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Your fondest childhood PC game memories

Do you guys remember duke nukem caribbean? I remember playing this expansion.



One thing is for sure back in the 90's before 3dfx came in to town. You would rock if you had the best soundcard of all. i had one of the newest back in the 90's and with Full Throttle and C&C i was king of sound! And off course with 3dFX it costed in dutch gilders back in the day long before the euro's. It costed 400 gilders. That was expensive but Unreal and Quake 2 made the games amazing. With 8mb on board memory. Amazing memories :D


Let's not forget the Final Fantasy VII PC Triangle Box, as was standard with Eidos games of the 90's. I still have mine in my closet.

And I just remembered this game:




I never did get very far in the game, it was always too impenetrable to my puny elementary-schooler brain, but it was something special to me way back then. Such an intriguing game world...


There were three games that come to mind from my childhood on the PC.


Had a blast with the flying toaster, the hoola hop girl game, and the lawn mowing games

Second would be Croc. I love love love platformers and this wasn't an exception. Don't know how many times me and my siblings beat the game


Cannonballs. Fun little game where you just shot at each other
Beyond the ones already mentioned (Doom 1/2, Duke Nukem, SimCity, Unreal, ect...) my favorite PC gaming memory of my childhood was this:



I only checked the first 4 pages of this thread and I did not see it get mentioned. Sad! :( Probably the best game of that year.
Dark Forces
I absolutely loved this game. I never beat without cheat codes that unlocked all the weapons and probably never will.

I got the shareware version from Comp USA with my Dad. About a month later the game disappeared. I suspect my Mom had something to do with that.

Math Blaster
I hated this game, but I played a ton of it to get a Sega Genisis for Christmas.

Red Alert
I only had the Soviet disk, but I played this a ton. Later I got the Allied disk and have yet to beat that campaign. The indoor mission where you have to stop the nukes was always too hard.

WarCraft II
I told my parents WarCraft was about history. I don't think they believed me, but I got the WarCraft Battle Chest for Christmas anyways.

Lode Runner
I don't know how we got this game, but it was on our 486 and I played it a ton.

Alley Cat
My Dad got this game from somewhere, and it was awesome. My favorite mini game was eating all the fish in the giant fishbowl without being electrocuted.

Dig Dug totally ripped this off. There is only Digger in my mind.

The Amazon Trail
This is like the Oregon trail, but instead of shooting buffalo you stab fish.

Gahan Wilson's the Ultimate Haunted House
Dude this was a weird, creepy, and messed up game put out by Microsoft. You could kill characters by trapping them in an Iron Maiden with spikes. How cool is that?

Goosebumps Escape From Horrorland
This was a FMV adventure game Jeff Goldbloom was in it (didn't know who he was until years later). Need I say more?

Borrowed this from a friend, lost his disk, hope he's not still pissed.

Inherit the Earth
All the Humans are dead and talking animals now rule the world, and you're supposed to figure out what happened. I'm not sure if was a good game, but I remember it being awesome.
I can't remember the last game. You had control of a cannon and you would try to shoot at another cannon that was on the island. If anyone remembers the name of this game i will be grateful

That sounds like Scorched Earth, which has been mentioned a few times in this thread:



Unconfirmed Member

The Secret of Monkey Island made a really big impression on me.

I was seven years old when my dad brought a 286 laptop with 4 shades of gray (unlike the screenshot above, it didn't have color). I only spoke French. I had only used Nintendo so far, but there was something really different about this game. You had to click everywhere and funny things would happen. Even just launching the game was a mission: I had no idea how to use MS-DOS, but I learned the commands by heart, like it was a cheat code from Mega Man or such. "You need to type cd.. until it says C:, then you type cd monkey, then you type monkey".

I had no idea what the characters in the game were saying, but I loved how the world felt so vibrant. Pirates in the bar, sword fights, a troll on a bridge, flying out of a cannon.

I'd play with the dictionary on my lap, looking up every word and trying to make sense of them. "Open" means "Ouvrir"! I kept doing that for a couple of years, saving every time I'd accomplish the tiniest thing in the game. The sword fight insults took forever to figure out!

I believe it took me two years until I got to leave Melee Island :) The game became too difficult for me after that, but it was a wonderful memory learning English just to play the game.

A couple of years later, the CD Rom drive came out and we got a 486. My first two games were Loom and Day of the Tentacle. Now I could hear spoken English all the time! Off we go to another two year adventure!

I'm sure this was the same experience for many others who post here, but it is one of the gaming memories I cherish the most.


How could I forget this!


Outnumbered! Awesome game that taught me a lot of maths when I was younger.

And of course!



That sounds like Scorched Earth, which has been mentioned a few times in this thread:

No, it was 3D. Somewhat cartoony graphics, online play, different types of cannonballs to use.

