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Geoff Keighley: PS4 Used Game DRM (EDIT: but now apparently on hold)


I skipped to the last page of this thread and read "Mortimer" as "Tortimer", I thought that an Animal Crossing character was providing us with Sony news. I may as well extend that to Edge the wrestler and the actual Pope.

Anyway I hope the backlash has made Sony reconsider any plans they may have, if they do leave it up to the publishers it will be interesting to see which ones chose not to use it (assuming they don't all use it).
100% agree. If they think they can get away with some stuff that will make them more money they will try to. If the general internet public calls them on it... they won't. It's that simple.

I don't know this for a fact but there were so many different sources that said the xbone was always online. And then the orth thing happened and people went completely apeshit. A month later microsoft announces it only has to check in once a day. It's still not great but I really do believe it was the entire blow up around Orth that changed it from 3 minutes (which many sources said) to once a day.

Many people missed it but:-

no slim

whydoy think itson1ce a day chkeck nowaoin.stead of 24.3 hours alwaysonlne..? HINTHINT: wasntthatpreorth


seeing how respected this guy is on Gaf, im surprised nobody picked up on it.
If This turns out to be true, Sony just won a Generation long Plus subscriber.

Unlike the rest of the board, I don't forget how Anti-consumer Sony can be too, but they never push further than they feel they can get away with.

If they have scrapped the Used games DRM I have to reward them with my support.

I don't think anyone is ignorant enough to think Sony is pro consumer rights.

I think we can all agree that Sony has reason to be afraid of DRM. We all remember that class action lawsuit that got all the DRM removed. The class auction lawsuit that proves that class auction lawsuits can help the general consumer.

I think because of Sony's current condition financially, they are to afraid to risk it. Which is good for the consumer. Still I doubt any of us think they are pro consumer. They just are afraid of retaliation, one that really hurt.
Didn't they change their story several times though? While this is some guy commenting on 'things he has heard', most of the quotes we had about the Xbox One came from Microsoft staffers/support staff themselves, iirc.

I don't mean those most of them are just Microsoft confusing the fuck out of us. I'm talking about the ones like "Microsoft blames the media" when it was just Major Nelson telling people to wait for a definite answer since there's misinformation around. (Which already had its own topic) and stuff based on patents and the OP guessing
I don't see Microsoft saying, "Hey guys, we got a ton of Youtube thumbs down over the last few weeks and now Sony isn't doing DRM, let's pull the plug on this DRM system we've been working on for months and this retail infrastructure we've already developed and say goodbye to years of potential used game profits so game forums can calm the hell down."

Even though that's more or less identical to what Sony are apparently doing?

So is it coming or isn't it?

It was coming last week, isn't coming this week, and nobody knows about next week.

And if it isn't then why isn't Sony shouting it from the rooftops themselves?

Because making a public statement locks them into a specific policy while waiting to clarify lets them continue to debate it internally, as they are apparently doing.
I didn't realize Crazy Buttocks on a train said it wasn't preorth.

That means we all own Orth for what "little" we have to check in for now.

We also need to keep the pressure in general against DRM.
So let me get this straight, Sony were going to pull the same used game bullshit that Microsoft are doing with the Xbox One, but then they saw the (justified) outcry that resulted from the Xbone reveal and have retracted that decision since?

Fucks sake Sony, how did you think consumers were going to act to such a shitty practice in the first place?!


It may be that Microsoft's setup was more sophisticated but by proxy also harder to disable. Sony could well have just set it with codes you input much like a PC game or even the online passes, and either was going to require them but will now make them optional, or made them optional in the first place but will now not even allow them to survive QA, but Microsoft has so much invested in it that they simply can't back out, just keep going and brace for the worst.

Would be nice if the backlash caused both of them to do a complete backpedal. Have to wonder how the publishers that pushed for this (assuming they did) will ultimately react, I imagine EA'd be left flatfooted on playing favorites, but maybe they'd instead get so desperate as to seriously move to PC entirely or nearly entirely (I doubt the others pushed AS hard, EA's the one with the history of pulling games due to the platform holder allowing competition in their preferred genre.)

Interesting to note, but Activision never used The online pass system in the first place so im not sure they would bother here either. Who knows though


I think if we eventually hear good news from Sony, then we will hear good news too from MS. Both consoles will either rise together or sink together in regard to this DRM fiasco.


