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Metro Last Light dev: 'Wii U has horrible, slow CPU' [Up: DICE dev comments]

It's definitely aimed for the whole family just like all Nintendo platforms have been since the first "Nintendo Entertainment System". They aren't after the hardcore anymore.

No doubt they arent after the hardcore technophile, but...
Hardcore gamer? why not? Zombi U, Bayonetta 2, The wonderful 101 seems hardcore to me.
So much ignorance and bitterness in this thread. I can't wait to see if Xbox and PS fanboys are just as bad next year.

Considering what they have accomplished, I would say they are very relevant.

IIRC it didn't bomb, which is why some were surprised when the rumor about it's cancellation surfaced.

Lol. How much, and what type of memory does your PC and GPU have? What kind of CPU do you have?

I'm literally shaking my head at how you people are not only being dismissive, but flat out making up excuses to make this news easier for you guys to handle.

Any company who doesn't support the Wii-U has some kind of agenda against Nintendo and just want to see the company fail. =P

I was looking at benchmarks of the 6490m gpu . I was also looking at things like the liano a4-3300 reviews and other similar systems. where they used metro 2033 on the pc as a benchmark.

It seems to me they just do not want to port it since it can run on a pc with similar specs just fine.
Even in fucking Wiisports Resort that shit is used!
I can't wait till they find another gimmick to show how cinematic their games are!

The next big thing may be lots of chromatic aberration, I think. Not surprisingly, that is another effect that Crysis already had since 2007.
But DOF will never leave.


Please stop saying that. It's a photography term and I shall not sit idly by while you sully it talking about video games.
Good luck next gen when every game under the sun will use it!

(I prefer it to "everything must have a lens flare" and "everything must be dot3 bump mapped like a wet rubber tire")


It was a nice few months when the Wii U was going to be 2-3x more powerful than PS360 and we could all agree that good visuals are an advantage.

Funny how opinions change like that huh? Graphics mattered when it was thought the Wii-U would be the "PS2" of the next generation but now graphics don't matter or the developers are liers, lazy, incompetent, etc.

Again I would credit the art team more than anything,

Good tech is there to support the good art. You can move the goal post to better fit your opinion, but we've seen enough of the game to tell it's quite the technical accomplishment for the Wii.


Good luck next gen when every game under the sun will use it!

(I prefer it to "everything must have a lens flare" and "everything must be dot3 bump mapped like a wet rubber tire")

Actually lens flare did a world of good for RPGs....

The next big thing may be lots of chromatic distortion, I think. Not surprisingly, that is another effect that Crysis already had since 2007.
But DOF will never leave.

Blah it's like it's all downhill from here.

Good tech is there to support the good art. You can move the goal post to better fit your opinion, but we've seen enough of the game to tell it's quite the technical accomplishment for the Wii.

There I bolded the part.
I didn't move the goal post, you keep putting it where I never put it in the 1rst place.
The Conduit is a tech accomplishment for Wii too but I don't see anyone praising that anywhere.


That's because all the good looking games are good looking because of the art team doing a bang up job.
It's always the art team
I'm inclined to believe this.

Or they're simply unaware it even exists, I've seen stranger things, believe me.
And with schedules pushing devs on overtime all the time I don't think I can fault them anyway.
The lack of spare time is a very valid reason indeed.

Motion controllers are old hat and powerful hardware was never the point.
Unless they can bring something new as far as games go we're pretty much back to 2005.
If social gaming wasn't in decline I'd say the whole miiverse is genius, as it is IDK.
We will see what awaits us.

Even in fucking Wiisports Resort that shit is used!
I can't wait till they find another gimmick to show how cinematic their games are!
I don't mind this, at all. And it's not going to go away.


I'm using the correct terminology. It's called a bokeh depth of field, the term is used in the video game tech sphere.

I believe I've never seen a bokeh as beautiful as Crysis 2's. Hitman Absolution has nice depth of field effects as well.
Yep, the outrage doesn't make sense, you can also count in the fact lots of (RL) lenses produce shitty bokehs
With the way some people are defending/exonerating Nintendo you would think their entire life savings are in Nintendo stock. But I'm willing to bet most don't even own a single stock! Yet they cling to whatever Nintendo outputs and hails it as a savior and one who can do no wrong....

