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Adam Sessler interview: Xbox One's DRM, Always-Online

Think about the fact they proposed a situation in which someone is going to switch from watching The Price is Right to playing Forza. Incredible lack of basic marketing insight; a company so big it has brute-force internal marketing concepts. They probably run around saying "experience" to each other!

The scariest thing?

Jason Scheirer, who is circumspect as fuck, is the first response in this thread, pointing out the obvious.

Even if you think Microsoft should be give the benefit of the doubt, you have to admit that Sony were more prepared to answer questions about their console, in a more organised manner.

What the fuck has happened with Microsoft since 2010? They used to own these moments.



If these numbers are correct, Microsoft is basically throwing away half of it's userbase. Plus I'm sure many of those accounts are duplicates from the same person/console. I know I have like 4-5 accounts on my system.
I believe there are around 40M Live accounts last I recall, but then there are presumably multiple accounts on single consoles.

EDIT: Oh, beaten.

Thanks guys.

Diznang, half the users? I actually thought it was less than that. That is remarkable what Microsoft thinks they'll make that up some other way, but I don't think much of anything they've been doing makes sense anymore so... whatever :p

Remember the chaos during the annual banning waves? Imagine this system in place and people having to replace their systems AND all their retail games.

Holy damn... I forgot about those. That seriously can't be legal though... I hope... god Microsoft have the world's biggest asshat on their head right now :/

Hey look another person that thinks everyone has reliable internet because he does!

It's like I was describing in another topic, these are example of people who think the world will never effect them until the time it eventually does. They're all "oh, it won't happen to me, I have perfect internet", and then some major storm happens and the internet goes down, or the ISP has to do maintenance or any number of other scenarios, and then... then suddenly they'll start wondering why it is they said what they said. Because they continue to be willing to give up rights they've had previously for nothing in return. Makes no sense how much these people hate their own self-interest.

Also, it's like they also forgot the Sim City debacle that just happened.


What the fuck has happened with Microsoft since 2010? They used to own these moments.

We might get a new tattoo reveal for when they get the exclusive for America's Got Talent series finale down the line.

Remember the chaos during the annual banning waves? Imagine this system in place and people having to replace their systems AND all their retail games.

Holy shit. This could have massive consequences down the line for sure.


Their evasiveness should fully explain their motives.

"blah blah blah advantages of the cloud blah blah blah i must know what my friends are doing at all times blah blah blah" i.e. NEXT GEN DRM, FUCKERS

Evasiveness = They're not sure what they'll do. I think they will gauge the reaction first and then change accordingly ie remove any anti consumer shit.


"And you need to be online"

"Yes. Well no. Sometimes. Occasionally"

"And this will be done when you login?"

"No. Well obviously yes. You wait here, and then we'll get your login details. Probably"

"And you'll make sure the online stays on?"

"You don't need to be online. But you're required to be connected. Dont worry about being online though. I'll be back in a minute"

"OK. Make sure you bring your ethernet cable"


What an awful interview (not Sessler's fault). It's staggering, really. Look, most of us hate the TV-centric approach the conference went with. But this goes beyond that. The first rumours broke, what, at the start of February? Sony's conference was a week later. Since then new rumours about the console have come out almost every week. There was the Adam Orth fiasco. They've had 3 months to see how negatively they were received. They've had 3 months to look at Sony's approach – being entirely candid about the shortcomings of PS3, highly informative presentation, focus on games – and the response that garnered. And they still seem clueless. We give Nintendo shit for not seeming to know what they're doing, but Jesus Christ, this is another level altogether.

Watch Cerny's portion of the Sony conference and just how much he told us, then compare it with the vapid nothingness presented by Mattrick et al. Not a single negative rumour was addressed and what they did give us was vague at best. "Here's one box to control the living room", they said. Except it'll only be available in North America at launch, doesn't replace your cable box, can't interface with DVR and uses HDMI-CEC to control channel switching which only the newest boxes support. "We have exclusive FIFA Ultimate Team content." What is it? With how focused the whole presentation was on the US surely now is as good a time as any to rope in some of Europe. "Here are some of the games, running on Xbox One, that are only possible because of Xbox One." Where? Those are trailers. Are you guys even ready for this?

