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Geoff Keighley: PS4 Used Game DRM (EDIT: but now apparently on hold)


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
$60 is not a lot of money. How many people do you know that don't pay at least $60 a month for cable? If you want to play Call Of Dudebro, good for you. If you want to play Japanese SRPGs, good for you. If you want to watch Family Matters reruns, good for you. Buy it, enjoy it, pay what the publisher/broadcaster charges and they will make more. I am not convinced of the chicken little scenario if this comes to pass.
A) how is ther someone with this screenname
B) how do they get away with this even if it is sarcasm or not when almost anyone else would be banned in a heartbeat.

I'll answer that for you.

A) There's nothing wrong with my name. If you've played Tales of the Abyss you'd get the joke.

B) I apologize if I've rustled your jimmies seeing as how you're obviously a sony fanboy. Just kidding, I take back that apology.

Maximilian E.

AKA MS-Evangelist
So basically.. suicide watch on a couple of gaffers now?

Sony is basically waiting a bit more to see how MS handles this and what the outcome will be when MS officially shows how it will solves this. If the concept is not "approved", Sony will fall back to what we have now. If MS can make it work, Sony will follow...


$60 is not a lot of money. How many people do you know that don't pay at least $60 a month for cable? If you want to play Call Of Dudebro, good for you. If you want to play Japanese SRPGs, good for you. If you want to watch Family Matters reruns, good for you. Buy it, enjoy it, pay what the publisher/broadcaster charges and they will make more. I am not convinced of the chicken little scenario if this comes to pass.

I don't. How many people do you know that spend more money than they make in any given year? I could show you the statistics but it would probably blow your mind. No one lives within their means, everyone in in debt.

Also $60 is a lot to many people. There are tons of people that are in strict budgets with little to no money to even go out to eat.
All this will be resolved in 2 weeks. I hope for Sony's sake that they don't follow Microsoft's example.

I have faith though. :) Someone has to right? Can't all be saying Sony will follow Microsoft in shooting themselves in the foot.


Rumors about Microsoft next gen policies: ANTI-CONSUMER RAPING OUR MOTHERS BULLSHIT!

Rumors about Sony next gen policies: Let's wait and see.

Good stuff GAF.

All we have are rumors for Sony's policies which is precisely why people are wait-and-seeing. Microsoft sort of blew their load during the reveal and in the following hours. For the Xbox One, they're not really rumors if they come from Microsoft themselves. They seem to be backpedaling furiously though.
So basically Sony was gonna do it (maybe), or at least some publishers decide if they want to do it. But now this crazy backlash happened they're probably considering not doing it and then using it as a marketing strategy or something.

Just sitting back seeing how things play out. No doubts Yoshida is trying to do right by gamers, he is a stand up guy, hopefully he succeeds. But these big publishers are poison. This industry sucks.
Please. You guys are literally tweeting Sony, begging them to not go this route. While at the same time asking for more power and details from gaming. That shit is too expensive just to get your product overlooked within the first month then picked up years later used.

Not really defending it. Just saying why the publishers that go for the AAA model are pushing it. Everything comes at a price, and the graveyard from last gen was too crazy.

This is all fundamentally why I'm not like picky about say Wii U not being as powerful or whatever. It's easy to see why all this is happening. Then again I'm just not picky about graphics as long as it compliments the art direction and performs well but I'm pretty sure I'm also in an extreme minority considering the fuss the Wii U specs have received.

I love new tech and for visuals to improve, but I think its gotten out of hand. I mean we're begging these companies to let us do what we want with the products we pay for. That is fucked up.
I really wish the fanboy bullshit would stop.

"bu-but now that Sony did it why aren't they getting the same heat as Microsoft..GAF is playing siiiiides".

first i am sure/hope if this is proven true that Sony would get the same shit as Microsoft...as it stands it is a lot of will they or won't they whereas Microsoft had dudes saying this is how is will be...deal with it. So the levels of rage are justified.

regardless...it really doesn't matter and who care who gets yelled at harder.

for fucks sake stop with the dickwaving for once guys


gaf insiders, lol.

DRM is happening for both PS4 and XBO i'm sure. I wish it wouldn't but nothing we can do
Complain, when that's ignored refuse to buy the systems. At worst they become hits and the same thing would've happened anyway but at least we didn't actively contribute, at best they wisen up and scrap their plans, and failing that anything that decides to run with it crashes in the marketplace.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I don't. How many people do you know that spend more money than they make in any given year? I could show you the statistics but it would probably blow your mind. No one lives within their means, everyone in in debt.

