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The Wonderful 101: Kamiya "focus on fun, not length..." [Update: Inaba comments]

I like games that can be finished in a day, especially when they have high replay value which they often do compared to longer games. I wish more games were made with Platinum's philosophy.
Yes, because they are fun, and technically action games.

So yes, your criteria is pointless.

Its an action game, it will be held to the same standard.

I am not saying it has to be some 40+ hour epic.

But if I can GCN Wario Ware that thing, we are going to have a problem.

What is so funny about that in this genre kamiya IS the standard. He and Platinum have proved themselves time after time after time again that they are the defacto dev house for action games.

What are these action games that match your "standard?"

Edit: Did you just call kingdom hearts an action game? are you for real?


Wearing out my gamepad was honestly a concern I had with MH. And still is. My PSP barely survived that series, its R button is pretty messed up.

I'm really hoping W101 is closer to Bayonetta than Vanquish in terms of replayability. Both are great games the first time and mechanically fine, but Vanquish was completely barebones outside of God Hard. Which was...well, too fucking hard. Bayonetta's hard mode was like a whole new game, enemy locations were remixed and EVERYTHING was far more aggressive. But it didn't feel unfair or anything, more like the main game was just there to prepare you for what came after.

I'm buying it either way and I'm sure I'll be happy with it.

The hilarious outbursts followed by Inaba cleaning up the mess is just one of many reasons I love Platinum.

they're adorable.



What is so funny about that in this genre kamiya IS the standard. He and Platinum have proved themselves time after time after time again that they are the defacto dev house for action games.

What are these action games that match your "standard?"

Edit: Did you just call kingdom hearts an action game? are you for real?

Kindom hearts is an action rpg, yes.

Also kamiya is what standard?
Please elaborate, because your going to name bayonetta and then I am just going to say I like dmc3 and 4 better. And then you are going to name MGR , but he didn't have a role in that.
Well replaying Vanquish 3 times was a blast and totally worth me paying full price. It's one of the few games I've bothered replaying multiple times in the past few years.


Kindom hearts is an action rpg, yes.

Also kamiya is what standard?
Please elaborate, because your going to name bayonetta and then I am just going to say I like dmc3 and 4 better. And then you are going to name MGR , but he didn't have a role in that.

Action RPG /= Action game.

Kamiya's games are not RPG. They're action games.

Deku Tree

In retrospect, this is not a bad way to get viral marketing going.

Step 1. Say something vague that will get the internets very upset.
Step 2. Say something slightly less vague that will correct the internets bad perception, and make them happy.
Step 3. Enjoy all the attention you just generated for your game.


Action RPG /= Action game

Kamiya's games are not RPG. They're action games.

The first part is so wrong its funny.

But still, I like dmc 3 and 4, so yeah standard.

Why do you all think I want this game to be the longest game ever.

I just want to be reasonable. And what that means for me will be decided when the game is out. It being "kamiya" means nothing to me, their few people in this industry that I will just trust, and Kamiya hasn't earned that trust yet.
I understand what people are saying, but for me the idea of buying a game and it not even lasting a weekend isn't all that appealing. Probably why my backlog is so big lol.
If W101 isn't a very long game, I'm just going to assume it's Kamiya's tweeting that's been prolonging its release. ;)

And considering how awesome MGR is in its length of time, I'm going to trust Platinum on this one.


[after reading Inaba's comments]

There's a controversy? Good god, that post I made at the beginning of the thread was meant to be a joke. You terrible people.


Inaba nailed it, I would much rather have a shorter and very replayable game than a padded one just to make it longer.

Its why I have replayed games like Vanquish, God Hand, Bayonetta etc. countless times.

DMC4 for example is the perfect (and very embarrassing) example of trying to pad your game just for the sake of making it longer. I fix the problem personally by simply not playing those missions (12-17?) at all and it makes the game feel much better.
Kindom hearts is an action rpg, yes.

Also kamiya is what standard?
Please elaborate, because your going to name bayonetta and then I am just going to say I like dmc3 and 4 better. And then you are going to name MGR , but he didn't have a role in that.

Diablo 2 is also an action RPG

I have like 600 hours of Diablo 2

KH length is in comparison, embarrassing.



Also kamiya is what standard?
Please elaborate, because your going to name bayonetta and then I am just going to say I like dmc3 and 4 better. And then you are going to name MGR , but he didn't have a role in that.

Every single one of those games owes as much to Kamiya and Devil May Cry 1 as the 8- and 16-bit platformer flood owed to Super Mario Bros. Hell, Rising was directed by Kenji Saito, who is essentially Kamiya's protégée.


Pikmin 1 was very short but it was the right length for what it had to offer. Much better to value my time than to subject me to 30 floors of randomly generated horseshit. I'm totally on board for a short but consistently enjoyable game.


