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Microsoft and Samsung demos "Xbox display"

Isn't that what were ultimately working towards though with the Rift and this? Total immersion where you are "transported" into the game world.

The thing looks pretty cool. Thing is, it'll probably end up like the Microsoft Courier, or one of their other research proof of concept videos they have that never see the light of day outside of its Redmond testing room.

Though, I wouldn't mind being kicked in the ass and it actually launches before the next Xbox. Also, Fortaleza, just wait.

This is pretty much all but confirmed for the next xbox.


The contrast between the image quality of the TV and the washed out projections kind of breaks the effect even in the staged and controlled concept video. I can only imagine what it'll look like haphazardly installed in your average room.
The contrast between the image quality of the TV and the washed out projections kind of breaks the effect even in the staged and controlled concept video. I can only imagine what it'll look like haphazardly installed in your average room.

Yeah, but the focal point is the display, not the surrounding room. It's only through your own peripheral vision that your player character has theirs.


I would become disoriented trying to play games like this...the difference in quality of the projector (and projecting on real world items) takes me out of the TV and makes it way too distracting.

I feel like an old man with all these new electronics coming out and me not caring for them...


Yeah, seems gimmicky and pointless to me. For the trouble involved with setting something like this up, I'd just as well paint a wall white and buy a projector to play games , that'd be more immersive then a bunch of random lights whizzing around my room.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Pretty lame, the showcase room wasn't even very full but you could still see how it adds pretty much nothing to the experience, no different to the Move's illumination bulb. It might make one nice disco ball replacement, that's about it. I dunno what people are amazed by or where they see the comparison to Oculus Rift which completely eliminates visuals outside the game world, no way would this be used to effectively spot enemies to your left or right (and even if you could do it at times you'd have to then look back to the TV and turn that view where you saw him) either if you so much as have a poster or painting or bookshelf. Or in any way be immersed in the game world and explore it by looking around you rather than just in front of you when the elements just leak onto your furniture and family in a completely unclear mess. Plus, I doubt the 360 can handle that kind of FOV for many of the games you may want it for. It probably won't work nearly as well in practice and only leak vague colors and images, like an Ambilight +, not complete peripheral vision viewpoints, much like the Kinect didn't deliver on all (or half the) fronts, when Oculus Rift doesn't render every view simultaneously but only where you're looking at any point in time, which can be anywhere, with the power drain just coming from the stereoscopic 3D, not showing unnecessary views, so it has no added footprint over regular 3D implementations and could be viable even for a next gen console if a company was interested.

Yeah, so much better and also absolutely nothing like Oculus in video game use.
One noob question. How is the floating image in front of you different from conventional 3D in terms of effect? Is it that much more pronounced? Seems cool though.

Well, it is more like...


...than a 3D image.
I guess I just like the problem solving approach. I could see eye tracking useful for some smaller purposes, certain visual effects or flair. I don't know.

It's being worked on by a bunch of companies, including one in Europe whose goal is to allow disabled people to use computers with their eyes. But it only works in particular conditions.


IllumiRoom is clearly created for expending the gaming experience to your room. It’s not just for making an VR space like Rift, nor is it trying to make your TV larger. IllumiRoom will take advantage of your room to create a unique experience around you – think about the possibilities.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
IllumiRoom is clearly created for expending the gaming experience to your room. It’s not just for making an VR space like Rift, nor is it trying to make your TV larger. IllumiRoom will take advantage of your room to create a unique experience around you – think about the possibilities.
So the bolded is just that, so mundane and ordinary and not exciting at all for video games, while projecting colors and images over walls and furniture is amazing technology that has limitless possibilities. Come. On. Rift shits all over this in quality and practicality. And that's going by seeing what it does for people and video games in practice on half finished gear, not some concept video that's underwhelming by showing the product at its theoretical best case scenario. It's just Ambilight 2.
So would this kind of be like a poor man's fabled glassless 3D or something? Like when you are watching a 3D movie and there's foreground effects? It sounds kind of cool if you were playing a game with real-time weather effects. I wouldn't mind a Kinect 2.0 if it works, but the projection thing kind of just seems weird. It's seems like it would be awesome if you just had an empty room ala a holodeck, but I wonder what happens when you have a bunch of stuff like book cases, tables and lamps in your living room.

Plus I'm really, really skeptical considering the initial on-stage Kinect demos when it was revealed, what was promised and what consumers actually got.