Sounds very familiar... To the point that I would imagine there was a ritual every Sunday!


for me it's not so much that good tech compliments good art, it's the other way around: shitty tech destroys good art. When I'm looking at an aliased, shimmering, low-res mess I cannot for the life of me appreciate the art.


So much ignorance and bitterness in this thread. I can't wait to see if Xbox and PS fanboys are just as bad next year.

Considering what they have accomplished, I would say they are very relevant.

IIRC it didn't bomb, which is why some were surprised when the rumor about it's cancellation surfaced.

Lol. How much, and what type of memory does your PC and GPU have? What kind of CPU do you have?

I'm literally shaking my head at how you people are not only being dismissive, but flat out making up excuses to make this news easier for you guys to handle.

Any company who doesn't support the Wii-U has some kind of agenda against Nintendo and just want to see the company fail. =P

Well, honestly, if you make a statement like that, these reactions are what's to be expected really. Go to an apple forum and have some supposed tech-guru claim the new *whatever* is crap in a rather harsh statement and see what happens. The same would go for MS or Sony fans in the same situation. No need to pull the "lol, Nintendo(fans)" card, it only discredits your opinion.

Further more, i think people have every right to search for the right context in which this statement was given. No need to act as developers are never wrong, can't be biased or can't have other factors play their hand. This is not "just" an opinion. The fact that he uses the term "horrible" instead of "too slow" or "outdated", shows he is not being purely factual or technical, but a bit emotional. The statement seems to leave no room for interpretation, and yet is also seems rather subjective in the way it is made. Like saying "you suck". No question about what that means, but does said person really "suck"? I remember a statement about Wii not being able to run the start screen of Resident Evil 5. Were we supposed to take that statement "as is" as well? In both cases they go about it in a dismissive way, not interested in really figuring it out, not worth of another look. One might see that as a sign of arrogance and prejudice. The developers track record is of no concern in that case.

To me, this statement is of no more value than the statements made by Shin'n, a dev team that made Jet Rocket as a Wiiware title, outperforming 95% of actual retail Wii games.


oh i remember when every lazy ass developpers crying like a bunch of wuss about 6 yrs ago saying "baaaaaaaw developping on ps3 is really hard"

i guess its just the begining with nintendo.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
No funding, no will to deal with the 2 screens stuffs or simply they don't like the tech inside.
Seriously it's akin to devs saying they want to do special stuffs for it but never do (like Kojima)

Wouldn't it be easier and safer to say they don't have a budget for a port than to complain about the Wii U hardware in public?
oh i remember when every lazy ass developpers crying like a bunch of wuss about 6 yrs ago saying "baaaaaaaw developping on ps3 is really hard"

i guess its just the begining with nintendo.

Developing for the PS3 is kind of hard though, and it's a major factor in rising dev costs, software delays, and inferior ports. Nintendo has more traditional hardware but is still hamstrung by a few questionable design decisions.


Wouldn't it be easier and safer to say they don't have a budget for a port than to complain about the Wii U hardware in public?

Which one makes the dev house look better?
What I mean is that they have no obligations but to make sure their next projects do well, if it means pushing something under the bus, so be it.
I don't think I need to find examples from the last 20 years, should I?
This gen 3rd parties devs/pubs went to great lenght so that they wouldn't have to explain to investors why a Wii version was not a sound investment (from EA to Take Two and co) so I wouldn't expect anything different anyway.
for me it's not so much that good tech compliments good art, it's the other way around: shitty tech destroys good art. When I'm looking at an aliased, shimmering, low-res mess I cannot for the life of me appreciate the art.

shitty tech destroys good art. When I'm looking at an aliased, shimmering, low-res mess I cannot for the life of me appreciate the art.

shitty tech destroys good art.
Yes, yes, yes, yes
Well, honestly, if you make a statement like that, these reactions are what's to be expected really. Go to an apple forum and have some supposed tech-guru claim the new *whatever* is crap in a rather harsh statement and see what happens. The same would go for MS or Sony fans in the same situation. No need to pull the "lol, Nintendo(fans)" card, it only discredits your opinion.

Further more, i think people have every right to search for the right context in which this statement was given. No need to act as developers are never wrong, can't be biased or can't have other factors play their hand. This is not "just" an opinion. The fact that he uses the term "horrible" instead of "too slow" or "outdated", shows he is not being purely factual or technical, but a bit emotional. The statement seems to leave no room for interpretation, and yet is also seems rather subjective in the way it is made. Like saying "you suck". No question about what that means, but does said person really "suck"? I remember a statement about Wii not being able to run the start screen of Resident Evil 5. Were we supposed to take that statement "as is" as well? In both cases they go about it in a dismissive way, not interested in really figuring it out, not worth of another look. One might see that as a sign of arrogance and prejudice. The developers track record is of no concern in that case.