So then they decided to address all the negative shit after the conference. You'd think with 3 months they'd have some good answers for us. Nope. Every representative seemed to contradict the last. There's a used game fee, but there's no fee, but it'll be a small fee, now the fee is the full price of the game, but there's a paywall, then it's tied to your installation, then your profile, then your family can use the game on your profile, GameStop didn't know about it, but now they know how it'll work. Get your shit straight. "You have permission to play your game." Fuck off. Then as soon as it was revealed that PS4 was (supposedly) a good deal more powerful the new company line was that Xbox One would "leverage" (I wish PR people would stop using this as a verb) the infinite powah of the cloud. Oh, so it's always online? No it isn't, but it is, it checks every 24 hours, Harrison is wrong, now he's right, but we're still thinking about it, but the whole console is designed around the new age of fast internet. Which is it?

How can any of these questions surprise them? They've clearly decided that they want to take this console in a direction that makes a closed platform even more closed by adopting the most anti-consumer policies gaming has ever seen, so yeah, people are probably going to ask how it works. "We'll tell you about it later" isn't good enough when there is this much negativity. Why put any faith in them when their entire gaming division has appeared this incompetent?

So every negative rumour came true (sometimes worse), even the implied ones about them being 6 months behind in development, and we're even more confused now than before the conference. Good job, Microsoft.

I mentioned this interview in another thread - watch Booty's responses, in particular about the always-online bit, his answer is so vague, and body language so telling in that part - it actually makes me start to think the whole console needs a constant internet connection, and Microsoft are just obfuscating details to throw people off.


My internet connection is a damn sight more reliable than Xbox Live, which seems to be suffering some sort of malfunction at least once a month.
I mentioned this interview in another thread - watch Booty's responses, in particular about the always-online bit, his answer is so vague, and body language so telling in that part - it actually makes me start to think the whole console needs a constant internet connection, and Microsoft are just obfuscating details to throw people off.

The subtle language they are using when it comes to AI processing and stuff using the cloud sounds to be like that's how they are going to sell the 'best experience' while being online with Xbox Live.


Him and Mattrick are guys I can't even imagine playing videogames.

I can't imagine that either at all. They have very corporate-centric and "for-profit only/no vision" personality. I guess it comes from being at a big organization such as Microsoft.

At least Bill Gates seemed genuine in comparison.


Microsoft quickly backpedaled after that, saying that Harrison's statement is just one "potential situation." I suppose they haven't decided yet, which is perfectly fine. But it's ridiculous that they can't get their message straight.
Is it really fine though? I'm amazed that they've been developing this thing for years and still can't give straight answers on the simplest of questions. If that truly is because even they don't know, then that's terrible planning. They should have had this message clear and communicated internally around MS before that reveal even went live, so we didn't end up with the completely confusing mess we have right now.


Sesler should have gave a straight up question

"Here is an example, I am going to go to my parents house for the week and won't have internet access for that week, will I be able to continue to play my games offline in that week, yes or know?"

It would be great to see how a MS rep would spin that

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I'm weirdly enjoying the pre release rumours about online only consoles and everyone saying 'WAIT FOR THE NEWS'

and then here it is. the exact news was the rumour it's exactly as bad as the rumour suggested.

Him and Mattrick are guys I can't even imagine playing videogames.

only thing I can imagine Mattrick doing is molesting kids in a basement. Dude is up to something.
Here's something else to consider: What if you, through no fault of your own, get suspended or banned from XBL due to some miscellaneous bullshit?

Will MS let you play the console?


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Here's something else to consider: What if you, through no fault of your own, get suspended or banned from XBL due to some miscellaneous bullshit?

Will MS let you play the console?

More people have asked this and it's very good question. Don't think any of the journo's have asked this in their interviews. They should've, but I highly doubt we'd get a straight answer. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if the ban is for sp stuff as well.


