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Zelda game set in Link to the Past world coming to the 3DS, holiday 2013

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Im torn, on one side top down Zelda games can be fun and I do like them.. On the other side I prefer full 3D Zeldas and was hoping the 3DS would give us something along those lines. =/





I don't get how people are saying it is an ugly game? I can understand if you don't like the Link model, but the environment? no way.


I wonder if people actually remember how bad CGI models for games in 1997 actually were, or if their memories are as bad as the people who think that the game where you turned into a pink bunny rabbit and fought a giant blue pig in crayon colors wasn't cartoony.



Dam It... couldnt they not show the new puzzle mechanics? Its like having a Fi in a trailer ruining the surprises and puzzles for you.


I shot people I like more for less.
Looks much, much better in that downloadable video. Thought Link looked a bit too smooth in the direct, but I'm totally fine with it now. Can't wait.


It's great for a 1991 game, not great for a modern game. I get being nostalgic for it, but I don't get being so obsessed with things you're nostalgic for.

It's one of the best games ever. Saying that somebody is nostalgic for it is not a valid criticism.

I wish more modern games were like LTTP. Games that trusted the player had half a brain in their head to figure shit out on their own. I miss that.


3D Dot Game Heroes is significantly prettier than what they showed of LTTP2 so far...

It had terrible dungeon design though.

As someone who owned 3DDot at some point, it had distracting, out of place bloom lighting and blurring. It was pretty in concept, not so much in reality. IMO anyway
3D Dot Game Heroes is significantly prettier than what they showed of LTTP2 so far...

It had terrible dungeon design though.

That's debatable. It has some depth of field and whatnot but the perspective is too tilted. I like that this new Zelda has a more overhead perspective.
It is a bit lifeless but hopefully they can improve it since they have another 6 months before they have to nail it down.

And yeah, I bought 3D dot game heroes, and played the first dungeon, and I was like... seriously? This is it?

At least you know this new Zelda is going to introduce new ideas, even if it looks similar to the old games.
Nope, I was right the first time. PH is the only actual Zelda game that made me say "No" and stop playing for months because it pissed me off so much with its bland dungeons and dumb gimmick temple, ST was fantastic.

I always feel like an outcast because of my opinion on ST. Bro-fist. :D
Which is exactly what I'm saying, the style doesn't directly translate into 3D. Those trees work well in 2D because it's supposed to be flat, but in 3D it just looks like it doesn't belong there.

I think it's also suffering from something SS does. The grass texture is way too light and empty. It makes things like flowers and trees else feel like they're not connected to the ground.

have you checked it out on the 3DS or just the direct?

interested to see how many more people change there mind about it once theyve seen it on the system.

LTTP is my favorite Zelda but even then I felt it was bland although it had its moments (which I'm sure this will) especially compared to games like Secret of Mana.

Still I can see the style working when viewed in 3D on a smaller screen than my 27 inch monitor so I'm definitely not gonna give a final judgement until I see it the way it was intended.
It's great for a 1991 game, not great for a modern game. I get being nostalgic for it, but I don't get being so obsessed with things you're nostalgic for.

Modern games have moved away from what made ALTTP so great. If this is a true return to form then all the better.


Okay, real talk:

I'm pretty lukewarm on this game. When I saw the word "LTTP2" on twitter earlier today, I expected amazing spritework and homage to LTTP (which, seriously, is pretty low on my list of favourite Zelda games). It looks like Nintendo found a toybox and just decided to make a Zelda game with whatever they found inside of it. How can you even announce a Zelda game this close to release without more details anyway? All we get is 60 seconds of video? At least throw us a bone as far as the overworld is concerned. Is it completely open from the start? Is there a companion?

So many questions, yet all we got was a hammer, a shitty paper Zelda mechanic and a LTTP namedrop.


Everyone's shitting on it now. Wait until they play it and change their opinions.

"Awwww Yiiissss. One of the best Legend of Zelda games I've played" - noffles

It's gonna happen. Just watch ;0


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
The Celda hate was a reaction to the bait and switch with the E3 concept demo, along with people dissatisfied with it being "kiddy" and not "mature."

This is just ugly.

As for it being a work in progress: yes. The game isn't out. Everyone knows. You're allowed to react to what's in front of you.
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