being hunted by bandits.


You guys how would an nVidia BFG gtx260 card handle this mod/game? Already trying to build a cheap gaming rig. Mine plays it but its a bit slow. (Vanilla Arma2)


Watched some videos (AWESOME), downloaded ARMA II Free to see how possible it would be to run that thing on my lame PC, found out that

- on lowest settings the speed is tolerable, the details not so much, might be a disadvantage
- I suck incredibly and the interface is not helping
- the game definitely is not supposed to be played in singleplayer (AI too dumb for this kind of game)

Now what to do. I could just buy the entire 50 dollar pack and hope I get better in time, or wait until it gets cheaper to lower the potential loss if I don't.


I got shot by a teammate :/ and now we made our way back to the shore before dying :( need to find you tomorrow again!

As for my stream I shall be back on tomorrow at www.livestream.com/problematicgamer at about 17:30 GMT or so and will meet with GAF people as I go along haha
That sucks, looking forward to teaming up with you guys again sometime. I left off in a fairly good spot but all the ammo I'll have when I get back in is a single revolver bullet...

The M.O.B

I saw a guy in the tower firing bullets and ducked. Never got to fire a shot off. I was gonna be the cavalry, ready to flank the invaders. ;~;

Oh it must have been someone else, I spotted you outside our warehouse by a wall and figured you were the one shooting.


I saw a guy in the tower firing bullets and ducked. Never got to fire a shot off. ;~;

Your group broke my legs and the pain made me blind, i survived your vicious and prolonged assualt though and escaped to a better life on the coast :p

Edit: it seems you weren't part of the group.


Just lost a 6+ hour character. I had tons of cool shit, like a flashlight, compas, watch, Alice Pack, lots of blood, food, painkillers etc. A bandit tried to jump me earlier today in Cherno, I managed to kill him but he hurt me bad. I had to log, and when I came back, it was night, and I was so hurt I could barely see. I kept passing out, and was trying to get help in Cherno, but I wandered in front of a zombie, and died. Oh well, trying to get onto a better ping server to start over.


Your group broke my legs and the pain made me blind, i survived your vicious and prolonged assualt though and escaped to a better life on the coast :p

Oh, no. They weren't my group. I ran from Kamenka to Cherno since I heard you guys were under fire in the stream.


Ha, I read that post as there being a new Criken live stream too. Sort of disappointed; sort of relieved that I don't need to have an internal debate over whether it'd be worth fucking up my bedtime.


hmm, Everytime I launch the game from Steam it won't detect the mod, So I have to use ArmA 2 Launcher to play. Anyone have this problem also?
hmm, Everytime I launch the game from Steam it won't detect the mod, So I have to use ArmA 2 Launcher to play. Anyone have this problem also?

I launch from "Play Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead" instead of the launch combined op option. If i try through launch combined ops it opens a command prompt and closes. Launching through the play option works perfect though, for me.

The M.O.B

who was it that mob tried to lure into the firestation then that we started shooting at and couldn't kill?

Some random guy named "Harry", I later went out to see if he was still around and he was waiting for me on the roof shooting at me, and then he fell off the roof and died right outside lol

Also it sucks I had a jerry can but couldn't find a vehicle to use it with :( Would be amazing if we could pile everyone into a vehicle drive around.
Today was fun :)

Wait wait wait!!! Are you telling me you shot me on purpose :/ damn you! I would have killed you!

Some random guy named "Harry", I later went out to see if he was still around and he was waiting for me on the roof shooting at me, and then he fell off the roof and died right outside lol

Also it sucks I had a jerry can but couldn't find a vehicle to use it with :( Would be amazing if we could pile everyone into a vehicle drive around.

This should be are plan tomorrow :D find a bus or car :)


Some random guy named "Harry", I later went out to see if he was still around and he was waiting for me on the roof shooting at me, and then he fell off the roof and died right outside lol

Also it sucks I had a jerry can but couldn't find a vehicle to use it with :(

hahaha,i was wondering why the roof was leaking blood at one point.

Which vehicles are repairable, like, how do you spot them, do they look different to the wrecked vehicles on the roadside or are they infact the wrecked vehicles on the roadside?
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