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Fall 2012 Anime |OT| Meet the new world, same as the old world

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School Days 10


Aw, man, shit's about to go down. Hidden camera in the break room; how did I not see THAT one coming from a mile away. It's official now; Makoto's a lying, two-timing shitbag and EVERYBODY KNOWS IT. Including Sekai. The floor beneath Makoto's feet are collapsing, and oh how glorious it shall be!

Kotonoha really just became one pathetic creature. To be in such denial... damn that must suck. Props to Setsura for finally-finally!-getting Makoto to officially break it off with her... and then fuck her ass for going down on him herself. Some friend you are.

But, hey, that's minor. All that's important is that Makoto is going to have to answer for his actions...


Nooo! You must find a way to persevere!


The original writer is working on that at the moment, I believe. And that new title might get adapted... eventually.

Yeah, it did seem too obvious to pass up, really. I'm enjoying the series as is anyway, so it's all good.

It's easy solution time! Just put them together again for another crazy one-off project!

Don't write depressing things like this, please?
Ebiten 03


So instead of doing bondage time with the Mikuru clone, we do imouto hates onee-sama time!

Not even sure what they were parodying if anything this episode either. This episode was also so :sdbutron it was off the charts.


It's impossible to deny that there are fewer talented mechanical animators still focusing on key animation. But it's a lot harder to argue that there are fewer talented mechanical animators per mecha show, especially when you factor in Sunrise's and I guess Satelight's 3DCG A-teams.

Some things that would get done in painstaking sakuga detail in the old days get halfassed now, sure, but a lot of that is better budgeting and planning spreading out resources, a lot of that is the uniquely middlebrow taste for even mediocrity that dominates buying habits now, and a lot of that is an increase in screen time due to making more scenes that can be safely meh in 3DCG rather than either sakuga or meguca by hand.


It's impossible to deny that there are fewer talented mechanical animators still focusing on key animation. But it's a lot harder to argue that there are fewer talented mechanical animators per mecha show, especially when you factor in Sunrise's and I guess Satelight's 3DCG A-teams.

Some things that would get done in painstaking sakuga detail in the old days get halfassed now, sure, but a lot of that is better budgeting and planning spreading out resources, a lot of that is the uniquely middlebrow taste for even mediocrity that dominates buying habits now, and a lot of that is an increase in screen time due to making more scenes that can be safely meh in 3DCG rather than either sakuga or meguca by hand.

Lets not forget meh 2D animation like Shin Mazinger Z!


So I guess this is the Vividred Operation PV, huh.


As something from the Strike Witches team, it might be a little NSFW in places, I dunno.
Well, I watched Strike Witches, so I'll probably watch this. Nothing to really get excited about other than hotpants and some staff names.

Wait, KyoAni created two of the crappier characters in Chuunibyou of their own volition? Why?
Apparently, they felt that there weren't enough characters for a TV series according to a translated magazine scan. I think it makes sense, even if some people might feel that they're worse than Nibutani and Rikka.

Godlike. This is hilarious.
Why do people suggesting skipping My Conquest Is the Sea of Stars? I started with that, and seeing as it was the first thing animated and it comes first chronologically, it seems like the best place to start.

It's good, and I suppose it's an alright place to start, but I think it can be better appreciated with some knowledge of the series proper under your belt. Otherwise you're going to be wondering "Why are they focusing on this guy who isn't doing much of anything (but it turns out will have an important role later in the story)?" a lot.

Errr, yeah, I have absolutely no idea where to start with NeraGaku. it's... an odd, odd movie. The tone was pretty much the exact opposite of what anyone seemed to be expecting - it's kind of moe-moe, it's incredibly comedic. It's almost like it's channelling KyoAni at times, having a very similar sense of humour...

It's also an incredibly confusing mess, narratively. It makes not a lick of sense by the time you get to the end, and doesn't really deliver much in the way of, well, schools in peril, or psychic school wars, inspite of its title. BluWacky, who at least has the benefit of having seen the 1981 live action version, thinks that it's expecting you to have read the original short story in order to piece together what's actually going on. For those of us who haven't, we get a comedy trip to the beach in the middle of a typhoon right when you'd be expecting the climatic battle...