To me, this statement is of no more value than the statements made by Shin'n, a dev team that made Jet Rocket as a Wiiware title, outperforming 95% of actual retail Wii games.

Just go read the digital foundry interview with this guy. He talks very bluntly, yet he knows his stuff


Call me a hopeless optimist, but I'm actually expecting a (at least slightly) better situation with Wii U. Those that don't want to develop for Wii U can always just state that they think it's financially not feasible, they don't need the "It's not powerful enough" justification/excuse.

That was BS for Wii and we did get every justification under the Sun, why change a winning team?


When looking for Mirror's Edge 2 reactions on twitter, I noticed that a DICE designer has also commented on the CPU:

Wouldn't it be easier and safer to say they don't have a budget for a port than to complain about the Wii U hardware in public?

Some people don't feel compelled to operate through a diplomatic filter. If the studio had a great relationship with Nintendo, perhaps he might have been more vague about the reason for no port for now. That aside, he's allowed to have an opinion about the tech. If his opinion is that it is underpowered and not conducive for easily porting his studio's title over to it, why would he not express that opinion?


Just another lazy dev that Nintendo doesn't need.

Chances are he didn't even touch it if you read the tweets. Considering how each gen we get excuses saying how the AI and physics will improve and how that's barely the case every time I wouldn't put to much behind it.


These tech threads are always all over the place.

That's because you have three groups:

Nintendo Fans, who are always defending Nintendo's choice to be technologically deficient compared to their competitors in the console space;

Sony, MS, and 3rd Party Fans, who would rather watch companies die in a blaze of glory than make reasonable business decisions more than once or twice every generation;

And PC Fans, who feel the Sony, MS, and 3rd Party Fans are largely irrational for praising tech from sea to shining sea while ignoring the one avenue where the best tech is practically a given.

So yes, when these three sides meet, all over the place'ing will occur.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Just another lazy dev that Nintendo doesn't need.

Don't worry. Since you won't see a proper Mario game on a better platform you'll never know what you're missing.

Chances are he didn't even touch it if you read the tweets. Considering how each gen we get excuses saying how the AI and physics will improve and how that's barely the case every time I wouldn't put to much behind it.

Nintendo threads, I love them.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Guys, you know even experts in their fields disagree on things from time to time. Stop looking for absolute answers. There's always going to be a variety of opinions on the effectiveness of a particular architectural approach depending on level of experience with similar systems.

Coming from a PC background gives a very particular outlook, different from say someone who has been working on Wii for the last few years.


Nintendo threads, I love them.

Seriously he said that's what he's hearing from other people => not 1rst hand impression.
And as far as AI goes I can't help but laugh at the shitty stuffs they call AI they put in games anyway.

This is going in circle, I don't have time for this.

Guys, you know even experts in their fields disagree on things from time to time. Stop looking for absolute answers. There's always going to be a variety of opinions on the effectiveness of a particular architectural approach depending on level of experience with similar systems.

Coming from a PC background gives a very particular outlook, different from say someone who has been working on Wii for the last few years.

This is acutally very true, it'll be even more fun when people on the mobile side will get to join in in the future.


So, it seems nextgen will be a repeat of current gen. Owning a Wii U (I own one) for Nintendo made games; owning a 720 or PS4 for everything else.
That's because you have three groups:

Nintendo Fans, who are always defending Nintendo's choice to be technologically deficient compared to their competitors in the console space;

Sony, MS, and 3rd Party Fans, who would rather watch companies die in a blaze of glory than make reasonable business decisions more than once or twice every generation;

And PC Fans, who feel the Sony, MS, and 3rd Party Fans are largely irrational for praising tech from sea to shining sea while ignoring the one avenue where the best tech is practically a given.

So yes, when these three sides meet, all over the place'ing will occur.

Eh, I don't know. Personally, though I can't in good consciousness assert to be above the fray as that's not a call one can make about oneself, I honestly don't feel like I've got a dog in this fight. I've probably on the whole been more critical than not of the Wii U, but I do own the machine and like Nintendo software, so I have no vested interest in laughing at them as they falter against mightier machines.

