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Rayman Legends coming to Xbox 360/PS3, all versions releasing in September

Biggest betrayalton since FFXIII?
Its not a betrayalton as much its holding a finished game with no reason whatsoever, everybody knows that Rayman will go multiplatform but since Nintendo's push I though that would've been timed exclusive when it launches on Feb and seriously I thought the 360/PS3 version would've followed by May/June, but September yesh thats a long time and one version is already finished.
Miiverse is a serious PR agent... it can be great but it sure can be evil

well at least theres a point now to the Uplay miiverse community, ubi must be wishing they hadnt bothered with that now
Yep. That is true, but they only complain because game companies are fucking them over in one way or another.

Because of Miiverse Ubisoft will need to announce something other support very soon to chill this fire.

I can see Rayman's Community being a troll-fest come September when the game is out.
If you own the game you will have to avoid Miiverse lol


One thing this has taught me: A lot of people expect Mario Kart and Wind Waker HD by September.

Better stock up my bomb shelter for when that news drops

The fact that this game is going up against GTA and other big games is probably going to make it sell as bad as the original. If they didn't delay this game I probably would've bought it this year but now I'm probably going to have to wait until the year after if I'm still interested in it due to all the big games I'm expecting in the second half of the year.


Whoa, Nintendo is really quick at deleting MiiVerse posts. I just posted a famous scene from Conker and it was gone a a minute later. I guess the admins have plenty to do right now looking at the amount of posts.


One thing this has taught me: A lot of people expect Mario Kart and Wind Waker HD by September.

Better stock up my bomb shelter for when that news drops

I think both are a way to attack Ubisoft. I don't really believe anyone is expecting Mario Kart and WWHD before this holiday season. If they do then... well.. lol


It's only logical in the sense that Wii U's install base will be bigger by then but that's it. Ubisoft's thinking about the fans, just not about the ones who were looking forward to playing the game during launch window.

Still would make more sense to release it already on the Wii U (without announcing it is going multiplatform), take advantage of the drought, and then, come September release it for the other platforms. Fans = still happy. Because on the current scenario I don't think the Wii U's bigger installed base will help the game's sale.

You know what's funny about this situation is that it's entirely possible that the joke may be on any one of us laughing at the guy who doesn't know drinky's tag situation. I don't know when or for how long, but I'm pretty sure it's been mentioned by a mod before that drinky has been banned more than once for reals. But there's no way for us to tell.

So, I always keep that in mind before I laugh at someone who thinks drinky's banned because of his tag. If there's one thing that's super duper important to me, it's not ending up with egg on my face.


Lots of people talking about getting a used copy to "punish" Ubisoft.

The interesting part is that this is kinda logic. I'm gonna travel to NYC next week and i'm gonna buy a new copy of Anarchy Reigns just to support Platinum - even if I find used copies cheaper.
I was also buy a zombie u copy, but I guess that I will only do that if I find a really cheap used copy. =/


Because of Miiverse Ubisoft will need to announce something other support very soon to chill this fire.

I can see Rayman's Community being a troll-fest come September when the game is out.
If you own the game you will have to avoid Miiverse lol

Well, whatever plans Ubisoft has for Wii U, it likely won't be for games until the holiday season. We probably won't get Watch Dogs, but even if we do, it will naturally be a late port, like 8 months to a year late. Few will care about it then. Yeah, I'm sure Miiverse will remind Ubisoft about their frustration over Rayman' again later this year. We'll probably see it at E3.

Still would make more sense to release it already on the Wii U (without announcing it is going multiplatform), take advantage of the drought, and then, come September release it for the other platforms. Fans = still happy. Because on the current scenario I don't think the Wii U's bigger installed base will help the game's sale.

I absolutely agree with that. Ubisoft could have handled this situation in better way, but it's apparently too much to ask for I guess.
One thing this has taught me: A lot of people expect Mario Kart and Wind Waker HD by September.

Better stock up my bomb shelter for when that news drops

Wind Waker HD does not deserve a November December release

Fall would be October, but Nintendo could be a bitter bitch and drop a big 1st Party IP on the same day as Rayman

It could be that Nintendo has already struck a deal with Ubisoft for something other game because of this. Or they could be really pissed right now.

We have not seen Reggie in weeks, I wonder if he got canned and we have not been told.