Interestingly enough, due to my job I see a a wide variety of people's monthly income and spending. And there is almost always fat to cut, usually in the areas of cigarettes, cell phones and cable tv. I would rather that money go to artists making videogames.

Willy Wanka

my god this avatar owns
Whether Geoff is talking bullshit or not, I'm glad he said it. If the reaction is big enough, it's going to force Sony to come out and clarify their stance on this. That can only be a good thing, for us gamers anyway.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Rumors about Microsoft next gen policies: ANTI-CONSUMER RAPING OUR MOTHERS BULLSHIT!

Rumors about Sony next gen policies: Let's wait and see.

Good stuff GAF.

It's wait and see because we have insider info saying they are rethinking it... read the fucking thread.
Interestingly enough, due to my job I see a a wide variety of people's monthly income and spending. And there is almost always fat to cut, usually in the areas of cigarettes, cell phones and cable tv. I would rather that money go to artists making videogames.

Same...until they become fascist companies that appose consumer rights. They are no longer artist.

Time to play some Indies on Steam.


Rumors about Microsoft next gen policies: ANTI-CONSUMER RAPING OUR MOTHERS BULLSHIT!

Rumors about Sony next gen policies: Let's wait and see.

Good stuff GAF.

Maybe because everything regarding Sony is just a rumor as of now? MS's vice president is the one who confirmed the anti-consumer stuff, it wasn't just a rumor like it is here.
Whether Geoff is talking bullshit or not, I'm glad he said it. If the reaction is big enough, it's going to force Sony to come out and clarify their stance on this. That can only be a good thing, for us gamers anyway.

Or just not talk about it and wait for it to blow over. The internet is complaining now, but I doubt they'll stand behind their word when the consoles come around.

*see the Steam MW2 and L4D2 boycott pictures.
Interestingly enough, due to my job I see a a wide variety of people's monthly income and spending. And there is almost always fat to cut, usually in the areas of cigarettes, cell phones and cable tv. I would rather that money go to artists making videogames.

I would rather those people spend money on what they want to spend their money on and not play armchair bookkeeper.


Damn, reading the thread and its clear the roasting MS got this past weak has really affected some people.

I hope the guy saying there not doing it is right though,
Well, this sucks.

I don't understand the console fanboy stuff in here. I guess some MS fans are looking for any opportunity to get a few licks in where they can.

Bottom line, this shit blows for the industry, period. And if this means PC, WiiU, and handhelds for me this gen, so be it.
Microsoft got such a big shitstorm on their hands is because they were the nail that stuck out and revealed their DRM and stance on Used games right away leading to the hammering by GAF and others.

If Sony did the same during the Playstation meeting, I have no doubt it would be the same for them and it still might be depending on what they reveal this E3.


Or just not talk about it and wait for it to blow over. The internet is complaining now, but I doubt they'll stand behind their word when the consoles come around.

*see the Steam MW2 and L4D2 boycott pictures.

And your point is ?
Of course there will be a plenty of individuals who will purchase it, but on the other hand there are also a plenty who are not.

If people would always act the way you describe it, there would have been never a protest that was sucessful.
I get that people want to "tweet" but its not going to make a difference. Microsoft still says you can trade in used games and I'm sure we'll get similar verbiage from Sony. Face it ya'll, this is a decision that is being pushed by publishers. If Sony doesn't play, they will be endangering their relationship with the big publishers (EA, Activision, etc). Right or wrong, its for the best interests of the company.
Everyone keeps saying 'wait for E3'. I doubt anything that puts the consoles in a negative light will be revealed there. They'll show the games, and let people get hyped for them for a few months so that when the bad news does come, we (most of us, anyways) will bend over and take it.

XBox Live price increase?
PS+ required for online gaming?
Used games?

'We'll have pricing, and more details closer to release...'


If this is true for Sony, then count me out. I am completely fine going with Nintendo-only this generation. The video game industry is becoming such a joke.


I personally don't care if MS or Sony stop used games. But I have a couple of basic requirements for my games:

1. Never needing to be online to play. (Exception, at the time the game is purchased.)

2. Ability to move the game from a broken machine to a new one, even if the publisher/developer has gone under in the interim.

The online pass system for PS3 is fine. They could stop used games by setting the pass price to $100, and it wouldn't affect my conditions.

I feel like a broken record, but...
You get your money from the people who want to buy your product.
To improve bottom line you either cut costs or you increase the value of your product.
Schemes like phone-home DRM lower the value of a product.