Yeah, it's odd. Xenoglossia-level subversive, really. It's just kind of peculiar that a movie which claims to be about communication fails to actually communicate what it going on in a coherent fashion. Might be the point, I guess. I think the people who left before the end of the credits may have a completely different impression of the ending, too.

It is a fairly pretty movie, though, short some slightly-too-frequently used CGI ocean shots (Enoshima again, by the way). Mostly decent character animation, if exaggerated in terms of the lack of gravity at times. Lots of lens flair. Lots of cherry blossoms, too.

I'm pretty sure the movie is going to pick up a fan base purely for the heroines, though...

That does sound pretty weird, and not at all what I would have expected from the director, given his previous works. I wonder how this came about.


Galactic Cyclone Bryger 10

Angel Omachi's backstory this time? I'm curious when they'll touch on Isaac's as he's the most enigmatic of the team so far. Also curious if a true villain ever shows up as so far it's been nebulous criminal organizations which is sort of refreshing regardless.


[Sword Art Online] - 16

Shouldn't the title of this show change now? I know marketing would dictate that it shouldn't, but still, it's not really accurate at this point.
Apparently, they felt that there weren't enough characters for a TV series according to a translated magazine scan. I think it makes sense, even if some people might feel that they're worse than Nibutani and Rikka.

Besides pillow girl, what other characters was made for the anime?


[Sword Art Online] - 16: Actual Review

The team working on this show appear to have made some interesting choices when adapting this portion of the material. Judging by this episode and last episode the show is going to be paced significantly slower than it was earlier. This makes sense given the context of the storyline but it is a little jarring going from episodes that covered weeks or months to episodes that cover hours. It's like going from the Bronze Age of Civilisation to the Industrial age without passing through any of the other time periods. I think this really benefits the series because I know feel like things are being shown in greater depth rather than just glossing over the surface of the events. Unfortunately, how you feel about this really depends on your appreciation of the show as a whole. If you think it's dumb, which many parts of it really are, then it's probably a bad thing because slow-paced character and world development are probably not what you're looking for and boy is there plenty to dislike about this particular arc.


Weird, wouldn't have thought she was. Now I understand why they would add more characters.

I've read that the best friend character had a bigger role in the original, but I guess the anime downgraded him by creating Deko and Kumin. Female characters are better than male, after all.


I forgot to mention that Kirito is overpowered as fuck, which is not something I say lightly. Let the power fantasy continue.
I've read that the best friend character had a bigger role in the original, but I guess the anime downgraded him by creating Deko and Kumin. Female characters are better than male, after all.

Characters like him are almost always dumb, so I'm grateful.


I dont' understand what you mean. What about ALO?

Well it wouldn't make any sense for Kirito to be overpowered in ALO because he just started the game, but nevertheless because of magic plot hax he gets to keep his old stats, ensuring that he's OP as all hell.

I suppose that I really shouldn't be poisoning the thread with this kind of talk.
Nah. Just keep it the same title.

That's like calling every series "A Game of Thrones".
Sword Art Online 16

This was yet another disappointingly mediocre, uneventful episode. The slow, gradual pacing would likely work if the execution wasn't so thoroughly middling or if any of the narrative developments were particularly meaningful, but, unfortunately, the majority of them won't be. The background art is great, and, as such, ALfheim Online is a pretty good setting, but the character designs aren‘t visually appealing at all.

's return was nice, as she’s one of the best, most useful characters; certainly far better than any of the others currently involved in the story. Recon was awful in his temporary appearance. Of course, that incredibly grating voice doesn't help. As for Suguha, she continues to be uninteresting and comparatively insufferable, which was made apparent yet again with that ridiculously exaggerated choking scene. As of yet, one of my largest criticisms of ALO is that Suguha's actually portrayed as some sort of realistic romantic interest, which feels entirely forced and artificial, and it definitely hurts the story immensely, since she's
far too prevalent

All in all, Sword Art Online is increasingly devolving into a tedious, unenjoyable mess, since it lacks a sense of compelling cohesion, and this episode only served to largely remind me of the plethora of reasons why I dislike this arc immensely. Though the first arc didn’t particularly impress with it’s writing, Fairy Dance deteriorates into something thoroughly flawed, much more noticeably than SAO ever was, due mostly to
contrived isolation in a
for an unnecessarily large portion of the story, which creates an inability for important character development to occur.


