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Zelda game set in Link to the Past world coming to the 3DS, holiday 2013

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I'm sure people would complain. I would not be one of those people.

I'm just not liking the 2.5D treatment a lot of games are getting. Fire Emblem strikes a perfect balance between 2D and 3D. The 3DS, in my opinion, just isn't strong enough to support these titles.

Lol what??

I like the artstyle in this one. Yoshi's Island.. not so much.

I knew something looked familiar about paper link!
Okay, real talk:

I'm pretty lukewarm on this game. When I saw the word "LTTP2" on twitter earlier today, I expected amazing spritework and homage to LTTP (which, seriously, is pretty low on my list of favourite Zelda games). It looks like Nintendo found a toybox and just decided to make a Zelda game with whatever they found inside of it. How can you even announce a Zelda game this close to release without more details anyway? All we get is 60 seconds of video? At least throw us a bone as far as the overworld is concerned. Is it completely open from the start? Is there a companion?

So many questions, yet all we got was a hammer, a shitty paper Zelda mechanic and a LTTP namedrop.

Have you never been around for a Zelda announcement? They're always like this. Nintendo shows off just enough of like three features then clams up.


The real megaton everyone missed, diagonal arrows!!!


And auto-recovering magic?

EDIT: Could be a stamina bar.

So you charge arrows in this game, and when you do it locks you into position. And it depletes the "magic" meter instead of actual arrows. Uh, ok.


I don't get the purpose of a stamina meter in Zelda. Are they planning on making stuff like arrows infinite? That would be the only purpose I see in not letting the player spam them (but it would be lame because then there won't be item management). Kinda weird. Didn't even notice this until someone pointed it out!


The Celda hate was a reaction to the bait and switch with the E3 concept demo, along with people dissatisfied with it being "kiddy" and not "mature."

This is just ugly.

As for it being a work in progress: yes. The game isn't out. Everyone knows. You're allowed to react to what's in front of you.

I disagree. I would have preferred sprites, maybe, but this game looks really good. A Link to the Past is my favorite game ever, and this fits right in with that game's style. It's beautiful. I'm going nuts with excitement here.
On one hand, I haven't really enjoyed a Zelda game since Wind Waker. On the other hand, I haven't played a real top down Zelda game since Ages/Seasons.

Consider me...cautiously intrigued. If this game keeps to the formula that worked in LttP (i.e. don't give me 8 billion fetch quests, give me cool dungeons and a fun overworld) then I will be legit excited. The last time I played a Zelda was Twilight Princess, and between how slow it was to start and the fact that I needed to get whatever obscure collectible they used in order to get an upgraded _wallet_ I recognized that this was not a series that was aimed at me anymore.


Looks much, much better in that downloadable video. Thought Link looked a bit too smooth in the direct, but I'm totally fine with it now. Can't wait.

This appears to be the case. Seems like 2d screenshots can't do it justice



My number 2 favorite game ever behind super metroid and the only game to this day that made me cry (ending credits)

My hands are shaking from the splooge...
You weren't right about Tomb Raider being a great game so why should anybody care about what you have to say about a game with actual gameplay?

The critics loved it and the majority of GAF gushed over it - it's definitely a good game that you happened not to like. Nice try though. Anyway, back on topic.


Wasn't surprised by the art as with Yoshi's, but LOVING depth puzzle concept. It's great Zelda usually makes the most out of hardware.
Twilight Princess says hi

Uh, yeah, that proves my point. They showed off a HUD-less game with empty placeholder levels, boxy featureless dungeons, and enemies that didn't make it into the final game. It looked like a tech demo at E3 2004. All we knew was that it had a new artstyle, you could do neat sword moves, and that you could use your sword while on a horse.


The Celda hate was a reaction to the bait and switch with the E3 concept demo, along with people dissatisfied with it being "kiddy" and not "mature."

This is just ugly.

As for it being a work in progress: yes. The game isn't out. Everyone knows. You're allowed to react to what's in front of you.

uh I remember people calling it ugly and laughing that it "had no textures" and looked cheap and dated with low polycount.
Wow, that's pretty cool. Seems like the perfect direction to go for a handheld entry.

