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Hideki Kamiya shits all over Kotaku

To be honest, his tweets don't paint him as the sharpest tool in the shed

who is not the sharpest tool? I'll spell it out for you, because I've read the entire thread and somehow people are still not understanding the meaning of that twitter post. he is obviously writing the last joke part of that twitter post in japanese because he knows the stupid fucking gaijin he are referring to can read japanese. or do run his japanese posts through a translator. whatever. if you can't read it, it's not for you.


Who said you should be?

My point is he meant to insult and offend the people he was responding to.

Which matters more than if the phrase is inherently "racist" or offensive.

The guy you agreed with by saying "Pretty much' after he said "it's hard watching someone insult the general public when they don't deserve it."

But I don't see gaijin/foreigners being used as a term of abuse, just a factual statement of who was acting like dicks. And they weren't Japanese twitter users or Japanese press.


He is back:

What's kusoge?

People find Kamiya funny because although he is generally a big mouth, crass, and vulgar, he literally responds to almost every tweet sent his way making him instantly more relateable than most. He seems to enjoy interacting with fans even when arguing with them.

There's no reason to hold these people on a pedestal, they are no more mature than you or I. I certainly don't expect them to be professional over the internet where there is no social filter.

Oh I certainly hope the average person (including me) behaves better and more mature than him may it be online or off the net.

See I don't actually find his behavior funny or entertaining. And I certainly don't expect better of him, anymore. At this point he is basically a joke account on twitter as far as I'm concerned.


Entertaining seeing Kamiya shit all over Kotaku, they most definitely deserve it. Also funny seeing him get all this shit here about the "gaijin" crack, when you have some clown trying to school him on the habits of gamers in his own country, calling him cluless. Funniest when you look back on all the crazy ass Tweets that have been directed at Kamiya in the past few months, especially after Bayonetta went Wii U exclusive.


Man Jaffe must be laughing his ass off at the tweet too.

Shit, Jaffe is going in on this guy..


People freaking out about "foreigners" is just the ultimate irony. Japanese gaming, and all of Japanese culture has been smeared on these blogs basically every day for the last several years. Even just yesterday in the thread showing off Platinum's 2013 lineup I remember one commenter saying "Just when you thought it was safe to ignore Japanese games ...." and no one called him out for it. Kotaku runs shit culture articles every day to try and make Japan seem as fucked up as possible, only picking the weirdest shit.

Kamiya lashes back once after their article basically uses him to call all of Japan "clueless," and you guys act like you give a damn about xenophobia now? Give me a break. It's getting to the point of reverse racism because if anyone's been the victim of constant bashing and race-based generalizations in gaming this gen, it's the Japanese.

Just look at the comments on that initial Kotaku article on Kamiya's comments, merely saying he's not interested in PC gaming. "Just when I thought Japan couldn't be any more behind than they already are ..." and on and on.

Cry me a river. Oh no, he said "foreigners."

Your observations match mine. Good post, quoting for a new page. I really dislike Kotaku lumping the Japanese into one.


Unconfirmed Member
The guy you agreed with by saying "Pretty much' after he said "it's hard watching someone insult the general public when they don't deserve it."

Those posters fall under "the general public" I think. I didn't interpret that as the general public at large but as an inclusive term for all the people he responded to on twitter.

perhaps I was mistaken.

But I don't see gaijin/foreigners being used as a term of abuse, just a factual statement of who was acting like dicks. And they weren't Japanese twitter users or Japanese press.


You're just being silly

the conversation had nothing to do with nationality, so I believe it was most certainly meant to offend as it has no other purpose in his statement



I like this one better because you get to see debbie timmins great response.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
As a black guy you comparing gaijin and nigger is hiiiiilarious. I can be called a nigger or a gaijin and guess witch one doesn't even register.

how about stupid fucking black people? its pretty offensive in that its lumping a group of people together.

edit: reread the tweet. he just parroted back what was tweeted to him? meh, no biggie


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
I don't care for Kotaku either but this whole Kamiya fan bandwagon all because he told someone to "fuck off" is kind of silly.
People freaking out about "foreigners" is just the ultimate irony. Japanese gaming, and all of Japanese culture has been smeared on these blogs basically every day for the last several years. Even just yesterday in the thread showing off Platinum's 2013 lineup I remember one commenter saying "Just when you thought it was safe to ignore Japanese games ...." and no one called him out for it. Kotaku runs shit culture articles every day to try and make Japan seem as fucked up as possible, only picking the weirdest shit.