So the bolded is just that, so mundane and ordinary and not exciting at all for video games, while projecting colors and images over walls and furniture is amazing technology that has limitless possibilities. Come. On.

wow. It's not enough to express that you're not interested, you actually seem angry that anybody else would be interested. Lol, wtf?

also, reading through the thread I don't understand why people feel the need to diss this and praise the OR in the same sentence. I honestly don't see what this and OR has in common outside of being used for gaming. I mean...they seem like complete opposites! I'm personally more interested in OR but this looks nifty.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
wow. It's not enough to express that you're not interested, you actually seem angry that anybody else would be interested. Lol, wtf?
You seriously need to rethink how you judge feelings, there's nothing indicating anger in any of my posts. Try again. Oh no, I clicked the big bad B, I must be raging so hard right now, I'm not actually half asleep in my chair at 7 something am because I happened to wake up early, I'm in fact knocking things over, punching walls & typing in between. Spot. On. You win an internet.

also, reading through the thread I don't understand why people feel the need to diss this and praise the OR in the same sentence. I honestly don't see what this and OR has in common outside of being used for gaming. I mean...they seem like complete opposites! I'm personally more interested in OR but this looks nifty.
I mentioned the Rift because others compared this to Rift first and somehow came to the conclusion this is better. Even in the post I quoted and replied to there, I bolded it too if you noticed before going on that misguided look into my personal psyche. I didn't bring it up out of nowhere and in my first post I too wondered why people compare them to each other, thank you.


wow. It's not enough to express that you're not interested, you actually seem angry that anybody else would be interested. Lol, wtf?

also, reading through the thread I don't understand why people feel the need to diss this and praise the OR in the same sentence. I honestly don't see what this and OR has in common outside of being used for gaming. I mean...they seem like complete opposites! I'm personally more interested in OR but this looks nifty.

Correct. Different overall uses when the day is done.


This actually looks fucking pointless. And like it'll be expensive.

And this is coming from a proud Kinect owner lol I just don't see how it adds to the experience at all.


So the bolded is just that, so mundane and ordinary and not exciting at all for video games, while projecting colors and images over walls and furniture is amazing technology that has limitless possibilities. Come. On. Rift shits all over this in quality and practicality. And that's going by seeing what it does for people and video games in practice on half finished gear, not some concept video that's underwhelming by showing the product at its theoretical best case scenario. It's just Ambilight 2.

The “just” was directed to the capabilities of IllumiRoom, not Rift. I was trying to explain that there might be more uses for this accessory than people (you) seem to think.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
This actually looks fucking pointless. And like it'll be expensive.

And this is coming from a proud Kinect owner lol I just don't see how it adds to the experience at all.

Oh yeah, because small, sub HD projectors are so expensive now days.


That would be about the only type of games that would benefit from it, looks pointless for everything else IMO

you must have one bland imagination. Immediately after watching I got excited just thinking about all the creative ways dev could use this.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
The “just” was directed to the capabilities of IllumiRoom, not Rift. I was trying to explain that there might be more uses for this accessory than people (you) seem to think.
But if that "just" was directed to this instead of Rift then it implies it's effective in doing that and then maybe can do even more, when going by what we've seen it isn't effective in doing that, at least not like the Rift, so it better be able to do something else.

Don't get me wrong, if it eventually becomes a standard for TVs I'm not gonna go and disable it, at least when there's no reason to, like having people over. It would be nice to have, much like Ambilight would have been nice if it had caught on, but it doesn't seem like something that enhances the experience enough to actively go hunt for it and pay extra for, even considering that it's not restricted to a single person but whoever is in the same room, when the Oculus Rift does seem attractive enough for me as a gamer to go for if it gets enough support and goes for an attractive price (as it's on top of a new PC rig I plan).


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
So that patent for this proved to be for tech that is reasonably close to being in production... I wonder how far off the other recent Microsoft patents are (like the 3D Xbox glasses)
Such a small thing, but I just imagined what this could do to add to the effect of thunderstorms in Red Dead Redemption. The lightning flashes and rain and turbulent clouds.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Such a small thing, but I just imagined what this could do to add to the effect of thunderstorms in Red Dead Redemption. The lightning flashes and rain and turbulent clouds.

That's what I'm interested in. Not projecting the actual game everywhere but a more minimalist approach like certain effects.

Ranger X

The contrast between the image quality of the TV and the washed out projections kind of breaks the effect even in the staged and controlled concept video. I can only imagine what it'll look like haphazardly installed in your average room.

Exactly what I was thinking. This whole things screams "big gimmick" and totally doesn't work. :/


Yeah, but the focal point is the display, not the surrounding room. It's only through your own peripheral vision that your player character has theirs.

Yep. Amazes me how lots of people are not getting how this is supposed to work (ie not meant to be an accurate extension of the action in your field of view but something that complements it). Video here explains why a standard FOV in games exist but same fundamental principle applies: http://youtu.be/blZUao2jTGA


Yep. Amazes me how lots of people are not getting how this is supposed to work (ie not meant to be an accurate extension of the action in your field of view but something that complements it). Video here explains why a standard FOV in games exist but same fundamental principle applies: http://youtu.be/blZUao2jTGA

Agreed. As an observer, sure you can focus on the surroundings rather than the display and nitpick. In practice, when you actually have the controller in your hands, I imagine the experience is much different than watching a YouTube video of it.
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