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Killzone Shadow Fall (PS4) announced, launch title [1080p/30fps]

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The graphics look great but the gameplay is just like a current gen game. If I wanted great graphics with stale gameplay I would just play Crysis 3...

Edit- Also can I frickin play as a helghast? They have so much potential to be interesting multifaceted characters but all we have are space nazis.


It was absolutely fucking amazing

And I can't be the only who thought that gun was badass right?

And new Main character!? Right?


In Killzone 3
you blow up Helghan home planet
so they extend an olive branch to the Helghast? Start the game by
executing Rico
as part of a peace agreement?

Visually, it looks a lot like Black Ops 2 to me, and the fact that it isn't Killzone 4 is telling. I wouldn't be suprised if it ditched multiplayer, and focused on making a showpiece singleplayer PS4 launch title.


I think it was the best looking game there, but once again, it plays like Killzone and I'm not really a fan. What excites me is the fact that once again, exclusive PlayStation titles are going to be above an beyond the multiplatform titles in terms of graphical integrity.
The sweeping shots of the city....



This was the highlight of the meeting, IMO.

Vekta just looks absolutely stunning. Amazing what GG can do with newer, and higher specs.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I hope they do some cool things with the Berlin analogy. The demo teases it with the environment, but it'd be cool if it plays a significant role in the gameplay.


As I was watching this demo it felt like playing Uncharted 2 for the first time. I just couldn't believe what I was seeing.

I hope they provide the same Move support they provided KZ3. It's hard to go back to a controller after using the Move for FPS.
Graphics were obviously impressive but the gameplay didn't move me at all until they showed the ability to scale walls. If they can introduce a Crysis 1 level of openness to the levels I'd be truly excited. If it's just KZ2 with a much better coat of paint and more features it'll still be a fun romp and visual experience, especially if they are introducing daylight as a mainstay.


Any idea what frame rate is that?

And oh my fracking god! Look at that resolution and anti-aliasing.

Looked like it was at least a pretty stable 30. I didn't see many drops that looked like it was in game drops and not shitty video streaming drops.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Do hope that we get some Helghast protagonists though and with how the games story setting is, that just might be possible.

Really hope that there will be co-op in this title though.
Watching it on the facebook page is waaaaay more impressive than the stream.

The stream really messed up my perception of quality
Looked great

I was hoping that the player was actually a Helghast insurgent and the dude who uncloaked was going to help him up. Goddamn ISA


I would have much rather seen a new IP/direction for Guerilla. KZ never did it for me and that demo, other than visuals, was just boring.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Looks amazing but probably plays like any other KZ game.


I have to say those smoke effects really harken back to the infamous 2005 E3 CG trailer.

Ah the blessings of great alpha effects thanks for immense bandwidth.


A Killzone with a color pallet and decent art direction? Now I'm really shocked. Shame it will still probably be a dull FPS, but I might actually bite this time.


I loved this video gameplay. It awesome that it has colors and it occurs during the day time in the city. Flesh out the world GG!

Anyways, why is the helgahst dude wearing a mask still? Why not take it off? I think in KZ2 they said something about wearing it for pride? And is a wall really separating the Higgs and Vektans? Cant the higgs just fly over and do terrorist attacks on nearby cities...LOL.
Graphics were clearly next gen. Really impressed with the sweeping cityscape and the detail and reflectivity on the buildings.

Otherwise I hated it. Gunplay and art design don't resemble Killzone at all. If you told me this was some next gen Crysis footage, I wouldn't doubt it for a minute. Totally devoid of soul.
Stunning. The aerial sequence, all that glas, those reflections.....jawdropping. It was maybe the most "next gen" moment of the night.
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