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The Wii U Speculation Thread V: The Final Frontier

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unlike MATTYB's leak

if IdeaMan posted all he knew, I don't really see how he would be tracked back to his source to get anyone fired. This is the issue I have with all of this, if you know something say it clearly or say you cannot share any info and don't tease people for months

this whole new desire and need to wait for a debut thread was the last straw for me, that just sends out all the wrong vibes for me. So I've been seeing him as more of a Lex Luthor than the hero we all wanted him to be these past few months.

Poor guy, he does not see this cannot end well :3

Totally agree. It just comes off as fishy, and if not that, then a little bit attention driven. I'm fine if he wants to share info, but don't dangle it over others like some proverbial carrot, setting arbitrary dates and tasks to please some ego.

If you got something to say, then say it, or don't.
So did this Matty guy who leaked the controller pic get in trouble/canned?

And no offense, but IdeaMan's thread better be good. The bar has been set higher since he got scooped on the controller photo.

thats just it even if he delivers I will resent him for spoiling Nintendo's Party for me... he cannot win no matter what he does... But now he is RESPONSIBLE for all of our anxiety :p


Like I said earlier, what he wants to leak might get leaked before he can leak it. :p

Or that's exactly what he wants cause he's got nothing. Stalling and "polishing" his big reveals until someone else actually leaks something and he comes in all "oh no, somebody beat me to it".


One reason I haven't found PA funny in years is that it seems they can't go just one strip without dropping the F word or using profanity and crude humor. I like Jerry Seinfeld's take on frequent use of the F word and vulgar language that he mentioned once in an interview when asked why he doesn't go that route: "Because it's poor workmanship. You're shocking the audience into a response."

Eh, I'm fine with it if it still is funny, and I'm a guy who loves the show Seinfeld, and enjoys Seinfeld's stand-up quite a bit. Vulgarity isn't really all that shocking anymore, especially in PA's case. It's just something used to enhance emotions or feelings.

Even back when George Carlin used the words you can't say on TV in his act, it was to show the absurdity of censorship, but I'm sure it was shocking to some, and that did make it funnier, but it also made the message a lot more pungent as well.

As someone who loves stand-up, I think both are viable styles, and it always comes down to the character of the comedian to see what works and what doesn't for them.
Or that's exactly what he wants cause he's got nothing. Stalling and "polishing" his big reveals until someone else actually leaks something and he comes in all "oh no, somebody beat me to it".

I would be amused if some excitable mod decided to ban him within an hour of him hitting Member status. I don't hate or doubt IdeaMan like so many other people do, but I understand where they're all coming from.


Why would he do it in a new thread? Why not just post it here? Doesn't he understand that people who don't read this thread are going to be confused as fuck if he as no links or sources for this stuff?


I would be amused if some excitable mod decided to ban him within an hour of him hitting Member status. I don't hate or doubt IdeaMan like so many other people do, but I understand where they're all coming from.

I don't hate him or doubt him (has he actually "revealed" anything?) but I dislike people who crave attention at any cost and he obviously does. Hinting to reveal hints and making everyone wait for scraps of bullshit is just that, bullshit.


Oh god. Dr. Tre. That guy was rather obnoxious on the IGN Wii boards about 5 years ago. He was a narcissistic semi-troll who claimed The Conduit was going to be the greatest game of all time.

If this Ideaman gentleman is this drtre character, this is bullshit. Hell, whoever it is, it's bullshit. But yeah, IGN. Terrible place.
"What kinda s---hole planet is this?!" comes immediately to mind.

lol That was MST3K the Movie where they basically indulged in a few "We're not on TV right now so we're gonna take advantage of the PG-13 rating even if it's cheap" moments. Definitely the rare exception, not the norm for their humor and writing.

Yeah, if it's a shitty reveal, I'll be PISSE.....won't care at all.

E3 is so close.

Haha This.

Like I said earlier, what he wants to leak might get leaked before he can leak it. :p

Which begs the question is he really leaking anything anymore?

thats just it even if he delivers I will resent him for spoiling Nintendo's Party for me... he cannot win no matter what he does... But now he is RESPONSIBLE for all of our anxiety :p

Dang, that's harsh. Haha

Matty is likely going to be fired and blacklisted from the industry unless he has some powerful friends somewhere. At QA level to fuck up like that is a kiss of death

Ouch, that's what I figured. I have a theory he was as fed up as we were with the slow trickle of news and hated his job anyways so decided to go out in a blaze of glory.


Even back when George Carlin used the words you can't say on TV in his act, it was to show the absurdity of censorship, but I'm sure it was shocking to some, and that did make it funnier, but it also made the message a lot more pungent as well.
How I miss George Carlin. My parents were pretty strict about what music or movies I could consume growing-up, but they made a point of letting me watch his specials because of his talents as a wordsmith. There will never be another one like him. :(

Yep the megaton will be lights on the controller around the home button.
I'm racking my brain, trying to think of what it could be. Lots of folks swear it isn't haptics, NFC is known already, 3D is already ruled-out.. I'm drawing a blank here.

No matter what, it's been a fun ride, and I'm trying to not take it too seriously.