Edit: well, i feel stupid. I googled "Cannonball PC game" and it was right there >__>


Beyond the ones already mentioned (Doom 1/2, Duke Nukem, SimCity, Unreal, ect...) my favorite PC gaming memory of my childhood was this:



I only checked the first 4 pages of this thread and I did not see it get mentioned. Sad! :( Probably the best game of that year.

Why would you post a screenshot of MW2 of the awful Playstation port? Ewww.

Btw, switch to 100 page view and go one page back. You'll be glad.


Cannon Fodder 2 is good, as well, but stay away from Cannon Fodder 3.
There was actually a pretty decent version of Cannon Fodder on Gameboy Color, too.

Also, Redneck Rampage^^ was probably my favorite BUILD engine game, other than Duke3D.



I was 8 back then and I stuck in this Scabb Island for months. I couldn't speak English more than a couple words but game amazed me, with colors and music and stuff. Evetually I gave up and made my father complete the game for me, as I watched him while he was figuring out what to do for hours. He finished and loved the game so much, he got out and bought the first game too.


Indiana Jones Desktop Adventure... I'm ashamed to say I've never finished it. I always got bored before ever finishing a session.

fart town usa

Gold Member


Was gonna post that.


Tyrian (free on GOG)
Sam and Max Hit the Road
Willy Beamish
Are You Afraid of the Dark: The Tale of Orpheo's Curse (I want this on GOG soooo badly)
Dark Forces
Epic Pinball
Dink Smallwood


The person above me reminded me of Yoda Stories. Can't believe I all but forgot that game. So much fun.
My first PC game was Oregon Trail at school. So I have to give that respect.

That said, my fondest PC gaming memories are from:

-Sim City 2000
-Doom and Doom 2 (with headphones on!)
-Falcon 2.0 (my first PC game on my first home computer)
-X-Wing and B-Wing expansion
-Tie Fighter
-The 7th Guest (I needed a guide, but you do whatcha gotta do)
-Wing Commander Armada

With a flight stick for all flight sims. I'm too lazy for pics. You guys know what those games are about.

Also, MSDOS ftw.
I used to honestly find Diablo 1 to be pretty scary at the time I first played it. I was about 11 or 12 years old. Despite the isometric style and zoomed out view, I found the game's atmosphere to be incredibly creepy and disturbing. Before even playing the game I also read through the game's backstory in the manual, adding a fair amount of fuel to the fire.

It was a around 12 AM on a Friday night/Saturday morning. My parents had gone to bed and I was the only one awake. All the lights in the house were off...I had started the game that day and was immediately addicted. As I reached the 2nd floor of the church(the first area of the game) I eventually saw a room with that was noticeably different from the others. Even from the outside you could see that the room was a grotesque swimming pool of gore. Could this be the dwelling place of the fabled Butcher? I had leveled up extensively and had a full inventory of healing potions. I was ready! So I thought...

I cleared out the rest of the level before I dared to open the door. The fateful moment arrived. My little warrior approached the room. I breathed hard. The sound was turned up fairly high... The bass from the game's BGM boomed. I clicked on the door... I was completely unprepared for what would happen next.

"Ahh...FRESH MEAT!!!" exploded throughout the dark chamber of my bedroom. My fragile mind lost its grip on reality. I jumped out of my chair and in my attempt to "flee" from the Butcher, I end up falling down the stairs that led to my room, badly twisting my ankle and bruising my arms and knees.

My parents woke up to investigate. When I told them that the game scared me they went directly back to bed, seeming disappointed in me. After licking my wounds I returned to a game over screen. I turned the game off and went to sleep, proceeding to have nightmares about the Butcher. I didn't play Diablo again for sometime after that, and when I did I skipped over the Butcher.

Now this may not be what many consider to be a fond memory, but when I look back on the incident I think it is pretty funny.


I remember mashing the keyboard to get past the questions to play Leisure Suit Larry. I think I first figured out that trick after being frustrated from getting so many questions wrong in a row, haha.

Also, not initially knowing how to beat the final boss in Doom II, and it spawning so many enemies that it crashed my pc back to dos. The lights were off and that scared the shit outta me.

Other favorites from way back.