Tragic victim of fan death
Well it wouldn't make any sense for Kirito to be overpowered in ALO because he just started the game, but nevertheless because of magic plot hax he gets to keep his old stats, ensuring that he's OP as all hell.

True but at least the author tried to justify it.
Well it wouldn't make any sense for Kirito to be overpowered in ALO because he just started the game, but nevertheless because of magic plot hax he gets to keep his old stats, ensuring that he's OP as all hell.

And that's why it's still called Sword Art Online.

Would you rather the author gloss over it and just leave it up in the air?

It's not a one or the other thing. There are other options.


Sword Art Online 16

This was yet another disappointingly mediocre, uneventful episode. The slow, gradual pacing would likely work if the execution wasn't so thoroughly middling or if any of the narrative developments were particularly meaningful, but, unfortunately, the majority of them won't be. The background art is great, and, as such, ALfheim Online is a pretty good setting, but the character designs aren‘t visually appealing at all.

I don't really think the execution is middling. Sure, the cinematography isn't as varied or interesting as something like Zetsuen but the animation, background art, sound mix, editing etc is all at an above average level. However the material itself is the real problem.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Would you rather the author gloss over it and just leave it up in the air?
If we are talking about things we want I would rather have you post your episode reviews with fancy titles like your GameFAQs reviews.


Sword Art Online 16

Yeah, they did slow down the pacing compared to what I was expecting. Makes sense though, since they still have 9 more episodes to cover the rest of the arc.


God, this whole project seems like a waste of time. I wonder if the fanboys handed over their paychecks and went out to see it in force.

Oh you! So kawaii!

Speaking of Shaft, I guess... YuriSketch Bees 3

Damn Miyako is Miyawesome. Yet another fun episode.

Some cultural things I didn't know about:

I didn't know milk "cured" garlic breath.


Japanese schools are poor. :p
Given how stupidly hot and humid it seems to get in Japan, not having AC sounds like a such a pain!

If Madoka movies in any way financed more Hidamari or any other Shaft project, then its something worth doing.

Mirai Nikki 26 fin

I loved it! At times I was annoyed by Yukki being a whiny lil child, but the directors seemed to be aware of that too because a lot of characters addressed his coward character.

Awesome characters, Murmur, Deus, Akisa Aru, 9th... Yuno was cool. A crazy twisted cute girl, need more of this! I would love to see a normal Yuno.

I shall give this a 7/10

They could make an OVA spinoff, like Elfen Lied did. Maybe a housemaid Yuno. It would be hilarious.

My little Monster 1-3

I really recommend watching this, but as I am probably the last person in this thread who watched it.
Although Haru's behaviour really bothered me at first.

Haru's behavior is kind of supposed to bother you. He's a little monster. a total social failure. Shizuku has to turn him around. Therein lies the fun!

But Madoka is a pure marketing show that isn't very creative.

Madoka is a fucking amazing anime. It was well marketed but it was also very well written and had great character designs. Unless you hate Ume Aoki characters, in which case, we cannot be friends.

Shojo night was quite good Last night. I have alreadu watched Ouran and Kuragahime, but it made me want to watch Nana
and I would say Kimi no Todoke wif the main girl didn't remind me of my Ex :(

People were great and lighthearted as well.

You should watch Fruits Basket for nostalgia's sake and maybe some Full Moon O Sagashite. Shoujo is good for the soul.

Best ending: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEKnEaIkl1k


[Sword Art Online] - 16

Shouldn't the title of this show change now? I know marketing would dictate that it shouldn't, but still, it's not really accurate at this point.

Not every studio can be Sunrise...