I get that people want to "tweet" but its not going to make a difference. Microsoft still says you can trade in used games and I'm sure we'll get similar verbiage from Sony. Face it ya'll, this is a decision that is being pushed by publishers. If Sony doesn't play, they will be endangering their relationship with the big publishers (EA, Activision, etc). Right or wrong, its for the best interests of the company.
I wonder if that's why Sony may be hesitating now actually. If the X1 was a sure thing then yeah, you want to keep their support or else it could crush you. HOWEVER, if it looks plausible consumer backlash could take down the X1 then it's actually a golden opportunity: the publisher HAVE to come back anyway and you could destroy your competition. Kind of a game of chicken now I guess.

And frankly, Sony just is not in a good position for this. Microsoft has had server issues, but most if not all got resolved without prolonged downtime, and they likely have a bigger network infrastructure set up. Sony's definitely building there, but do they really have enough of one? And the PSN outage will remain an albatross around their neck, it comes off as madness to try pushing an online required console after THAT debacle, what if it happens again? You can assume they'd learn and not do it again, but sometimes seems like that confidence gets undermined all the time.


Anyone who thought Sony wasn't planning to do what Microsoft is planning to do is crazy. It's good to hear that Sony might be reconsidering. Let's see how big devs like EA and Activition are going to react now.


I get that people want to "tweet" but its not going to make a difference. Microsoft still says you can trade in used games and I'm sure we'll get similar verbiage from Sony. Face it ya'll, this is a decision that is being pushed by publishers. If Sony doesn't play, they will be endangering their relationship with the big publishers (EA, Activision, etc). Right or wrong, its for the best interests of the company.

They are hesitating due to backlash. What better way to show them the backlash won't go away than to voice your concerns. Doing nothing will change nothing 100% of the time. If tweeting means nothing happens 99% of the time, at least something is being done 1% of the time. People who do nothing should not have an opinion either way as nothing they are doing even has the possibility of changing anything.


Admittedly I do wonder if Activision and EA made exclusive deals with Microsoft because they had tougher policies in place. If Sony's getting shafted by them anyway then it'd be harder to rationalize holding on to those.


Then fuck them too, all of my words towards MS will apply to Sony for the same reasons.

I wonder if this is what ended the EA Nintendo relationship. Nintendo didn't want to do any of this shit, so they walked.

Agreed, if Sony pulls this garbage they can take a walk too. I would imagine this is one of the reasons why EA walked away from Nintendo. I will not be supporting EA next gen.
Sony could just make cd keys standard and require them for any online functionality. So if you wanna stream, get cheeves, play multi you use the code, and if you do whoever buys it second hand has to pay a higher than $10 less than $20 fee. Seems like the kind if direction they could go in if EA are dropping online passes from their own games, and acts as a nice deterrent to buying used without as much drama from people online. It also sticks to their used games work/you can play offline statements.


Neo Member
For the staunchest PlayStation supporter, I think maybe this is a wake up call. I listen to Keighley's words closely, and the guy likely has sources who know what is what isn't Is he likely doing his part to make sure his relationship with MS stays rosy, of course, afterall at the end of that Bonus Round he makes sure to shill for their coverage of the Microsoft E3 Press conference, not mention of Sony's or carrying a Nintendo Direct, so we know what's up and that is beside the point. The current model was bound to change, and maybe we need to stop blaming Microsoft for it, or claiming Sony is caving under pressure of the third parties, and except that. For those who say they are done with console gaming because of this you have every right, but I think you good and well know you chose console gaming for other reasons than how many used games you can buy or who you can share your games with. It is pretty clear third parties are the ones who want such changes to be made. I know if I were that strong of supporter of the PlayStation brand, ask yourself what is worse accepting this potential new reality, and a I repeat potential, because we still have no comfirmation on anything yet, or concede the upcoming gen to MS, with all the PS4 has going for it, because MS were willing to do what Sony wasn't? The thought sucks and I hate it, but the music industry analysis is one which stuck with me, and I would hate to see future creativity in gaming suffer, like creativity and diversity has suffered in in the music industry, because gamers refused to sacrifices a little convenience for what will likely be a short while with the coming all digital age, out holding on to something we felt we are entitled to.
Oh and as for Keighley, screw that guy!

Hes been a heavy M$ advocate for a while now.

He is probably putting these reports from his "sources" out there to assuage the animosity that M$ has been catching for its DRM practices.
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