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Zelda game set in Link to the Past world coming to the 3DS, holiday 2013

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I wonder if people actually remember how bad CGI models for games in 1997 actually were, or if their memories are as bad as the people who think that the game where you turned into a pink bunny rabbit and fought a giant blue pig in crayon colors wasn't cartoony.

I like you. We should hang out for drinks.


Okay, I'm going to have a lie down and think about this a little bit. I need to calm down.

Gotta figure out whether or not to trade in my 3DS.

You're going to trade your entire gaming system in for money because an early version of a single game was shown, announced via a trailer which only showed two areas?

Agreed, calm the f*ck down
Think you have that reversed. Spirit Tracks is easily the worst Zelda game released on a Nintendo console.

Nope, I was right the first time. PH is the only actual Zelda game that made me say "No" and stop playing for months because it pissed me off so much with its bland dungeons and dumb gimmick temple, ST was fantastic.
Its this


but in 3D

Which is exactly what I'm saying, the style doesn't directly translate into 3D. Those trees work well in 2D because it's supposed to be flat, but in 3D it just looks like it doesn't belong there.

I think it's also suffering from something SS does. The grass texture is way too light and empty. It makes things like flowers and trees feel like they're not connected to the ground.
Heh, I will never get why people go all gaga over this, but good for you guys.

they actually give it a chance and find that they love it.

This game in particular is meant to be experienced on the 3DS. Not an HD monitor off youtube

Several posts of people who weren't feeling the trailer during the ND have switched there positions to actually liking it once they saw it on the device it was designed for.
Sure there is. The fact that its better than 3D Zelda, for one. Especially on handhelds.

Better is subjective I guess. I can't argue your opinion; I've never found a 2D Zelda even comes close to the 3D ones. And yes, I played Zelda before 1998.

What isn't debatable is that Ocarina was amazing on 3DS, and it showed the system can pull off big, 3D games. So instead of a proper, real Zelda that takes advantage of the power of the system, we get a cheap 2D game that looks worse than a SNES game. I'm sick of handhelds being a ghetto. You can't charge me full price for these types of games anymore.


Nope, I was right the first time. PH is the only actual Zelda game that made me say "No" and stop playing for months because it pissed me off so much with its bland dungeons and dumb gimmick temple, ST was fantastic.
The only good thing to come from PH was my avatar.

So this is a new Link right? He was older in LttP. Oh man, we need Terada art for this game.

Davey Cakes

I made a joke about Alpha Dream developing Mario and Luigi 4, Yoshi's Island DS, AND Zelda: ALttP 2.

There are certainly similarities in the art direction. Maybe Nintendo thinks this sort of style works well in 3D?

Anyway, there's A LOT of Zelda coming this year. Obviously the only new game is ALttp 2, but we're also getting the Oracle games on 3DS VC and Wind Waker HD. Crazy.
Is it just me or does this Links face look like the same model from the Young Link N64 models?

Maybe more polygons, but it looks basically the same, no?

FAKE EDIT: I believe its actually the same face model from Ocarina of Time 3D


Maturity, bitches.
You all know that ,even if the game is a masterpiece, is going to have slow movement, slow and limited gameplay, is going to be easy easy and, maybe, is going to have stupid tutorials too... almost all nintendo franchises have suffered this change because, nowadays, nintendo games are for "everyone" so you all better forget about that feeling of a "classic" game like a link to the past. For example: if we pick old 2d mario games byand we compare them with the new super mario bros series... or if we compare 3d zeldas like ocarina of time and skiward sword... or super mario 64 and super mario galaxy... before it was like if the game was telling you just "go" and nothing more but now... you know is true...
You're going to have to point out the stupid tutorials in the nsmb games to me because I can't remember them.


I don't think the art style is bad per se, but the game does look like it's made of some sort of weird clay-like substance. I actually like how they've combined Wind Waker's style with that of the more traditional Zelda games.


After watching the trailer on the 3DS, I am infinitely more hyped. All my misgivings about the art have gone away. Game looks adorable in 3D. It's like a bunch of little wooden Zelda toys running around a diorama. Love it.
Precisely. I'm enjoying more and more people see the light.


For everyone who's decided to furiously masturbate over this, remember that Nintendo is going to fuck up the legacy of LTTP with padding, tutorials and a companion.

Don't let your childhood get ruined. Boycott this shit.

your comments are hilarious but sadly I could actually see this happening :p



What's with the Link turning into a painting thing? Solving puzzles with that is going to be ridiculously fun.


It's not like it's a sequel to one of the greatest games of all time and the first true 2-d Zelda in nine years or anything.

It's great for a 1991 game, not great for a modern game. I get being nostalgic for it, but I don't get being so obsessed with things you're nostalgic for.




This is a PS3 game, with basically NES Zelda game play.
Other companies can rip off the classic Zeldas but when Nintendo does it suddenly people are mad.

3D Dot Game Heroes is significantly prettier than what they showed of LTTP2 so far...

It had terrible dungeon design though.


I bet Miyamoto told the team to only include characters, items and enemies from LTTP as well as making sure gameplay was the focus, a la Sticker Star.

Don't think I can take much more of this.

Miyamoto seriously needs to be fired

This game stinks of his involvement.

This thread is making progress. In two hours time we will know enough to review and rate the game. All pulled straight out of Ass Town
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