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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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erotic butter maelstrom
yeah. for some reason I never really thought about it until after I split with my ex. it probably invades my mind because it's the most meaningful thing that could happen in my life at this point, I'm not gonna get rich and travel the world or whatever. but I don't know any girls I'd want to do that with and I'm pretty fucked up so I guess it's not worth thinking about right now.


im definitely having kids one day, assuming i find a suitable mate. for damn sure.

one day im going to compile drunk thread into one epic depressing poem. this shit is beautiful.
Little shadyspaces, snugglers, and coldveins running around?

That's some surreal stuff right there.

edit: Aww shit. It's past 2 am...

Need to sleep.


i want to sit on a wooden porch in a rocking chair with you guys and drink whiskey and lemonade, no ****. if its on the front of an orphanage thats fine.

*potentially offensive word censored, what is the world coming to?


coldvein I'm thinking Seattle New Years Eve, what say you?

I'm so depressed right now. I read the pumpkin hard cider ingredients and it's all apple juice.


coldvein I'm thinking Seattle New Years Eve, what say you?

I'm so depressed right now. I read the pumpkin hard cider ingredients and it's all apple juice.

If it's dark and brown, you're in cider town. If it's light and yellow, you've got juice there fella.

Also, fuck those Volkswagon Vans, I want a 6 door Buick


Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah I'm up.
Passed out after 5 brown shuggas, but I completed the ratatouille bake and it was great. Got a heavy beer hangover and its super foggy.


erotic butter maelstrom
Not to promote a healthy lifestyle, but man there's nothing better then starting the day with a good jog/bike ride to some quality tunes. Shit is revitalizing. Of course it's always best after a wake and bake, drugs are great.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah I get stoned and jog all the time man it makes me feel good. I asol notice lots of ladies looking at my junk because I wear tiny shorts. I always think "if only she knew how high I am"


Checking in for my first drunk thread appearance.

Spiced rum and coke makes me do crazy things.

At least i don't have work in 6 hours...

Fuckin' with Sailor Jerry?

Welcome aboard, matey!

greasers vs. socs

good to see you DANGER STEPP!
Good to see you, too!

Also, good to see Atra got his pickle TICKLED!!!

I hit the Makers 46 pretty hard and ended up watching Big Trouble in Little China while taking out the rest of my white bean chicken chili.

Life doesn't get much better than that, boys.


good credit (by proxy)
Wait, wait a minute? Atra got laid?


Also, when you've washed your hands like twice and there's only a hint of that smell wafting off, it kinda smells good. Rub your fingers all over your chest, it's like cologne that'll attract other women. Make sure you get some period blood all on you too next time.


good credit (by proxy)
I hope you don't catch AIDS dick, that shit can spread easily to your butthole if you sweat a lot down there.


Also, when you've washed your hands like twice and there's only a hint of that smell wafting off, it kinda smells good. Rub your fingers all over your chest, it's like cologne that'll attract other women. Make sure you get some period blood all on you too next time.


being covered in period blood sure does make you feel like a fucking SAVAGE. i dig it.


My ex leaked all over my bed the first time I had sex. It was pretty disgusting, but I didn't want her to feel bad. I remember covering it up with a black sheet and just saying it was only a little.
Last night before I feel asleep this "revelation" popped into my head that I and everyone here on earth are the products of many eons of fucking.

I'm like "Whoa... That's a lot of fucking."


What ever happened to the pages on a google image search? This "show more results" just isn't the same. When I go to the next page, I don't want to see all of the previous pages. It might be time for a search engine switch.


miller lites and herb

think im just gonna spin some records and fuck around on the internet and not watch this sunday night football game.

sundays man

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
So I went up to Whole Foods to grab some beer. As I'm crossing the street I see one of those easel shaped traffic warning things hurled out into traffic. I look and see these dudes brawling. So I kinda look for a while but then decide to mind my own business and just go into the shopping center. As I walk past the same gas station that I just recently pulled the active gas hose out of my car spewing gas EVERYWHERE. I see my dude Cameron in the window. I only know his name is Cameron because I asked after it became apparent he was going to clean up my mess. Anyway so he asks me whats up and I say its just some dudes fighting.

Well, as we're kinda chatting this kid probably 17 maybe walks past the guys.. nerdy looking kid is walking his dog. And both these dudes just start pushing him around. I see them push him on the ground and like a superhero Cameron goes "oh shit theyre fucking up a white guy" and just bails out of the gas station leaving it completely unattended. At this point my only choice is to either A.] join the fight or B.] go buy beer.

So I go and buy some beer.

10 minutes later on my way back theres a good crowd now. Like 12 people maybe. The two guys fighting had worked their way to the gas station and were making a HUGE scene. It looks like Cameron didn't take any punches and the guy with the dog is ok. They're both just kinda watching these dudes throw down. I tried to go talk to Cameron but he was SUPER fired up. He was definitely in lizard brain mode. So I kinda just walk off because I don't want to be a gawker like the rest of everyone. But as I'm just about to cross the street again a cop car shoots into the complex, I see everyone pointing at the two guys. Anyway, the second the cop gets out of the car one of the guys just takes a HUGE BRUTAL swing at the cop. Like just, the second the cops foot hit the asphalt this guy just went at him. I see the cop take him to the ground and everyone starts cheering.

Well, thats the story of how I bought some beer. Trying to decide if its appropriate to bring Cameron a joint or something. He was super cool about when I spilled gas everywhere and apparently is more of a "man" than I am because I wouldn't have instinctually dropped everything to go pull that guy up off the ground like he did. But its also his place of employment, etc.. I'm not sure he would appreciate that.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah it kinda choked me up for a second. But I'm also one of those people that will just spontaneously cry a few times a day so its not really that notable. Just super intense. I'm nearly positive the guys were completely completely out of their minds on drugs. I also just have this crazy intense respect for Cameron now. Its really funny, my and my dudelady joke about Cameron all the time ever since I spilled gas everywhere. I want to be his friend.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I've got a problem. This isn't a swingin' dick contest its a legitimate problem that is affecting my happiness. The girl I hang out with is too cute. Shes not beautiful, shes not hot or gorgeous. Shes cute. Too cute. I find myself letting her get away with murder. And I'm ok with this. Which is the problem. My last "seriously serious I'm gonna marry you" relationship was with a lady [not a women or girl] that was in the gorgeous category. Scouts honor, at some point in her life she will have a magazine cover. It might be a crappy Portland CraftArt-Zine cover, but a cover nonetheless.

Anyway. 85% of the time we are in complete sync.. and its just like its supposed to be. But when we're out of sync I find myself making concessions I've never made before. Its not quite "how high should I jump" levels, but in the same ball park. And I don't know why I do this, other than she is just such a fucking cutie. It makes me feel less valuable when it does happen, but on the other side it also makes me feel so good watching her smile. I look at most relationships as super long term. I'm just that type of personality, I'm not really a one night stand type of guy. And I've known this girl for about two years now.. but neither of us will commit. And I'm starting think its not going to happen, true committment, that is. We spend weekends together, we go on small excursions, we do projects... but when it gets down to I gotta fold your underwear and oh yeah theres no food around here so we have to go shopping type of stuff it gets kinda........ distant. Its just leaving me very confused.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I think this is the very tough and painful realization I'm slowly coming to.
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