Although I feel like they mishandled the pacing of the Kintama adaptation. They threw basically two chapters into the first episode and afterwards switched to a slower pacing. That kind of hurts the whole thing they were trying to do.

Manga readers actually went through one week where "Kintoki" was the new protagonist and even had a brief recap/character intro of the series in the begging of the second chapter, before the reveal of his real personality and nature in the second chapter (the same conclusion as in the first Kintama tv episode).



Gainax trolled me with their anniversary anime show Kono Minikuku mo Utsukushii Sekai. It had cute Mahoromatic clones, an interesting sounding story, a great first episode, and then proceeded to fall the fuck apart. fuck you Gainax.

Aoi Sekai no Chuushin de 01:

Way to completely strip the concept of any amusing commentary it could have had on the console wars by having the characters be vaguely game-themed but be generic stock characters in a generic RPG setting doing generic things, complete with shitty fanservice. It's like one of those terrible 90s fantasy OVAs a la Detatoko Princess that tried to ride Slayers' coattails but were just a soulless amalgamation of fantasy/RPG/animu tropes without any sort of character or personality whatsoever. Dropped.

So its a lot like SAO?

From what I've seen of ToonamiGAF's reactions, you should be in for a ride.

Madoka did it better.

I love these pictures. are there any more?

School Days 10


Aw, man, shit's about to go down. Hidden camera in the break room; how did I not see THAT one coming from a mile away. It's official now; Makoto's a lying, two-timing shitbag and EVERYBODY KNOWS IT. Including Sekai. The floor beneath Makoto's feet are collapsing, and oh how glorious it shall be!

Kotonoha really just became one pathetic creature. To be in such denial... damn that must suck. Props to Setsura for finally-finally!-getting Makoto to officially break it off with her... and then fuck her ass for going down on him herself. Some friend you are.

But, hey, that's minor. All that's important is that Makoto is going to have to answer for his actions...



Oh delicious!
Sorry to hear that though. It adds a new layer of trolling in a way though. This is probably an even better way to experience it.

Ebiten 03

So instead of doing bondage time with the Mikuru clone, we do imouto hates onee-sama time!

Not even sure what they were parodying if anything this episode either. This episode was also so :sdbutron it was off the charts.

So many shows I cant even keep track anymore :(

Wasnt some additional Mirai Nikki project supposed to be coming?

I have no idea but I'd totally watch it if there was.
I don't really think the execution is middling. Sure, the cinematography isn't as varied or interesting as something like Zetsuen but the animation, background art, sound mix, editing etc is all at an above average level. However the material itself is the real problem.

True, but I'm currently writing my review for From the New World, which excels in it's execution, so I was likely and unfairly swayed by that a bit. I simply thought the execution was slightly worse than usual throughout the episode, and it's typically quite good. As such, the background art was great, but, comparatively, the animation was occasionally unimpressive and the direction rather uninteresting. However, it's certainly a very minor, insignificant complaint next to the considerable criticisms I have of the material for this arc.


Tragic victim of fan death
True, but I'm currently writing my review for From the New World, which excels in it's execution, so I was likely and unfairly swayed by that a bit. I simply thought the execution was slightly worse than usual throughout the episode, and it's typically quite good. As such, the background art was great, but, comparatively, the animation was occasionally unimpressive and the direction rather uninteresting. However, it's certainly a very minor, insignificant complaint next to the considerable criticisms I have of the material for this arc.

Everyone pretty much regards FD as shit. I actually liked FD a lot. We'll see what happens as the weeks go by.


I'm off tomorrow and Monday on a temporary 5-2 schedule, which will suck but I will make a lot of extra cash over the next few months, so I guess I will have to catch up on new shows rather quickly so I don't fall behind (again)
Sword Art Online 16

I wonder how many things I should just not care about.

Hm, it was ok I guess. The reasoning behind why let's play a new microwave capable game is pretty stupid. Might as well just have said sure, let's play a new game again. The whole new game+ ordeal was whatever too.

Action wasn't terrible. Yeah, wasn't terrible. Hopefully at the very least, it doesn't get into the whole overdrama of the first arc or whatever and instead is about Batman being god in a MMO.
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