A few of you people need to chill with this (of course MS gets more shit than Sony for the same thing) nonsense. You're embarrassing yourselves and subsequently all of us on this site.

MS was second to the plate and they swung and missed with the core audience. They didn't focus on games and then they couldn't get their story straight regarding the rumors that we've all had questions about for months. The fact that they had an additional 90 days to prepare for these questions and still haven't clarified anything is astonishing.

Sony has played this the right way. They haven't said shit one way or the other. There have been hints and speculation, but nothing remotely on the same level as Microsoft. When the truth comes out, Sony will be in the dog house with MS if they share a similar drm strategy.


so what is going on?

Are they or aren't they?

If they do then fuck everything....

Nintendo will get my money this year it seems.

For now...

They were going to have it, but now have backpedaled on it after the Xbox One reveal. We don't really know 100% what is going on though.


But if what famousmortimer says is true then it means that Yoshida was lying about Sony never considered an always online function.
Damn. :/

I must be missing something, but considering implementing a used game DRM does not mean that sony every considered an always online function.


Saint Titanfall
So is it coming or isn't it?
And if it isn't then why isn't Sony shouting it from the rooftops themselves?

Probably because the details haven't been ironed out in regards to what mortimers said. It can still change, so you probably won't hear until it's at the point they can't change their minds anymore.
Has the OP even been back in the thread to explain his blatant mischaracterization of Geoff's quote?

It really wasn't - he strongly implicated Sony with his "white knight" quote. Sony working on DRM is backed up by insiders in this thread. I feel very comfortable with my thread title.

Also, note I added the insiders quotes to the OP as quickly as possible.


Interesting to note, but Activision never used The online pass system in the first place so im not sure they would bother here either. Who knows though
They already have one of the best selling games this gen, and may realize that not only is it unlikely to dramatically boost their own sales BUT each of these people becomes a potential DLC customer, and does it REALLY matter that much if they buy a used copy only to pay $50 for their Season Pass variant? They practically bought a full game from them anyway, except they got a much fatter return.
Huh, well that changed...whatever.

Damn right it should be on hold. Sony is in a position to fucking detroyed on the pr marketing front. They know it; let's see if they act on it.
I'm confident that i'm right as of right now. I can't say with certainty that things won't change again. Which is part of the reason I didn't want to post as well, because I can be right now, something can change, then I'm wrong... GAF ban... sad famousmortimer.

But, I opened my mouth and do stand by everything i've said.

well for now we -everyone who cares- should follow your advice and tweet the heck out of Yosp, so that the -as of now- situation remains the same, and no body comes around to ruin it.

Sony I am depending on you.
Even if Sony realizes they've made a mistake, what can they do? The used games system is probably already outlined in contracts with publishers.


To be fair, we still should not back off on these companies, more pressure on them and threats to their profit margins can change policies. I had already started contacting consumer rights organizations for Microsoft. If we find out Sony is going down that path come E3 i will do the same. The only way to change anything is to fight back.

If they have actually chosen to drop it I expect confirmation at E3.

I agree. I want these companies to be penalized by many countries for their anti-consumer tactics. If they are going to treat consumers like shit, I'm not going to be nice to them either.


I'm confident that i'm right as of right now. I can't say with certainty that things won't change again. Which is part of the reason I didn't want to post as well, because I can be right now, something can change, then I'm wrong... GAF ban... sad famousmortimer.

But, I opened my mouth and do stand by everything i've said.

It may mean nothing, but I've heard the opposite. Though you may be far more up to date, and seemingly know people inside Sony unlike me, I think publishers are counting on parity between consoles to release their software. That parity includes the ability to protect their games accordingly. Maybe Sony's games won't release with it, but...

Well compare it to Nintendo hating shitty DLC practices that every publisher does, but their online store fully supports those shitty DLC practices.

Also, PR/execs lie


I'm not sure they would have a choice though... MS is a publicly traded company, they only can go so far. I mean, MS may be a horrible company as a whole, but they cant be that stupid, they know that the used market is a 2 billion dollar thing.

I mean, with how MS has been doing with windows phone OS and windows 8, I'm not sure they would survive(this industry) such an event...