Feel a bit miffed that the exclusivity is gone, but I'm not overly fussed.

I'll still get it on Wii U for the extra stuff, mind.


Junior Member
The crazy thing is that I think it would sell better now if it was released on WiiU.

People are looking for a game to play.

In September it will have to battle bigger releases and probably Nintendo 1st Party games.

Bad move.

WiiU will more than likely have the superior version because it was made on it originally and because of the gamepad.....but still....Ubi Soft kind of screwed themselves here in terms of sales.

Why would it be so bad to release it now and then release the 360 and PS3 versions later?


If you're all gung ho for this course of action, you should stop to think what happens if you and many other WiiU owners do the same. What message does it send? "Oh we shouldnt have delayed that version?" Unlikely. It will send the self fulfilling prophecy of "why do we bother releasing games on Nintendo consoles".

For me at the end of the day, the decisions become binary: do I want to see more of this style of game in the future? yes/no. If videogame stores had ballot boxes instead of just a cash register, maybe you could communicate what you think you'd be communicating, but the truth is you'd be fostering the same old assumption amongst third parties.

Incidentally, how many of the absolute Nintendo faithful punished Nintendo for their shenanigans with Twilight Princess on Gamecube? Not many I'll bet.

Regarding your last point, the issue here is that the 8 months delay is, unless we want to be completely naive here, related to the game going multiplatform (I've seen posts with comparisons to other delays in the past which I think are wrong but I agree that the particular Twilight Princess analogy is sound). As far as I am concerned, I waited until the Wii U to pick up that game and I probably wouldn't have bought it day one if I was convinced to buy a Wii early on, as you can verify by looking at my posts in the Wii U release thread.

As far as the rest of your post is concerned, I understand what you are saying but I do not agree with it. I'm pretty sure that if more people took my stance, the "message" like you put it would be well received. The issue is that, in my opinion, we're only a small part of the consumer base to really be relevant and such a small percentage of people only matters for very niche games and Rayman is definitely not one of those. So until then it becomes only a matter of personal values. People like me are not enough of a factor (for now) so they can just be ignored and a completely binary interpretation can be done.
I still can't believe how silly some people can be. The dramatic reaction is giving me life.

I thought this game going multi was common sense, for both Wii U and PS360 owners alike.
Though if ubisoft feel it'll sell better in that release window (which seems silly to me) then i do wish them all the best, i love the rayman series and want it to have the sales it deserves.

Monster hunter will likely keep me busy from March until September anyway.

still upset


Can someone please tell me why I bought a Wii U at launch again? NSMBU and Zombi U were great but kind of forgettable in the grand scheme, Pikmin 3 is delayed until the end of the world, and now Rayman is multiplatform and coming out nearly a year after launch. The only interesting game coming soon is Monster Hunter 3: Ultimate, and I already played a ton of Monter Hunter 3 on the Wii. I should have just waited two years. Nintendo really messed up this launch.

Fuck I feel really stupid right now.

To stay on topic, I might buy this game on the PS3 if it removes all that boring Murphy stuff that was in the Wii U versions. Either way I don't know what Ubisoft is thinking releasing this game around GTA5 and whatever major holiday releases Nintendo has (Wind Waker HD, Mario Kart, 3D Mario, etc).


Junior Member
I still can't believe how silly some people can be. The dramatic reaction is giving me life.

I thought this game going multi was common sense, for both Wii U and PS360 owners alike.

I don't care about it being exclusive.

Delaying the WiiU version until Sept is the problem.
Pretty amazing how actually aware most people are about this, let alone Miiverse which usually always has a pleasant atmosphere surrounding it.

People are not happy about this in many languages Uplay is one of those region free Communities I guess lol

Well, whatever plans Ubisoft has for Wii U, it likely won't be for games until the holiday season. We probably won't get Watch Dogs, but even if we do, it will naturally be a late port, like 8 months to a year late. Few will care about it then. Yeah, I'm sure Miiverse will remind Ubisoft about their frustration over Rayman' again later this year. We'll probably see it at E3.

See you are speaking of a LATE Port for Wii U... Why is it that is only fair on Nintendo Platforms?
PS360 could learn to wait for late ports for once too. LOL


The decision makes sense from Ubisoft's perspective. Marketing a release twice or marketing a release once? Obviously the latter is preferable. Moreover, the experiences with third-party sales on the WiiU might have deterred Ubisoft.