It not that they haven't decided, they have I believe. It's that they're trying to obfuscate and delay the truth until people stop asking questions.
The way they are constantly dodging the bullet is so damn annoying.
It makes the fact that people wont like the answer pretty damn obvious, might as well spill the beans upfront, at the very least show some honesty.


I'm weirdly enjoying the pre release rumours about online only consoles and everyone saying 'WAIT FOR THE NEWS'

and then here it is. the exact news was the rumour it's exactly as bad as the rumour suggested.

Well, I did have a little chuckle at those saying, "I couldn't believe people were stupid enough to believe it" when other news came out that contradicted the rumours. :p
Sesler should have gave a straight up question

"Here is an example, I am going to go to my parents house for the week and won't have internet access for that week, will I be able to continue to play my games offline in that week, yes or know?"

It would be great to see how a MS rep would spin that
"No Internet access for a week? Why on Earth would you go there?"


More people have asked this and it's very good question. Don't think any of the journo's have asked this in their interviews. They should've, but I highly doubt we'd get a straight answer. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if the ban is for sp stuff as well.

The Xbox One DRM is pretty much exactly like the current XBLA DRM. If you get banned from today's Xbox Live AND your console dies, you lose all of your stuff. You can not recover your GameTag on a new console and thus wouldn't be able to move your purchased licenses to the new console. You would be shit out of luck.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
The Xbox One DRM is pretty much exactly like the current XBLA DRM. If you get banned from today's Xbox Live AND your console dies, you lose all of your stuff. You can not recover your GameTag on a new console and thus wouldn't be able to move your purchased licenses to the new console. You would be shit out of luck.

Damn, I didn't even know this was the case for 360. I'm sure xbox live bans are justified and strict punishment is deserved, but that's pretty harsh
Damn, I didn't even know this was the case for 360. I'm sure xbox live bans are justified and strict punishment is deserved, but that's pretty harsh

It's kind of crazy when you think about how big game collections will get if you can't resell any games next gen, and the prospect of losing all that in a ban. Not that I plan on getting banned or doing anything dumb, but there's a big difference between losing a bunch of $15 digital games and losing an entire collection of $60 retail games.


Do. Not. Want. I don't need DRM in single player games, which is what I play most. I shouldn't have to be on the internet at ALL to play that. Then there is renting games. I'm not going to rent for a fee, and pay another fee to play the game.

TRios Zen

I've said it before that while the always online/used game stuff will not likely affect me in any significant way, I understand that it is very troublesome to others.

Microsoft's lack of clarity on addressing both the rumors and the reality is dumb. If they didn't have solid, company wide answers to these questions, then they showed the box to soon. IN the long run, I don't know how this will affect them - as clarity arrives, and competitors plans are also explained, we will see how bad this really is.

In the short-term, they've screwed up big, and I wonder if they had any idea that they were walking into this vipers nest?


Then most people will still buy it. Just like the Xbox one. Sony and Microsoft knows this.

Wii U and PC for me if that happens. If they release like Kingdom Hearts 3 and Versus, then I will buy the system years later at a much cheaper price and wait for the games to bomba before I get.


hide your water-based mammals
Then most people will still buy it. Just like the Xbox one. Sony and Microsoft knows this.

Let's hope Sony doesn't then we can laugh more at Xbone.

At this point you need to stack up the games more than anything if you're going to try to asses which to buy. RIght now, PS4 is about games and games. Xbone is about watching TV.


No idea if anyone has mentioned this but why can't the gaming media ask the correct fucking questions?

This Matt Booty guy rambles on about the Xbox One taking advantage of the cloud and interacting with your friends etc. Why can't Sessler ask "If I don't have an internet connection in my household can I still play single player games?" and "If I take me games to a friends house who has no internet at all what will the console do when I insert the game?"???????
The fact that they are not answering should clue people in. Its really unlikely they dont know. So the other obvious scenario is that they know people wont like those answers. They want to farm that info out over a period of months.

You dont throw down all the bad news at once. Let it trickle out over time so that people can get used to it. Then by the time you launch the console they think its normal.
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