Lol it's coming out this holiday season but it doesn't seem to even have a name yet.


Analog movement is going to be weird. I know you had a full 360-degree range of motion in Phantom Hourglass, but I don't know how I feel about circle pad movement. I'm going to put my faith in Shiggy and trust him on this one.


We are getting a sequel to ALTTP and the reaction is greatly mixed. GAF you disappoint me.

This is incredible!!!

I agree. GAF is such a wet towel.

But I'll say that I'm a wet towel with most other game industry news. I guess opinions are very varied and divisive when it comes to games.


Watched the video on the eShop. The 3D was really fucking annoying so I had to turn it off, as expected. Looks fine in 2D though. Models are a bit iffy, but it does look like LttP. They should increase the contrast a little I think. Making the colors look richer would go a long way in making it look even more like LttP.
I don't get the purpose of a stamina meter in Zelda. Are they planning on making stuff like arrows infinite? That would be the only purpose I see in not letting the player spam them (but it would be lame because then there won't be item management). Kinda weird. Didn't even notice this until someone pointed it out!

My initial thought it so make dashing limited.

It's great for a 1991 game, not great for a modern game. I get being nostalgic for it, but I don't get being so obsessed with things you're nostalgic for.

I haven't been able to get into a single 3D Zelda. Yes, none of them. So yeah, this interests me.

It doesn't look gorgeous or anything, but after seeing the poor art direction in the Yoshi's Island title, this looks pretty nice.
I do wish Nintendo did proper trailers for these reveals. This and Yoshi just getting footage dumps whilst Iwata or whoever rabbles over it is a bit lame. In contrast, the Bravely Default trailer was some hype shit.


Have you never been around for a Zelda announcement? They're always like this. Nintendo shows off just enough of like three features then clams up.

You'd expect them to have changed that a bit when the reveal of Skyward Sword was literally a live-demo. A shitty live-demo, but it was still a live-demo.
noffles said:
For everyone who's decided to furiously masturbate over this, remember that Nintendo is going to fuck up the legacy of LTTP with padding, tutorials and a companion.

Don't let your childhood get ruined. Boycott this shit.
your comments are hilarious but sadly I could actually see this happening :p

press the directional pad to go into a direction
press this button to attack
press this button to switch items
press this button to go 2D

ohh the top down 2D tutorial horror!!!


Wasn't sure about the art style, but it looks great in the eShop video. My only problem is Link's model and the way the full health sword blast looks, apart from that, give it to me NOW Nintendo.


We are getting a sequel to ALTTP and the reaction is greatly mixed. GAF you disappoint me.

This is incredible!!!

Shouldn't be that surprising. It is a Zelda announcement after all.

Watched the video on the eShop. The 3D was really fucking annoying so I had to turn it off, as expected. Looks fine in 2D though. Models are a bit iffy, but it does look like LttP. They should increase the contrast a little I think. Making the colors look richer would go a long way in making it look even more like LttP.

I haven't had a chance to watch it myself but how do the 3D Models look on the 3DS?


The real megaton everyone missed, diagonal arrows!!!


And auto-recovering magic?

EDIT: Could be a stamina bar.

Same overworld as aLttP confirmed? I remember this section in the overworld. Hopefully there's more original sections, too.
I do wish Nintendo did proper trailers for these reveals. This and Yoshi just getting footage dumps whilst Iwata or whoever rabbles over it is a bit lame. In contrast, the Bravely Default trailer was some hype shit.

Couldn't agree more. It's like they forgot how to market their games.
Is it just me or does this Links face look like the same model from the Young Link N64 models?

Maybe more polygons, but it looks basically the same, no?

FAKE EDIT: I believe its actually the same face model from Ocarina of Time 3D

I don't like that. I want my link to have a big honking nose.


Good Art™
The real megaton everyone missed, diagonal arrows!!!


And auto-recovering magic?

EDIT: Could be a stamina bar.

This looks great to me. It's like some kind of next gen snes era were we would have had the same kind of thing but with bump and super animated and detailed sprite.

Ok it's a little bland, the trees could us some work, it's not really focused on the mood of course.. But still it's charming.
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