However, the higher-ups should have been more transparent about this decision in order to avoid the disappointment of WiiU consumers/fans.


I just heard about this, so I'm sorry if it's been asked already, but does anyone know if this means the PS3/360 versions will lack the Murphy segments?

I thought the Legends Wii U demo compared unfavorably to Origins because there were way more collectibles you had to go out of your way to get (not my thing, sorry), and I didn't particularly enjoy the Murphy GamePad stuff.


I still can't believe how silly some people can be. The dramatic reaction is giving me life.

I thought this game going multi was common sense, for both Wii U and PS360 owners alike.

We're pissy about the delay. Wii U owners wanted it now. Hell, I'm pissy about not having Fire Emblem yet and that's less than a week late. This is 7 months for a game that probably could have gone gold tomorrow.
The decision makes sense from Ubisoft's perspective. Marketing a release twice or marketing a release once? Obviously the latter is preferable. Moreover, the experiences with third-party sales on the WiiU might have deterred Ubisoft.

However, the higher-ups should have been more transparent about this decision.

I honestly don't think decision was reached until Wii U's 3rd party underperformance became known. At that point they just didn't want to spend the extra money and decided to wait for the userbase to grow more.
The crazy thing is that I think it would sell better now if it was released on WiiU.

People are looking for a game to play.

In September it will have to battle bigger releases and probably Nintendo 1st Party games.

Bad move.

WiiU will more than likely have the superior version because it was made on it originally and because of the gamepad.....but still....Ubi Soft kind of screwed themselves here in terms of sales.

Why would it be so bad to release it now and then release the 360 and PS3 versions later?

As many experts have pointed out, having one release date means only a single advertising campaign is needed for all platforms to save money. You know, like on all those BIG, EXPENSIVE ads ubi did for rayman origins. Oh wait...


Junior Member
The decision makes sense from Ubisoft's perspective. Marketing a release twice or marketing a release once? Obviously the latter is preferable. Moreover, the experiences with third-party sales on the WiiU might have deterred Ubisoft.

However, the higher-ups should have been more transparent about this decision in order to avoid the disappointment of WiiU consumers/fans.

It was going to come out in 2 weeks.

Marketing? They could still release it on WiiU (it is the only playable demo in the machines) and then do most of the marketing in Sept when the game releases on Xbox360 and PS3. They would also mention the WiiU version even though it was out for months.

Trust me. People were going to buy this game on WiiU. People just want a decent new release.

I probably won't buy this anymore personally because I imagine big 1st party releases will be out around then for WiiU and I am sure I will need to pick up some games for the 360 and PS3 at that time too.

Sorry Rayman...you did it to yourself.


I just heard about this, so I'm sorry if it's been asked already, but does anyone know if this means the PS3/360 versions will lack the Murphy segments?

I thought the Legends Wii U demo compared unfavorably to Origins because there were way more collectibles you had to go out of your way to get (not my thing, sorry), and I didn't particularly enjoy the Murphy GamePad stuff at all.

Wii U is said to be the "definitive" version of Legends because it has those extra features so I assume they're phasing it out. Those Murphy levels were meant to be optional all along though, so if anything the PS3 and 360 will miss out on bonus incentives.

Speaking of which, that artwork they posted when confirming the delay doesn't have Murphy on it...


Rayman Legends would have likely sold poorly if it came out this month or in the Fall. The only difference is there's steeper competition in the Fall, and Wii U having a bigger install base isn't going to be of that much help when Nintendo's got plans to releasing several games by that as we all know, Nintendo fans will be more interested in.


Why would it be so bad to release it now and then release the 360 and PS3 versions later?

My suspicion is that the delay came *first* and has nothing directly to do with Wii U, and the 360 and PS3 versions are - in part - to offset the losses caused by the delay. I've worked on games that did rather similar things (although in terms of 'features to help it sell' to negotiate more money and time from publishers; the principle is still the same, though)


Junior Member
Because of Miiverse Ubisoft will need to announce something other support very soon to chill this fire.

I can see Rayman's Community being a troll-fest come September when the game is out.
If you own the game you will have to avoid Miiverse lol

I'm really hoping the backlash from all of this will change their minds. There are a lot more people than I could've imagined that are pissed off about this.
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