I understand their game. There once was a time when they tried to be competitive in having the best graphics in town, and that didn't work all that well for them. Then the Wii was a runaway success. So, yeah, I understand that there's more than one way to succeed in this biz.

However, I'm not quite convinced that their gamble paid off this time. It's possible to take a nuanced stance. I don't necessarily think that they should have put a $400-$500 machine that was going to knock your socks off visually and sells for a massive loss.

However, once again going the low tech route when there was a chance to be at least a marginal improvement over the competition while seemingly going all in on the GamePad concept was a rather dubious decision. People are allowed different reactions, sure, but that particular innovation hasn't struck me as anything more than "neat." I'm not entirely convinced that it's integral or that there's a clear vision for what really sets this system apart.


That's because you have three groups:

Nintendo Fans, who are always defending Nintendo's choice to be technologically deficient compared to their competitors in the console space;

Sony, MS, and 3rd Party Fans, who would rather watch companies die in a blaze of glory than make reasonable business decisions more than once or twice every generation;

And PC Fans, who feel the Sony, MS, and 3rd Party Fans are largely irrational for praising tech from sea to shining sea while ignoring the one avenue where the best tech is practically a given.

So yes, when these three sides meet, all over the place'ing will occur.

Can I be part of the technical objectivist group? I couldn't care less about hardware/brand loyalties.
However, once again going the low tech route when there was a chance to be at least a marginal improvement over the competition while seemingly going all in on the GamePad concept was a rather dubious decision. People are allowed different reactions, sure, but that particular innovation hasn't struck me as anything more than "neat." I'm not entirely convinced that it's integral or that there's a clear vision for what really sets this system apart.

If they had just been willing to compromise a bit on the TDP and go with a 60-75W design... sigh.


I'll be getting a WiiU but, now that comments of real developers start coming out... I don't think Nintendo listened to developers as they said a few months ago. More like we'll do our own shit, deal with it.


Guru3d did a cool article on CPU scaling a few years ago, for gaming GPU and RAM always mattered a lot more then the CPU above certain resolutions and clock speed:

This was for example stalker



Just go read the digital foundry interview with this guy. He talks very bluntly, yet he knows his stuff

I never claimed he didn't know his stuff. The guys from Shin'n know their stuff too. But somehow because you are blunt, borderline rude, your opinion should be more credible? Factor 5 knew their stuff too, spit out GCN games up there with the best of the Xbox, yet many xbox devs spoke about the GCN in the same manner as this guy about WiiU. So, some perspective can't hurt. The guy basically glanced at the WiiU hardware and dubs it horrible. Somehow he'd have us believe the WiiU launch ports which are suffering, took as much or more development time than the original games on the 360 instead of the other way around.


Guru3d did a cool article on CPU scaling a few years ago, for gaming GPU and RAM always mattered a lot more then the CPU above certain resolutions and clock speed:

This was for example stalker


It depends entirely on the game/engine and settings. Look up some Arma 2 benchmarks for fun.
For the benefit of those of us who may be at work, behind a company firewall that blocks image sharing websites and therefore cannot read the pasted comment from the DICE dev...

What did the DICE dev say?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
For the benefit of those of us who may be at work, behind a company firewall that blocks image sharing websites and therefore cannot read the pasted comment from the DICE dev...

What did the DICE dev say?

He said he's heard the same thing about the CPU from "around the industry" and that will shorten the lifespan of the system when the other two consoles come out.

So, we basically have the EXACT same situation as last generation. I'm sure Nintendo thinks it can catch lightning in a bottle again like with the Wii, but I'm not so sure.
Nintendo threads, I love them.
I'm inclined to believe at least one of those users is being sarcastic.

Anyway, this is dreadfully disappointing. It's been six years. How is it in any way excusable for Nintendo to make hardware that isn't unquestionably more powerful than its predecessors? It's rather ridiculous.

I'm honestly not really picky on visuals, but I would have liked Nintendo to at least have a comparable console with the other next generation consoles.

I love Wii U. I love Nintendo Land. I love Miiverse. It's all such great ideas marred by a weird refusal to push the graphical envelope (and little quirks like the slow OS and inability to power off the GamePad). I'm positive that I'll be perfectly okay with what is released on Wii U. I'm positive that I will think the visuals are just fine. But knowing that Nintendo could have easily done so much more is just disappointing.
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