Microsoft can afford for the XBONE to die a horrible horrible death and they would just shut the division and carry on.
yea god forbid there is a bad rumor for Sony on the front page to discuss ...but let's have a thread for every idiotic rumor ever murmured about Xbox One

yes because the confirmation from top level excs (including Mattrick) = rumor

or are you in such shock and disbelief at the fact that the reveal was a complete fucking disaster that you somehow mentally blocked it from actually happening thus making all the negativity it spawned, a bunch of rumors again...
It was coming last week, isn't coming this week, and nobody knows about next week.

Things are definitely getting interesting.


Felium Defensor
I'm confident that i'm right as of right now. I can't say with certainty that things won't change again. Which is part of the reason I didn't want to post as well, because I can be right now, something can change, then I'm wrong... GAF ban... sad famousmortimer.

But, I opened my mouth and do stand by everything i've said.
I understand and I thank you for your updates man. Please keep us posted if you hear more on this subject. :)
yea god forbid there is a bad rumor for Sony on the front page to discuss ...but let's have a thread for every idiotic rumor ever murmured about Xbox One

It's not the rumor (even though it really isn't rather then a speculation), it's the absolute stupidity of people in this thread. People refusing to watch the video, refusing to read the thread updates that basically say "calm the fuck down", the OP refusing to update with the actual quote from Geoff, etc. This is a bait thread that worked, unlike most other threads that have real media sources and direct quotes in the OP.


Microsoft can afford for the XBONE to die a horrible horrible death and they would just shut the division and carry on.

That is what I meant, they wouldn't survive this industry(at least with the xbox1), the company would live on obviously.


Where I differ here is in not having any innate faith in the (largely unsupported) idea that Sony are somehow inherently more consumer-friendly than Microsoft.
At most I think it'd be more scared of consumers than actively more friendly, they may feel they won't succeed with a gambit like this as much, whereas Microsoft may feel they can take the chance. Which makes sense, Microsoft has a lot of mindshare now much like Sony did before the 360/PS3 launched, and Microsoft went full steam with Windows 8 despite the reactions people had to it. Sony likely stands more to gain from dumping the DRM than Microsoft does, whereas if the positions were reversed Sony might not give a damn.
bu...bu...but Yoshida loves us!
I'm also inclined to think it's less that they actively do not give a crap as that many do have a passion at these companies, but there's also many who are more pragmatic and detached, and they're likely the ones that get to call some of these shots.


I must be missing something, but considering implementing a used game DRM does not mean that sony every considered an always online function.

I find it hard to believe they were planning a used games DRM without even considering a mandatory always on even if it was for once every 24hours like Xbone is supposed to be.


My thinking on the subject is that Sony will not do this, but they sure will give publishers access to an API that will.

Green Yoshi

Sony said it is the decision of the publishers. But perhaps they will rethink that. If the games that are blocked won't sell and the games that can be sold are doing fine, publishers could change their mind. If there is no piracy possible on PS4, there is not really a need for Steam-like DRM.

Furthermore the PS4 has to be succesful, if the Xbox One will be a massive flop, Microsoft will be still doing fine as a company. They don't need gaming to be profitable.
100% agree. If they think they can get away with some stuff that will make them more money they will try to. If the general internet public calls them on it... they won't. It's that simple.

I don't know this for a fact but there were so many different sources that said the xbone was always online. And then the orth thing happened and people went completely apeshit. A month later microsoft announces it only has to check in once a day. It's still not great but I really do believe it was the entire blow up around Orth that changed it from 3 minutes (which many sources said) to once a day.

That is good to read it's shows that if people make enough noise things can change .
I hope the same thing happens with game DRM so if i have bitch to make it happen so be it .
Everyone is going to shit their pants over something never announced or leaked. I think they made it clear they'll leave it up to publishers how they want to handle it. But i'm not going to argue with dudes who have inside info. It would just be weird they were going to do it but took it out because of backlash. I mean wtf were they expecting? lol
There wasn't a problem with it. It's exactly what Geoff was claiming and famousmortimer confirmed that it was true, just out of date.

Oh yeah, the update makes absolute sense but there was some people upset, demanding answers from the OP for the original title, when I thought it was completely in line with the original statement.
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