41 > 38
I don't know. Back in the day, I could beat Star Fox 64 in, what, a couple hours? I can't even estimate the pure number of times I played through it, though. I put way more hours into that game than a game like Ocarina of Time. Bring it on.


Atsushi Inaba is one of the most pleasant man in the industry. I just enjoy listening (or rather reading) his comments because they are so sensible and politely put.
Kindom hearts is an action rpg, yes.

Also kamiya is what standard?
Please elaborate, because your going to name bayonetta and then I am just going to say I like dmc3 and 4 better. And then you are going to name MGR , but he didn't have a role in that.

Kamiya is the standard that all other action game developers not named itakagi follow.

Action rpg is not an action game. It is a RPG with action elements. The built of the game is played as an rpg, with battles following an action game template only in attack strings.

DMC birthed the modern action genre, Viewtful joe birthed the type of action game Wonderful 101 is. Bayonetta is basically DMC5.

Not to mention both DMC3 and 4 are short games even with 4s backtracking, So if you are using them as the standard you are either really bad at them or talking out your ass.


3 hours of Vanquish was better than 10 hours of most other third person shooters, so I don't really care. People complained that Revengeance was too short, but I thought it was a really appropriate length.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important

I feel Pikmin 1 is the perfect example of this philosophy, with the sequel suffering from paddening-itis.

I mean, Kamiya must've learned from his own mistakes given how much of a better game Ōkami would have been if cut short of 1/3 of its length.
Give me a fun full-on blast-on game at full throttle for 5 hours and gameplay mechanics and incentives for high replaybility any time of the day against a 30 hours epic with 10 hours of fetch quests in-between.

Then you have the perfect blend of both length and keeping it fresh and interesting for 99% of its length, and that's quite an achievement and so rare that only Resident Evil 4 comes to my mind at the moment (regarding action games of course.) Uncharted 2 came close to that as well.

More than anything, give me difficulty options that fucking MEAN SOMETHING more than facing now bullet sponge enemies and having fewer ammo pickups or whatever, give me different AI behave for starter. Or something like MGS2 at the very least.


Doesn't he know fun is directly proportional to length? At least that's what my girlfriend keeps telling me.
I mean, Kamiya must've learned from his own mistakes given how much of a better game Ōkami would have been if cut short of 1/3 of its length.
Give me a fun full-on blast-on game at full throttle for 5 hours and gameplay mechanics and incentives for high replaybility any time of the day against a 30 hours epic with 10 hours of fetch quests in-between.
Nah, no it wouldnt. Also, ten hours of fetch quests? What are you talking about?
Okami's problem wasn't necessarily length, but pacing. It feels like the game legitimately ends two or three times and you have to fight the same bosses several times - and not in a "Whoa, this is a cool callback" way, but rather in a "Wow, again?" way.
Okami's problem wasn't necessarily length, but pacing. It feels like the game legitimately ends two or three times and you have to fight the same bosses several times - and not in a "Whoa, this is a cool callback" way, but rather in a "Wow, again?" way.

this was the only problem with okami.

i swear i was at the end like 5 times.


Kamiya is the standard that all other action game developers not named itakagi follow.

Action rpg is not an action game. It is a RPG with action elements. The built of the game is played as an rpg, with battles following an action game template only in attack strings.

DMC birthed the modern action genre, Viewtful joe birthed the type of action game Wonderful 101 is. Bayonetta is basically DMC5.

Not to mention both DMC3 and 4 are short games even with 4s backtracking, So if you are using them as the standard you are either really bad at them or talking out your ass.

No and No.....

See if it was DMC 5 the main character wouldn't look like a hot mess, and the world would interest me enough to play again. It can be DMC kinda edition.
Okami's problem wasn't necessarily length, but pacing. It feels like the game legitimately ends two or three times and you have to fight the same bosses several times - and not in a "Whoa, this is a cool callback" way, but rather in a "Wow, again?" way.
Yeah, I can understand the issue there. I guess I just I sort of just treat it like three arcs in one huge story. The boss rehashing was lame, I agree, but it is sort of funny being able to completely destroy them in seconds at the end of the game.


You're not very good at arguing a point, are you?

... I responded to things he said.

What are you talking about?

Do.... do I need to break it down or...

By the way I by no means hate the concept of bayonetta, it just I think a bunch of things in the theme of the game and design of the characters seems either boring or bad. Then its its "sort of" closeness to dmc , makes those issues worse than better.


You're not very good at arguing a point, are you?

What point? All this shit is subjective. Nothing invalid about what he said. DM3 sure as hell didn't take me 5 hours to beat the first time around either, it had a decent length and offered a great challenge the first time around.


I understand what people are saying, but for me the idea of buying a game and it not even lasting a weekend isn't all that appealing. Probably why my backlog is so big lol.

Having a huge backlog encouraged the exact opposite for me. I love games that I can be done with in under a week. Especially if they're fun.
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