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DmC Review Thread (Release Date - 1/15/13) Embargo is over!

Well the edge, eurogamer and destructoid reviews are all great. Would love to hear giantbombs words on it. Based on my time with the DmC demo and the MGR demo, I had more fun and interest in NT's game, which is weird because I never expected be underwhelmed by a PG action game.
I just saw that Adam Sessler review and it's god damn on point.

He even brings up the stance change lag issue in the game which I haven't really seen anyone else point out. And he makes an issue with the weapon restricting enemies as well.

I used to think he was a bit of a hack because I was introduced to him through his "commentary" at EVO finals, but this is a legitimately good review.


seeing the scores so far, I guess this is the end for in-house/Japanese developed Devil May Cry games.

It seems that way, especially after Capcom showing interest of purchasing NT. At the very least, maybe this means Devil May Cry titles released in a quicker manner? As long as they can keep the quality high [or preferably, raise it further] and listen to fan input/tweak the gameplay/story, this could be a good thing.

But yeah, I don't see Capcom Japan making another Devil May Cry game for a long...long time. :(


It seems that way, especially after Capcom showing interest of purchasing NT. At the very least, maybe this means Devil May Cry titles released in a quicker manner? As long as they can keep the quality high [or preferably, raise it further] and listen to fan input/tweak the gameplay/story, this could be a good thing.

But yeah, I don't see Capcom Japan making another Devil May Cry game for a long...long time. :(

You don't know that.


I just saw that Adam Sessler review and it's god damn on point.

He even brings up the stance change lag issue in the game which I haven't really seen anyone else point out. And he makes an issue with the weapon restricting enemies as well.

That's pretty cool. I doubt that would have come up in an X-Play review since they were shorter, and more focused on making witty or snarky comments than getting into the meat of a game.
The enemies that can only be damaged by certain weapons SERIOUSLY remind me of The Force Unleashed II. You get a great moveset and then it's crippled by enemies that are only damaged by a third of the moves you have.


You don't know that.

No, I'm merely guessing. Capcom wanted to hand off Devil May Cry to other developers to "revitalize" the series. If it did poorly, I'm sure they would change things up. Considering the game is already being received positively by professional reviewers, it stands to reason that they'll want to continue using them [and, as mentioned, they commented on possibly purchasing NT, or at least, keeping them in close contact].

As to how the sales/general public shake out for DmC, time will tell. But yes, if it's a commercial bomb, I doubt Capcom will continue using NT.
Reviews aren't the determining factor in what direction the DMC franchise goes next. It's all about how many copies get shifted, and that remains to be seen. Capcom could have a total commercial flop on their hands here.
Reviews aren't the determining factor in what direction the DMC franchise goes next. It's all about how many copies get shifted, and that remains to be seen. Capcom could have a total commercial flop on their hands here.

Read somewhere that 2 million is expected, is that right? How much did DMC4 sell?


I for one welcome the good sales and the Gaf meltdown.
The game is arguably a critical success, if you guys want to play DMC3 them by all means, play DMC3. I see no problem in making the series more accessible , especially since I never got into the older games bc they were anything but accessible.


Read somewhere that 2 million is expected, is that right? How much did DMC4 sell?

Capcom wants DmC to sell 2 million within this fiscal year. DMC4 sold over 2.7 million copies in its lifetime.

Around 2.56 million, IIRC. It'll take a lot for DmC to sell that much.

Why do you say that? Strangely enough, DMC4 was a bit of downturn for them, despite the additional console releases. The game sales slowed considerably after the first few months. Much slower than previous DMC games.


I'd rather they didn't waste Platinum's time on such a lame Universe. Before or after this reboot.

That's why you give Platinum Games full creative rights to do what they "feel is right". Reboot Devil May Cry [again], and have them add whatever they like to suit their vision [within reason, of course]. I know, the odds of that happening is nigh impossible, but still...I dream...