Oh god. Dr. Tre. That guy was rather obnoxious on the IGN Wii boards about 5 years ago. He was a narcissistic semi-troll who claimed The Conduit was going to be the greatest game of all time.

If this Ideaman gentleman is this drtre character, this is bullshit. Hell, whoever it is, it's bullshit. But yeah, IGN. Terrible place.

Conduit 2 Wii U?


I'm just curious as to why people trust him if he's only someone who's joined up this past year and is still a junior. I'm not saying I mistrust all juniors or newcomers, I'm just curious as to why everyone has so much faith in something that is virtually unknown as to whether it's true or not at this point. What proof backs him up as a legitimate source? Once again, I have nothing against the man, I just am asking the questions that I feel need to be asked.




Conduit 2 Wii U?

*Shudders* I'll tell you, the two Conduit games are just about the worst two things on the Wii. Oh, look, if we make a game covered in glossy shaders, it'll be awesome and sweet like the Halos and Callofdutys. Blehhhh.

Give me more unique games like Elebits and Ivy the Kiwi and less "nerd in a dragon shirt trying to be cool" games like The Conduit on WiiU.


Hang on what has Ideaman actually revealed? If I'm remembering correctly the sticks didn't come from him. All I remember is talk about different versions of the dev kits and talk of the OS size. Stuff like that can't be confirmed unless someone else leaks with more detail.
How I miss George Carlin. My parents were pretty strict about what music or movies I could consume growing-up, but they made a point of letting me watch his specials because of his talents as a wordsmith. There will never be another one like him. :(

I'm racking my brain, trying to think of what it could be. Lots of folks swear it isn't haptics, NFC is known already, 3D is already ruled-out.. I'm drawing a blank here.

No matter what, it's been a fun ride, and I'm trying to not take it too seriously.
Yea Im just relaxing whatever he says its whatever. I know the only true megatons will be at Nintendos E3 confrence.That is all.


I'm just curious as to why people trust him if he's only someone who's joined up this past year and is still a junior. I'm not saying I mistrust all juniors or newcomers, I'm just curious as to why everyone has so much faith in something that is virtually unknown as to whether it's true or not at this point. What proof backs him up as a legitimate source? Once again, I have nothing against the man, I just am asking the questions that I feel need to be asked.

Lherre chatted with him in PM rather early on and basically confirmed that he is legit.


Hang on what has Ideaman actually revealed? If I'm remembering correctly the sticks didn't come from him. All I remember is talk about different versions of the dev kits and talk of the OS size. Stuff like that can't be confirmed unless someone else leaks with more detail.
Dude! The colour of the latest dev kit has CHANGED!
Nintendo's recent game releases have been on Fridays: Kid Icarus, Spirit Camera. It seems to be a trend (and, I speculate, the reason why Amazon has resumed carrying Nintendo goods).

There are many other reasons why the list is probably fake. But the Friday thing might hold the least water of them.
The fact that there is any date at all is the biggest proof that it is fake. No developer would know the release date at this point, not one, no matter how big they are. The only way Nintendo would tell any developer outside the company the release date this early would be if the system was releasing in like August or September. No matter how big the developer, Nintendo just doesn't give them that information. The only thing less likely would have been if they had given a price, something Nintendo doesn't tell developers ever, as they don't need to know that.


*Shudders* I'll tell you, the two Conduit games are just about the worst two things on the Wii. Oh, look, if we make a game covered in glossy shaders, it'll be awesome and sweet like the Halos and Callofdutys. Blehhhh.

Give me more unique games like Elebits and Ivy the Kiwi and less "nerd in a dragon shirt trying to be cool" games like The Conduit on WiiU.
I still wish Nintendo would seek to make their console the go-to place for action-adventure gaming (Metroid/Castlevania/Kid Icarus/Zelda/StarTropics clones) and 16-bit/32-bit-style jRPG gaming. If they put their emphasis on making these types of games and attracting third-party efforts of these types, I'd bet that core gamers would respond quite positively.


Don't remember the whole show, but I think he had some valid criticisms and concern. Either way, he's one of the best of the industry, and a veteran in his own right. I will always enjoy his view on things, no matter how much they may or may not contrast with mine. I always appreciate those with insight.

I tuned him out when he started railing on the name like it was poison. Can't consider that "valid criticism".

Already posted, totally fake.
The fact that there is any date at all is the biggest proof that it is fake.

I agree (although I admit didn't think of it like that). Like you said, a developer wouldn't know the exact date until the masses do outside of maybe a range of a month or two.

That the date is on a Friday is irrelevant and unnecessary for debunking this "rumor."


I *JUST* commented on that. He gives price and release date, two things that no developer would possibly know at this point.
Sorry, I just saw it and posted it here, didn't even see the last few posts =P
I thought that it was likely that Wii U games wouldn't be 1080p? Weren't people complaining about that the other day?
I thought 1080p was the only thing that Nintendo actually confirmed last year?


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Matty is likely going to be fired and blacklisted from the industry unless he has some powerful friends somewhere. At QA level to fuck up like that is a kiss of death

I find it a little amusing that an important Nintendo NDA was spilled by an Xbox super fan. Also, I can't remember any other time where Nintendo has been burned by leaked media/pics.
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