Sam N Max
Full Throttle
Sim City 2000
Rise of the Triad
I never had a computer as a child because my family couldn't afford one so any time I played a PC game was at the homes of a couple of friends. The first PC game I ever played was Sam & Max Hit the Road. I remember being attracted to it because graphically it reminded me of a lot of cartoons I watched at the time. Anyway, I convinced my dad to buy it despite not having a computer. Since I had to rely on going to my friends house to play it it took awhile to finish, but once I did I was hooked on the adventure genre as well as LucasArts. The next one I played was Maniac Mansion, I think. It could have been the first Monkey Island, though, I don't remember too well. Anyway, my friend at the time also got into them from playing Hit the Road so we would always each go in half when it came to buying the others. After we got all of the LucasArts adventures out of the way that were released at the time, we moved on to the first Gabriel Knight which I fell in love with (my friend didn't, as he preferred the comical style of LucasArts's stuff), and then Space Quest which we both loved. From there we just continued on through the games in Sierra's catalog that interested us.

The other friend who had a computer and was into gaming on it didn't like adventure games and that's where I played a lot of id's stuff, some Ultima's, and others that I don't remember well anymore.


This thread makes feel all warm inside.

I could add so many more games, but I just wanted to include this one since I haven't seen even the genre mentioned:



One of those games where you don't realize the sun has already risen.
Hmmmm... probably my earliest memory of a PC game would be Oregon Trail or maybe Sticky Bear math in school. Oregon Trail was always what you'd want to rush to the computers in the library to play just so you could do the hunting sections.

At home, our first computer had King's Quest I: The Quest for the Crown pre-installed.
As a little kid, this game for some reason scared the CRAP out of me. I just recall wandering through the woods, everything being quiet then BAM a monster would come out of no where and you'd try to escape only to get caught and die. It was pretty cool just for the sense of exploration you'd have with finding new areas though. It was funny falling in the moat and getting eaten.

Ducktales: The Quest for Gold



I remember the platforming in this was hard as hell for me at the time. And it was the first game that caused our PC to freeze and force us to restart for the first time.



My parents always used to get me tons of educational games. So thats most of what I played through most of elementary school. I think in Ecosaurus you had to go around collecting trash and recycle it or something?

Well damn somebody has a LP of it on youtube.



I mostly remember SimTower as the game my sister would hog up the computer playing, so I'd end up learning it by watching. Fun game.

The Yukon Trail:

Always took the dude with the fedora. Remember this was a fun game, especially the saloon games.

TIE Fighter:
Such an incredibly awesome game, especially since I was a total Star Wars nerd. It was so cool seeing Thrawn in a video game and being able to basically be the "bad guy" but then the Empire did such a good job of making the rebels out to be the bad guys. I just remember the story being so damn cool, moving up the ranks of the Empire.

Rebel Assault 2:

I honestly mostly only remember this game because I can remember seeing the boxart and so desperately wanting my parents to buy it for me every time I'd walk by it. When I finally got it and installed it and started playing I was relatively disappointed with how crummy the game actually was to play. I felt disappointment with a game for the first time.

Dark Forces and Jedi Knight:
The original Dark Forces was just awesome for playing in Star Wars without being some Jedi. I remember Jedi Knight for the awesome FMV ( or I thought so at the time) and for being one of the first PC games that made me realize I had to tinker with the resolution and graphics settings to get it to run good. Jedi Knight was probably one of the first games that I started playing online multiplayer against my friends too. And got into mods with.

Star Wars: Rebellion:


Again, I was a Star Wars nerd. I loved this game since it had so many ancillary characters from the books that you could order around the galaxy and it let you play as the Empire, which was awesome. The space battles were disappointing but I remember enjoying everything else.

Rollercoaster Tycoon:

Pretty sure I was well into middle school by the time this was out, but still this game was (and is!) tons of fun. Tons of hours of fun were had playing this game with friends, designing death trap roller coasters or chucking critical park guests into lakes.

Age of Empires 2:

Again, I was probably in middle school when this came out I think, but such a great game. Still holds up. Just building tons and tons of walls made for such fun multiplayer matches.


This thread needs more After Dark love. A new batch of screensavers from the Berkeley Systems folks was just as exciting to me as a new big game at the time. Featuring hits such as You Bet Your Head, Bad Dog, Rat Race and Bungee Roulette, to name but a few.



I was just about to post that. What a fun game. The King was a dick. I don't think I ever beat him.

I used to game on Mac OS7. Come at me.

Super Solvers Outnumbered:


Haha I used to play that a lot in my elementary school's computer lab.
I played that like crazy on a mac in the computer lab. I was shocked to find there was a DOS version and I had my parents buy it for me. :)
I used to play all of the greats/classics: Quake, Age of Empires, Civilization, Duke Nukem, Leisure Suit Larry, Command & Conquer, StarCraft, System Shock etc. When I think back though, this particular game always comes straight to mind:
Hellbender. I played this game day in, day out. I don't even know what it was that captured my attention, but from the moment I booted it up I was hooked.
I was going to post this. Monster Truck Madness was such a great game. The drag racing, the track design. I recall using a cheat code to turn into T-Rex or something too! lol.
So good.
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