If Capcom gave them full control over DMC, I seriously cannot fathom the masterpiece Platinum Games would create.


bish gets all the credit :)
See, Konami gave MGR to the Platgods because they couldn't pull it off themselves. Capcpom feels the opportunity cost is too for them to make it themselves, which is a shame.


Why do you say that? Strangely enough, DMC4 was a bit of downturn for them, despite the additional console releases. The game sales slowed considerably after the first few months. Much slower than previous DMC games.

Devil May Cry 4 sold the most out of every previous installment. I'm not sure if a reboot will enable them to sell more than DMC4, especially with many gamers looking for online portions in games to further their gameplay enjoyment. I'm not one of them, considering I look to the single-player first and if it's fun/enjoyable, I'll absolutely purchase the game [multiplayer is secondary to me], but I know not everyone is like that.

Regardless, I'm looking forward to my copy of DmC arriving in the mail [hopefully tomorrow]. >:)

Edit - I just checked my email, my copy shipped. \(^_^)/
Why would you compare this game to RE6 as an action game, Dahbomb? RE6 is a 3rd Person Shooter.

And yeah, Alastor is part of Dante in my head. He was always marketed with Alastor for DMC1 so all the Dantes afterwards look weird to me. Like the silhouette's wrong.


I used to think he was a bit of a hack because I was introduced to him through his "commentary" at EVO finals, but this is a legitimately good review.

You gotta cut him slack for his EVO commentary. He was kind of a fish out of water in that situation. I've grown to like his take on things. He seems to assess things pretty reasonably. I feel like he nailed this review from what I've read.


Why would you compare this game to RE6 as an action game, Dahbomb? RE6 is a 3rd Person Shooter.
Because DmC succeeds as a competent action game where as RE6 fails at being a competent 3rd person shooter game. Plus RE6 has awful game design issues and uses an abundance of QTEs.
Because DmC succeeds as a competent action game where as RE6 fails at being a competent 3rd person shooter game. Plus RE6 has awful game design issues and uses an abundance of QTEs.

Are QTEs necessarily a bad thing? RE6 had some broken ones, but outside of cutscenes they just give you something to do while being gripped by an enemy and waiting for your partner to save you. It's like mashing out of dizzy. And the other gameplay-related ones are just prompts for things that exist in other games that people like. Like counters. RE4 was totally improved by QTEs. It's not like the game was suddenly Dynamite Cop or Shenmue, and none of the gameplay-related ones were random inputs. RE3 had counters, and people like that game.

Gameplay design wasn't the main issue with RE6, it was coherence. Level design was too random and inconsistent, the story made no sense and the weapons didn't have enough individuality. The combat system and enemy design worked. The context didn't. Kind of like Bayonetta.


Well, kind of sucks that this didn't come out on time for the PC (what else is new). Because this is the last week I have off, before I start my final semester of college. I probably won't be playing this game until another year tbh.

EDIT: Maybe a good thing, since the price will go down by then. Just saw Sessler's review.
Well, looks to be positive from all accounts.

I'll have to give the PC version a look (why would one not go PC here...) in a month or so when it hits an appropriate price.


for a dev that got their big start on PS3 (Heavenly Sword) it still amazes me that all their multiplatform efforts since have had more noticeable tech problems on PS3


Congrats to Ninja Theory.

They are a talented team, and hopefully there talents will be finally recognized by other gamers as well.


How does it compare to DMC4? Like most here I love DMC1 and DMC3, but DMC4 left ashes in my mouth. If it isn't a significant step up on DMC4, I'll pass. The review average seems to be the same.


I was a huge fan of Enslaved and when I heard Ninja Theory was doing DmC, I was instantly on board. Regardless of the review scores, I was picking this game up. I'm glad to see they are mostly positive though.


The people who were calling this an abortion and the worst thing since Hitler a few months ago are strangely absent

HAHA. Agreed. Someone should literally go into an old DmC thread, find all the negative posters, and quote them here.

I knew this game was going to be a hit once I saw the amazing character design of THE REAL Dante.
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