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Square Enix Member Survey-What qualities do you like most about Lightning?


Well she doesn't, which is probably why I don't like her. She doesn't have anything that makes me care about her character.

Just by her being cool is enough for me to care about her.

Tifa does.

Yuna/Tifa/Aerith are the big three.

Sometimes I wish Tifa was stabbed instead of Aerith....Aerith is awesome.

I do like her part with Hope, btw Hope is legal now.

I bet Hope still crazy for Alyssa.
I don't think they developed her enough. I like her design in the first XIII though. Don't like her design in FXIII-2, even though she didn't show up that much.

Don't know what to expect in FXIII-3. As long as she has her original design, that's good enough for me on the character. The game is what's going to be important, obviously. Hope that delivers.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
What qualities do I like most about Lightning?

I want them to gather up all of the positive comments about Lightning, then use them to fill out all the NPC dialogue in 13-3. That way I can control Lightning in her own definitive story, and when I'm not experiencing her courage and resolve throught he innovative combat I can have everyone tell me about all the great things about her. This is my dream for 13-3.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Just wish they would try to give characters a good backstory.

For Lightning we got a ill-conceived backstory on the pretense that her parents died in obscure ways. Her mother died because of some unknown disease that isn't explained. And her father went on some obscure mission and never returned without explaining what the mission even was.

But apparently it was so life changing for Ms. Farron that she had to discard her name because of it.

But again XIII series has one of the those glaring issues I see in some stories, focusing on the explanation part which there is a concerning lack of, seriously though telling me to go read FF livejournal of text that has little meaning when it could be used in the story's context itself would be much more interesting as opposed to this wimp's parents died, thus name change, weep for the wimp pls.

And I've never understood the huge "power" increases to the character, they've never truly made sense. Or explained in a way that makes sense. It just seems to me that XIII's plot spun on it's head and essentially makes any effort on our "heroes" seem utterly worthless.

I can sympathize with Caim more from Drakengard.

And then there is GILGAMESH who has misfortune follow him at every turn. Shantotto spoke truthfully in that regard.

Losing your parents is nothing but a mere flicker to GILGAMESH losing his best friend, and 10 years later his entire country that HE ruled. Furthermore due to his powers getting out of hand he exiles himself to the rift and is likely to never again return to Orience. He has no home to go to, it's gone. And he has personality to boot, and they want me to care about Lightning? A stagnant forgettable character with lackluster character and writing? Pls

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Btw, is your name from CT by any chance?
Late, but yep! It's been my handle since I first started posting on boards, and I don't think I'll change it, tbh. I should, but I'm lazy.

Then that's good. I'm not alone in my adoration for Yuna. I figured Tifa killed the popular FF female charts.

I love her sending scene. Wish Lightning had an emotionally moving scene like that.
I'll defend Yuna and FFX-2 to the end. A lot of the CG scenes in FFX and FFX-2 are generally well-directed outside of a few exceptions, and the Sending scene is one of the best ones.

I'm with Kagari--I feel like Lightning was a character who was conceived to be directed towards 20-something females (possibly in an older sibling position), but she ultimately didn't deliver on that front. At least to me, she didn't. Lightning kind of lacked the emotional scenes that allowed you to easily empathize with her or to identify with her as a multifaceted character who isn't just there as a character whose sole purpose is to look cool or to let her fists do the talking. There is a person behind those fists and I'd like to know more about her. But I didn't get to know much about her.

At the end of it all, I feel rather disappointed with Lightning's execution. As a female and (probably overprotective) older sister, I had something additional to look forward to in a Final Fantasy: another female protagonist, whom I feel like I could somehow empathize with, easily acknowledge her personal struggles, and feel like I could walk in her shoes. Someone who isn't just an aggressive soldier in a miniskirt, but someone with emotions that I could easily relate to. While Lightning probably resonated with other females (in this very thread, even), I feel like she didn't resonate with me as a result of being rather one-note. I feel like I resonated more with Vanille and Fang than Lightning.

It's kind of funny... I felt like I resonated with Fang (a character whom I also consider to be rather one-dimensional), who's Lightning's foil. Fang's plight mirrors Lightning's in a way (she's out to find and save someone important to her, someone whom she'd considered as her sister (or whatever you wanna think they were)) but what Fang had was small development with Vanille... and Vanille had a lot of development in that game via game narration, her chapters with Sazh, and her story with Fang. Fang somewhat benefitted from Vanille's story and execution, but Lightning's story somewhat suffered because you merely had short flashback sequences of her yelling at her sister for being a fool, the intro sequence that took place in media res prior to any flashbacks, and maybe some of her conversations with Snow. But after all of that, I feel like I didn't understand her or could empathize her in some way. I know that some other people could totally understand and relate to her, but I felt like I couldn't. By comparison--if I really needed to do this--I felt like I could understand Celes, Sarisa, and Yuna a lot more than her because they had the backstories, character interactions, and character relationships to back their personalities up.

If you'd read the prequel novel prior to this, you'd see that the Farron sisters are somewhat closer than this, but if you merely go through the game without reading any of the supplementary (near-essential) materials never released in English, you aren't going to get much out of the Farron sisters' relationship. They tried to rectify this with FFXIII-2, but I ended up enjoying and understanding Serah as a character far more than Lightning.
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