Kamiya lashes back once after their article basically uses him to call all of Japan "clueless," and you guys act like you give a damn about xenophobia now? Give me a break. It's getting to the point of reverse racism because if anyone's been the victim of constant bashing and race-based generalizations in gaming this gen, it's the Japanese.

Just look at the comments on that initial Kotaku article on Kamiya's comments, merely saying he's not interested in PC gaming. "Just when I thought Japan couldn't be any more behind than they already are ..." and on and on.

Cry me a river. Oh no, he said "foreigners."

Quoting this because I missed it originally and it needs to be read. Fantastic post.


Kotaku is the People magazine of the gaming industry. Let's use tweets to formulate an article/editorial on to run on our page.

Surprised Jschreier isn't in here defending this yet.


UPDATE: The original headline for this story—"The Guy Who Made Bayonetta Is Clueless about Valve and PC Gaming"—has been changed. "Clueless" was a poor choice of words and we apologize for the negative connotation. That said, we appreciate Kamiya's colorful reaction to the story and hope that, now that we've changed the headline, those who couldn't get past that will be able to read the piece. - Stephen Totilo, Editor-in-Chief

Kotaku was clueless?
I don't really find anything particularly offensive about what Kamiya said given the context. Maybe he could be a little less blunt, but that's the way he is, and he isn't going to change for anyone.

Plus Kotaku is a terrible website anyway, and anyone that brings their "journalists" down a peg or two is alright in my book.


I have never seen Kotaku destroyed so thoroughly and with such class.

Do you eat shit, sir? Because everything that comes out of your mouth smells like it.

I said wow.


Unconfirmed Member
Who did it offend?

The intent was to offend the person it was targeted at. IE the posters twitter.

I've been merely talking about his intent the entire time.

and obviously it offended some other posters on here as well.
As a black guy you comparing gaijin and nigger is hiiiiilarious. I can be called a nigger or a gaijin and guess witch one doesn't even register.
Gaijin doesn't have the same historical and emotional attachments that n-------- does but they are both broad terms used to marginalise a group of people

Obviously it's nowhere near as bad, but it does show an underlying element of racism in Kamiya, just as somebody using the N-word shows they possess underlying racist thoughts.


I don't care for Kotaku either but this whole Kamiya fan bandwagon all because he told someone to "fuck off" is kind of silly.

well its a good thing hes a great developer with a pedigree of great titles under his belt.

nope, its "all because" he uses cuss words...o_0
Ah Kotaku.....
UPDATE: The original headline for this story—"The Guy Who Made Bayonetta Is Clueless about Valve and PC Gaming"—has been changed. "Clueless" was a poor choice of words and we apologize for the negative connotation. That said, we appreciate Kamiya's colorful reaction to the story and hope that, now that we've changed the headline, those who couldn't get past that will be able to read the piece. - Stephen Totilo, Editor-in-Chief
Honestly I think they need to stop making stories using only tweets as source
I don't care for Kotaku either but this whole Kamiya fan bandwagon all because he told someone to "fuck off" is kind of silly.

But he is cool because he made some video games that I like...

well its a good thing hes a great developer with a pedigree of great titles under his belt.

nope, its "all because" he uses cuss words...o_0


He can be as obnoxious as he wants and not be called from it. He is above criticism.


UPDATE: The original headline for this story—"The Guy Who Made Bayonetta Is Clueless about Valve and PC Gaming"—has been changed. "Clueless" was a poor choice of words and we apologize for the negative connotation. That said, we appreciate Kamiya's colorful reaction to the story and hope that, now that we've changed the headline, those who couldn't get past that will be able to read the piece. - Stephen Totilo, Editor-in-Chief

Read the piece again, its still tabloid crap.


A Good Citizen
Gaijin doesn't have the same historical and emotional attachments that n-------- does but they are both broad terms used to marginalise a group of people

Obviously it's nowhere near as bad, but it does show an underlying element of racism in Kamiya, just as somebody using the N-word shows they possess underlying racist thoughts.
I don't think somebody who drops the n-word possesses "underlying" racist thoughts.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
well its a good thing hes a great developer with a pedigree of great titles under his belt.

nope, its "all because" he uses cuss words...o_0

But he is cool because he made some video games that I like...

I'm not saying nobody in here hasn't been a fan of him previously. This is about folks jumping on any and every chance they can to say something bad about Kotaku and praise anyone who says anything bad about them.


He desperately needs to stop replying to the same trolls and dumb questions over and over. It was funny before but now it's just giving them attention.

Why do you want a known Twitter troll to stop trolling other trolls? It's the circle of life. Poetry.
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